
日本‧鳳潭と法藏『大乘起信論義記』=Japanese Huayan Scholar-monk Hotan and Fazang's Dacheng qixinlun yiji
作者 橘川智昭 (著)=Kitsukawa, Chisho (au.)
出處題名 華嚴學報=Journal of Huayen Buddhism
頁次149 - 187
出版者網址 https://www.huayenworld.org/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞鳳潭=Hotan; 法藏=Fazang; 澄觀=Chengguan; 宗密=Zongmi; 大乘起信論義記=Dacheng Qixinlun yiji; 起信論義記會本=Kishinron giki ehon; 大乘起信論義記幻虎錄=Kishinron giki genkororu; 理事無礙=non-obstruction between principle and phenomena; 事事無礙=non-obstruction between phenomena and phenomena; 性惡說=Doctrine of inherent evilness of human nature; 非情成佛說=Doctrine of attainment of Buddhahood by non-sentient beings
摘要 Dacheng Qixinlun yiji(大乘起信論義記) written by Fazang(法藏. 643-712) has been regraded as the foremost treatise on the Dacheng qixinlun, one of the most prominent aspects beings Fazang's relegation of the mind-only tradition(法相唯識) to the Dependent Arising of Tatagatagarbha School(如來藏緣起宗), making a clear distinction with the perfect teaching of the Huayan School. However, the treatise itself slipped into oblivion when later exegeses of this text became more prominent as sources of studies on the Dacheng Qixinlun yiji. This paper argues that studies on the Dacheng qixinlun yiji by the Japanese Huayan monk Hotan(鳳潭. 1659-1738) and his criticisms toward traditional Dacheng qixinlun yiji studies based on exegeses by Zongmi(宗密. 780-841) and later scholars should be reappraised.
During the Tang era, Zongmi edited the Dacheng qixinlun yiji and compiled Dacheng qixinlun shu (大乘起信義論疏), which prompted Zixuan (子璿. 965-1038) in the Song era to author Qixinlunshu bixiao ji (起信論疏筆削記), a detailed exegesis of Zongmi's treatise. Works of Zongmi and Zixuan became the main sources in later studies on the Qixinlun and Qixinlun yiji, replacing the original texts themselves. (In Japan, Kishinrongiki kyourisho[起信論義記教理抄] by Tan'ei [湛睿. 1271-1346] based on Qixinlunshu bixaio ji became a major reference source.)
The Dacheng qixinlun yiji that we presently find in Volume 44 of the Taisho Tripitaka is based on Kishinron giki ehon (起信論義記會本) published by Hotan in 1699. This was based on the copy of the Dacheng qixinlun yiji which Hotan found preserved in Japan. In 1701, he authored Kishinron giki genkororu (大乘起信論義記幻虎錄), an exegesis of his own of the Dacheng qixinlun yiji , harshly criticizing the long-held trend of studying the Dacheng qixinlun yiji through Zongmi's and Zixuan's works.
This paper aims to briefly introduce Hotan's publishing endeavors and his ideas based on preceding studies, with emphasis on his criticisms toward traditional Huayan thought since Zongmi, focusing on doctrinal discussions surrounding the concepts of non-obstruction between principle and phenomena(理事無礙), non-obstruction between phenomena and phenomena(事事無礙), the theory of inherent evilness of human nature(性惡說), and the theory of attainment of Buddhahood by non-sentient beings(非情成佛說).
This paper also brings to attention that while it is true that Hotan's publication of the original text of the Dacheng qixinlun yiji was a great contribution, we must also keep in mind that it was closely connected to the publication of his own exegesis (大乘起信論義記幻虎錄) and that we must be mindful of Hotan's doctrinal intentions behinds his publication projects.

ISSN22226685 (P)

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