Cheng, Yu-yu.
Chao, Fei-pang.
Hsiang, Jieh.
Hsiao, Li-hua.
Hung, Jen-jou.
Keng, Ching.
Kung, Ling-Wei.
Kuo, Pei-Chun.
Lin, Chi-Shiou.
Liu, Kuo-wei.
Shih, Tzu-Yen.
Tang, Muh-Chyun
Our executor

Cheng, Yu-yu (鄭毓瑜)
Highest degree: PhD, Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University
Current occupation:
1. Chair Professor, National Taiwan University, and Distinguished Professor, Department of Chinese Literature.
2. Academician, Academia Sinica.
Research area:
Chinese Literary Criticism, Aesthetics of the Six Dynasties, Ode (Fu) Style Poetry
Advisory Committee
(sorted by Alphabets)

Chao, Fei-pang (趙飛鵬)
Highest degree:
PhD., National Taiwan University, Department of Chinese Literature
Current occupation:
1. Professor of Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University
Research area:
Studies on Library Documents and Materials, Chinese Semantics, and Buddhist Thoughts.

Hsiang, Jieh (項潔)
Highest degree:
Ph.D., PhD, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1983)
Current occupation:
1. Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering,
National Taiwan University
2. Director, Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University
Research area:
Foundation of Computer Science: term rewriting systems, automated deduction.
Programming Languages: logic programming, logics of programming.
Artificial Intelligence: software agents, strategy analysis.
Digital Libraries and Museums

Hsiao, Li-hua (蕭麗華)
Highest degree:
PhD., National Taiwan University, Department of Chinese Literature
Current occupation:
1. Professor of Department of Chinese Literature and Application, Fo Guang University
2. Executive Committee member of Center for Buddhist Studies,
College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
Center for Buddhist Studies, College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
Research area:
Studies on Chinese Poetry, Buddhist Studies, Literary Theory, Education, and Buddhist Literature

Hung, Jen-jou (洪振洲)
Highest degree:
PhD, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Current occupation:
1. Professor, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
2. Director, Library and Information Center, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
3. Director, Comprehensive Buddhist Electronic Text Archive Foundation (CBETA Foundation)
Research area:
Digital Text Analysis, Buddhist Digital Archives

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Keng, Ching (耿晴)
Highest degree:
Ph.D., Committee on the Study of Religion, Harvard University
Current occupation:
1. Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
2. Director,Center for Buddhist Studies, College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
Research area:
Buddhist Philosophy: Yogācāra, Tathāgatagarbha, Abhidharma in particular; Sanskrit

Kung, Ling-Wei (孔令偉)
Highest degree:
Ph.D. in History, Columbia University (2021)
Current occupation:
1. Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Research area:
History of Sino-Eurasian Exchanges, History of Science and Technology, Global History, Inner Asian Philology in the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties

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Kuo, Pei-Chun (郭珮君)
Highest degree:
Ph.D., Department of History, National Taiwan University
Current occupation:
1. Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University
Research area:
History of Ancient East Asia, Cultural Interactions in East Asia, History of Buddhism in East Asia

Lin, Chi-Shiou (林奇秀)
Highest degree:
Ph.D. in Library and Information Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007)
Current occupation:
1. Director, National Taiwan University Library
2. Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University
Research area:
Information Sociology, Scholarly Communication, Archival Studies, Reading Research

Liu, Kuo-wei (劉國威)
Highest degree:
PhD., Sanskrit and India Studies, Harvard University, USA
Current occupation:
Researcher, Department of Painting, Calligraphy, Rare Books and Historical Documents, National Palace Museum
Research area:
India and Tibetan Buddhism, Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism

Shih, Tzu-Yen (釋自衍)
Highest degree:
Master's Degree Graduate from Department of Educational Media and Library Sciences, Tamkang University
Current occupation:
1. Director, Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute
2. Editor in Chief, Information Management for Buddhist Libraries
3. Editor in Chief, Buddhist Library Epaper
4. Luminary Buddhist Institute Teacher
Research area:
Buddhist Knowledge Management, Buddhist Canons and Canonization, Prajñā Sūtras, The Lotus Sūtra, Research Methodology and Writing of Research Papers, Thesaurus Construction, Management of Buddhist Libraries, Library & Information Science, Calligraphy
Email:library@gaya.org.tw, gayalib@gmail.com