
中峰明本《三時繫念佛事》之禪淨思想=Zhongfeng Mingben’s Ch'an-Purification Thought in His The Ritual of Shansh Xinian
作者 陳金月 (著)=Chen, Jin-yue (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授陳娟珠=Chen, Chuan-chu
關鍵詞中峰明本禪師=Zhongfeng Mingben master; 臨濟宗=Li-Chi; 禪=Ch'an; 淨土=Purification; 永明延壽=Yungming Yanshou; 三時繫念=The Ritual of Shansh Xinian

Zhongfeng Mingben (1263-1323)was the Linji Ch'an school in the Yuan Dynasty. His alias was Zhongfeng, Buddhist monastic was Mingben. He was respected by the Court extremely, but he was indifferent towards fame and wealth so preferred travelling around. He always kept a distance with the Court instead of closing. He helped people who inquired, discussed and seeked religious instruction. The places where he went became the dharma centers, especially for influencing the area in southern Yangtze River, hence he was addressed as “Jiangnan ancient Buddha”. His Ch'an Thought followed Gaufeng Yuanmiau master(1238-1295). Mental dharmas of Zen is to keep birth and death in mind. Due to the uncertainty of life accompanied disciples. Only they were aware of birth and death so they could cherish their rare person; moreover, they adjusted themselves unfailingly so they could observe their enlightened heart and hold the Buddha-nature inside. Due to Zhongfeng Mingben turned to and relied on the pureland when he was young, his thoughts bound with Amitbha. He though that it was very important to repeat the name of a Buddha with the whole mind. Performing the duties of a discuple with wisdom, who thought on Amitbha could realize. Also, Zhongfeng Mingben combined Ch'an with Purification , he was enlightened by Yungming Yanshou(904-975) -- “the whole mind of ancestors”. The whole mind is that gatagarbha thought as Zhongfeng Mingben master wrote Shansh Xinian to explain “The Buddhas and beings are as the one and there are no differences”. Everything is between confusion with enlightenment. Beings were persistent because of delusion, so they forgot their self-Amitbha; therefore, it incurred controversy of the Ch'an-Purification. As ordinary people realized, they were able to become Sanctification and awakened that Ch'an and Purification were as the one reality. With practice of Ch'an-Purification, the main purpose is to realize the deep understanding of birth and death. Based on the above mentions, to research into the Ch'an -Purification thought of Shansh Xinian in order to understand Mental dharmas of Shansh Xinian written by Zhongfeng Mingben.
This article is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is to desceribe motivation and purpose of the study, literature review and discussion, as well as research procedures and structure. The second chapter is to characterise Zhongfeng Mingben master’s life and writings. The third chapter is to represent Zhongfeng Mingben master’s Ch'an-Purification Thought. The fourth chapter is rituals analysis of “The Ritual of Shansh Xinian”. The fifth chapter, analysed of The Ritual of Shansh Xinian with Ch’an-Purification Thought . The sixth chapter is conclusion.
目次第一章 續論 1
一、研究動機與目的 1
二、文獻回顧與探討 2
三、研究步驟與架構 4
第二章 中峰明本禪師之生平與著作 6
第一節 中峰明本禪師之生平 6
一、出生至年少 7
二、出家之修行 8
三、弘法度眾 11
四、出家之弟子 13
五、在家之信眾弟子 18
六、示寂離世 19
第二節 中峰明本禪師之著作 20
一、《天目中峯和尚廣錄》 20
二、《天目明本禪師雜錄》 26
三、其他淨土著作 26
第三節 對元朝佛教發展之影響 27
第三章 中峰明本禪師之禪淨思想 28
第一節 禪宗思想之承傳 28
一、切念生死 29
二、心地法門 31
三、禪戒不二 32
四、參話頭心要 34
第二節 淨土思想之法源 42
一、淨土心要 43
二、淨土法門 44
第三節 禪淨之融通 49
一、禪淨之承襲 49
二、禪淨之修持 52
三、匡正時人禪淨之爭議 53
第四章《三時繫念佛事》之儀軌分析 55
第一節《三時繫念佛事》之宗旨 55
一、三時繫念之意義 55
二、佛事之釋義 56
第二節 召請程序之分析 56
一、召請程序 57
二、程序說明 58
第三節 三時佛事之程序分析 63
一、第一時佛事 63
二、第二時佛事 75
三、第三時佛事 84
第五章《三時繫念佛事》開示文之禪淨思想探析 91
第一節 第一時開示文之禪淨釋義與探析 91
一、繫念彌陀之重要 91
二、法性與業果之探析 94
第二節 第二時開示文之禪淨釋義與探析 100
一、莫取知見之分別 100
二、唯心淨土之要義 101
第三節 第三時開示文之禪淨釋義與探析 107
一、彌陀聖號之功德 107
二、六字洪名之義解 109
第四節 懺悔發願之心要法門 112
一、第一時和尚白懺悔發願文 112
二、第二時和尚白懺悔發願文 116
三、第三時和尚白懺悔發願文 118
第六章 結論 120
第一節研究成果 120
第二節後續研究發展 122
參考文獻 123
附錄 127

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