Venerable Sheng Yen had three books to claim his Sila thought of Bodhisattva, they are: Lu-zhi-sheng-huo (《律制生活》, 1963), Jie-lu-xue-gang-yao (《戒律學綱要》, 1965) and Po-sa-jie-zhiyao (《菩薩戒指要》, 1995), the last one is most important than the others. Besides, “Sila and the Establishment of Pure Land on Earth”(〈戒律與人間淨土的建立〉), 1996 finished,1997 published, edited in Xue-shu-lun-kao (《學術論考》), is worth to pay attention, too. Po-sa-jie-zhi-yao is the main foundation of this paper. I wish I could outline Venerable Sheng Yen’s Bodhisattva sila thought. Especially, I try to gaze at the idea of “Ten thousands skillful Bodhisattva,” because it is created for modern people by interpreting Bodhisattva sila thought and adjusting some strict and complicated demands to make it simple and acceptable in modern life. We can say that Dharma Drum has based it to inspire people, to develop into a great Buddhist organization. “Ten thousands skillful Bodhisattva” is the guideline for Dharma Drum to success the “Pure Land on Earth.” According to the viewpoint of Buddhist cultural philosophy, I will analysis what resource of Buddhist tradition it based on, and what criterion Venerable Sheng Yen used to adjust the traditional Bodhisattva sila, and in the final, to evaluate whether it could be an effective and sufficient foundation for modern Bodhisattva disciplines in the modern texture of life to get a balance between the sacred relievable life and conventional cultural life.