作者:柴田幹夫,日本國立新潟大學準教授;闞正宗,佛光大學佛教學院/佛教學系助理教授。 Author: SHIBATA, Mikio, Associate Professor, National Niigata University, Japan. Kan, Cheng-tsung, Assistant Professor, College and Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University.
大谷光瑞=Otani Kozui; 西本願寺=Nishi Hongwanji Temple; 布教使=preacher; 逍遙園=Shoyoen; 熱帶產業=tropical industry
This paper aims to probe the preaching history of the sect of Buddhism, Nishi Hongwanji Temple in Taiwan, the cause and background why its 22nd abbot, OTANI, Kozui (1876-1948) came to Taiwan. Having organized “Otani expedition” three times to investigate Buddhist sites in Central Asia, OTANI, Kozui decided to settle down in Taiwan after he toured Asia. This paper focuses on Shoyoen, a villa he built in Kaohsiung, and compares it with Hiunkaku of Nishi Hongwanji Temple in Kyoto and his residence, “Three-night Manor House”(sanyehzhuang), for their differences and similarities in architecture. Meanwhile, the paper also states that Otani Kozui regarded Taiwan as a “cintamani [wish-fulfilling jewel] of the empire” and had the ambition to wholeheartedly push Taiwan’s “Tropical industries” into practice.