Book Review: Governing Post-Imperial Siberia and Mongolia, 1911-1924: Buddhism, Socialism, and Nationalism in State and Autonomy Building, by Ivan Sablin
Smith, Marissa J. (評論)
Inner Asia
卷期 v.19 n.1 Special Issue
出版日期 2017.04
頁次 188 - 189
出版者 Brill
出版地 Leiden, the Netherlands [萊登, 荷蘭]
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 1. Ivan Sablin. Governing Post-Imperial Siberia and Mongolia, 1911-1924: Buddhism, socialism, and nationalism in state and autonomy building . Abingdon: Routledge, 2016. 221 pp., 18 black-and-white figures. Hardback, £95/$16o, isbn: 9781138952201; eBook, £24-49 /$38-47> isbn: 9781315667713 2. Reviewer Affiliation: De Anza College, Cupertino, USA
ISSN 14648172 (P); 22105018 (E)
DOI 10.1163/22105018-12340085
原書資訊 Governing Post-Imperial Siberia and Mongolia, 1911–1924: Buddhism, Socialism and Nationalism in State and Autonomy Building . Sablin, Ivan (著) . Abingdon, UK [阿賓登, 英國]: Routledge, 2016.02.04. 234. 9781138099838. (pbc).; 9781138952201. (hbc).; 9781315667713. (ebook).
點閱次數 115
建檔日期 2024.06.19
更新日期 2024.06.25
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