『正法山六祖傳』の原本・続:授翁・無因・日峰伝ならびに書写者について=The Original Manuscript of the Shōbōzan Rokusoden (Continued): The Biographies of Juō, Muyin and Nippō along with the Problem of the Scribe |
作者 |
木村俊彦 (著)=Kimura, Toshihiko (au.)
出處題名 |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū
卷期 | v.71 n.1 (總號=n.158) |
出版日期 | 2022.12.20 |
頁次 | 103 - 110 |
出版者 | 日本印度学仏教学会 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 日文=Japanese |
關鍵詞 | 正法山六祖伝; 授翁; 無因; 日峰; 月航 |
摘要 | At the last conference of Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, the author discussed the revised edition of the manuscript of the Shōbōzan Rokusoden 正法山六祖伝 within the chapter of ‘the origin of Shōbōzan Myōshinji Zen Temple’ 正法山妙心禅寺記, and mentioned the first abbot Kanzan Yegen 関山恵玄. Now he offers a revised text successively on the biographies of the second abbot Juō 授翁, the third Muyin 無因 and the fourth Nippō 日峰, considering the corrections and readings of Sekkō 雪江. The copiest is identified as the third abbot of the Reiunin 霊雲院, Gekkō Genshin 月航玄津. There are also mistakes made by the author Sekkō. For instance, the phrase 瑞泉日峰舜禅師 is to be corrected to 海清日峰舜禅師, but the editor Tōyō 東陽, the copiest Gekkō and the early Edo period publisher Nōsen 能仙 all failed to make the correction.
The author has connected Nippō with the Zuisenji 瑞泉寺 of Inuyama 犬山 because he was from Owari 尾張 (in Aichi Prefecture). Jūo first practiced under Shūhō Myōchō 宗峰妙超 at Daitokuji, and was given the name Shūhitsu 宗弼. He did the same under Kanzan 関山. Muyin, also from Owari, ordained at Kenninji Temple 建仁寺 under Jūo, where he became the Ina 維那, but in his thirties moved to Myōshinji Temple, where he became the third Abbot, succeding Jūo. While Setsudō, a disciple of Muyin, was at Myōshinji, the prime minister Ashikaga Yoshimitsu 足利義満 got angry with Setsudō, who was intimate with Yoshimitsu’s enemy, and placed Myōshinji under his uncle Teiyō 廷用 of Nanzenji 南禅寺. After Yoshimitsu died, Teiyō gave Myōshinji back to this school. Some decades later, Nippō, the fourth Abbot of Myōshinji, restored the temple. Thus Sekkō 雪江 wrote these life-stories on his Shōbōzan-Rokusoden.
As mentioned, this manuscript was copied by Gekkō Genshin at his Reiun-in sub-temple of Myōshinji in the year of 1589. We obtained the copy of the manuscript preserved in the library of Ryūkoku University via Shitennōji University, and deciphered and studied it in this paper. We are in debt both the libraries for this study. |
目次 | 承前 103 授翁宗弼伝の翻刻 104 訓読 104 論考 105 無因宗因伝の翻刻 106 訓読 106 論考 107 日峰宗舜伝の翻刻 108 〈参考文献〉 110 |
ISSN | 00194344 (P); 18840051 (E) |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.4259/ibk.71.1_103 |
點閱次數 | 57 |
建檔日期 | 2024.09.18 |
更新日期 | 2024.09.19 |

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