Five Tathāgatas (“Dhyāni-Budhas”); iconography; animals as emblems of various Tathāgatas; seated Buddha images from north-western and north-eastern India between ca. 4th and 12th centuries
Since the publication of an inscribed set of the “Five Tathāgatas” (usually called “DhyāniBuddhas”) in the previous issue of ARIRIAB, more evidence has come to light. In addition, one or two minor errors, misunderstandings and omissions concerning iconography in Appendix 2 to that article (quoted as “Inscribed Set” henceforth) were detected too late when the article was already in print. They are pointed out and corrected in the following. Moreover, some more examples of images of the Five Tathāgatas are collected that may be helpful when trying to iconographically define a Buddha image. Although still fairly limited, the following collection of material should be taken as a first small step towards a systematic survey of all pertinent iconographic features of the Five Tathāgatas. Therefore, the subsequent considerations do not aim so much at presenting new results, let alone spectacular ones, as to serve as a preliminary practical guide to the relevant material and, particularly, to assemble some typical images that are found widely scattered in various publications on different aspects of Indian Buddhist art.
I. 8 II. 9 III. 9 IV. 10 V. 11 VI. 11 VII. 11 VIII. 12 IX. 12 X. 13 XI. 13 XII. 14