Book Review: Many Religions, All Australian: Religious Settlement, Identity, and Cultural Diversity by Gary D. Bouma
Baumann, Martin (評論)
卷期 v.94 n.1/3 Summer/Fall
出版日期 1999
頁次 241 - 242
出版者 Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
出版地 Baden-Baden, Germany [巴登-巴登, 德國]
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 Bouma, Gary D. (ed.): Many Religions, All Australian. Religious Settlement, Identity, and Cultural Diversity. Adelaide: Open Book Publishers, 1996. 220 PP. ISBN 1-875223-14-2. Price: $39.00
ISSN 02579774 (P)
原書資訊 Many Religions, All Australian: Religious Settlement, Identity, and Cultural Diversity . Bouma, Gary D. (編) . Adelaide SA, Australia: Open Book Publisher, 1996. 220. 9781875223145; 1875223142.
點閱次數 201
建檔日期 2023.10.31
更新日期 2023.10.31
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