n.27 [2023.03.31 出版]
n.26 [2022.03.31 出版]
n.25 [2021.03.31 出版]
n.24 [2020.03.31 出版]
n.23 [2019.03.31 出版]
n.22 [2018.03.31 出版]
n.21 [2017.03.31 出版]
n.20 今西順吉教授退職記念号 [2016.03.31 出版]
n.19 [2015.03.31 出版]
n.18 [2014.03.31 出版]
n.17 [2013.03.31 出版]
n.16 [2012.03.31 出版]
n.15 [2011.05.31 出版]
n.14 [2010.04.30 出版]
n.13 [2009.03.31 出版]
n.12 [2008.03.31 出版]
n.11 [2007.03.31 出版]
n.10 [2006.03.31 出版]
n.9 [2005.03.31 出版]
n.8 [2004.03.31 出版]
n.7 [2004.03.31 出版]
n.6 [2003.03.31 出版]
n.5 [2002.03.31 出版]
n.4 [2001.03.31 出版]
n.3 [2000.03.31 出版]
n.2 [1999.03.31 出版]
n.1 [1998.03 出版]
n.27 [2023.03.31出版]
n.26 [2022.03.31出版]
n.25 [2021.03.31出版]
n.24 [2020.03.31出版]
n.23 [2019.03.31出版]
n.22 [2018.03.31出版]
n.21 [2017.03.31出版]
n.20 今西順吉教授退職記念号 [2016.03.31出版]
n.19 [2015.03.31出版]
n.18 [2014.03.31出版]
n.17 [2013.03.31出版]
n.16 [2012.03.31出版]
n.15 [2011.05.31出版]
n.14 [2010.04.30出版]
n.13 [2009.03.31出版]
n.12 [2008.03.31出版]
n.11 [2007.03.31出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Preliminary remarks on two versions of the Atanatiya (Atanatika)-Sutra in Sanskrit [全文]
Sander, Lore |
小善成仏から願成就へ、<「方便品」三世代関与説>をもってする『法華経』「方便品」の救済論の測深=From the Crest Concept of Shozenjobutsu (小善成佛) to the Ground Idea of Ganjoju (願成就) : A Speculative Analysis Plumbing the Soteriological Depths of the Lotus Sutra by means of the Hypothesis of "Three Generations of Authors/Compilers" Who Participated in the Editing of the Skillful Means Chapter [全文]
津田真一 (著)=Tsuda, Shinichi (au.) |
The Meeting of the Buddha with Maya in the Trayastrimsa Heaven : Examination of the Mahamaya Sutra and its quotations in the Shijiapu - Part I [全文]
Durt, Hubert |
安息国・安国とソグド人=Anxiguo 安息國, Anguo 安國 and Sogdians [全文]
斉藤達也 (著)=Saito, Tatsuya (au.) |
黒ヤジュル・ヴェーダ・サンヒターにおけるラクシャス=Raksasas in the Black Yajur Veda Samhitas [全文]
伊澤敦子 (著)=Izawa, Atsuko (au.) |
Aspects of Spiritual Practice in Early Yogacara [全文]
Schmithausen, Lambert |
從《劉師禮文》談中印文化的匯流=The Confluence of the Chinese and Indian Cultures : A Discussion Focusing upon the Writ of Master Liu's Ritual 劉師禮文 [全文]
方廣錩 (著)=Fang, Guang-chang (au.) |
『バガヴァッド・ギーター』(II,20)注解=A Note on Bhagavadgita II. 20 [全文]
今西順吉 (著)=Imanishi, Junkichi (au.) |
n.10 [2006.03.31出版]
n.9 [2005.03.31出版]
n.8 [2004.03.31出版]
n.7 [2004.03.31出版]
n.6 [2003.03.31出版]
n.5 [2002.03.31出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
古代インドの女性観(1)(鎌田茂雄教授追悼号)=Women in Ancient India, I(Shigeo Kamata Memorial Volume) [全文]
原實=Hara, Minoru |
Some Remarks on the Textual History of the Sravakabhumi(Shigeo Kamata Memorial Volume) [全文]
Deleanu, Florin (著)=デレアヌフロリン (au.) |
The Pregnancy of Maya : I. The five uncontrollable longings (dohada)(Shigeo Kamata Memorial Volume) [全文]
Durt, Hubert |
Ratnakarasanti's Bhramaharanama Hevajrasadhana : Critical Edition (Studies in Ratnakarasanti's tantric works III)(Shigeo Kamata Memorial Volume) [全文]
Isaacson, Harunaga |
Further Remarks on the New Manuscript of the Dirghagama(Shigeo Kamata Memorial Volume) [全文]
Hartmann, Jens-Uwe |
Gandavyuha-Fragmente der Turfan-Sammlung(Shigeo Kamata Memorial Volume) [全文]
堀伸一郎 (著)=Hori, Shinichiro (au.) |
鎌田茂雄教授略年譜=Shigeo Kamata:Biographical Note [全文]
国際仏教学大学院大学 (編)=The International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies (ed.) |
寶慶寺石佛龕像再考(鎌田茂雄教授追悼号)=The Stone Sculptures of Pao-ch'ing Temple : Revisited : The Role of Fa-tsang 法藏, Third Patriarch of Hua-yen Buddhism 華嚴宗(Shigeo Kamata Memorial Volume) [全文]
杉山二郎 (著)=Sugiyama, Jiro (au.) |
鎌田茂雄氏の長逝を悼む(鎌田茂雄教授追悼号)=In Memoriam Prof. shigeo Kamata(Shigeo Kamata Memorial Volume) [全文]
原實=Hara, Minoru |
n.4 [2001.03.31出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
三教交渉史よりみた浄源の立場=Jingyuan and the Thoughts of the Three Religions [全文]
王頌 (著)=Wang, Song (au.) |
Vijnanaparinama-その自己矛盾的二重構造 : 三性説との関係を中心として=Vijnanaparinama of the first verse of the Trimsikakarika [全文]
北野新太郎 (著)=Kitano, Shintaro (au.) |
不生と随喜廻向 : 大乗仏教成立の実質的条件=Anutpada and Anumodana-Parinaman : the substantial conditions for the formation of Mahayana Buddhism [全文]
津田真一 (著)=Tsuda, Shinichi (au.) |
「諸法の実相」の意味 : 竺道生撰述『法花経疏』をめぐって=The meaning of zhufa shixiang(諸法実相)as depicted in Zhu Dao-sheng's Commentary on the Lotus Sutra [全文]
鳥居達久 (著)=Torii, Tatsuhisa (au.) |
『釈摩訶衍論』における : 「不守自性随縁」概念の独自性について=A particular aspect of concept of (shinnyo) Fushujisho-zuien as mentioned in the Shaku-makaen-ron [全文]
早川道雄 (著)=Hayakawa, Michio (au.) |
Controversy on the mutual conditioning of avidya and ayonisomanas(i)kara in Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakosa [全文]
Mejor, Marek |
『大智度論』は「本有今無」偈を如何なる空理解のレヴェルで論じているのか : 四十巻本『大乗涅槃経』成立論との連関における一考察=A significant verse of the Mahaparinirvanasutra and its interpretation in the Mahaprajnaparamitasastra [全文]
武田浩学 (著)=Takeda, Kougaku (au.) |
The Vicissitudes of Vasitthi/Vasistha who became insane due to the loss of her child : From Therigatha to Mahayana [全文]
Durt, Hubert |
The Death of the Hero [全文]
Hara, Minoru |
唐末宋初の華厳と密教 : 安岳石窟を手がかりとして=Hua-yan and Mi-jiao in the Late Tang and Early Song Dynasties : Getting on the Track of the An-yue Cave [全文]
鎌田茂雄 (著)=Kamata, Shigeo (au.) |
寶慶寺石佛龕像の研究=A Study on the Stone from Pao-Ch'ing Temple in China, Masterpieces of T'ang Dynastic Sculpture [全文]
杉山二郎 (著)=Sugiyama, Jiro (au.) |
n.3 [2000.03.31出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Casting-off of Madri in the Northern Buddhist Literary Tradition [全文]
Durt, Hubert |
ツォンカパにおける「非有・非無」の解釈=Tsong ka pa's Two Interpretations of "Neither Existence nor Non-existence" [全文]
四津谷孝道 (著)=Yotsuya, Kodo (au.) |
慈心力=The Power of maitri [全文]
原實=Hara, Minoru |
de Jong教授回想二題=In memoriam, Prof. J. W. de Jong [全文]
原實=Hara, Minoru |
竺道生撰『法花経疏』における「実」と「実相」=On shi (実) and shi-xiang (実相) as they appear in the Commentary on Miao-fa-lian-hua-jing (妙法蓮華経), written by Zhu Dao-sheng (竺道生) [全文]
鳥居達久 (著)=Torii, Tatsuhisa (au.) |
「不二摩訶衍」の概念的本質とその起源=The Origin and the Speciality of Funi-makaen (不二摩訶衍) [全文]
早川道雄 (著)=Hayakawa, Michio (au.) |
『大智度論』の著者はやはり龍樹ではなかったのか : その独自の般舟三昧理解から羅什著者説の不成立を論ずる=The Authorship of the Mahaprajnaparamitasastra [全文]
武田浩学 (著)=Takeda, Kougaku (au.) |
貴州・黔霊山の仏教=Buddhism of Qian-ling-shan in Gui-zhou [全文]
鎌田茂雄 (著)=Kamata, Shigeo (au.) |
幻化(マーヤー)サンヴァラ・マンダラ研究(I) : インド密教の思想史的展開とその諸原理=A Study of Mandalas of the Mayasamvara-tantra. Part I, The I Original Structure of Mandalas, as Restored from the Image of the Original, Real World of Gotama, the Buddha, and its Mahayanic Transformations and Substantialzations in the System of the Gandavyuha-sutra [全文]
津田真一 (著)=Tsuda, Shinichi (au.) |
森鴎外とインド学・仏教学=Mori Ogai's Connection with Indology and Buddhism [全文]
杉山二郎 (著)=Sugiyama, Jiro (au.) |
鳩摩羅什の没年問題の再検討=The Date of Kumarajiva's death : A Reexamination [全文]
斎藤達也=Saito, Tatsuya |
n.2 [1999.03.31出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Original Formation and Performance of the "Secret Assembly" (guhyasamaja), an Integration of the Guhyasamaja-tantra into the History of Tantric Buddhism in India [全文]
Tsuda, Shinichi (著)=津田真一 (au.) |
三性説の変遷における世親の位置 : 上田・長尾論争をめぐって=A Feature of Vasubandhu's Interpretation of the Three Self-natures Doctrine [全文]
北野新太郎 (著)=Kitano, Shintaro (au.) |
ツォンカパにおける世俗の世界=Some Remarks on Tsong kha pa's Conventional World [全文]
四津谷孝道 (著)=Yotsuya, Kodo (au.) |
植物の知覚 : 古典インドの自然観察より=On the Sentiency of Plants [全文]
原實=Hara, Minoru |
The Offering of the Children of Prince Visvantara/Sudana in the Chinese Tradition [全文]
Durt, Hubert |
The Sangha of Devadatta : Fiction and History of a Heresy in the Buddhist Tradition [全文]
Deeg, Max |
『釈摩訶衍論』における無明解釈の特徴=The Characteristics of Interpretation on "Non-enlightenment" in the Shi-mo-he-yan-lun [全文]
早川道雄 (著)=Hayakawa, Michio (au.) |
竺道生における帰一の「実」について : 『妙法蓮花経疏』を中心にして=On Shi (実) as it appears in 'gui yi zhi shi' (帰一之実) in the Commentary on the Miao-fa-lian-hua-jing (妙法蓮華経) written by Zhu Dao-sheng (竺道生) [全文]
鳥居達久 (著)=Torii, Tatsuhisa (au.) |
大足宝頂山石刻の思想史的考察 : 父母恩重経変図と大方便仏報恩経変図をめぐって=The Stone Carving in Da-zu, Bao-ding-shan from the Viewpoint of the History of Thought : Concerning the Legendary Carving of the the Fu-mu-en-chong Sutra and the Da-fang-bian-fo-bao-en Sutra [全文]
鎌田茂雄 (著)=Kamata, Shigeo (au.) |
アショーカ王法勅のsambodhiについて(二)=On sambodhi in Asoka's Edicts (2) [全文]
今西順吉 (著)=Imanishi, Junkichi (au.) |
當麻曼荼羅考 : 淨土変相図の日本流入と展開の一考察=The Origin of Japanese Paradise Painting [全文]
杉山二郎 (著)=Sugiyama, Jiro (au.) |
n.1 [1998.03出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
不殺生考=A Note on ahimsa [全文]
原実 (著)=Hara, Minoru (au.) |
Notes on Lalitavistara, chapters 1-4 [全文]
De Jong, J. W.=De Jong, Jan Willem |
Two Interpretations of Human-flesh Offering : Misdeed or Supreme Sacrifice [全文]
Durt, Hubert |
「不可説」と「絶対」 : 象徴をめぐるいくつかの考察(その一)=The Ineffable and the Absolute : Some Reflections on the Symbol (Part 1) [全文]
Heinemann, Robert Klaus=海涅曼 |
ツォンカパにおける無自性論証と正理=Reasoning of Selflessness and Analytical Reasoning (rigs pa) in Tsong kha pa's Thought [全文]
四津谷孝道 (著)=Yotsuya, Kodo (au.) |
雲南・鶏足山の仏教=Buddhism of Jizu-shan in Yunnan [全文]
鎌田茂雄 (著)=Kamata, Shigeo (au.) |
アショーカ王法勅のsambodhiについて(一)=On sambodhi in Asoka's Edicts [全文]
今西順吉 (著)=Imanishi, Junkichi (au.) |
「紀要」の刊行に寄せて=Message for the First Issue [全文]
平川彰 (著)=Hirakawa, Akira (au.) |
魏晋南北朝時代の安息国と安息系仏教僧=The Country Anxi (安息) and the Buddhist Monks from it in the Wei-Jin-Nanbeichao (魏晋南北朝) Periods [全文]
斎藤達也=Saito, Tatsuya |
『華厳経』「入法界品」における弥勒法界の理念とその神論的宇宙論的意味=The Idea of the World of Maitreya-bodhisattva of the Gandavyuha-sutra and its Theistical and Cosmological Meaning [全文]
津田真一 (著)=Tsuda, Shinichi (au.) |
東方瑠璃光薬師浄土についての一考察 : 文化論的アプローチから=The Origin of the Paradise of Medicine-Buddha (Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-prabha Buddha) : The Approach of the Point of View of Buddhistic Culture [全文]
杉山二郎 (著)=Sugiyama, Jiro (au.) |