
Saiva Siddhanta Polemics: A Translation and Analysis of the Civanna Cittiyar-Parapakka
作者 Balasubramanian, Ranganathan (著)
出版者McGill University
出版者網址 https://www.mcgill.ca/
出版地Montreal, Canada [蒙特婁, 加拿大]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
校院名稱McGill University
系所名稱Religious Studies
指導教授Lara E Braitsteinㄤ; Katherine K Young
摘要This thesis is a Tamil to English translation of the first part of the Civañāṉa Cittiyār, called the Parapakkam composed by Aruṇanti Civācāriyār in the middle of the thirteenth century. The Parapakkam contains three hundred and one verses written in viruttam style; it is an amplification and illustration of the Civañāṉapōtam, the seminal and foundational work of Meykaṇṭatēvar, which became the catalyst in the formation of the Śaiva philosophical canon named after him—the Meykaṇṭa Cāttiraṅkaḷ. The Parapakkam is a review and criticism of fourteen systems of religious philosophy, including Jaina and Buddhist schools. The arguments of Aruṇanti are framed from the standpoint of Śaiva Siddhānta. The Cupakkam, which is not addressed in the thesis, is the second part of the Civañāṉa Cittiyār; it elaborates on the basic tenets of Śaiva Siddhānta philosophy. Besides providing the translation of the Parapakkam, the thesis analyzes the language and methods employed by Aruṇanti to establish the superiority of his school of Śaiva Siddhānta over the competing schools with reference to the development of Indian polemical philosophy.

Cette thèse consiste dans la traduction, du tamoul à l'anglais, de la première partie du Civañāṉa Cittiyār, nommé Parapakkam. Composé par Aruṇanti Civācāriyār au milieu du XIIIe siècle, le Parapakkam contient trois cent un versets écrits dans le style viruttam. Il reprend et élabore sur le Civañāṉapōtam, travail fondamental de Meykaṇṭatēvar qui devint le catalyseur dans la formation du canon philosophique śivaïte et qui porte le nom de son auteur, Meykaṇṭa Cāttiraṅkaḷ. Le Parapakkam est une analyse et un examen critique de quatorze systèmes de philosophie religieuse, incluant les écoles djaïnes et bouddhiques. Les arguments d'Aruṇanti y sont invoqués du point de vue du Śaiva Siddhānta. Le Cupakkam, qui n'est pas abordé dans cette thèse, constitue la deuxième partie du Civañāṉa Cittiyār; il développe les doctrines de base de la philosophie du Śaiva Siddhānta. Outre la traduction de Parapakkam, la thèse fournit une analyse du langage et des méthodes utilisées par Aruṇanti afin d'établir la supériorité de son école du Śaiva Siddhānta sur les écoles concurrentes en ce qui a trait au développement de la philosophie polémique indienne.
目次Abstract i
Résumé ii
Acknowledgments iii
Contents v
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Translation and Transliteration scheme 4
1.3 Setting the stage: early northern and southern Śaiva Siddhanta 6
1.4 The Civañāṇa Cittiyār: authorship 35
1.5 The Civañāṇa Cittiyār: introduction to the text 42
1.6 Literature review 43
1.7 The Civañāṇa Cittiyār in the context of dialectics, debates, and polemics 50
2.0 Analysis of schools mentioned in the Civañāṇa Cittiyār 61
2.0 Preliminaries 64
2.1 Lokayata School 65
2.2 Sautrāntika School 70
2.3 Yōgācāra School 77
2.4 Madhyamika School 78
2.5 Vaibhāṣika School 79
2.6 Nigandavāda School 80
2.7 Ājīvika School 85
2.8 Bhāṭṭa Mīmāṁsā School 89
2.9 Prābhākara Mīmāṁsā School 91
2.10 Śabda Brahmavāda School 92
2.11 Māyāvāda School 95
2.12 Bhaskara School 98
2.13 Nirīśvara Sāṁkhya School 99
2.14 Pāñcarātra School 100
3.0 Conclusions 104
4.0 Translation 109
4.0 Invocatory Dedications (verses 1-11) 109
4.1a Lokayata School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 12-32) 121
4.1b Lokayata School (siddhāntin - verses 33-63) 135
4.2a Sautrāntika School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 64-94) 158
4.2b Sautrāntika School (siddhantin - verses 95-134) 180
4.3a Yōgācāra School (pūrvapakṣin - verse 135) 224
4.3b Yōgācāra School (siddhāntin - verses 136-137) 225
4.4a Madhyamika School (pūrvapakṣin – verse 138) 227
4.4b Madhyamika School (siddhantin - verses 139-140) 227
4.5a Vaibhāṣika School (pūrvapakṣin - verse 141) 229
4.5b Vaibhāṣika School (siddhantin - verse 142) 230
4.6b Nigaṇḍavāda School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 143-150) 230
4.6a Nigaṇḍavāda School (siddhantin - verses 151-164) 237
4.7a Ajīvaka School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 165-174) 247
4.7b Ajīvaka School (siddhāntin - verses 175-180) 254
4.8a Bhaṭṭa Mīmāṁsā School (pūrvapakṣin – verses 181-193) 258
4.8b Bhaṭṭa Mīmāmsā School (siddhāntin - verses 194-203) 267
4.9a Prābhākara Mīmāṁsā School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 204-205) 276
4.9b Prābhākara Mīmāṁsā School (siddhantin - verses 206-207) 277
4.10a Sabda Brahmavāda School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 208-211) 279
4.10b Śabda Brahmavāda School (siddhantin - verses 212-219) 281
4.11a Māyāvāda (Advaitin) School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 220-234) 285
4.11b Māyāvāda (Advaitin) School (siddhāntin - verses 235-252) 296
4.12a Bhaskara School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 253-254) 309
4.12b Bhaskara School (siddhantin - verses 255-259) 310
4.13a Nirīśvara Sāṁkhya School (pūrvapakṣin - verse 260) 314
4.13b Nirīśvara Sāṁkhya School (siddhāntin - verses 261-263) 315
4.14a Pāñcarātra School (pūrvapakṣin - verses 264-270) 317
4.14b Pañcarātra School (siddhantin - verses 271-301) 323
Table 1. Distribution of verses in the Parapakkam 345
Appendix 1 The Civañāṇapōtam by Meykaṇṭatēvar 346
Appendix 2 The Saiva Siddhānta Canon: Meykaṇṭa Cattiranka! 351
5.0 Bibliography 370

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