
조계종 종통의 역사적 이해 -- 근 · 현대 종명, 종조, 종지 논의를 중심으로=Historical Understanding of the Jogye-jong Order : Examination of the Name, Founder and Nature
作者 김용태 (著)=Kim, Yong-tae (au.)
出處題名 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies
卷期v.35 n.0
頁次144 - 168
出版者網址 http://www.seonstudy.org/seon/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 동국대-서울, HK교수
關鍵詞Jo'gye-jong=曹溪宗; Name of the Order=宗名; Founder of the Order=宗祖; Nature of the Order=宗旨; Do'eui=道義; Tae’go=太古; Ji'nul=知訥; 曹溪宗; 宗名; 宗祖; 宗旨; 道義; 太古; 知訥
摘要본고에서는 먼저 근·현대 한국불교의 종명 변천을 개관하였고 종조 인식의형성과 귀결, 曹溪宗 종조 및 종지에 내포된 문제점 등을 고찰해 보았다. 근대의圓宗-臨濟宗-禪敎兩宗-조계종의 대두 과정과 배경, 역사적 연원과 의미를 당시불교사의 흐름 속에서 살펴보았다. 근대의 종조 논의는 조선시대 이래 太古 法統의 권위와 고려 조계종의 대표자 普照 知訥의 역사성을 강조하는 두 입장으로대별된다. 근대에 조계종과 지눌에 대해 처음 주목한 이는 松廣寺의 錦溟 寶鼎이었고 1920년대 이후 관련된 인식이 점차 확산되었다. 1930년 方漢岩이 제기한초조 道義와 중흥조 보조, 태고 체제가 이후 종조 논의의 기본구도를 형성하였다.
또한 1941년에 종명 조계종과 종조 태고가 처음으로 결합되었으며, 이후 현재와같은 조계종의 복합적 종조체제가 구축되었다. 조계종의 종지는 선종으로서의정체성을 분명히 하고 있지만, 선과 교를 모두 포괄하는 한국불교 전통의 온전한계승을 위해서는 그 외연을 확대할 필요가 있다.

Examined in this article, are essentially the name changes of the Buddhist orders in the modern and contemporary periods. Also examined is how the perception of the Orders. Founders were ultimately formed, as well as certain problems embedded in the issues of the Founder and nature of the Jo.gye-jong(曹溪宗) order. How the order was born, from the tradition of Weonjong(圓宗) and Imje-jong(臨濟宗) as well as the traditions of Seon(Zen) and non-Zen(Seon) Buddhism(禪敎兩宗), and what is really the meaning of that origin, are also discussed here.
Modern discussions of the Founder of the Jo.gye-jong order can be summarized with two opinions clashing with each other. One would be the position of emphasizing the authority of Tae.go(太古), which was established during the Joseon dynasty period. The other would be the position of emphasizing the historical meaning of Bojo(普照) Ji.nul(知訥), who was the leader of Goryeo Jo.gye-jong order. In the modern days, the first one to take notice of JI.nul and the Jo.gye-jong order was Geum.myeong(錦溟) Bojeong(寶鼎) at the Song.gwang-sa(松廣寺) monastery, and such notice spreaded throughout the 1920s.
Then in 1930, Bang Han-am(方漢岩) suggested Do.eui(道義) as the First Founder, and Bojo Ji'nul and Tae'go as the Renaissance Founders. His suggestion provided the basic layout for later discussions. In 1941, the name Jo'gye-jong and Founder Tae'go was linked for the first time, and the dual Founder system of the Jo'gye-jong order we know today was formed. The Jo'gye-jong order has a firm identity as part of the Seon Buddhism, but in order to succeed the traditions of Korean Buddhism, which covered both Seon and non-Zen Buddhism together, the outer boundaries should be expanded in the future.

目次국문 요약문 144
Ⅰ. 머리말 146
Ⅱ. 근·현대 불교의 종명 변천 147
Ⅲ. 조계종의 종조와 종지 153
Ⅳ. 맺음말 162
Abstract 164
[참고문헌] 166
ISSN15980588 (P)

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