異文的類型分析與藏經的源流考辨--以《集沙門不應拜俗等事》諸本對勘為例=An Analysis of the Types of Variant Readings and an Investigation into the Origins of the Canons: Taking the Collation of the Various Editions of Ji shamen buying baisu dengshi 集沙門不應拜俗等事 as an Example
In the process of editing the contemporary Chinese Buddhist canons, namely the Taishō Tripiṭaka and the Tripiṭaka Sinica, scholars have already started paying attention to the existence of variant readings of sūtras found in various woodblock print editions. However, almost none of the researchers who study the system of canon editions and their origins have given due attention to this phenomenon.
This paper builds on the bibliographical analysis by previous scholarship of differences between Chinese canons with respect to external aspects such as formatting, case binding and sūtra chapter division. Taking this work as a basis, the paper carries out an empirical study of the origins of different versions of the canons by means of a direct comparison between the textual contents of certain sūtras, as well as a systematic analysis of the differences between variant readings in specific sūtra versions.
The paper mainly focuses on the three fascicles long Ji shamen buying baisu dengshi 集沙門不應拜俗等事 (“Śramaṇas Should not Bow to Laity and Related Matters”) in the Jin Canon 金藏 found at Guangsheng Temple 廣勝寺. Through the collation of corresponding texts found in different canons, this study shows the existence of four kinds of variant readings and explores the possible connections between them through further analysis of clues found within the canons.