Takao Mandara: The Ryokai Mandara of the Jingoji, Kyōto. Garbhadātu Maṇḍala and Vajradhātu Maṇḍala: The Oldest Maṇḍala Paintings of Esoteric Buddhism in Japan
Takata, Osamu (著)
Akiyama, Terukazu (著)
Yanagisawa, Taka (著)
Bijutsu Kenkyūjo (著)=Tōkyō Bijutsu Gakkō (au.)
出版日期 1967
出版者 National Research Institute of Cultural Properties
出版地 東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料類型 書籍=Book
使用語言 英文=English; 日文=Japanese
附註項 In Japanese; title page, contents, list of plates, captions and summary also in English.
相關書評 Book Review: Takao Mandara: The Ryokai Mandara of the Jingoji, Kyōto. Garbhadātu Maṇḍala and Vajradhātu Maṇḍala: The Oldest Maṇḍala Paintings of Esoteric Buddhism in Japan by Takata Osamu, Akiyama Terukazu, Yanagisawa Taka / Soper, Alexander Coburn (評論)
點閱次數 255
建檔日期 2023.09.05
更新日期 2023.09.05
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