This is a preliminary study for establishing the philosophy of Seung-rang's (僧朗) own. Go-gu-ryeo monk Seung-rang (450-530 C.E. circa) had great influence on the formation of East-Asian Buddhist Philosophy. Not only in the scriptures of Sān-lùn (三論) but also in those of Tiān-tái (天台), Chán (禪) and Huà-yán (華嚴), we can find strong influence of Seung-rang's teaching. But it is not so easy to figure out the whole philosophy of Seung-rang, because there remains no scriptures written by him. Throughout Jí-zàng (吉藏)'s works we can find strong influences of Seung-rang's teaching. Some of modern Korean scholars insisted that almost all of philosophies appeared in Sān-lùn treatises are derived from Seung-rang's teaching. On the other hand some of Japanese and Chinese scholars criticized that Jí-zàng's high evaluation on Seung-rang was a kind of fabrication. It would be not right to overestimate Seung-rang. But it would also be not right to underestimate him. To draw out the whole philosophy of Seung-rang, we should read carefully the treatises of Jí-zàng and Huì-jūn(慧均) and collect the sentences that express evidently the ideas of Seung-rang. Jí-zàng and Huì-jūn used various names to designate the advocators of Sān-lùn. Among the designations of Sān-lùn Masters, Shè-lǐng-da-shī (攝嶺大師), Shè-shān-dà-shī (攝山大師), Dà-lǎng-fà-shī (大朗法師), Lǎng-dà-shī (朗大師) and Dào-lǎng (道朗) mean Seung-rang. The ideas related with these designations can be included in Seung-rang's own philosophy and contributions. Some of these are as follows. ① Philosophy of non-attachment (無得) ② Not-offensiveness (無諍) toward the ideas of the other Buddhist sects ③ Interpretation of Sān-lùn with the framework of ‘Enlightenment of middle (中道)’ and ‘Teaching of illusion (假名)’ ④ Composition of 8 volumes of Hwa-eom-eui-so (『華嚴義疏』) ⑤ He did not lecture on Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra or Saddharmapuṇḍarika-Sūtra. ⑥ He lectured and made comments on Madhyamaka-Śāstra. ⑦ He taught Zhōu-yóng (周顒) who was an able official of Qí (齊) Dynasty and taught Wǔ-dì (武帝) who was a Emperor of Liáng (粱) Dynasty.
I. 문제의 제기 233 II. 삼론가의 호칭과 승랑의 특칭 239 1. '산중'과 '산문'이라는 호칭 242 2. '섭령'과 '섭산대사'라는 호칭 245 3. '일사'와 '일가'라는 호칭 250 4. 그 밖에 호칭들 254 III. 승랑의 특칭과 관계된 승랑의 고유사상 257