
향운(香雲) 정태혁 박사의 학문과 실천 - 배우며 생각하며 수행하며 전념한 후학 양성=The Life and Work of Hyangwoon Jung Tae-Hyuk: Pursuit of the truth, cultivation of mind, and dedication to training younger scholars
作者 정승석 (著)=Jung, Seung-suk (au.)
出處題名 인도철학=印度哲學=Korean Journal of Indian Philosophy
頁次33 - 60
出版者網址 http://krindology.com/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 동국대학교 불교대학 교수
關鍵詞밀교=Tantric Buddhism; 범어= Sanskrit; 서장어= Tibetan; 요가= Yoga; 인도철학=Indian philosophy; 정태혁=Jung Tae-Hyuk; 중도=Middle Way; 향운=Hyangwoon
摘要향운 정태혁 박사가 후학을 위해 개척하거나 개발한 학문적 업적의 특색을 세 방면으로 개괄할 수 있다. 첫째, 불교 연구에서 범어와 서장어를 통해 원전에 의거한 해석을 시도했다. 이것은 한문으로 번역된 2차 자료에만 의지하여 불교를 연구하던 종래의 풍토를 일신한 계기가 되었으며, 이로써 국내 불교학의 신기원을 이루었다. 둘째, 국내의 인도철학 분야를 개척하면서 특히 불교와 인도철학의 비교 연구에 주력하여, 이 같은 학풍을 실질적으로 주도했다. 셋째, 요가를 비롯한 인도 문화에 대한 이해를 토대로 밀교 연구의 새로운 지평을 열었다. 향운은 국내의 불교학계에서는 밀교를 학문적 연구 대상으로 심도 있게 고찰한 최초의 학자로 인정된다. 향운의 학문과 삶을 일괄하자면, 그는 중관학을 기점으로 밀교를 섭렵하면서 불교의 이념을 수행으로 실천하는 학문과 삶을 견지해 왔다고 말할 수 있다. 이 과정에서 그는 중도를 요가와 밀교의 수행법으로 실천함으로써 불교의 이상을 실현하고자 노력하였다.

The characteristics of Dr. Jung Tae-Hyuk’s scholastic achievements for the future use can be divided into three categories. First, Dr. Jung (whose literary name is Hyangwoon) attempted to translate into Korean primary materials in Buddhist Studies such as Sanskrit and Tibetan texts, which he believed to be the right way to study Buddhism. He opened the door to the new way of Buddhist Studies by publishing the first Buddhist grammar books in Korea such as Standard Sanskrit and Basic Tibetan. His new way of study Buddhism as a momentum made lots of Korean scholars leave the conventional way of studying Buddhism that depended only on Chinese texts and begin to read texts in Sanskrit and Tibetan. It is the impact of Hyangwoon’s pioneering work that young scholars these days consider learning Sanskrit and Tibetan as a necessary and basic step of Buddhist Studies. Secondly, Hyangwoon pioneered the field of Indian philosophy in Korea, especially when he focused on comparative studies between Buddhism and Indian philosophy. Under his substantial leadership, Dongguk University formed the department of Indian Philosophy in order to promote Buddhist Studies with better understanding of Buddhism in relation to Indian Philosophy that provided cultural soil for Buddhism. Through his comparative studies Hyangwoon gave a lead in attaining the purpose of the department. Lastly, Hyangwoon opened up new horizons in studying Tantric Buddhism (Vajrayana) with his full understanding of Indian cultures. Because Tantric Buddhism is integrated with the elements of Hindu culture, it is a prerequisite for Tantric studies to fully understand Hinduism. Due to their lack of sufficient understanding of Hinduism, few scholars in Korea had been exploring Tantric Buddhism until Hyangwoon discovered the core of Mahayana Buddhism in Tantric Buddhism and applied his energy to reveal the original significance of Tantric Buddhism in both theory and practice. Therefore, we can call him the founding father of Tantric studies in Korea. To sum up Hyangwoon’s life and work, it can be said that his scholastic projects started from studying the Mādhyamika and ranged over an extensive literature of Tantric Buddhism, so as to carry the principles of Buddhism into practice. In his lifetime, he endeavored to realize the ideal of Buddhism by following the Middle Way with his practice of Yoga and Tantric practices. The Middle Way that Hyangwoon incessantly drew attention to means the way of life to actually practice one’s recognition of the Śūnyatā(Emptiness) in order to achieve realization. He believed Yoga and Tantric practices to provide dynamics for one’s practice of the Middle Way. In Hyangwoon’s philosophy, therefore, Yoga and Tantric practices were the most affirmative methods for the path of the Middle Way.
目次I머리말 . 33
II 배우며 가르치는 교육. 35
III 생각하며 수행하는 학문. 37
IV 학문의 세계와 실천 정신. 48
V 맺음말. 53
ISSN12263230 (P)

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