Book Review: Locations of Buddhism: Colonialism and Modernity in Sri Lanka by A.M. Blackburn; Buddhist Pilgrimage Centers and the Twelve-Year Cycle: Northern Thai Moral Orders in Space and Time by C.F. Keyes; The Legend and Cult of Upagupta by J.S. Strong
1. From special Zoom roundtable "New Decade, New Directions: Advancing the Study of Southeast Asian Religions" held on 9 December 2020.
2. On Locations of Buddhism: Colonialism and Modernity in Sri Lanka. By A.M. Blackburn. University of Chicago Press, 2010.
3. Buddhist Pilgrimage Centers and the Twelve-Year Cycle: Northern Thai Moral Orders in Space and Time. By C.F. Keyes. History of Religions 15, no.1 (1975): 71-89.
4. The Legend and Cult of Upagupta. By J.S. Strong. Princeton University Press, 1992.