
Core Texts of the Sŏn Approach: A Compendium of Korean Sŏn (Chan) Buddhism
作者 Broughton, Jeffrey L. (譯) ; Watanabe, Elise Yoko (譯)
出版者Oxford University Press
出版者網址 https://academic.oup.com/
出版地New York, NY, US [紐約, 紐約州, 美國]
附註項Jeffrey Broughton is Professor Emeritus of the Religious Studies Department at California State University, Long Beach. Jeffrey Broughton and Elise Yoko Watanabeas previous books include The Letters of Chan Master Dahui Pujue, The Chan Whip Anthology: A Companion to Zen Practice, and The Record of Linji: A New Translation of the Linjilu in the Light of Ten Japanese Zen Commentaries.
關鍵詞Sŏnmun ch’waryo; Core Texts of the Sŏn Approach; mu hwadu; Dahui Zonggao; Mengshan; Boshan; Chinul; Hwaŏm; Hyujŏng; Nine-Mountains Sŏn; Chin’gwi story
摘要Jeffrey Broughton here offers a study and partial translation of Core Texts of the Son Approach (Sonmun ch'waryo), an anthology of texts foundational to Korean Son (Chan/Zen) Buddhism. Core Texts of the Son Approach provides a convenient entree to two fundamental themes of Korean Son: Son vis-a-vis the doctrinal teachings of Buddhism (in which Son is shown to be superior) and the huatou (i.e., phrase; Korean hwadu) method of practice-work originally popularized by the Song dynasty Chinese Chan master Dahui Zonggao. This method consists of "raising to awareness" or "keeping an eye on" the phrase, usually No (Korean mu). No mental operation whatsoever is to be performed upon the phrase. One lifts the phrase to awareness constantly, when doing "quiet" cross-legged sitting as well as when immersed in the "noisiness" of everyday life. Core Texts of the Son Approach, which was published in Korea during the first decade of the twentieth century (the identity of the compiler is not known for certain), contains eight Chan texts by Chinese authors (two translated here) and seven Son texts by Korean authors (three translated here), showing the organic relationship between the parent Chinese tradition and its Korean inheritor. The set of translations in this volume will give readers access to some of the key texts of the Korean branch of this influential East Asian school of Buddhism.
目次I Introduction to Core Texts of the Sŏn Approach Sŏnmun chwaryo 禪門撮要 1
IIa Description of Mengshans Dharma Talks Translation 1 37
IIb Translation of Mengshans Dharma Talks Translation 1 45
IIIa Description of Boshans Chan Admonitions Translation 2 63
IIIb Translation of Boshans Chan Admonitions Translation 2 69
IVa Description of Chinuls Keeping an Eye on the Hwadu Translation 3A and Hyesims Diagnosing Illnesses Supplementary Translation 3B 79
IVb Translation of Chinuls Keeping an Eye on the Hwadu Translation 3A 89
IVc Translation of Hyesims Diagnosing Illnesses Supplementary Translation 3B 115
Va Description of Record of the Treasure Store of the Sŏn Approach Translation 4 123
Vb Translation of Record of the Treasure Store of the Sŏn Approach Translation 4 129
VIa Description of Hyujŏngs Comparative Elucidation of Sŏn and the Teachings Translation 5 207
VIb Translation of Hyujŏngs Comparative Elucidation of Sŏn and the Teachings Translation 5 209
VII Chinese Text of Mengshans Dharma Talks Translation 1 223
VIII Chinese Text of Boshans Chan Admonitions Translation 2 229
IX Chinese Text of Chinuls Treatise on Resolving Uncertainty about Keeping an Eye on the Hwadu Translation 3A 233
X Chinese Text of Hyesims Treatise on Diagnosing Illnesses That Arise in the Practice of the Mu 無 Hwadu Supplementary Translation 3B 241
XI Chinese Text of Record of the Treasure Store of the Sŏn Approach Translation 4 243
XII Chinese Text of Hyujŏngs Comparative Elucidation of Sŏn and the Teachings Translation 5 261
Bibliography 265
Index 269
ISBN9780197530542 (hc); 9780197530573 (eb); 0197530540 (hc)
  1. Book Review: Core Texts of the Sŏn Approach: A Compendium of Korean Sŏn (Chan) Buddhism Translated by Jeffrey L. Broughton with Elise Yoko Watanabe / Pokorny, Lukas (評論)

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