不「知」不「覺」,淺析中國佛像畫展示的傳播理念 ─ 以夏荊山中國佛像畫為例="Unawareness" and "Unconsciousness"- A study on the Communication Concept of Chinese Buddha Painting Exhibitions ── Examples of Xia Jing Shan's Chinese Buddha Painting Works |
作者 |
蔡靜野 (著)=Tsai,Ching-Yeh (au.)
出處題名 |
夏荊山藝術論衡=Journal of Xia Jing Shan's Art
卷期 | n.3 |
出版日期 | 2017.03 |
頁次 | 39 - 63 |
出版者 | 財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
附註項 | 作者為國立臺灣藝術大學書畫藝術學系博士生 |
關鍵詞 | 佛像畫=Buddhist paintings; 展示=exhibition; 傳播=communication; 知覺=awareness and consciousness |
摘要 | 中國佛像畫,既是宗教藝術,也是繪畫藝術。宗教文化和中國繪畫藝術既能夠完美共存於一個藝術表現形式中歷久不衰,引無數的賢能畫略之才傾情於這項事業,定有其亙古不變精神魅力。展覽中國佛像畫,陳列(display)容易,展示(exhibit)不容易;觀看容易,知覺不容易,傳播的觀念決定傳播的效能。策展,就是要把中國佛像畫長久的淵源脈略與畫家畢生執著的創作歷程與心血傑作,這些無法剝離的線索巧妙的梳理在一個展覽空間,創造不知不覺的輕鬆知覺情境氛圍,把這些看似複雜的、悠長的、形而上得哲理意涵,以深入淺出的理念翻譯成放諸四海而皆准的展示語言,無論是與知識淵博的學者學術交流,還是給樸實無華的普羅大眾休閒觀賞,讓“知”的人有“覺”;讓“不知”的人,先“知”後“覺”。每一幅畫和每一位觀眾都值得尊重,在展域都應有真切的獲得感,“自覺,覺他,覺行圓滿無缺”。
Chinese Buddha paintings are religious art and painting art.There must be the long-lasting spirit and charm that perfect combines religious culture and Chinese painting in this historical art from and attracts elites to devote themselves to this course.In terms of Chinese Buddha painting exhibitions,it is easy to exhibit;it is easy to be aware of but not easy to be conscious.A communication concept determines its effectiveness. The purposed of exhibitions aims to present the long history of Chinese Buddha paintings and creation experiences and works of artists with attached context skillfully in an exhibition space to develop the atmosphere in relaxing way without any obvious awareness and consciousness.These philosophical concepts seem complicate,long lasting,and metaphysical and they are then translated in exhibition languages that can communicate with viewers around the world including knowledge scholars who would engage in academic exchanges and the general public who engage in recreation activities.These exhibitions allow those who are "awareness" first.Each painting and each viewer deserve our respect and they shall obtain something from exhibitions.They shall become"aware and conscious to achieve fullness." |
目次 | 壹、展示,中國佛像畫的藝術魅力 41 一、古法畫論的傳播理念 42 二、時空秩序的傳播脈略 44 三、創作蹦迸發的藝術力量 46 貳、傳播,中國佛像畫的智慧與關照 47 一、眾生平等的慈悲與關照 47 二、佛學意涵的歸納梳理 48 三、佛教造像的真善之美 50 參、不知不覺:展示的漸進傳播構想 52 一、由知而覺的知覺過程 53 (一)由知而覺的初級傳播 54 (二)由知而覺的次級傳播 54 (三)由知而覺的中級傳播 54 (四)由知而覺的高級傳播 55 二、展示教育的知覺促動 56 三、引導知覺得傳播觀念 58 肆、結論:自覺,覺他,覺行圓滿無缺 60
ISSN | 24126233 (P) |
點閱次數 | 661 |
建檔日期 | 2018.09.03 |
更新日期 | 2020.06.15 |

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