新文化運動時期中國佛教的近代革新:以「佛化新青年會」與佛化教育為探討= The Modern Innovation of Chinese Buddhism in the May Forth Movement Period: A Discussion on the Association for the Buddhacization of the New Youth and Buddhacization of the Education
China's Enlightenment began in the Modern Transformation period, the era of Late Qing and the Early Republic and it reached the highest stage at the May Fourth Enlightenment Movement in 1919. Both the media of ideological construct and ideological connotation changed significantly in this period. The biggest dilemma that Chinese Buddhism confronted in times of extraordinary change was how to accommodate transformation of modern nation and combine with the new thoughts thereby becoming the Chinese Buddhism in the New Age Society. Association for the Buddhacization of the New Youth was representative of the important organization of Modern Chinese Buddhism. Zhāng Zōngzài and Níng Dáyùn who established Association for the Buddhacization of the New Youth founded branches in the provinces of China and Japan. The Association for the Buddhacization of the New Youth which issued periodical, The Young Men’s Buddhist Monthly had expectations on the young people making the Chinese Buddhism a better future. The Young Men’s Buddhist Monthly collected articles of Buddhism, history, science and education in which we can see Buddhist scholars’ concern and aspiration for Chinese Buddhism’s modern innovation. Among many social affairs of the Association for the Buddhacization of the New Youth, the Buddhism education was the most compelling. Besides established Buddhacization elementary school, Buddhacization of the voluntary school and proposed omnibus education program for Buddhacization University it also founded Beijing senior workers school cultivating the expert for society