This article analyzes the masters’ poems in Edo period and tries to construct a frame on the basis of two anthologies: Benzhao Gaoseng Shixuan (selected poems of Buddhist masters in Edo period) and Hehan Gaoseng Shijichao (selected poems of Buddhist masters in China and Japan). Besides, there are other Hanshi anthologies, such as Hainei caizishi, Xizhao shihui and Riben shixuan, in late Edo period. In these anthologies, Xizhao shihui, an imitation to Mingshizong, has contribute greatly to sketch the contours of poem-masters in Edo period due to its huge volumes. Considering the poetic style in Edo period changing obviously after Yikunyo Jisyuu, which implies the Obaku School had exerted profound influence at that time, hence, this article aims to explore the Obaku masters’ documents collected in Tomono kashu’s Xizhao shihui. From the above studies, we can offer a more clear picture and understanding of the Obaku masters in Edo period.