
울너사본의 현황조사와 샘플링 작업=Stance examination and Sampling of the Woolner Collection and its Cataloguing
作者 Ahn, Sung-doo (著)=안성두 (au.)
出處題名 인도철학=印度哲學=Korean Journal of Indian Philosophy
頁次175 - 214
出版者網址 http://krindology.com/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 금강대학교 불교/복지학부 조교수
關鍵詞Woolner Collection=울너사본; 카탈로그 번호; 사본접근번호; 카탈로그 샘플링; 보왕장엄경; folio; catalogue; philology; Āryakārandavyūha
摘要본 연구는 파키스탄 판잡대학 도서관에 보관되어 있는 약 9,000점이 넘는 <울너사본>에 대한 현황조사와 그 샘플링 작업이다. 이 사본들은 모두 37개의 인도학 분야로 세분되어 정리되고 있다. <울너사본>의 카탈로그는 판잡대학에 의해 1932년과 1941년에 두 권으로 출판되어 있지만, 문제는 카탈로그 번호와 사본접근번호가 다르기 때문에 카탈로그 번호만으로는 사본에의 접근이 불가능하다는데 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 (1) 사본번호와 카탈로그번호를 일치시키는 선행작업을 <우파니샤드>항에 한정해 정리했다. (2) 인도철학의 여러 분야와 관련된 9개의 사본을 갖고 서술형 카탈로그의 샘플을 만들었다. (3) 마지막으로 <울너사본>에 포함된 유일한 불교사본인 Āryakārandavyūha에 대한 간단한 문헌사적 연구와 이 사본의 구체적인 서지학적 특성들을 기술했다.

The so called "Woolner Collection" is a heap of manuscripts over 9,000 pieces, which cover the whole ranges of Indian studies in 37 fields. Calculating one piece for circa 40 folios, the whole collection amounts to over 360,000 folios. It was collected in the early 20th by Dr. Woolner, who as a chief librarian of the University of Lahore, nowaday Pakistan, plays a decisive role in gathering the manuscripts. In spite of its importance in Indian studies, the Woolner Collection has been neglected by the indologists mainly because of the political, social and academic situation in Pakistan, On the Woolner Collection, there were already published two volumes of catalogue, one in 1932 and the other in 1941. But, unfortunately this catalogue number of each manuscripts does not coincide with the accession number of manuscripts, which was given at the cover page of each manuscripts. Therefore, it is not possible to find out the manuscript through catalogue number alone. To carry out the purpose of the present research in due course, it was necessary to restrict to and focus my study on three main points. (1) as a sample case I submit to identifying the catalogue number with the accession number in Upanisad-field, thereby helping researchers to get more easily accessible to the manuscripts. (2) I have made a sample of the descriptive catalogue in order to give an overview of manuscript. This sample serves for standard catalogue form of describing the quantitative characteristics and subject matter etc. of each manuscript. I submit altogether to 9 descriptive catalogues, which cover the classical Indian philosophy. (3) lastly, it is reported that there is sole Buddhist manuscript in the Woolner Collection. It is on the Āryakārandavyūha. I have tried to describe not only the manuscript itself but textual history about Āryakārandavyūha with some philological notes.
目次I 들어가는 말. 175
II 울너사본의 디지털이미지 샘플링작업. 178
III 카탈로그 번호와 사본접근번호의 대응표(우파니샤드 항). 185
IV 서술형 카탈로그 샘플링(사본 목록작업의 예). 193
V Āryakāraṇḍavyūha 사본과 이 경전의 내용. 201
VI 맺는 말. 208
ISSN12263230 (P)

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