石泉僧叡の「助正論」と「行信論」との接点=The Point of Contact Between Auxiliary Acts and the Right Act for Birth in Amida’s Pure Land in Sekisen Sōei’s Interpretation of Shinran’s Teaching |
作者 |
伊藤雅玄 (著)=Ito, Masaharu (au.)
出處題名 |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū
卷期 | v.69 n.1 (總號=n.152) |
出版日期 | 2020.12.25 |
頁次 | 176 - 181 |
出版者 | 日本印度学仏教学会 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 日文=Japanese |
關鍵詞 | 助正論; 行信論; 僧叡; 称名正因 |
摘要 | In this paper the issue of the right cause for birth in Amida Buddha’s Pure Land is investigated through Sekisen Sōei’s 石泉僧叡 (1762–1826) interpretation of Shinran’s teaching. Sōei insists that the basic cause for birth in the Pure Land is the working of Amida’s compassionate Vow which manifests itself outwardly as nembutsu and inwardly as shinjin (faith). Thus, if shinjin is the right cause for birth in the Pure Land, nembutsu should also be the right cause. Thus nembutsu as the right cause is to be equated with shinjin as the right cause for birth in the Pure Land. In this way his claim is that the two phases in Shinran’s view of shinjin and nembutsu are maintained by the one element of the working of Amida’s Vow. |
目次 | はじめに 176 一 石泉僧叡の「助正論」「行信論」年表 176 二 石泉僧叡の「助正論」と「行信論」 177 三 石泉僧叡の「称名正因」 178 四 石泉僧叡が「称名正因」を立てた理由 180 おわりに 180 |
ISSN | 00194344 (P); 18840051 (E) |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.4259/ibk.69.1_176 |
點閱次數 | 175 |
建檔日期 | 2022.10.05 |
更新日期 | 2022.10.05 |

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