"In the Buddhist scriptures contains the massive India folktale, these enjoy great popularity and imagines the rich story content, spreads to China after Buddhism, has poured into many themes for the Chinese literature, has had the extremely significant influence. The story type of ”The wild goose and the turtle” as the example, the main plot is the wild goose carries the turtle to go up to the sky, and the other opens it’s mouth to talk, then the turtle crashed the ground. There are two kind of story systems, first is two goose holds a turle, second are a swan holds a turle, they have the different variation separately in each region. This paper is for the purpose of the ”Kieou-tsa-pi-yu-king”(《舊雜譬喻經》), ”the Mahisasakavinaya”(《五分律》, ”Vinaya in FiveParts”), ”the Muulasavraastivaada Vinaya” (《毘奈耶)》)and south the penetration passing on 巴利 ”Jataka”, Indias ”Pabcatantra” and ”Katha-sarit-sagara”, Chinese regional folk tales and Dunhuang poetry, the discussion Buddhist scriptures ”The wild goose and the turtle” story dissemination and the development, as well as to China folk tale influence."