John Powers has published twelve books, including Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. He received his PhD from the University of Virginia and specializes in Indian and Tibetan intellectual history. He is currently Professor of Asian Studies at Australian National University.
Lucid and economical, this introductory text delivers a brisk, fast-moving survey of Tibetan Buddhism. For many years Powers's nearly 600-page Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism has served as the field's most authoritative and comprehensive overview of Tibet's distinctive Buddhist tradition. A Concise Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism explains the core Buddhist doctrines and the practices of meditation and tantra and provides a survey of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
Technical Note 7 introduction 11 1: THE INDIAN BACKGROUND 17 Origins of Tibetan Buddhism 17 the Buddha 18 the Buddha’s Teaching Career 26 2: MAHĀYĀNA 31 Origins 31 Mahāyāna Doctrines 36 the Bodhisattva Path 38 3: SOME IMPORTANT BUDDHIST DOCTRINES 45 Karma and Rebirth 45 Dependent Arising 50 4: MEDITATION 55 the Role of Meditation in indian and Tibetan Buddhism 55 Stabilizing and Analytical Meditation 58 the Five Buddhist Paths 60 5: TANTRA 63 the Place of the Tantras in Buddhist Literature 63 Tantra as a Branch of Mahāyāna 67 Tantric Symbols 72 Entering Tantric Practice 74 the Four Classes of Tantra 79 the Preliminary Practices 85 Death and Dying in Tibetan Buddhism 94 6: THE FOUR ORDERS 103 Similarities and Differences 103 the Nonsectarian Movement 106 Nyingma 110 Kagyu 117 Sakya 126 Géluk 133 Lexicon of Buddhist Terms 141 Bibliography 149 English-Tibetan-Sanskrit Glossary 153 Terms 153 Names 157 Locations 159 Titles of Works Mentioned 160 index 161