
수행계위(修行階位)에 따른 일미관행(一味觀行)의 이해와 구조=Comprehension and structure of the contemplation practice that has but a single taste in terms of stages of practice
作者 김영미 (著)=Kim, Young-mi (au.)
出處題名 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture
卷期v.47 n.0
頁次3 - 35
出版者동아시아불교문화학회=The Association of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture
出版者網址 http://www.easternasia.kr/
出版地Busan, Korea [釜山, 韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 동국대학교 경주캠퍼스 연구교수
關鍵詞무이중도=無二中道; 지관=止觀; 원효= Wonhyo; 금강삼매경론; 일미관행=一味觀行; the middle way free from dualistic extremes; cessation and observation; Wonhyo's Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi Sūtra; the contemplation practice that has but a single taste
摘要『금강삼매경론』에서 원효가 밝힌 『금강삼매경』의 종요(宗要)는 ‘일미관행(一味觀行)’이다. 관(觀)은 경계와 지혜에 통하는 것으로 속제에서 진제에 이르는 수행이다. 행(行)은 인과(因果)에 걸쳐 있는 것으로, 십신(十信)에서 등각(等覺)에 이르는 육행(六行)을 말한다. 일반 범부와 지전(地前)의 수행자의 경지는 마음이 일어나면 일체법이 생기(生起)되고, 마음이 소멸되면 일체법이 소멸된다는 논리에 머문다. 그러나 ‘만법의 주인이 일심’임을 증득(證得)한 지상보살(地上菩薩)의 경지는 진속(眞俗)이 쌍민(雙泯)이지만 소멸되지 않고, 시각(始覺)과 본각(本覺)이 생기(生起)됨이 없어서, 이러한 관행(觀行)으로 일미(一味)를 증득하게 된다. 원효는 『금강삼매경론』에 진제, 속제, 진제중도, 속제중도, 무이중도를 상정하여 본인의 깨달음의 경지를 설명한다. 인(因)으로 육행(六行)이 구비되어 충족되면, 과(果)로서 오법(五法)이 원만해진다. 육행이 원만해질 때에 팔식(八識)은 전변(轉變)하여 사지(四智)를 이루게 된다. 이렇게 전식득지(轉識得智)하는 과정은 속제중도(俗諦中道)를 의미하고, 그 결과 오법(五法)을 원만하게 이루는 것은 무이중도(無二中道)를 의미한다. 인(因)과 과(果)는 진속의 ‘경계(境界)’와 본각·시각인 ‘지혜(智慧)’를 여의지 않는다. 경계와 지혜는 관행을 수행하여 분별의 상(相)이 사라져서 무이(無二)의 경지에 들어가서 일미인 무이중도를 이룬다. 원효는 지관(止觀)과 관행(觀行)으로 무이중도를 증득하는 것을 일미관행이라고 한다.

The main summary of the Vajrasamādhi Sūtra which Wonhyo revealed in the Wonhyo's Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi Sūtra is the contemplation practice that has but a single taste. Contemplation is a practice ranging from the conventional truth to the absolute truth, through which transcendent experience and wisdom pass. Practice which spreads over cause and fruition represents the six practices that extend from the ten stages of faith to virtual enlightenment. The stage of the general unenlightened people and the practitioners in stages of the bodhisattva path that is prior to the ten grounds stays in the logic that when the mind wakes up, all dharmas, is created, and when the mind dies down, all dharmas is extinguished. However, the stage of bodhisattvas in the level of the bhūmis, who accomplished that "the master of all dharmas" was one mind, would not be demolished although both absolute and conventional truth disappear, and would be reached to a single taste with the contemplation practice as initial enlightenment and original enlightenment do not appear. Wonhyo proposes the absolute truth, the conventional truth, the middle way from the standpoint of absolute truth, the middle way from the standpoint of conventional truth and the middle way free from dualistic extremes in the Wonhyo's Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi Sūtra to explain his stage of enlightenment. If the cause is met by the provision of the six practices, the five dharmas will be satisfied as fruition. When the six practices are satisfied, eight consciousnesses are transformed into the four kinds of pure cognition attained upon the full enlightenment of the Buddha. This process of the cognition attained as the transformation of the consciousnesses represents the middle way from the standpoint of conventional truth, and as a result, achieving the five dharmas completely indicates the middle way free from dualistic extremes. Cause and fruition do not lose the transcendent experience of truth and convention and wisdom of initial enlightenment·original enlightenment. Through the contemplation practice, the transcendent experience and wisdom become the middle way free from dualistic extremes as a single taste by vanishing discernment and entering into the stage where there are no two. Achieving the middle way free from dualistic extremes with cessation and observation and the contemplation practice is called the contemplation practice that has but a single taste.
目次Ⅰ. 서론 6

Ⅱ. 일미관행(一味觀行)의 구조 7

Ⅲ. 수행 계위와 일미관행 21

Ⅳ. 결론 31
ISSN27140938 (P); 27140946 (E)

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