Book Review: The Constitution and Religion: Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law by Tom Ginsburg and Benjamin Schonthal
Leelapatana, Rawin (評論)
Asian Journal of Law and Society
卷期 v.10 n.3 Fall
出版日期 2023.10
頁次 555 - 557
出版者 Cambridge University Press
出版地 Cambridge, UK [劍橋, 英國]
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 1. The Constitution and Religion - Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law. By Tom Ginsburg & Benjamin Schonthal. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 300 pp. 2. Reviewer Affiliation: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
ISSN 20529015 (P); 20529023 (E)
DOI 10.1017/als.2023.10
原書資訊 The Constitution and Religion: Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law . Ginsburg, Tom (編) ; Schonthal, Benjamin (編) . Cambridge, UK [劍橋, 英國]: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 384.
點閱次數 40
建檔日期 2024.06.26
更新日期 2024.07.03
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