
실담 범어의 음역과 원어=The Original Word and Transliteration of Sanskrit Called Siddham
作者 정승석 (著)=Jung, Seung-suk (au.)
出處題名 인도철학=印度哲學=Korean Journal of Indian Philosophy
頁次143 - 174
出版者網址 http://krindology.com/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 동국대학교 인도철학과 교수
關鍵詞실담; 범어; 범자=梵字; 음역; 의역; 범어천자문; 범어잡명; transliteration; Sanskrit phonetics; liberal translation; Sanskrit characters; Siddham; Sanskrit
摘要실담의 혼동상을 유형별로 구분하면 모음 혼동의 일반 양태, 자음 혼동의 일반 양태, 자음 혼동의 개별 양태, 특이 사례로 분류할 수 있다. 모음과 자음에서 드러난 혼동의 일반 양태를 음성학적으로 파악하면, 발성 위치와 음색이 동일하거나 근접한 자모들끼리 엄격히 구별되지 않는 경향이 현저하다. 자음 혼동의 개별적 양태는 탈락, 삽입 또는 첨가, 자음 결합 등으로 세분할 수 있다. 특히 자음 결합에서는 자형의 유사성이 혼동을 야기한 것으로 확인된다. 특이 사례의 양태는 원어 왜곡, 복합적 혼동, 명백한 오류 등으로 분류할 수 있다. 명백한 오류의 대부분은 범어에 대한 지식의 결함에서 발생한 것으로 보인다. 이 밖의 경우에는 대체로 혼동의 변수를 복합적으로 고려함으로써 실담이 원래 의도한 범어를 추정하거나 구현할 수 있다. 그러나 명백한 오류에 속하는 실담의 원어를 추정하기 위해서는 실담 문헌에 드러난 음역과 의역의 관계뿐만 아니라 漢譯 불전에 통용된 음역의 관행을 참조해야 한다. 실담에서는 변별력이 약한 자형의 유사성으로 인해 오기 또는 오독의 가능성이 높다. 이로 인한 혼동은 범어에 대한 전문 지식을 구비하지 못함으로써 방치되거나 가중되었다.

The Siddham is known as Indian characters writing Sanskrit. So we are apt to think that Sanskrit written by Siddham is equal to the classical Sanskrit of the past. Considering that characters and words are inseparably related, that thought is right in principle. And the study on Siddham also starts with that thought. But we are liable to overlook the fact that the majority of Siddham has been handed down from Buddhist texts translated or written in China. To the contrary, when we take that fact into account, we can understand lots of errors found out in Siddham, that is, diverse aspects of confusion which are in discord with the classical Sanskrit. In other words, when we understand that the Siddham written and handed down in China connoted a margin of error from the first, we get to embody a regular type of the classical Sanskrit in Siddham through an inquiry into those aspects of confusion. The aspects of confusion revealed in chief texts of Siddham are able to be classified into following four groups according to their patterns. Those are the general aspects of vowel confusion, the general aspects of consonantal confusion, the individual aspects of consonantal confusion, and the particular case. Understanding general aspects both confusion of vowels and consonants phonetically, it is outstanding that alphabets equal to or close to each other in the place of utterance or the quality of a tone are apt not to be distinguished strictly. The individual aspects of consonantal confusion are able to be classified in detail as the case of omission, the case of insertion or addition, the case of consonantal combination, and the like. Among these the case of consonantal combination seems to be caused by the formal semblance of characters. For example, there is a frequent confusion between 湀(ddha) and 益(dva). It is possible to classify the particular aspects of confusion as distortion of original words, mixed confusion, obvious errors, and the like. Of these the obvious errors mostly seem to be originated from an intellectual defect about Sanskrit. In other cases but obvious errors, considering on variable patterns of confusion in combination, it is possible to guess or embody original Sanskrit words meant by Siddham on the whole. But in the case of Siddham belongs to obvious errors, special efforts are needed in order to guess original words of Siddham. So to speak, we have to consult a custom of transliteration applied to translate Sanskrit Buddhist texts into Chinese as well as relations between liberal translation and transliteration expressed in Siddham texts. The confusion manifested in Siddham as above is due to Siddham itself fundamentally. That is, because some characters of Siddham are difficult to be distinguished each other, there are as much more chances to make an error in writing or reading. Moreover an intellectual defect about Sanskrit had left the confusion alone and had made it worse. The present Siddham handed down as above can be called Chinese Sanskrit, and it is regarded as a kind of slang used in not India but China.
目次I 서론. 143
II 실담 범어의 어휘집. 147
III 실담 범어의 혼동 양태. 151
IV 실담 범어의 원어 구현. 165
V 결론.169
ISSN12263230 (P)

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