
日治時期的社會氛圍與《儒門科範》之編輯=The Social Atmosphere during the Japanese Rule and the Editing of Confucianism Criterion
作者 邱延洲 (著)=Chiu, Yan-chou (au.)
出處題名 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
頁次115 - 152
出版者網址 http://ird.hcu.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞《儒門科範》=Confucianism Criterion; 楊明機=Yang Mingji; 楊福來=Yang Fulai; 地方經懺慣習=local confession habits; 鸞堂經懺=Phoenix Hall confession

Confucianism Criterion, it can be said that it is Taiwan's first Phoenix Hall scriptures, and it was spiritual writing and edited by Yang Mingji. The book was written to promote “the Confucian spiritual teaching method”. In fact, the formulation of the title of Confucianism is a manifestation of the attempt to unify Taiwan's various regions and systems of Phoenix Hall with the imagery of Confucianism. This is related to the influence of the political and social atmosphere on the old customary beliefs in Taiwan since the middle of the Japanese rule. The Governor's Office pointed out the low religious quality and superstition of the Taiwanese people and wanted to reform them to make them a civilized religion. Yang Mingji was clearly aware of these dynamics, so he promoted Confucianism, hoping to reverse the stereotype of Phoenix Hall as a reactionary faith through integration and unification. However, Yang Mingji chose confession and specification genres to promote Confucianism. This move, there are other Phoenix Hall are to exhort the type of Phoenix Hall, to spread religious discourse, the doctrine of faith, more or less stimulated by Yang Fulai. Because Yang Fulai was appointed to be the executor of spiritual writing earlier than Yang Mingji, and was assisted by his spiritual writing, it was initially estimated that there were at least 40 halls in Taiwan, and all of them were hired to be the main confessor or to guide the ritual. As a result, the repentance activities can substantially affect the trend of Phoenix Hall, so Yang Mingji hoped that it would be beneficial to promote Confucianism in the short term, so he adopted this approach. Investigating the content of Confucianism Criterion, Jiao Xie branch is the branch of Taoism, the funeral branch is Longhua. It can be seen that it was deeply influenced by the confessional style of the local society. This is the old customary thinking in northern Taiwan of “ Auspicious things instruct the Taoism, fast things to Buddha”. All local chronicles in Taiwan's Qing Dynasty all manifest that Taiwanese people attach great importance to confessions. God's birth rituals are set up, and funerals are opened to the dead, all clearly recorded, which shows that the activities of scripture repentance play a pivotal role in the lives of Taiwanese people. Taoist priests, monks, Buddhism and fasting religious are all important experts in confessions in Taiwan. However, regular jungle monks are rare since the Qing Dynasty. Taoists and Buddhism have a professional orientation and teach their disciples the principles of esoteric traditions. So Phoenix Hall could not learn from it and obtain the ceremonies. In contrast, the three factions : Buddhism Longhua, Jintong and Xiantiandao, are very open, convert and become fasting religious, and start to learn confession. This is also the reason why Confucianism Criterion completely recorded Longhua's fasting ceremony. In addition, another important factor was the emergence of the fasting alliance movement during the same period, in which the Longhua faction had the advantage. It has a decisive key to the overall trend of fasting, and also has the intention of unifying the religious norms. T
目次一、前言 119
二、日治時期的宗教社會環境與《儒門科範》 121
(一)儒宗神教與《儒門科範》 121
(二)改正臺民舊慣信仰陋習 124
三、《儒門科範》中的傳統社會經懺慣習與地方性 127
(一)經懺專家類型及其地方性 128
(二)《儒門科範》的「吉事託道」與「齋事囑佛」思維 133
四、競爭意識下《儒門科範》的編輯 137
(一)齋堂結盟運動對《儒門科範》編輯影響 138
(二)楊福來的經懺事業對《儒門科範》編輯影響 141
五、結語 144
ISSN18133649 (P)

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