
三國遺事의 編纂과 刊行에 대한 硏究 現況=Current Research Status on the Compilation and Publication of Samgungnyusa
作者 김상현 (著)=Kim, Sang-hyun (au.)
出處題名 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu
卷期v.26 n.0
頁次9 - 36
出版者網址 http://kibs.or.kr/xe/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 동국대학교 교수
關鍵詞삼국유사=三國遺事=Samgungnyusa; 일연=一然=Iryeon; 무극=無極=Mugeuk; 초간=初刊=the first publication; 후주=後註=an annotation in rear; 부기=附記=an additional remark
摘要It has been 100-odd years since Samgungnyusa(三國遺事) became an object of study or was actively used as a fundamental historical material to study an ancient Korean history in the early of the 20th century. The academic fruits of Samgungnyusa made in various fields of study, like history, folklore, religion, literature, linguistics, archeology, art and so forth, are so plentiful that they can be issued as the publication lists several times. The present writer has synthetically inspected the outcomes and problems of the study in past 100-odd years through “the theory of Samgungnyusa (三國遺事論)” in 2003. Because today’s conference is held in memory of the 800th anniversary of Iryeon’s birth, this writer would like to look into its current research status focused on the compilation and publication of Samgungnyusa. As these are the most essential and basic tasks on the study of Samgungnyusa, this problem needs to be arranged in the aspects of history of the study.
It’s very important that a record about the author which was marked “Iryeon-chan(一然撰, written by Iryeon)” in Samgungnyusa Vol. 5. It’s because it seems that Iryeon wrote this phrase himself after he completed this book in which year since he had been 79 years. It’s sure that Iryeon is the author of the whole Samgungnyusa Vol. 5, therefore, his disciple Mugeuk(無極) added only Anseol(按說) at the end of Jeonhoo-sojang-sari-jo(前後所將舍利條)and
Gwandong-poongak- varyeonsoo-seokgi(關東楓岳鉢淵藪石記) into the next of Jinpyo-jeongan-jo(眞表傳簡條). And Gyeongjusa-soohojang-haengan-seo(慶州司首戶長行案序) made during the 10th year of Gongminwang(1361) quoted the content of Silla-sijo-hyeokgeosewang-jo(新羅始祖赫居世王條) from Samgungnyusa. As a block book of Samgungnyusa made in Goryeo period hasn't found until now, it’s not clear Samgungnyusa distributed in the late Goryeo period is whether printed or manuscript. But it’s confirmed the book was distributed in the late Goryeo period. None the less, if we concluded a block book made in the early Joseon period as the first publication because we can’t found vestiges of the block book in Goryeo from that of Joseon, it will be very hasty action. There aren’t any article(條目), annotation in rear(後註), panegyric(讚) that posterity added except two Mugeuk-gi(無極記, written by Mugeuk) in Samgung nyusa.
目次Ⅰ. 머리말 10
Ⅱ. 『三國遺事』의 撰者와 編纂 時期 10
1. 『三國遺事』의 撰者 10
2. 編纂 時期 14
Ⅲ. 後人 添附說의 검토 17
1. 後人이 追加한 條目이 있는가? 17
2. 後註의 有無 20
3. 他人의 讚이 있는가? 27
Ⅳ. 初刊의 時期 30
Ⅴ. 맺는말 33
ISSN12253154 (P)

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