
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality: From Vimalakīrti to the Nenbutsu Masters
作者 Pye, Michael (編)
出版者網址 https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/
出版地London, England, UK [倫敦, 英格蘭, 英國]
叢書名Eastern Buddhist Voices
附註項Michael Pye is Professor (emeritus) at Marburg University and a visiting Research Associate of Ōtani University in Kyōto. His writings have ranged widely over problems in the study of religions, studies in Buddhist thought and many aspects of contemporary Japanese religion. His major publications include Skilful Means and Emerging from Meditation.
摘要Early issues of The Eastern Buddhist contain short translations from various Buddhist texts, some of them quite important and all of considerable interest. Since they are set unobtrusively between modern statements and arguments about the nature of Buddhism, and in any case are difficult to locate, they have often gone unnoticed by students. Assembled here is a selection of those texts which have stood the test of time. Drawn from Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese originals, they mainly reflect the Zen and Shin Buddhist traditions, though in the wider context of early Mahāyāna Buddhism. Drawing them together into one volume brings out the fact that these varied Buddhist traditions are intricately related to each other. The result is an unusual and fascinating reader which would grace many a course in Buddhist studies.
目次Table of Contents
List of Illustrations x
Preface with Acknowledgements xi - xii
Conventions on Names, Titles and Scripts xiii - xv
A Note on The Eastern Buddhist xvi - xvii
1 Introduction 1 - 20

Part I The Teaching of Vimalakīrti
2 Vimalakīrti’s Discourse on Emancipation 21 - 98
Izumi Hōkei

Part II Related Strands in Early Mahāyāna Buddhism
3 The Heart Sūtra (Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra) 99 - 106
Shaku Hannya
4 Nāgārjuna’s Mahāyāna-viṃśaka 107 - 114
Yamaguchi Susumu
5 Outline of the Avataṃsaka Sūtra (Kegonkyō) 115 - 120
Beatrice Lane Suzuki †
6 The Hymn on the Life and Vows of Samantabhadra 121 - 132
Izumi Hōkei

Part III Hints of Laity in the Esoteric Tradition
7 Fudō the Immovable 133 - 148
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
8 Ceremonies for Disciples on Mount Kōya 149 - 166
Beatrice Lane Suzuki

Part IV Revisiting Masters of the Nenbutsu
9 The Pure Land Doctrine in Shōkū’s “Plain Wood” Nenbutsu 167 - 180
Sugihira Shizutoshi
10 Myōe’s Critique of Hōnen 181 - 198
Bandō Shōjun
11 Ippen Shōnin and the Nenbutsu 199 - 220
Yanagi Sōetsu
12 Shinran and his Song on Amida Buddha 221 - 230
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
13 On Steadfast Holding to the Name 231 - 240
Kakunyo Shōnin
14 Rennyo the Restorer 241 - 258
Kaneko Daiei
15 Asahara Saichi the Myōkōnin 259 - 276
Satō Taira
16 The Rite of Reception into Jōdo Shinshū 277 - 280
Dan Bornstein

Synoptic List of Text Titles 281 - 298
Character List for Historical Persons 299 - 306
Original Publication Details 307 - 310
Index 311 - 335
ISBN9781908049148 (hc); 9781908049155 (pbk); 9781781792261 (eb)
  1. Book Review: Lay Buddhism and Spirituality: From Vimalakīrti to the Nenbutsu Masters Edited by Michael Pye / Winter, Franz (評論)

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