
The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet
作者 Kragh, Ulrich Timme (編)
出版者Harvard University Department of South Asian Studies
出版者網址 https://www.hup.harvard.edu/
出版地Cambridge, MA, US [劍橋, 麻薩諸塞州, 美國]
叢書名Harvard Oriental Series
摘要The Yogacarabhumi, a fourth-century Sanskrit treatise, is the largest Indian text on Buddhist meditation. Its enormous scope exhaustively encompasses all yoga instructions on the disciplines and contemplative exercises of sravaka, pratyekabuddha, and bodhisattva practitioners. The thoroughness of the text meant that the Yogacarabhumi became the fundamental source for later Buddhist writings on meditation across Asia. The present edited volume, conceived by Geumgang University in South Korea, brings together the scholarship of thirty-four leading Buddhist specialists on the Yogacarabhumi from across the globe. The essays elaborate the background and environment in which the Yogacarabhumi was composed and redacted, provide a detailed summary of the work, raise fundamental and critical issues about the text, and reveal its reception history in India, China, and Tibet. The volume also provides a thorough survey of contemporary Western and Asian scholarship on the Yogacarabhumi in particular and the Yogacara tradition more broadly. The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners aims not only to tie together the massive research on this text that has been carried out in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Europe, and the United States up to now, but also to make this scholarship accessible to all students and scholars of Buddhism.
目次Foreword 8
Acknowledgements 10
Preface 16
The Yogācārabhūmi and Its Adaptation: Introductory Essay with a Summary of the Basic Section [Ulrich Timme KRAGH] 22
I. The Yogācārabhūmi: Background and Environment
Early Mahāyāna and ‘The Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions’ [Tilmann VETTER] 290
Serving and Served Monks in the Yogācārabhūmi [Noriaki HAKAMAYA] 312
Remarks on the Lineage of Indian Masters of the Yogācāra School: Maitreya, Asaṅga, and Vasubandhu [Hidenori S. SAKUMA] 330
Distinguishing the Two Vasubandhus, the Bhāṣyakāra and the Kośakāra, as Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda Authors [Hartmut BUESCHER] 368
Two Notes on the Formation of the Yogācārabhūmi Text-Complex [Noritoshi ARAMAKI] 398
Kuśala and Akuśala: Reconsidering the Original Meaning of a Basic Pair of Terms of Buddhist Spirituality and Ethics and Its Development up to Early Yogācāra [Lambert SCHMITHAUSEN] 440
II. The Yogācārabhūmi: The Text
The Yogācārabhūmi Corpus: Sources, Editions, Translations, and Reference Works [Martin DELHEY] 498
II.1 The Yogācārabhūmi: The Basic Section (*Maulyo Bhūmayaḥ)
The Premise of Vastu in the Manobhūmi [Kōichi TAKAHASHI] 564
A Note on Medicine and Psychosomatic Relations in the First Two Bhūmis of the Yogācārabhūmi [Dan LUSTHAUS] 578
Parallel Passages between the Manobhūmi and the *Yogācārabhūmi of Saṃgharakṣa [Nobuyoshi YAMABE] 596
Garbhāvakrāntau (‘In the Garbhāvakrānti’): Quotations from the Garbhāvakrāntisūtra in Abhidharma Literature and the Yogācārabhūmi [Robert KRITZER] 738
Nets of Intertextuality: Embedded Scriptural Citations in the Yogācārabhūmi [Peter SKILLING] 772
The Bhāvanāmayī Bhūmiḥ: Contents and Formation [Yasunori SUGAWARA] 792
Remarks on the Bhāvanāmayī Bhūmiḥ and Its Treatment of Practice [Alexander VON ROSPATT] 852
The Chapter on Right Conduct in the Bodhisattvabhūmi [Michael ZIMMERMANN] 872
Meditative Practices in the Bodhisattvabhūmi: Quest for and Liberation through the Thing-In-Itself [Florin DELEANU] 884
II.2 The Yogācārabhūmi: The Supplementary Section (Saṃgrahaṇī)
Ālayavijñāna as Keystone Dharma: The Ālaya Treatise of the Yogācārabhūmi [William S. WALDRON] 922
Sanskrit Fragments of the Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra [Kazunobu MATSUDA] 938
III. The Indian Yogācāra Reception
What are Ācāryas or *Yaugācārabhūmikas Doing in Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 3-28ab? [Changhwan PARK] 948
A Study of the Saṃskāra Section of Vasubandhu’s Pañcaskandhaka with Reference to Its Commentary by Sthiramati [Jowita KRAMER] 986
Yogācāra and Vajrayāna according to Ratnākaraśānti [Harunaga ISAACSON] 1036
IV. The East Asian Yogācāra Reception
Reflections on the Revival of Yogācāra in Modern Chinese Buddhism [Bing CHEN] 1054
The Root that Nourishes the Branches: The Role of the Yogācārabhūmi in 20th-Century Chinese Scholastic Buddhism [Eyal AVIV] 1078
Chinese Scholarship on Yogācāra Buddhism since 1949 [Lawrence Y.K. LAU] 1092
The Yogācārabhūmi Meditation Doctrine of the ‘Nine Stages of Mental Abiding’ in East and Central Asian Buddhism [Sangyeob CHA] 1166
The Contribution of the Yogācārabhūmi to the System of the Two Hindrances [A. Charles MULLER] 1192
Theories of the Darśanamārga in the Yogācārabhūmi and Their Chinese Interpretations [Sungdoo AHN] 1212
The Wéishì School and the Buddha-Nature Debate in the Early Tang Dynasty [Makoto YOSHIMURA] 1234
A Brief History of Studies on the Yogācāra School in Modern Korea [Seongcheol KIM] 1254
Gadjin M. Nagao on MSA I.1 and I.2 [Leslie S. KAWAMURA] 1296
V. The Tibetan Yogācāra Reception
On the Status of the Yogācāra School in Tibetan Buddhism [Dorji WANGCHUK] 1316
Yogācāra in the Writings of the Eleventh-Century Rnying ma Scholar Rong zom Chos kyi bzang po [Orna ALMOGI] 1330
All Mind, No Text — All Text, No Mind: Tracing Yogācāra in the Early Bka’ brgyud Literature of Dags po [Ulrich Timme KRAGH] 1362
Notes on Jñānamitra’s Commentary on the Abhidharmasamuccaya [Leonard W.J. VAN DER KUIJP
ISBN9780674725430 (hc)
  1. Book Review: The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet Edited by Ulrich Timme Kragh / Kapstein, Matthew T. (評論)

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