
釈迦への回帰 : 近代日中における釈迦原典探索の始まり=Returning to Sakyamuni: The Beginnings of the Search for Early Buddhist Scriptures in Modern China and Japan
作者 陳継東 (著)
出處題名 インド哲学仏教学研究=インド テツガク ブッキョウガク ケンキュウ=Studies of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism, Tokyo University
頁次19 - 37
出版者東京大学インド哲学仏教学研究室=Dpt. Of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies, Tokyo University
出版者網址 http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/intetsu/index.html
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞南条文雄; 小栗栖香頂; マックス・ミュラー; 許息庵; 沈善登; 楊文会
摘要While studying Sanskrit and Buddhist scriptures at Oxford, Nanjō Bunyū (1849–1929) sent a letter in 1879 to his senior Ogurusu Kōchō (1831–1905) who was then engaged in mission work in China. He asked Ogurusu for help in locating Sanskrit texts in China and Tibet. In this letter, Nanjō not only described the flourishing state of Buddhist Studies in the West, but also bitterly criticized the outdated mode of Buddhist scholarship in the East (Japan and China), arguing for the importance of studying Sanskrit scriptures. This doubtlessly foreshadowed a new development in the study of Buddhism in Asia. At the same time, a similar search for original Buddhist scriptures also began in China. At the beginning of the 1880s, the famous layman Xu Xi’an (dates unknown) of Suzhou asked another layman, Shen Shandeng (1830–1902), to write a letter to a third layman, Yang Wenhui (1837–1911), who was working at the Chinese embassy in London. His intention was to ask for Yang’s assistance in looking for Sanskrit scriptures in the West in order to elucidate the original ideas of Sakyamuni. Yang had already made the acquaintance of Nanjō in London in 1880 and was engaged in close contact with him, enthusiastically discussing the state of Western Buddhist Studies together. Through these discussions, the two came to share the idea that a new understanding of Sakyamuni’s teachings could be gained through the study of early Buddhist texts. What can be seen from the above description is that the new trends in Western Buddhist Studies did not emerge in isolation, but that Japanese and Chinese Buddhists both reacted in their own way to them, entering into intricate mutual relations and interactions. Buddhist scholarship in East Asia, which was based on Chinese translations of the Indian Buddhist scriptures, began to take note of the original Indian texts. This marks the emergence of a new dawn in Buddhist scholarship in East Asia. However, the two items of correspondence mentioned above have so far not received any scholarly attention, and even the specific nature of this historical turning point is not well known. This paper therefore introduces the content of these correspondences, considers the contacts between Chinese and Japanese Buddhists, and by doing so elucidates the concrete circumstances under which Japanese and Chinese Buddhists entered this period of historical change.
目次1 はじめに 19
2 オックスフォード留学中南条文雄から小栗栖香頂への書簡 21
2.1 中国布教に対する支持と期待 21
3 ロンドン留学とオックスフォードの印象 22
3.1 マックス.ミュラーについて 23
3.2 中国で梵語原典を探索 25
3.3 漢訳と日本仏教の現状への批判 26
4 蘇州からロンドンへの手紙ーー梵語経典を求めて漢訳の源を明かす 28
4.1 大蔵経を新たに編纂する計画 28
4.2 インドの仏教梵典を収集して大蔵経に収録 29
4.3 儒教からの攻擊への備え 31
5 釈迦への回帰の意味 33
6 結語 36
ISSN09197907 (P)

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