Book Review: The Hybridity of Buddhism. Contemporary Encounters between Tibetan and Chinese Traditions in Taiwan and the Mainland by Fabienne Jagou
Niculescu, Mira (評論)
Archives de sciences sociales des religions
卷期 n.188
出版日期 2019.10-12
頁次 343 - 344
出版地 Paris, France [巴黎, 法國]
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 法文=French
附註項 The Hybridity of Buddhism. Contemporary Encounters between Tibetan and Chinese Traditions in Taiwan and the Mainland. Paris, École française d’Extrême Orient, coll. «Études thématiques», 2018, 231 p.
ISSN 03355985 (P); 17775825 (E)
原書資訊 The Hybridity of Buddhism: Contemporary Encounters between Tibetan and Chinese Traditions in Taiwan and the Mainland . Jagou, Fabienne (編) . Paris, France [巴黎, 法國]: École française d'Extrême-Orient, 2018. 231. 2855391490. (pbc).; 9782855391496. (pbc).
點閱次數 173
建檔日期 2023.10.25
更新日期 2023.10.25
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