
聖嚴法師人間淨土思想的實踐與弘揚=Building a Pure Land on Earth Origination and Development of the Thought
作者 林其賢 (著)=Lin, Chi-Hsien (au.)
出處題名 聖嚴研究:第一輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen No.1
頁次153 - 205
出版者網址 http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan]
資料類型專題研究論文=Research Paper
附註項作者單位:國立屏東商業技術學院副教授=Associate Professor, National Pingtung Institute of Commerce
關鍵詞人間佛教; 人間淨土; 近代佛教復興
摘要本文主要討論下列兩個問題: 1.人間淨土思想的定性與定位。 2.人間淨土思想的施設架構特色與價值。
主要結論有: 1.人間淨土思想是中國佛教百年來現代化的繼續發展,此現代化的主軸是人間化。而與前代大德不同的是,問題意識從「為何要人間化」、「人間化如何可能」轉移到「如何將佛法人間化」。從而由對人世間的社會參與中取得社會認同與信賴,形成對社會大眾普化教育的社會啟蒙運動。

This paper examines mainly two issues concerning Building aPure Land on earth:
1. The nature and status of the thought
2. Framework, characteristics, and value of the thought
With a vision to “Uplifting the individual character of humanity and building a Pure Land on earth”, Master Sheng Yen founded Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM) in 1989. Since then, Building a Pure Land on earth has become the spiritual guidance of DDM, and also the hallmark of Master Sheng Yen’s teaching.
The thought of Building a Pure Land on earth was proposed by Master Sheng Yen at his 60’s—quite a later stage in his life, but the budding of the thought took root much earlier. As early as when he was 28 (1957), Master Sheng Yen suggested that followers of Buddha should “work on this earth; turn it into a pure land, a Buddha hometown on earth,” which expressed explicitly his working toward the Earthly Pure Land. From that time on till he was 35, he had articulated this same idea in many of his works.
However, this thought was not getting focused or widely spread until 1978, when he came back from abroad to carry on the spiritual work left behind by Venerable Master Dongchu. After the establishment of DDM in 1989, the teaching of Building a Pure Land on earth finally came into highlight.
Building a Pure Land on earth is an effort that progresses along the line of modern Chinese Buddhism started by Venerable Master Taixu. In addition to looking further into the question of “why on earth,” and addressing the ontological question of “how possible,” a step taken forward at this stage is to turn the issue to “how to build.”
This paper examines the Pure Land on Earth Program directed by Master Sheng Yen, and outlines its three resolutions as: connecting Dharma Studies with international academic disciplinaries; incorporating Dharma Chan Meditation with Buddhism; promoting Buddhist ideals through public outreach. Promoting Buddhist ideals is particularly important, because it is the bedrock on which the main idea Protecting the Spiritual Environment is built. The Four Kinds of Environmentalism, the Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign, and The Six Ethics (心六倫) have all sprung from this.
Master Sheng Yen’s guidance on the setting out of and the process of Buddhadharma learning can be summarized as comprising the following characteristics: Stressing spiritual and character education; Crediting the self as the subject of action; Encouraging everyone to see himself/herself as a layman Buddha; Incorporating different branches of Buddhist thoughts and establishing a new sect.

目次一、佛教現代化的接力運動 155
二、人間淨土思想的建立與實踐 159
(一) 人間淨土思想的形成 159
(二) 人間淨土思想的建立與弘揚 165
(三) 人間淨土思想的實踐 168
1.從信仰的佛教引發到學術的佛教 169
2. 從儀式化的佛教引發到實踐的佛教 171
3. 從菁英的專修的佛教引發到大眾的普遍的佛教 173
三、新倫理生活的規畫方案 175
(一) 人間淨土建設方案的主軸:心靈環保 175
(二) 人間淨土建設方案的基礎:日常生活 178
(三) 人間淨土建設方案的開展:四環、心五四、心六倫 181
四、人間淨土建設方案的價值與特色 183
(一) 重視心靈層面品德教學 185
(二) 肯定自我是行為的主體 190
(三) 鼓勵發心從嬰兒菩薩學起 191
(四) 融攝各系,建立宗派 196
五、結語 202

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