초월적 실재로서의 일심(一心) -- 월프레드 캔트웰 스미스의 불교관에 비추어본 대승기신론 이해 =One Mind As Transcendent Reality—Understanding The Awakening Of Faith In Mahayana Against Wilfred Cantwell Smith’s View of Buddhism
This dissertation purports to attempt a reinterpretation of The Awakening Of Faith attributed to Aśvaghosha, which is appreciated among many modern Buddhist scholars as the Mahayana scripture comparable to the Synoptic Gospels, against Wilfred Cantwell Smith's View of Christianity and Buddhism. We are to understand The Awakening Of Faith as a scripture where the One Mind as Mahayana awakens faith in human beings. In the scripture, Dharma as Mahayana appears as One Mind in the form of Tathāgata Garbha within the sentient beings. One Mind is the ultimate reality which includes the sentient beings to the insight of transcendence beyond the secular world and to the practical response toward the transcendent reality. In such a sense, One Mind is rightfully comparable to the Christian concept of God as the ultimate and transcendent reality.
I. 들어가는 말 1 II. 일심(一心)으로서의 법(法) 4 III. 진여문에서의 일심 5 IV. 생멸과의 관계에서의 일심(一心) 7 V. 마치는 말 9