
현대의 승가교육과 교과개편의 과정과 현황=Current Sangha Education, Curriculum Maintenance’s Procedure and Establishment
作者 하미경 (著)=Ha, Me-kyoung (au.)
出處題名 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies
卷期v.43 n.0
頁次159 - 191
出版者網址 http://www.seonstudy.org/seon/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 대한불교조계종 교육원, 교육아사리
關鍵詞기본 교육기관=Basic education Institution; 지방 승가대학=regional Sangha University; 개혁 종단=the Reformist Order; 표준 교과과정=Curriculum standards
摘要1994년 종단개혁 이후 교육원은 승가 교육의 제도 개선과 교과과정 정비 및 표준교 과목을 개편했다. 본 논문은 현대의 승가교육 제도가 개선, 전개, 그리고 교과과정과 교과목이 개편, 정착, 시행되는 과정을 정리한 것이다.
제Ⅱ장은 조계종단의 기본교육기관의 내용, 문교부 인가의 4년제 제도, 지방 승가대 학의 재도약에 대한 내용.
제Ⅲ장은 개혁종단 출범이후 승가교육체계 정비 기간, 기본교육에 대한 개선, 기초 선원, 중앙승가대, 동국대를 통일적인 체계로 관리, 구족계 이후 지속적인 수행과 교육, 승가교육체계의 재정립.
제Ⅳ장은 재편성 된 후 각 지방 승가대학과 지방 승가대학에 개편된 표준교과과정을 중심으로 교육을 실시하도록 지도하고 있다.

After the Jogye Order’s Reform in 1994, the Education Institute has achieved long-cherished business, namely Sangha education system improvement, curriculum maintenance’ and curriculum standards’ improvement for ten years.
This Paper deals with the procedure which Sangha’s education system has been improved and developed, the establishment of basic educational Institution, and the procedure which education courses and curriculum have been exchanged, established, practiced. These contents could be abbreviated as follows: The second Chapter, at first, could be explained about types of basic education Institution in the Jogye Order and contents to be completed in the courses. Secondly, we investigate the Joong-ang Sangha University’s established procedure and System, which is a basic education Institution approved by Ministry of Education. Thirdly, it has contents about regional Sangha University’s revitalization which was timely retreated because of the Phenomena focused on new education. Regional Sangha Universities which entered into a crisis situation to be closed are evolving to a new phase after their revitalization.
In the Third Chapter, we observed the exchanged contents about education system pushed ahead with the Reformist Forum held by him after starting from the Reformist Order. the teaching method in education conducted by the Reformist Order methodizes in three parts. In the first phase, as the time of Sangha education system’s maintenance, the most main work in this time is that the education institution divided into regional Sangha university, basic meditation center, Joongang Sangha University and Dongguk University was managed as a unified system. In the second phase, by the time of the Sangha Education’s substantiality, having been accepted as monks or nuns, it was the established education framework able to practice an study insistently. In the third phase as the reestablishment of the Sangha education system, it sought the quality leap to a new basic Sangha education The fourth Chapter ordered contents which having reconstructed basic education courses, the new oriented curriculum standards have been educated in each regional Sangha University. Before such a system and education had been conducted by the current education institute, there were several public pro and contra opinions. Currently, the education institute of the Jogye Order seeks and decides the best oriented method and leads to conduct the education focused on the newly changed curriculum standards in regional Sangha University.

目次국문 초록 159
Ⅰ. 서론 160
Ⅱ. 승가교육의 전개과정 161
1. 조계종단의 기본 교육기관 164
2. 중앙 승가대학교 설립과정 165
3. 지방 승가대학 교육제도의 재도약 167
Ⅲ. 현대 승가교육의 제도적 변화 168
1. 개혁종단 출범 이후의 교육법 168
2. 교육법 체계의 시기적 정리 171
Ⅳ. 기본교육의 교과목 편성과 개편 175
1. 교과목 개편의 필요성 175
2. 교과목 개편에 대한 각계의 입장 177
3. 표준교육과정의 정착 182
Ⅴ. 결론 184
참고문헌 187
Abstract 190
ISSN15980588 (P)

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