In this paper, I consider the idea of the coexistence of purity and impurity in Buddha-lands in Zhiyi’s 智顗 Weimojing wenshu 維摩経文疏. I investigate the doctrinal influence of Jingyingsi Huiyan’s 浄影寺慧遠 Chapter on the Pure Land 浄土義 in his Dasheng yizhang 大乗義章 on Zhiyi’s Chapter on the Buddha-lands 釈仏国品. Examining the respective discussions in detail, we find that although the chapters and the catuṣkoṭi 四句分別 and so on were referenced, most of the content displays Zhiyi’s original thought. Zhiyi discussed the coexistence of purity and impurity in Buddha-lands from a more monastic point of view, compared to Jingyingsi Huiyan, who discussed it from the point of view of the objectively organizing various Buddha-lands.