Search Help 2020. 4. 21
Simple Search help you to search easily in our website, we provide to search in Document title, Author, Publication title etc. for all documents. And also you can use Boolean Logic operator here.

| Explanation
1. Choose the field you want to search |
Use Search Field to focus your search. Choose the field as the following to focus your search. Including Document title, Publication title, Author, Keyword, Abstract, Content, Series name, ISBN/ISSN. Also can choose "all field" to search in the whole database. ※ NOTICE: It might be taken much more time to search if you choose "All field" for your search field.
2. Type the words or phrases you want to search |
You can enter operators as "AND "OR" "NOT" to go the Boolean logic searching.
AND:Intersection. Use "space" or AND to separate the word you want to search.
Example:vairocana buddha Explanation: Look for documents that contain all of "vairocana" and "buddha"
OR:Union. Use OR to broaden your search and get more results.
Example:vairocana OR buddha Explanation:Look for documents that contain any of "vairocana" or "buddha".
NOT:Complement. To except some words you don't need.
Example:buddha NOT vairocana Explanation:Look for documents that contain "buddha", but not "vairocana".
Search Tips:
Phrase Searching: look for phrases by enclosing them in quotation marks.
Example:"vairocana buddha"
3. Click "Search" |
Click "Search" when you set all forms well. If you need to reset the search field, please click "Clear". |
Help you search with precision and find what you need in Advanced Search. Use the options and Boolean logic searching to focus the field, and create a search that is as precise as you need .

| Explanation
1. Choose the field you want to search |
Use the drop-down boxes to focus on the search field
2. Type the words or phrases you want to search |
Type the words or phrases in the form
3. Use Boolean logic searching |
Use Boolean logic searching: here is AND, OR, NOT to operate your search. And also click it from the drop-down boxes.
4. Search options |
Publication year, Source type, Language, Sort results, Limit to Full-text
- Publication year:Specific the date range
- Source type: Search all sources in our library, or limit to some sources(like journal article, book, thesis, etc.) Click "+" to add one more source

- Limit to the language: you can enter your terms in Mandarin, or any other language, such as English, Japanese, French, Germany, etc. Click "+" to add a form to limit more language.

- Sort: Sort by A-Z/ Z-A by using drop-down boxes to select title or author.
- Select full-text: To find only documents that provide the complete full-text.
NOTICE: It might be taken much more time to search if you set the option more.
5. Click "Search" |
Click "Search" when you finish your option setting. If you need to reset, please click "Clear".
Display the bibliographic information which you searched. It might be not the same as each bibliography when the source types are different.
- Click the author and link to Buddhist Author Authority Database, result the article list
- If the content type is "Journal Article", You can click the source and link to "Journal included".
- Click Keyword and search by that word again
- If you have any questions or something error of the bibliography please contact us, we will fix it as soon as possible
- Available resources: If we provide full-text of the bibliography, you can click the hyperlink and download it.
- Extra service: We provide the link of other libraries and database to extend search for more bibliography and full-text.
- Bibliography export: Export bibliography which you selected in different format, and also mail it to you.
Search Criteria will record the form and the option you set. Here is the field codes list.
Search Field
| Field Code
Title |
ti |
Source (Publication title) |
pub |
Author |
au |
Keyword |
kw |
Abstract |
ab |
Table of Contents |
co |
Series name |
ser |
isbn/issn |
Language |
lg |
Source type |
stype |
Publication year |
yr |
with fulltext only |
ft |
All Filed |
all |