| | | |
NO |
Schools |
Year |
Quantity |
| | | |
1. |
Alliant International University, San Francisco Bay  |
2001 |
1 |
Norris, Carl William (著) / The Deconstruction of Being by Value: Toward New Foundations for Psychotherapy |
| | | |
2. |
American University  |
1980 |
1 |
Henepola Gunaratana / A critical analysis of the Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist meditation |
| | | |
3. |
Andrews University  |
1982 |
1 |
De Alwis, Tissa Brian (撰) / Christian-Buddhist Dialogue in the Writings of Lynn A. De Silva |
| | | |
4. |
Antioch New England University  |
2011 |
1 |
Pimpinella, Emily R (著) / Dealing With Suffering: A Comparison of Religious and Psychological Perspectives |
| | | |
5. |
Antioch University  |
2015 |
1 |
Grassia, Joanne R (著) / The Personal and the Professional: Buddhist Practice and Systemic Therapists |
Antioch University  |
2013 |
1 |
Nolan, Kim (著) / Laughing Buddhas: The Everyday Embodiment of Contemplative Leadership |
Antioch University  |
2011 |
1 |
Sato, Ayako (著) / Integrating Morita Therapy and Art Therapy: An Analysis |
| | | |
6. |
Arizona State University  |
2019 |
2 |
Vehaba, Alana Sara (著) / An Ethnography of the Living's Solidarity with the Dead Tibetan Refugees and Their Self-Immolators |
Wu, Yang (著) / Transmission of Law and Merit: A Comparative Study of Daoist Ordination Rite and Esoteric Buddhist abhiṣeka in Medieval China |
Arizona State University  |
2018 |
1 |
Harui, Kimberly Ann (著) / Jōjin’s Travels in Northern Song China: Performances of Place in the Travel Diary A Record of a Pilgrimage to Tiantai and Wutai Mountains |
Arizona State University  |
2017 |
2 |
Chhabra, Pankaj (著) / Investigating Online Effects of Extremist Incidents on Social Media: A Case Study of Bangladesh |
Gossett, Sarah E (著) / Kumano Nachi Mandalas: Medieval Landscape, Medieval National Identity |
Arizona State University  |
2016 |
1 |
Amato, Paul Andrew (著) / Rebirth of a Lineage: The Hereditary Household of the Han Celestial Master and Celestial Masters Daoism at Dragon and Tiger Mountain |
Arizona State University  |
2014 |
2 |
Meer, David (著) / Measuring Mindfulness-Related Constructs and the Role of Meditation in the Association Between Mindfulness-Related Constructs and Mental Health Among U.S. Adults |
Stein, Denise A (著) / Non-Attachment in the Creative Process |
Arizona State University  |
2013 |
1 |
Wong, Siang Ting (著) / The Paracultural Imaginary: Cultural Appropriation, Heterophily and the Diffusion of Religious |
Arizona State University  |
2012 |
3 |
Clippard, Seth DeVere (著)=谷永誠 (au.) / Protecting the Spiritual Environment: Rhetoric and Chinese Buddhist Environmentalism |
Perez Pereiro, Alberto (著) / Historical Imagination, Diasporic Identity and Islamicity among the Cham Muslims of Cambodia |
Schedneck, Brooke (著) / Constructing Religious Modernities: Hybridity, Reinterpretation, and Adaptation in Thailand's International Meditation Centers |
Arizona State University  |
2011 |
1 |
Liu, Chen (著) / Flowers Bloom and Fall: Representation of The Vimalakirti Sutra In Traditional Chinese Painting |
| | | |
7. |
Asbury Theological Seminary  |
1990 |
1 |
Mercer, Timothy J. (著) / An analysis and evaluation of the concept of righteousness as used in Korea within the religions of Buddhism, Confucianism, Shamanism and Wesleyan-Arminian Christianity |
| | | |
8. |
Auckland University of Technology  |
2009 |
2 |
Huang, Li Ting (著) / Teaching Buddhism in New Zealand Universities |
Huang, Li Ting (著) / Teaching Buddhism In New Zealand Universities |
Auckland University of Technology  |
2008 |
2 |
Dillon, Jacqueline (著) / Escaping The 'Monkey Trap' How Might Psychotherapists Utilise Buddhist Approaches Towards Cultivating Non-Attachment Within Psychotherapeutic Practise? |
Xie , Jiahua (著) / Moment Beyond Moment |
| | | |
9. |
Australian National University  |
2008 |
1 |
Galloway, Charlotte Kendrick (著) / Burmese Buddhist Imagery Of The Early Bagan Period (1044-1113) |
Australian National University  |
1990 |
1 |
Yuthok, Choedak T. / This Origin of Lam'dre Tradition in India |
| | | |
10. |
Baylor University  |
2009 |
1 |
Smith, Buster G. (著) / American Buddhism A Sociological Perspective |
| | | |
11. |
Baylor University  |
1995 |
1 |
Han, Bong-hee / A Comparative Study of Maitreya and Jesus Christ, the Messianic Figures in Korean Buddhism and in Korean Protestantism |
| | | |
12. |
Bielefeld University  |
1992 |
1 |
Payulpitack, Suchira / Buddhadasa's movement: an analysis of its origins, development, and social impact |
| | | |
13. |
Boston College  |
2019 |
1 |
Hur, Won Jae (著) / Corporeality in Contemplation: A Comparative Study of Edith Stein and Tibetan Buddhist Lojong |
Boston College  |
2014 |
1 |
Willis, Glenn Robert (著) / Drive All Blames Into One: Rhetorics Of 'Self-Blame' And Refuge In Tibetan Buddhist Lojong, Nietzsche, And The Desert Fathers |
Boston College  |
2012 |
1 |
Weiss, Leah Rebecca (著) / Pedagogy for Buddhist-Derived Meditation in Secular Settings: An Exercise in Inculturation |
Boston College  |
2011 |
2 |
Enriquez, Karen Bautista (著) / Interrupting The Conversation On Kenosis And Sunyata: Buddhist And Christian Women In Search Of The Relational Self |
Lee, Yongho (著) / Compassion Beyond Boundaries, Solidarity Beyond Beliefs : Responding To The Suffering Peoples Of Asia Interreligiously - A Comparative Study Of Christian And Buddhist Perspectives |
Boston College  |
2006 |
1 |
Abadjieva, Ilina (著) / Theosis Re-considered. The Dynamic Nature of Salvation: Gregory of Nyssa's "Stages of Mystical Ascent" in the "Life of Macrina" Re-visited Through the Biography of Machig Labdron and the Tibetan Vajrayana Tradition of Chod |
| | | |
14. |
Bowling Green State University  |
2017 |
1 |
Zhang, Fan (著) / Building and Negotiating Religious Identities in A Zen Buddhist Temple: A Perspective of Buddhist Rhetoric |
Bowling Green State University  |
2011 |
1 |
Falb, Melissa D (著) / Buddhist Coping as a Predictor of Psychological Outcomes Among End-of-Life Caregivers |
| | | |
15. |
California Institute of Integral Studies  |
2014 |
1 |
Villanueva, Karen Nelson (著) / Invoking The Blessings of The Tibetan Buddhist Goddess Tara Through Chanting Her Mantra To Overcome Fear |
California Institute of Integral Studies  |
2003 |
1 |
Mitchell, James Lyle, III (著) / Martin Heidegger's Meditative Thinking and Theravada Buddhist Mindfulness: Going Towards a Psychological Interface (Theravada Buddhism) |
California Institute of Integral Studies  |
2000 |
1 |
Zeitler, David Mark (著) / The Psychological Theories of Robert Kegan and Ken Wilber: Multiple Lines of Development and the Future of Developmental Psychology |
California Institute of Integral Studies  |
1995 |
1 |
Matsu-Pissot, Craig Edward (著) / On the Experience of Being Unconditionally Loved by a Spiritual Teacher |
California Institute of Integral Studies  |
1994 |
1 |
Leong, Markus (著) / Hanshan Deqing (1546-1623) on Buddhist Ethics |
California Institute of Integral Studies  |
1990 |
1 |
Teich, Anne Carlisle (著) / States of Consciousness and Psychology of 'Nibbana' |
California Institute of Integral Studies  |
1984 |
1 |
Goodpaster, Jeffery R. (著) / Theravada Buddhism and Jungian Psychology: A Comparative Study |
| | | |
16. |
California State University, Dominguez Hills  |
2005 |
1 |
Cook, David Allen (編) / Zen and the West: Deluded in realization |
| | | |
17. |
Case Western Reserve University  |
2017 |
1 |
Bridges, Alex Wallace (著) / Two Monasteries in Ladakh: Religiosity and the Social Environment in Tibetan Buddhism |
Case Western Reserve University  |
2016 |
1 |
Bridges, Sarah Ann (著) / Disability in the Mountains: Culture, Environment, and Experiences of Disability in Ladakh, India |
Case Western Reserve University  |
2007 |
1 |
Adler, Sarah Elizabeth (著) / The Influence of Burmese Buddhist Understandings of Suffering on the Subjective Experience and Social Perceptions of Schizophrenia |
| | | |
18. |
Centre for Applied English Studies, Hong Kong University=香港大學  |
2005 |
1 |
Chung, Kwok-wai (著)=鍾國偉 (au.) / Zen Buddhism in Selected Works of J.D. Salinger |
| | | |
19. |
Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong=香港大學佛學研究中心  |
2007 |
1 |
Ming, Mei (著)=明梅 (au.) / The evolution of Buddhism and the development of ceramic art in China |
| | | |
20. |
Charles University  |
2020 |
1 |
Mikos, Rachel (著) / Ambiguity and Abstraction in Mongolian Riddles: An Ethnolinguistic Analysis |
Charles University  |
2017 |
2 |
Kroulík, Milan (著) / Encounters at the Wat Dhammakittiwong=Setkání ve Wat Dhammakittiwongu |
Rakshit, Shoumyadeep (著) / Social Inequality and Green Energy: The Case of India |
Charles University  |
2006 |
1 |
Šmilauer, Václav (著) / Nature And Solution Of Solutionless Problems With Special Regard To Buddhism=Povaha Řešení Problémů S Ohledem Na Budhismus |
| | | |
21. |
Chinese Historical Studies, Hong Kong University |
2004 |
1 |
Mak, Siu-fai (著)=麥兆輝 (au.) / Hsu Ti-Shan's Religious Studies=許地山宗教學研究 |
| | | |
22. |
Claremont Graduate University  |
1970 |
1 |
Toganoo, Shozui / The Symbol-System of Shingon Buddhism |
| | | |
23. |
Cleveland State University  |
2012 |
1 |
Pillainayagam, Priyanthan A (著) / The After Effects of Colonialism in the Postmodern Era: Competing Narratives and Celebrating the Local in Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost |
Cleveland State University  |
2011 |
1 |
Bilek Gage, Rosann M (著) / An Exploration Of Self-Construction Through Buddhist Imagery In Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior |
| | | |
24. |
Coastal Carolina University  |
2003 |
1 |
Green, Ronald S. (著) / Kūkai, Founder Of Japanese Shingon Buddhism : Portraits Of His Life |
| | | |
25. |
College of William and Mary  |
2008 |
1 |
Mikles, Natasha L. (著) / I'm Not A Monk, But I'm A Bodhisattva: Green Gulch Farm And The Expression Of Zen Buddhism In America |
| | | |
26. |
Columbia University  |
2023 |
1 |
Stilerman, Tracy (著) / Contextualizing Place Writing in Tibet: The Gelukpa Rewriting of the Buddhist Landscape in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries |
Columbia University  |
2022 |
1 |
St Amant, Guy (著) / Age of Scripture: Divine Words And Human Authors In Premodern India |
Columbia University  |
2021 |
6 |
Arnold, Edward Allen (撰) / Tsongkhapa’s Coordination of Sūtra and Tantra: Ascetic Performance, Narrative, and Philosophy in the Creation of the Tibetan Buddhist Self |
Du, Xiaohan (撰) / On A Snowy Night: Yishan Yining (1247-1317) and the Development of Zen Calligraphy in Medieval Japan |
MacBain, Abigail Ironside (撰) / Precepts and Performances: Overseas Monks and the Emergence of Cosmopolitan Japan |
Monteleone, David (撰) / The Silk Princess Narrative: Religious Identity and the Localization of Buddhist Networks in the Kingdom of Khotan |
Shen, Yiwen (著) / The Female Body, Motherhood, and Old Age: Representations of Women in Hell in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Japan |
Vendova, Dessislava (撰) / The Great Life Story of the Body of the Buddha: Re-examination and Re-assessment of the Images and Narratives of the Life of Buddha Shakyamuni |
Columbia University  |
2020 |
4 |
Jones II, Vincent Alexander (著) / Religiosity, Gay Identity Affirmation, and Outness in a Sample of New York Same-Sex Attracted Men |
Poletto, Alessandro (撰) / The culture of healing in early medieval Japan: a microhistorical study in premodern epistemology |
Rogers, Joshua (著) / Enchanted Texts: Japanese Literature Between Religion and Science, 1890-1950 |
Tsering, Sonam (撰) / The Role of Texts in the Formation of the Geluk School in Tibet during the Mid-Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries |
Columbia University  |
2019 |
4 |
Bartel, Jens (著) / Style, Space and Meaning in the Large-Scale Landscape Paintings of Maruyama Ōkyo (1733-1795) |
Macomber, Andrew (撰) / Esoteric Moxibustion for Demonic Disease: Efficacy and Ritual Healing in Medieval Japanese Buddhism |
Tinsley, Elizabeth Noelle (撰) / Dharma Possession: Daishi Myōjin and the Roles of Gods and Past Masters in the Preservation of Teachings at Premodern Kōyasan |
Zhang, Chi (著) / Loyalty, Filial Piety, and Multiple “Chinas” in the Japanese Cultural Imagination, 12th – 16th Centuries |
Columbia University  |
2018 |
1 |
Buckelew, Kevin (撰) / Inventing Chinese Buddhas: Identity, Authority, and Liberation in Song-Dynasty Chan Buddhism |
Columbia University  |
2017 |
2 |
Felt, Matthieu Anthony James (著) / Rewriting the Past: Reception and Commentary of Nihon Shoki, Japan's First Official History |
Thompson, Luke Noel (撰) / Returning to the Founder: Śākyamuni Devotion in Early Medieval Japan and Japanese Buddhist Conceptions of History |
Columbia University  |
2016 |
3 |
Andrei, Talia Johanna (撰) / Mapping Sacred Spaces: Representations of Pleasure and Worship in Sankei Mandara |
Chang, Kuei-min / Spiritual State, Material Temple: The Political Economy of Religious Revival in China |
Marcoux, Andrew (撰) / Lamas and Bolsheviks: Tibetan Buddhism and National Identity in Post-Qing Mongolia |
Columbia University  |
2015 |
6 |
Duthie, Nina Natasha (撰) / Origins, Ancestors, and Imperial Authority in Early Northern Wei Historiography |
Kelley, Christopher Donald (撰) / Toward a Buddhist Philosophy and Practice of Human Rights |
Lee, Joel (撰) / Recognition and its Shadows: Dalits and the Politics of Religion in India |
Stepien, Rafal (撰) / Being and Believing in Buddhism and Islam |
Van Vleet, Stacey (撰) / Medicine, Monasteries and Empire: Tibetan Buddhism and the Politics of Learning in Qing China |
Wu, Lan (撰) / Refuge from Empire: Religion and Qing China’s Imperial Formation in the Eighteenth Century |
Columbia University  |
2014 |
2 |
Lewis, Sara E. (撰) / Spacious Minds, Empty Selves: Coping and Resilience in the Tibetan Exile Community |
Wang, Hsuan-li (撰) / Gushan: the Formation of a Chan Lineage During the Seventeenth Century and Its Spread to Taiwan |
Columbia University  |
2013 |
2 |
Scott, Gregory Adam (撰)=史瑞戈 (compose) / Conversion by the Book: Buddhist Print Culture in Early Republican China=經典佛化: 民國初期佛教出版文化 |
Sorensen, Michelle Janet (撰) / Making the Old New Again and Again: Legitimation and Innovation in the Tibetan Buddhist Chöd Tradition |
Columbia University  |
2012 |
3 |
Handel-Bajema, Ramona (著) / Art Across Borders: Japanese Artists in the United States, 1895-1955 |
Hino, Takuya (撰) / Creating Heresy: (Mis)representation, Fabrication, and the Tachikawa-ryu |
Townsend, Dominique / Materials of Buddhist Culture: Aesthetics and Cosmopolitanism at Mindroling Monastery |
Columbia University  |
2011 |
5 |
Ayyathurai, Gajendran (著) / Foundations of Anti-Caste Consciousness: Pandit Iyothee Thass, Tamil Buddhism, And The Marginalized In South India |
Desrosiers, Alethea (著) / Relational Spirituality in Adolescents: Exploring Associations with Demographics, Parenting Style, Religiosity, and Psychopathology |
Kittay, David R (著) / Interpreting the Vajra Rosary: Truth and Method Meets Wisdom and Method |
Ma, Yung-fen (著) / The Revival of Tiantai Buddhism in the Late Ming: On the Thought of Youxi Chuandeng (1554-1628) |
Tzohar, Roy (著) / Metaphor (Upacâra) in Early Yogâcâra Thought and Its Intellectual Context |
Columbia University  |
2003 |
1 |
Hartley, Lauran Ruth (著) / Contextually Speaking: Tibetan Literary Discourse and Social Change in the People's Republic of China (1980-2000) |
| | | |
27. |
Columbia University Press  |
2017 |
1 |
Lin, Hsin-Yi=林欣儀 / Dealing with Childbirth in Medieval Chinese Buddhism: Discourses and Practices=中古中國佛教裡的產孕之道 : 觀念論述與歷史實踐 |
| | | |
28. |
Cornell University  |
1978 |
1 |
O'Connor, Richard Allan (著) / Urbanism And Religion: Community, Hierarchy And Sanctity in Urban Thai Buddhist Temples |
| | | |
29. |
Curtin University  |
2008 |
1 |
McCarthy, Terence Francis (著) / The Getting of Wisdom of a School Leader |
Curtin University  |
2005 |
1 |
Joungtrakul, Jamnean (著) / Industrial Democracy and Best Practice in Thailand: A Stakeholder Study |
| | | |
30. |
Dalarna University  |
2016 |
1 |
Foster, Adelaide (著) / Personal Pronouns, Mirrors Of Beliefs?: The Usage Of Personal Pronouns In The Speech Of A Religious Leader |
Dalarna University  |
2004 |
1 |
Shipton, Robert (著) / From the Protestant American Dream to a Glimpse of a Buddhist Alternative |
| | | |
31. |
Dalhousie University  |
2013 |
2 |
Lo, Kevin Kei Fung (著) / Buddhist Society of Wonderful Enlightenment Terrace: Observations on Functionalism |
Paul, Robert Alan (著) / The Philosophy and Physics of Relationality and Inherent Nature: Shunyata and Svabhava in Madhyamaka Buddhist Philosophy, Western Analytic Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science and Physics |
Dalhousie University  |
2011 |
1 |
Hester, Amanda (著) / Peaceful Abiding Soldiers: Incorporating Mind Training into the Canadian Forces |
| | | |
32. |
Duke University  |
2005 |
2 |
Conrad, Robert P. (著) / Conceptual Structures of Moral Experience in Cross-Cultural Comparative Analysis |
Kim, Sun-kyung (著) / Decline of the Law, death of the monk: Buddhist texts and images in the Anyang Caves of late sixth-century China |
| | | |
33. |
Emory University  |
2001 |
1 |
Clark, Peter Yuichi (著) / Japanese Americans and Aging: Toward an Interreligious Spirituality |
| | | |
34. |
Flinders University  |
2006 |
1 |
Nanudorn, Paisal (著) / Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Their Roles for Narrowing the Development Gaps in Rural and Remote Areas in Thailand |
| | | |
35. |
Georgia State University  |
2006 |
1 |
Tenzin Kencho / Shankara: a Hindu Revivalist or a Crypto-Buddhist? |
| | | |
36. |
Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy |
2016 |
1 |
Chiu, Tzu-Lung / Contemporary Buddhist Nunneries in Taiwan and Mainland China: A Study of Vinaya Practices=Hedendaagse boeddhistische nonnenkloosters in Taiwan en de Volksrepubliek China: een studie van vinaya praktijken |
| | | |
37. |
Graduate Theological Union  |
2006 |
1 |
Leighton, Taigen Dan (著) / Visions of Awakening Space and Time: The World-View of Dogen and the "Lotus Sutra" |
| | | |
38. |
Harvard Divinity School  |
1993 |
1 |
Abe, Nobuhiko (著) / Semiotics of self in theology: A comparative study of James and Nishida |
| | | |
39. |
Harvard University  |
2019 |
3 |
Angowski, Elizabeth (撰) / Literature and the Moral Life: Reading the Early Biography of the Tibetan Queen Yeshe Tsogyal |
Picascia, Rosanna (撰) / Defending the Authority of Scripture: Testimony as a Source of Knowledge in Classical Indian Philosophy of Religion |
Swanson, Eric Haruki (撰) / The Restoration of Peace Through the Pacification of Vengeful Spirits: Jien (1155-1225) and the Construction of Buddhist Orthodoxy |
Harvard University  |
2018 |
9 |
Brewster, Ernest B. / The Yoga of Dying: Xuanzang on the Nature of Death |
Chamness, Graham (撰) / The Literary Formation of Cultural Communities in Mid-Third- Through Early Fifth-Century China |
Kim, Hanung (撰) / Renaissance Man From Amdo: the Life and Scholarship of the Eighteenth-Century Amdo Scholar Sum Pa Mkhan Po Ye Shes Dpal ’Byor (1704-1788) |
Lindsay, Rory (撰) / Liberating Last Rites: Ritual Rescue of the Dead in Tibetan Buddhist Discourse |
Lobel, Adam S. (撰) / Allowing Spontaneity: Practice, Theory, and Ethical Cultivation in Longchenpa's Great Perfection Philosophy of Action |
Maccormack, Ian (撰) / Buddhism and State in Seventeenth-Century Tibet: Cosmology and Theology in the Works of Sangyé Gyatso |
Meilleur, Martha Maxine (撰) / Features of Trance Mediumship in Tibetan Buddhism and Spiritulaism |
Muniz, Elena (撰) / Zen Practice, Adult Development and Equanimity: An Exploratory Study |
Ying, Lei (撰) / Shadows of Karma: Buddhism, Literature, and the Modern Chinese Revolution |
Harvard University  |
2017 |
4 |
Fifield, Justin Andrew (撰) / Discipline and Ethical Formation in the Mahāsāṃghika Lokottaravāda Vinayapiṭaka |
Knoblock, Kenneth (撰) / A Consideration of the Use of Mindfulness Meditation in Public Education |
Kurfirtova, Marie Hana (撰) / Compassionate Sacrifice: The Buddhist Incorporation of Vedic Homa Rituals |
Lyons, Adam J. (撰) / Karma and Punishment: Prison Chaplaincy in Japan from the Meiji Period to the Present |
Harvard University  |
2016 |
5 |
Ingram, Evan S. (撰) / Rebuilding Nara’s Tōdaiji on the Foundations of the Chinese Pure Land: A Campaign for Buddhist Social Development |
Jo, Sokhyo (撰) / Topics on the History of Tibetan Astronomy With a Focus on Background Knowledge of Eclipse Calculations in the 18th Century |
Koehle, Natalie (著) / Phlegm (Tan 痰): Toward a History of Humors in Early Chinese Medicine |
Regan, Julie (撰) / The Poetic Path to Awakening: Reading the Buddhist Literary Text as a Form of Practice in Aśvaghoṣa’s Mahākāvya |
Reich, James D. (撰) / Meaning and Appearance: The Theology of Literary Emotions in Medieval Kashmir |
Harvard University  |
2015 |
3 |
Bushelle, Ethan David (撰) / The Joy of the Dharma: Esoteric Buddhism and the Early Medieval Transformation of Japanese Literature |
Moore Gerety, Finnian McKean (著) / This Whole World Is OM: Song, Soteriology, and the Emergence of the Sacred Syllable |
Saunders, Rachel Mary (撰) / Xuanzang’s Journey to the East: Picto-textual Efficacy in the Genjō Sanzō emaki |
Harvard University  |
2014 |
3 |
Huang, Chun Yuan (撰) / A Record of a Tibetan Medieval Debate: History, Language, and Efficacy of Tibetan Buddhist Debate |
Liu, Cuilan (撰) / Song, Dance, and Instrumental Music in Buddhist Canon Law |
Oidtmann, Max Gordon (撰) / Between Patron and Priest: Amdo Tibet Under Qing Rule, 1792-1911 |
Harvard University  |
2013 |
4 |
Bloom, Phillip Emmanual (撰) / Descent of the Deities: The Water-Land Retreat and the Transformation of the Visual Culture of Song-Dynasty (960-1279) Buddhism |
Goldstein, Elon (撰) / Ethics and Religion in a Classic of Sanskrit Drama: Harṣa's Nāgānanda |
Miller, W. Blythe (撰) / Secrets of the Vajra Body: Dngos po'i gnas lugs and the Apotheosis of the Body in the Work of Rgyal ba Yang dgon pa |
Surendran, Gitanjali (撰) / "The Indian Discovery of Buddhism": Buddhist Revival in India, c. 1890-1956 |
Harvard University  |
2012 |
2 |
Hirshberg, Daniel (撰) / Delivering the Lotus-Born: Historiography in the Tibetan Renaissance |
Schapiro, Joshua (撰) / Patrul Rinpoche on Self-Cultivation: The Rhetoric of Nineteenth-Century Tibetan Buddhist Life-Advice |
Harvard University  |
2009 |
2 |
Keng, Ching (著) / Yogâcāra Buddhism Transmitted or Transformed? Paramārtha (499–569) and His Chinese Interpreters |
Keng, Ching (著)=耿晴 (au.) / Yogacara Buddhism Transmitted or Transformed? Paramartha (499-569 CE) and His Chinese Interpreters |
Harvard University  |
1995 |
2 |
Bogel, Cynthea Jean (著) / Ritual and Representation in Eighth-Century Japanese Esoteric Buddhist Sculpture |
Wong, Dorothy C. (著) / The Beginnings of the Buddhist Stele Tradition in China |
Harvard University  |
1988 |
1 |
Aranow, Philip Thompson (著) / Psychoanalytic Theories of the Self: A Review and Critique from a Buddhist Perspective (Volumes I and II) |
Harvard University  |
1984 |
1 |
Cleary, Jonathan Christopher (著) / Zibo Zhenke: A Buddhist Leader in Late Ming China (Chan, Zen) |
| | | |
40. |
Harvard University Press  |
2000 |
1 |
Williams, Duncan Ryuken (著) / Representations of Zen: An Institutional and Social History of Sôtô Zen Buddhism in Edo Japan=Dissertation Abstracts International |
Harvard University Press  |
1985 |
1 |
Goulde, John Isaac / Anti-Buddhist Polemic in Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Korea: The Emergence of Confucian Exclusivism |
| | | |
41. |
Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges  |
2008 |
1 |
Dubin, Rachael (著) / Zen And Shadows Intersections Between Spirituality and Aesthetics In Tanizaki's "In Praise Of Shadows" |
| | | |
42. |
Học viện Chính trị Quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh=Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics  |
2021 |
1 |
Bùi, Hồng Thanh (著) / Phật giáo với vấn đề bảo vệ môi trường ở Việt Nam hiện nay |
Học viện Chính trị Quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh=Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics  |
2018 |
1 |
Phạm, Thị Oanh (著) / Nhân sinh quan Phật giáo trong truyện cổ tích Việt Nam |
| | | |
43. |
Hong Kong Baptist University  |
2011 |
1 |
Huang, Ping (著) / Reformulating Buddhism And Making A Global Social Movement: A Sociological Study Of The Tzu Chi Foundation In Taiwan And Hong Kong |
| | | |
44. |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  |
2005 |
1 |
劉宇光 (撰)=Lau, Lawrence Yue Kwong (compose) / 大乘佛學「幽暗」觀的理論重建 -- 從「唯識所現」看妄心系有相唯識學對「無明」的理解=Theoretical Reconstruction of Mahayana Buddhist View on Evil: Sakara-Vijnanavada's Understanding of Ignorance (Avidya) Through the Theory of Conceptualization-Only (Vijnapti-Matra) and Semantic Manifestation of Meaning\Object (Artha-Pratibhasa) |
| | | |
45. |
Humboldt University of Berlin  |
2022 |
1 |
Srisinurai, Siriporn (著) / Curating the Sacred, Enchanting the Ordinary: Things, Practices and Local Museums in Northeast Thailand |
Humboldt University of Berlin  |
2013 |
1 |
Turek, Magdalena Maria (著) / "In This Body and Life" |
| | | |
46. |
International Meditatioin Centre  |
1958 |
1 |
Nottingham, Elizabeth K. / Buddhist meditation in burma |
| | | |
47. |
Jönköping University  |
2015 |
1 |
Nilsson, Håkan (著) / Conceptualizing And Contextualizing Mindfulness: New And Critical Perspectives |
| | | |
48. |
Kansas State University  |
2009 |
1 |
Stout, Daniel R (著) / How The Buddhist Concept Of Right Speech Would Be Applied Towards Diplomatic Actions Using The Media: A Case Study From The 2002 State Of The Union |
| | | |
49. |
Karlstads Universitet  |
2012 |
1 |
Tilhon, Fredrik (著) / Dr Ambedkar's Legacy: Indian Buddhism in Contemporary Varanasi |
| | | |
50. |
Karlstads University  |
2013 |
1 |
Janné, Henrik (著) / The Buddhist Jâtaka Stories: An Analytical Survey Of A Few Jâtakas And Their Use In Schools In The City Of Benares, Uttar Pradesh, India |
| | | |
51. |
Kent State University  |
2017 |
1 |
Pritchard, J.F. F (著) / Right Between Empty |
Kent State University  |
2016 |
1 |
Neishi, Miwa (著) / The Formless Self |
Kent State University  |
2015 |
1 |
Schultz, Aaron (著) / Buddhist Ethics Is Itself and Not Another Thing |
Kent State University  |
2014 |
1 |
Seevers, Kiel J (著) / A Comparative Look At Karma And Determinism |
Kent State University  |
2012 |
1 |
Jane, Sarah (著) / Fluid Experience |
Kent State University  |
2011 |
1 |
Cefus, Jon M (著) / The Disintegration of The Self: How Eastern Thought Has Influenced Western Psychology |
| | | |
52. |
Konstfack - University of Ars , Crafts, and Design  |
2013 |
1 |
Reinholtz, Sara (著) / Mantras For Miracles |
| | | |
53. |
Kyoto University  |
2017 |
1 |
Lin, Yu-sheng (著)=林裕盛 (au.) / Yiguan Dao in Thailand: A New Religious Organization in Contemporary Thai Buddhist World=タイにおける一貫道 -現代タイ仏教世界における新宗教団体 |
| | | |
54. |
Lawrence University  |
1999 |
1 |
Ritzinger, Justin R. (著) / Taixu: To Renew Buddhism and Save the Modern World |
| | | |
55. |
Leibniz Universität Hannover  |
2004 |
1 |
Shoji, Rafael / The nativization of East Asian Buddhism in Brazil |
| | | |
56. |
Liberty University  |
2010 |
1 |
Roseman, Jeremy Scott (著) / A Christian Apologetic To The Doctrine Of Grace In Shin Buddhism |
Liberty University  |
2009 |
1 |
Forbes, David James (著) / A Christian Apologetic To A Buddhist Christ |
| | | |
57. |
Lingnan University  |
2017 |
1 |
Zhang, Yu (著)=張宇 (au.) / From Outsiders to In-Betweens: Identity Negotiation of Thai Female Migrants in Hong Kong |
Lingnan University  |
2010 |
1 |
Wong, Yuk Ha (著) / Spirituality and Ageing: A Qualitative Study of Religiosity of Chinese Older Persons in Hong Kong |
| | | |
58. |
Linköping University  |
2012 |
1 |
Falkenström, Fredrik (著) / The Capacity for Self-Observation in Psychotherapy=Förmågan till Självobservation i Psykoterapi |
Linköping University  |
2007 |
1 |
Gäfvert, Liss Telly / Jaget en Kategoriserande Konstruktion: En grundundersökning rörande dhammas och jaget inom den tidiga Buddhismen utifrån ett subjektivt fenomenologist synsätt=The I: A Categorizing Construction: An elementary inquiry concerning dhammas and the I in early Buddhism seen from a subjective phenomenological perspective |
| | | |
59. |
Linnaeus University  |
2017 |
1 |
Mindus, Amanda (著) / Views on Violence In The Tibetan Diaspora: On The Homeland Conflict And The Buddhism-Violence Nexus |
Linnaeus University  |
2013 |
1 |
Pasini, Davide (著); Wang, Jue (著) / Leadership in The History of Buddhism and Christianity |
Linnaeus University  |
2001 |
1 |
Anttonen, Ramona (著) / Animal Imagery and Religious Symbolism in Joseph Conrad's |
| | | |
60. |
Louisiana State University  |
2017 |
2 |
Nguyen, Thuong Thi (著) / Finding Voice in the Academy through Yellow Storytelling: An Asian American Autoethnography on Suffering in Higher Education |
Upton, Shelley Renee (著) / Immediate Effects of the Mindful Body Scan Practice on Risk-Taking Behavior |
Louisiana State University  |
2016 |
1 |
Wright, Jonathan Walker (著) / Intimate Immensities |
Louisiana State University  |
2011 |
1 |
Hornbrook, Jessie Marie (著) / Vessel Manifest |
Louisiana State University  |
2009 |
2 |
Hauser, Laura (著) / A Performer's Analysis of Isang Yun's Monolog for Bassoon with an Emphasis on the Role of Traditional Korean Influences |
Hopkins, Pierce (著) / Structural Influences in Information Systems Projects: A Virtual Experiment in a Multi-Agent System |
Louisiana State University  |
2006 |
1 |
Oyan, Sheri (著) / Mindfulness Meditation: Creative Musical Performance through Awareness |
Louisiana State University  |
2004 |
1 |
Edwards, Lyman Landreth (著) / Inter-An Evolving Installation |
Louisiana State University  |
2003 |
1 |
Kim, Taehee (著) / Spiritual Union: An Intersection of Artistic Expression with Scientific Methods |
Louisiana State University  |
2002 |
1 |
Ahn, Bonnie (著) / The Perceptions of and Attitudes toward Partner Abuse among First Generation Korean-Americans: Their Relationships to the Incidence of Partner Abuse |
| | | |
61. |
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College  |
2003 |
1 |
Martin, Camille (著) / Radical Dialectics in the Experimental Poetry of Berssenbrugge, Hejinian, Harryman, Weiner, and Scalapino |
| | | |
62. |
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München  |
2006 |
1 |
Rohde, Stefan / Buddhismus und Moderne in China und Japan |
| | | |
63. |
Lunds Universitet  |
2002 |
1 |
Offermanns, Jurgen (著) / Der lange Weg des Zen-Buddhismus nach Deutschland. Vom 16. Jahrhundert bis Rudolf Otto |
| | | |
64. |
Macquarie University  |
2003 |
1 |
Kilpatrick, Helen Claire (著) / Ideologies in Contemporary Picture Book Representations of Tales by Miyazawa Kenji |
| | | |
65. |
Magadh University  |
2000 |
1 |
Phungtian, Charuwan / Thai-Cambodian Culture: Relationship through Arts |
Magadh University  |
1981 |
1 |
Chareonla, Charuwan / Main Aspect of Buddhist Arts of Thailand |
| | | |
66. |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
2021 |
1 |
Jiwattanasuk, Narumon (著) / A Process of Development For Peaceful Well-Being of Meditation Practitioners Through Buddhist Peaceful Means: A Case Study of Buddhamahametta Foundation, Chiang Rak Noi, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
2004 |
2 |
Phrakru Bawornsikkhakarn (著) / Conduct and Duties of The Buddha and Jesus Christ: A Comparative Study of Mahāparinibbāna Sutra and The Luke Gospel |
Phramaha Abhivit Dhirapañño / A Comparative Study of the Political Philosophy of Confucius andTheravada Philosophy |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
2000 |
1 |
Wuthigorn Wutthigarano / A Study of Technique and Method of Propagating Buddhadhamma of Phrarajavaramuni |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1999 |
1 |
Prayad Paññâvaro / Ethics As Found In Lamklon |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1998 |
1 |
Prasak Aggapannyo / Astrology and the law of karma as believed and applied by present Thai Buddhists |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1997 |
7 |
Boonthan Anantho / An analytical study of Vessantara Jataka: A case study of Danaparami |
Pannavajiro, Buasai / The Education of Sangha in Myanmar |
Pannavaro, Charoon / A Study of Mahakassapa-Thera's Role in Propagation of Theravada Buddhism |
Phramaha Sutas Tissaravati / Aniccata in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy |
Suchaya Rocananano / A Study of Mahamoggallana-Thera's Role in Propagation of Buddhism |
Thongsuk Sucitto / An Analytical Study of the human's way of life in Buddhist Philosophy |
Urai Atapako / An Analytical Study of the Concept of World in Theravada Buddhism |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1996 |
7 |
Banjong Siricando / A Philosophical Analysis of Philosophy of Education in the View of Phradhammapitaka (Prayudh Payutto) |
Kasem Hasacitto / A Comparative study of The Concepts of Liberation in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and Jaina Philosophy |
Kasem Hasacitto / The Influence of Theravada Buddhism on the Art and Culture in Sukhothai Period |
Kittisak Yasodharo / A Study of Sariputta: Thera' s Role in Propagation of Buddhism |
Samut Thavaradhammo / A Comparative Study on Ethics Relating to Abortion: Theravada Buddhism Viewpoints vis-a-vis Abortion Law |
Suradech Surasakko / An influence of Buddhism, on Thai Literature : A case Study of Sepha Khunchang Khunphaen |
Suthep Akinjano / A Critical Study of The Concept of “Deity” (Devata) in Theravada Buddhism |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1995 |
6 |
Dhavaj Khemadhajo / A Critical Study of Influence of Mahachati Preaching in Thai Society |
Eknarint Ekanaro / An Analytical study of Merit in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and Roman Catholic Christian Philosophy |
Montri Suputtiko / The Comparative Study of Aristotle's and Buddhist Ethics |
Phra Assajita Dhammajito / An Analytical Study on Concept of Citta and its Significance inTheravada Buddhist Philosophy |
Pragrooprakunsorakit / A Study of The Vipassana Teaching Method According to Vivek Asom |
Visith Ajarasampanno / A Comparative study of Natural Law in Paticcasamuppada And Tao |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1994 |
4 |
Ajaladhammo, Chittipat / A Study of Ananda's Role in Propagation of Buddhism |
Katapunno, Ubol / A critical Study of the Value of Precepts (Sila) in Thai Society |
Rachen Dhammakamo / A Comparative Study of min in Theravada Buddhism and Western Ancient Philosophy |
Somchai Sirivaddhano / Principle of Buddhism as Found in Thai Folk Songs; Phleng Luk Thung |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1993 |
10 |
Narin Thanuttaro / An Analytical Study of the Concept of Nibbana in Theravada Buddhism |
Paithoon Suddhavidhuro / A Critical Analysis of the Concepts of Papa in Theravada Buddhism |
Panya Jayapanno / Kamesumicchacara and Ethical problems in the Present Society |
Phrasrisudhammethi / Theravada Buddhism's Influence on the King Lithai's Idea of Politics and Government: A Case Study of Tribhumikatha |
Prasit Siripanno / An Analytical Study of Humanism in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy |
Sa-nga Sobharo / An Analytical study of the Venerable Buddhadasa's Philosophy of Education for the Development of Thai Society |
Sangwoey Dhammanettiko / A Critical Study on the Lives of Bhikkhunis and Their Enlightenment in the Therigatha |
Somkiat Aggakitti / A Comparative Study of Jaina Philosophy and Theravada Buddhist Philosophy |
Sompoch Thitiyano / An Analytical Study of Buddhist Economics in The Tipitaka |
Taruno, Grissana / An Analytical and Comparative Study of the Dukka in Tharavada Buddhism and Existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1992 |
2 |
Fong Abhivanno / An Analytical Study of Buddhadasa's conception of “The Empty Mind (Chit Wang)” |
Vaddhnavamso, Kan / A Comparative Study of Kant's and Phra Debvedi (Prayugh Patutto)'s Normative Ethical Theory |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1991 |
2 |
Pichet Dhiravamso / An analytical study of the Kamma and the cycle of Rebirth in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy as It affects the life style of contemporary Thai Buddhist |
Tawee Thanavaro / The Killing and Ethical Problems in Buddhist Philosophy |
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University  |
1990 |
1 |
Somjin Sammapanno / Hell and Heaven in Theravada Buddhism |
| | | |
67. |
Malmö University  |
2016 |
2 |
Olson, Kristin (著) / Water Carved Out The Mountains. Policy Communication Of Engaged Buddhists Related To International Development Cooperation |
Sjölander, Sofie (著) / The Image of The Other, A Minor Field Study On Enemy Imaging Among Rakhine Buddhists And Muslims In Myanmar |
Malmö University  |
2011 |
1 |
Hernandez, Rodrigo (著); Andersson, Andréas (著) / Global Spirituality - Local Development |
| | | |
68. |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology  |
2004 |
1 |
Gregg, Heather Selma (著) / The Causes of Religious Wars: Holy Nations, Sacred Spaces, and Religious Revolutions |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology  |
2002 |
1 |
Sullivan, Hannah B. / Household Water Chlorination for the Developing World: A Cast Study in Lumbini, Nepal |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology  |
2001 |
1 |
Osborn, Connie Jo (著) / Martial Arts Academy: An Examination of Duration And Discrepancy |
| | | |
69. |
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology  |
1996 |
1 |
McCarter, Bruce Murray (著) / Self or No Self: Continuity and Cohesion in Buddhist and Self Psychological Theories |
| | | |
70. |
Massey University  |
2010 |
1 |
Balthip, Quantar (著) / Achieving Harmony of Mind: A Grounded Theory Study of People Living with HIV/AIDS in the Thai Context |
Massey University  |
2008 |
1 |
Linton, Rachael (著) / Sound Vision: Patterns of Vibration In Sound, Symbols and The Body |
Massey University  |
2005 |
1 |
Suttisa, Choopug (著) / Civil Society in the Chi River, Northeast Thailand |
| | | |
71. |
McGill University  |
2021 |
2 |
Bariman, Alan (著) / The Meanings of Zen Buddhism In Leonard Cohen’s Poetry |
Tavakkoli, Tahereh (著) / Killing Out of Compassion: Killing Justified By Skillful Means (Upaya) And Esoteric Knowledge ('Ilm Ladunni) In Buddhism And Islam |
McGill University  |
2019 |
1 |
Stenzel, Julia (著) / The Buddhist Roots of Secular Compassion Training |
McGill University  |
2015 |
1 |
Duns, Pamela (著) / Nothing Higher Than The Truth: Modern Theosophy, Buddhism, And The Making Of Cultural Nationalism In India |
McGill University  |
2014 |
2 |
Deng, Qiuju (著) / Action-Taking Gods: Animal Spirit Shamanism In Liaoning, China |
Lai, Lei Kuan (著) / Praying For The Republic: Buddhist Education, Student Monks, and Citizenship In Modern China (1911-1949) |
McGill University  |
2013 |
3 |
Balasubramanian, Ranganathan (著) / Saiva Siddhanta Polemics: A Translation and Analysis of the Civanna Cittiyar-Parapakka |
Main, Jessica Lynn (著) / "Only Shinran Will Not Betray Us": Takuechi Ryō'on (1891-1967), The Ōtani-Ha Administration, And «Burakumin» |
Temprano, Victor Gerard (著) / The Scholar And The Sage: Sallie B. King, David Loy, And Thích Nhất Hạnh |
McGill University  |
2011 |
2 |
Samuelson, Anna (著) / He Dances, She Shakes: The Possessed Mood Of Nonduality In Buddhist Tantric Sex |
Turenne, Philippe (著) / Interpretations of Unity: Hermeneutics In Sakya Mchog Ldan Interpretation of The Five Treatises Of Maitreya |
McGill University  |
2010 |
1 |
Dickson, Alnis (著) / Organizing Religion: Situating The Three-Vow Texts Of The Tibetan Buddhist Renaissance |
McGill University  |
2009 |
2 |
Curley, Melissa Anne-Marie (著)=Curley, Melissa (au.) / Know That We Are Not Good Persons': Pure Land Buddhism and The Ethics Of Exile |
Narraway, Katherine (著) / Empty Ethics: Bodhisattva Ethics in Nishitani Keiji's Religion and Nothingness |
McGill University  |
2008 |
2 |
Prokopy, Jordan Julia-Anne (著) / The Interface of Medicine, Spirituality, and Ethics: A Case Study of the McGill Programs in Whole Person Care |
Troughton, Thomas (著) / Tibetan Mind Training: Tradition And Genre |
McGill University  |
2007 |
3 |
Bell, John Barry. (著) / Wat Phra Chetuphon: The Narratives of Form, Symbol, and Architectural Order in the Thai Temple |
Leslie, Carl Alexander / Zen body, Zen mind: Dogen and the question of licensed evil |
Wei, Tao (著) / Pure Mind, Pure Land: A Brief Study of Modern Chinese Pure Land Thought and Movements |
McGill University  |
2006 |
1 |
Mutter, Morgan L. (著) / Delhi Secondary School as a Temple of Worship: Musical Choices and Devotional Diversity |
McGill University  |
2005 |
2 |
Byrne, Christopher Ryan (著) / The Moon Is Not The Moon: Non-Transcendence In The Poetry Of Han-Shan And Ryōkan |
Lin, Fan (著) / Visual Images of Vimalakīrti In The Mogao Caves (581-1036) |
| | | |
72. |
McGill University  |
2004 |
2 |
Braitstein, Lara (著) / Saraha's Adamantine Songs: Texts, Contexts, Translations And Traditions Of The Great Seal |
| | | |
73. |
McGill University  |
2004 |
2 |
Mortson, Darrin Douglas (著) / Neither Nihilism Nor Absolutism: On Comparing The Middle Paths Of Nāgārjuna And Derrida |
McGill University  |
2003 |
3 |
Curley, Melissa (著) / Surface Tension: Kuki Shūzō's Iki As A Posture of Resignation And Resistance |
Liu, Yonghua (著) / The World Of Rituals: Masters Of Ceremonies (Lisheng), Ancestral Cults, Community Compacts, And Local Temples In Late Imperial Sibao, Fujian |
MacDonald, Kathleen Anne (著) / Sacred Healing, Health And Death In the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition |
McGill University  |
2002 |
2 |
Adam, Martin T. (著) / Meditation And The Concept of Insight In Kamalaśīla's Bhāvanākramas |
Clayton, Barbra Robina (著) / Ethics in the “Śiksāsamuccaya”: A study in Mahāyāna morality |
McGill University  |
2001 |
2 |
Clayton, Barbra R. (著) / Ethics In The Siksasamuccaya: A Study In Mahayana Morality |
Goldberg, Kory (著) / Inside-Out: A Study of Vipassana Meditation as Taught by S.N. Goenka and Its Social Contribution |
McGill University  |
1997 |
1 |
Sims, Jeffrey Herbert (著) / Piecemeal Streams in Yogacarin Themes: William James and Vasubandhu |
McGill University  |
1995 |
1 |
Pepper, France (著) / The Thousand Buddha Motif: A Visual Chant in Buddhist Cave-Temples Along the Silk Road |
| | | |
74. |
McMaster University  |
2020 |
2 |
Chen, Ruifeng (著) / Informed Textual Practices? A Study of Dunhuang Manuscripts of Chinese Buddhist Apocryphal Scriptures with Colophons |
Thibaudeau, Kira (著) / Theoretical Revelations and the Merging of Methods: Method and Theory in the Study of Medieval Japanese Buddhist Nuns and Material Culture |
McMaster University  |
2018 |
1 |
Jensen, Christopher Jon (著) / Dreaming Betwixt and Between: Oneiric Narratives in Huijiao and Daoxuan's "Biographies of Eminent Monks" |
McMaster University  |
2017 |
1 |
Sivaloganathan, Myra (著) / Sri Lankan Discourses of Ethno-Nationalism and Religious Fundamentalism |
McMaster University  |
2016 |
1 |
Handy, Christopher (著) / Indian Buddhist Etiquette and the Emergence of Ascetic Civility |
McMaster University  |
2014 |
2 |
Chih-mien Adrian Tseng / A Comparison of the Concepts of Buddha-nature and Dao-nature of Medieval China |
Fish, Jessica (著) / Health Care in Indian Buddhism: Representations of Monks and Medicine in Indian Monastic Law Codes |
McMaster University  |
2007 |
1 |
Harack, Michael / Cheng Xuanying's Conception of the Sage in the Zhuangzi |
McMaster University  |
1976 |
1 |
Oh, Kang-nam / A Study of Chinese Hua-Yen Buddhism with Special Reference to the Dharmadhatu (Fa-chieh) Doctrine |
McMaster University  |
1973 |
1 |
Yu, Chai-shin / A comparative study of the founder's authority, the community and the discipline in early Buddhism and in early Christianity |
| | | |
75. |
Miami University  |
2018 |
1 |
Bandara, Dhanuka (著) / T.S. Eliot And The Universality Of Metaphysics; A Buddhist-Hegelian Critique Of Post-Structuralist And Post-Colonial Theory Through A Reading Of Eliot’s Poetry And Criticism |
Miami University  |
2017 |
1 |
Senanayake, Samitha Sumanthri (著) / Reading the No-Self: Points of Convergence and Disjuncture Between the Concepts of the Poststructuralist No-Self and the Buddhist No-Self |
Miami University  |
2011 |
1 |
Bigari, James R (著) / Of Vice and Virtue: A Comparative Study of Eastern Orthodox |
Miami University  |
2007 |
1 |
Nau, Michael (著) / Killing for the Dharma: An Analysis of the Shugden Deity and Violence in Tibetan Buddhism |
| | | |
76. |
Miami University  |
2005 |
1 |
Silas, Elizabeth J (著) / Themes of Awakening In Mainstream Films: Female Subjects and The Lacanian Symbolic |
| | | |
77. |
Miami University  |
2004 |
1 |
Nichols, Michael David (著) / Malleable Mâra: The Transformations of A Buddhist Symbol of Evil |
| | | |
78. |
Miami University  |
2003 |
1 |
Irion, Susan J (著) / Women In American Zen Variations On Adaptations of Religious Authority |
| | | |
79. |
Middle East Technical University  |
2010 |
1 |
Ercan, Ahmet Bora (著) / Wittgenstein And Zen: A Comparison |
Middle East Technical University  |
2009 |
1 |
Tezel, Aybike Seyma (著) / A Study On China’S Only Female Ruler Wu Ze Tian |
Middle East Technical University  |
2005 |
1 |
Ozden, Tugba (著) / The Dalit Movement Within The Context Of The Indian Independence Movement |
| | | |
80. |
Monash University  |
2008 |
1 |
Youngsamart, Daungdauwn (著) / Perceptions of Ethical Decision-Making: A Study of Thai Managers and Professionals in Bangkok and Provincial Thailand |
Monash University  |
2004 |
1 |
Vasi, Shiva (著) / Conversion to Zen Buddhism |
| | | |
81. |
Murdoch University  |
2011 |
1 |
McCardell, Elizabeth Eve (著) / Catching The Ball: Constructing The Reciprocity Of Embodiment |
Murdoch University  |
2008 |
1 |
Boyd, James Graham (著) / Faith, Race and Strategy: Japanese-Mongolian Relations, 1873-1945 |
Murdoch University  |
2007 |
1 |
McAvan, Em (著) / The Postmodern Sacred Popular Culture Spirituality in the Genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Fantastic Horror |
Murdoch University  |
2005 |
1 |
Li, Fung Mei Sarah (著) / Chinese Common Knowledge, Tourism and Natural Landscapes=Gazing on 別有天地 'Bie you tian di' 'An Altogether Different World' |
| | | |
82. |
Nagoya University  |
2011 |
1 |
Potter, Simon (著) / The Buddhist Cosmos on Selected Maps in Ayutthaya: What Is Not Explained to the Tourist Viewer |
Nagoya University  |
2001 |
1 |
Mabbett, Ian (著) / The Early Buddhist Saṃgha In Its Social Contexti |
| | | |
83. |
North Carolina State University  |
2002 |
1 |
Simpson, Emily Patricia (著) / Religious Turmoil: The Conflict Between Buddhism And Catholicism In Jack Kerouac's Life And Writing |
| | | |
84. |
North West University  |
2013 |
1 |
Ullyatt, Gisela (著) / "Bride of Amazement": A Buddhist Perspective On Mary Oliver's Poetry |
| | | |
85. |
North-West University  |
2015 |
1 |
McCoy, Daniel James (著) / A Comparison Of Buddhist Compassion To Christian Love: An Apologetic Study |
| | | |
86. |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology  |
2013 |
1 |
Biswas, Tanushree (著) / Paradoxes of Conversion: Everyday Lives of Tibetan Buddhist Child Monks in Ladakh |
| | | |
87. |
Oberlin College  |
2022 |
1 |
Lai, Chloe Y (著) / Artistic Agency, Feminine Labor, and the Female Body in Buddhist Hair Embroideries of the Ming and Qing Dynasties |
Oberlin College  |
2021 |
1 |
Yuan, Jingyi (著) / Blurring the Boundary between Play and Ritual: Sugoroku Boards as Portable Cosmos in Japanese Religion |
| | | |
88. |
Ohio State University  |
2021 |
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2013 |
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133. |
The University of Hong Kong  |
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135. |
The University of Hong Kong  |
2011 |
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2011 |
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The University of Hong Kong  |
2010 |
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Kam, Wing-Pong Roddy (著)=甘榮邦 (au.) / Mindfulness (Sati) Meditation Trends: Merger of Clinical Psychology and The Buddhism Mindfulness Meditation |
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The University of Hong Kong  |
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Kulsrud, Cecilie (著) / MBCM – The Mindfulness Based Coaching Model: A Mindfulness Based Approach To Coaching. An Integration Of Buddhist Mindfulness Training Into The Coaching Practice |
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139. |
The University of Hong Kong  |
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140. |
The University of Hong Kong  |
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Suen, Hon-ming Stephen (著)=孫漢明 (au.) / Methods of Spiritual Praxis In The Sarvāstivāda: A Study Primarily Based On The Abhidharma-Mahāvibhāṣā |
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141. |
The University of Hong Kong  |
2010 |
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Tsui, Chung-hui (著)=崔中慧 (au.) / A Study Of Early Buddhist Scriptural Calligraphy: Based On Buddhist Manuscripts Found In Dunhuang And Turfan (3-5 Century) |
The University of Hong Kong  |
2009 |
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Liew, Jew Chong (著)=劉佑章 (au.) / The Sarvāstivāda Doctrine of The Path Of Spiritual Progress: A Study Based Primarily On The Abhidharma-Mahāvibhāṣā-Śāstra, The Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya and Their Chinese and Sanskrit Commentaries |
The University of Hong Kong  |
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The University of Hong Kong  |
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Universität Hamburg  |
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Universität Hamburg  |
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Universität Hannover  |
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Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle  |
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University of British Columbia  |
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University of Calgary  |
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University of California, Los Angeles  |
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University of Central Florida  |
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University of Iowa  |
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University of Kansas  |
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2012 |
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Wang, Yuan Tian (著)=王元天 (au.) / The Transformations Of Vaisravana :The Cult Of Vaisravana In Khotan And Medieval China=毗沙門天的演變 : 于闐和中國中世紀時期的毗沙門天信 |
University of Macau  |
2011 |
1 |
Lei, Sao San (著) / Savoring The Hybrid: An Ethnographic Study Of Guan Yin Ritual And Belief In Macao |
| | | |
200. |
University of Maryland  |
1995 |
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Tien, Po-yao (著) / A Modern Buddhist Monk-reformer in China:The Life and Thought of Yin-Shun |
| | | |
201. |
University of Massachusetts  |
2012 |
1 |
van Over, Brion (著) / “Beyond Words”: Exploring the Cultural Limits of the Communicable |
University of Massachusetts  |
2001 |
1 |
Karma Choepel Dolma (著) / Construction of Social Identities: An Ethnographic Study of Tibetan Student Discourses in Higher Education |
| | | |
202. |
University of Melbourne  |
2009 |
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O Keeffe, Anne (著) / The Art Of Presence: Contemplation, Communing And Creativity |
| | | |
203. |
University of Minnesota  |
1994 |
1 |
Heyrman, Laura Gardner (著) / The Meeting of Vimalakirti and Manjusri: Chinese Innovation in Buddhist Iconography |
| | | |
204. |
University of Missouri  |
1980 |
1 |
Keenan, Richard Matthew (著) / Zen Buddhist Influences and Techniques in the Works of Julio Cortazar |
| | | |
205. |
University of Missouri-Columbia  |
2008 |
1 |
Johnson-Moxley, Melanie Kay (著) / Vasubandhu's Consciousness Trilogy a Yogacara Buddhist Process Idealism |
| | | |
206. |
University of Missouri--Columbia  |
2009 |
1 |
Liang, Juily Jung Chuang (著) / The Process of Decentering A Phenomenological Study of Asian American Buddhists From The Fo Guan Shan Temple Buddhist Order |
| | | |
207. |
University of Missouri-Columbia  |
2007 |
1 |
Wedel, Valerie A (著) / The Undoing of The Self An Artistic Exploration |
| | | |
208. |
University of New Orleans  |
2004 |
1 |
Morton, Kathleen Willis (著) / A Mourning Walk Around The World A New Mother's Buddhist Journey Through Death, Grief, And Beyond |
| | | |
209. |
University of New South Wales  |
2008 |
1 |
Le Thua, Tien (著) / Journey To Inner Peace Installation and Sculpture From a Buddhist Perspective |
| | | |
210. |
University of New South Wales  |
2007 |
1 |
Cooper, Simon George (著) / Mutant Manifesto: A Response To The Symbolic Positions Of Evolution And Genetic Engineering Within Self Perception |
| | | |
211. |
University of North Texas  |
2002 |
1 |
Mendez-Flanigan, Maria Gisela (著) / Peter Lieberson's First Piano Concerto: A Buddhist-Inspired Poetic Vision Realized Through Twelve-Tone Language, Other Contemporary Compositional Techniques, Together With Three Recitals Of Works By Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Albéniz, Grieg, Ginastera And Paderecki |
| | | |
212. |
University of Oregon  |
2007 |
1 |
Yoshida, Marie (著)=吉田まりえ (au.) / An Analysis Of Ajatasatru's Family Using Bowen Family Systems Theory: Commonalities And Differentia In Japanese Buddhism And Family Therapy |
| | | |
213. |
University of Oslo  |
2008 |
1 |
Tho, Annhaug (著) / Selected Translations And Analysis Of 'Further Biographies Of Nuns' |
| | | |
214. |
University of Ottawa  |
2021 |
1 |
Santos, Macarena Alamo (著) / The Path to a New Awakening: B.R. Ambedkar's Transformation of Buddhist Philosophy |
University of Ottawa  |
2020 |
1 |
Albatnuni, Mawdah (著) / Prayer and Well-Being: Do Mindfulness, Optimism, Spirituality, and Social Support Mediate a Relationship Between Prayer and Well-Being in a Canadian-Muslim Population? |
University of Ottawa  |
2018 |
1 |
Jiang, Yuxuan (著) / What's in a Name? From Social Organization to Merit Society: Understanding the Change in Buddhist Charities in China Since the Beginning of the Reform Period |
University of Ottawa  |
2017 |
1 |
Atzev, Boyan (著) / Mindful of Mindfulness-Based Therapy |
University of Ottawa  |
2014 |
1 |
Choi, Glen S (著) / Lotus Pond, Bicultural Ripples: The Psychological Orientations of Korean-Canadian Practitioners of Buddhism |
University of Ottawa  |
2013 |
2 |
Black, Thierry (著) / Away from the Abyss: Borgesian Translation Reconsidered through Buddhist Philosophy |
Cho, Kyuhoon (著) / Appropriation of Religion: The Re-formation of the Korean Notion of Religion in Global Society |
| | | |
215. |
University of Oulu  |
2014 |
1 |
Niemi, Kaisa (著) / Changing Minds, Changing Hats: Construction and Expression Of Akeu Ethnic Identity In Thailand And Myanmar |
University of Oulu  |
2013 |
1 |
Vuolteenaho, Leena (著) / “Spare Me The Endurance Of Endless Time”: The Influence of Christian And Buddhist Ethics On The View Of Immortality In The TV Series Doctor Who |
| | | |
216. |
University of Pittsburgh  |
2008 |
1 |
Zitterbart, Susan (著) / Kumano Mandara: Portraits, Power, and Lineage in Medieval Japan |
University of Pittsburgh  |
2007 |
3 |
Conway, Deborah Grice (著) / The Role of Internal Resources In Academic Achievement: Exploring the Meaning of Self-Compassion In The Adaptive Functioning of Low-Income College Students |
Gunji, Naoko (著) / Amidaji: Mortuary Art, Architecture, And Rites of Emperor Antokus Temple |
Walters, Michael (著) / None But "We Heathen": Shaku Soen at the World's Parliament of Religions |
| | | |
217. |
University of Pretoria  |
2019 |
2 |
Bieber Jr, Kenneth R (著) / Imperial Entanglements: Tracing the Relationship to Empire in the Missionary Religions of Christianity and Buddhism |
Smith, Christine Maria (著) / The Exploitation of Refugees In Areas Of Conflict: The Rohingya In Bangladesh |
University of Pretoria  |
2013 |
1 |
Swanepoel, Elizabeth (著) / The Female Quest For Enlightenment: Compassion And Patience In Transforming Gender Bias In Tibetan Buddhism, With Specific Reference To Western Tibetan Buddhist Nuns And Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo |
University of Pretoria  |
2003 |
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Ku, Hay Lin Helen (著) / Where Does Morality Come From? Aspects Of Nietzsche's Genealogical Critique of Morality And His Idea Of The Übermensch |
| | | |
218. |
University of Quebec  |
2010 |
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Zhao, Wei (著) / Syncretize: Linking Tradition and Today |
| | | |
219. |
University of São Paulo  |
2019 |
1 |
Piza, Adriana Toledo (著) / The Buddhist Concept of Selflessness According To Je Tsongkhapa |
| | | |
220. |
University of Saskatchewan  |
2012 |
1 |
Azzato, Michael Andrew (著) / Mother Of Tibetan Buddhism: An Introduction To The Life And Teaching Of Ma-Cig Lab-Kyi Sgron-Ma |
University of Saskatchewan  |
2010 |
1 |
Lipman, Kennard (著) / The Meaning Of "World" In Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy |
University of Saskatchewan  |
2009 |
2 |
Johnson, Kent Gregory (著) / The Rdzogs-Chen Distinction Between Mentation and Excitatory Intelligence |
Kawamura, Leslie S. (著) / Vinītadeva's Contribution To The Buddhist Mentalistic Trend |
University of Saskatchewan  |
2008 |
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Hanson, Mervin Viggo (著) / The Garland Of Views: A Translation And Commentary Of The Man-Ngag Ita-Ba'i Phreng-Ba |
University of Saskatchewan  |
2006 |
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Duncan, Chai Stephen (著) / The Privilege of Being Solid |
Tufts, Carey C (著) / Siddhartha Savage: The Importance Of Buddhism In Aldous Huxley's |
University of Saskatchewan  |
2005 |
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Osigwe, Uchenna W (著) / The Environment and Natural Rights |
University of Saskatchewan  |
1987 |
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Higgins, David O. (著) / The Tibetan Lam-Rim Genre: A Comparative Study Focusing on Five Representative Texts |
| | | |
221. |
University of South Africa  |
2018 |
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Trotter, Colleen Shirley (著) / Buddhism As Therapy: The Instrumentalisation Of Mindfulness In Western Psychotherapy |
| | | |
222. |
University of South Africa  |
2011 |
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McIvor, Paul (著) / Outsider Buddhism: A Study of Buddhism and Buddhist Education in The U.S. Prison System |
| | | |
223. |
University of Southern California  |
1990 |
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Roongrerngsuke, Siriyupa / An Analysis of the Efficacy of Thai Buddhist Temple and the Sangha as an Informal Institution for Community Development in Northeastern Thailand |
University of Southern California  |
1980 |
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Fisher, Robert Earl / Buddhist Architecture of Kashmir |
University of Southern California  |
1951 |
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Rust, William Charles / The Shin Sect of Buddhism in America: Its Antecedents, Beliefs, and Present Condition |
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224. |
University of Sydney  |
2009 |
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Saitanaporn, Phramonchai (著) / Buddhist Deliverance a Re-Evaluation of The Relationship Between Samatha and Vipassanā |
University of Sydney  |
2008 |
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Cover, Jennifer Joy (著) / Bodhasar̄a By Narahari An Eighteenth Century Sanskrit Treasure |
University of Sydney  |
2007 |
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Eddy, Glenys / Western Buddhist Experience: The Journey from Encounter to Commitment in Two Forms of Western Buddhism |
University of Sydney  |
2005 |
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Salkin, Sean (著) / A Survey Of The Use Of The Term Vedanā ("Sensations") In The Pali Nikāyas |
University of Sydney  |
2004 |
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Hudson, Bob (著) / The Origins of Bagan: The Archaeological Landscape of Upper Burma to AD 1300 |
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225. |
University of Technology Sydney  |
2008 |
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Abeysuriya, Kumudini Ranmali (著) / A Pathway to Sustainability in Urban Sanitation for Developing Asian Countries |
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226. |
University of Tennessee  |
2008 |
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Pinder, Christopher Robert (著) / Zen Buddhism And American Religious Culture Case Study Of Daistez Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966) |
| | | |
227. |
University of Texas  |
2015 |
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Gutiérrez, Andrea Lorene (著) / The Parrot’s Voice And The Partridge’s Feathers: The Languaging Of Animals And Animal Language In Early Indian Texts |
Warak, Melissa Christine (著) / Made To Music: Interactions of Music And Art, 1955-1969 |
University of Texas  |
2012 |
3 |
Du, Yuanjing (著) / A Heritage Tourism Preservation Plan for Mogao Grottoes, PR. China |
| | | |
228. |
University of Texas  |
2012 |
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Jones, Chelsea Ann (著) / The Role of Buddhism, Theosophy, and Science in František Kupka’s Search For The Immaterial Through 1909 |
| | | |
229. |
University of Texas  |
2012 |
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Liang, Liang (著) / Samsara for Orchestra |
University of Texas  |
2011 |
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Feldman, Ross Christopher (著) / Enchanting Modernity: Religion and The Supernatural In Contemporary Japanese Popular Culture |
Maguire, Randy Allen (著) / When The Horse Runs Off |
University of Texas  |
2010 |
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Dasti, Matthew R. (著) / Rational Belief In Classical India : Nyaya's Epistemology And Defense Of Theism |
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230. |
University of Texas  |
2010 |
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Milligan, Matthew David (著) / A Study of Inscribed Reliefs Within The Context of Donative Inscriptions at Sanchi |
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231. |
University of Texas  |
2010 |
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Pommier, Elizabeth Ann (著) / The Compassion Scale |
University of Texas  |
2009 |
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Jannazzo, Eric Stephen (著) / An Examination of Self-Compassion in Relation to Process Group Psychotherapy |
University of Texas  |
2008 |
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Sayers, Matthew R. (著) / Feeding The Ancestors: Ancestor Worship in Ancient Hinduism And Buddhism |
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232. |
University of Texas at Austin  |
2012 |
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Lee, Eun-Su (著) / On Defining Buddhist Art In Bengal: The Dhaka Region |
University of Texas at Austin  |
2010 |
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Weisner, Christina Lorena (著) / Form and Function |
| | | |
233. |
University of Texas Libraries  |
2006 |
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Owen, Lisa Nadine (著) / Beyond Buddhist and Brahmanical Activity: the Place of the Jain Rock-Cut Excavations at Ellora |
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234. |
University of the Witwatersrand  |
2016 |
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Darwish, Hasan (著) / Pluralism and the Idea of Balance in Eastern and Western Philosophies |
Kalan, Sheekha (著) / Encounters with the Ineffable in Selected Artworks by Anish Kapoor and Karel Nel |
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235. |
University of Vermont  |
2016 |
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Hamel, Krista (著) / Cultivating Well-Being and Contemplative Ways of Knowing through Connection: One Woman's Journey from Monastic Living to Mainstream Academia |
| | | |
236. |
University of Victoria  |
2019 |
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Lawrence, Benjamin (著) / Cambodia's Competing Constitutional Sites and Spirits |
University of Victoria  |
2013 |
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Saka, Chihiro (著) / Mediating between the Religious World and the Masses: Picture Deciphering by the Itinerant Nuns of Kumano |
University of Victoria  |
2012 |
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Avila Sakar, Andrea (著) / Experiencing Allyhood: The Complicated and Conflicted Journey of a Spiritual-Mestiza-Ally to the Land of Colonization/Decolonization |
University of Victoria  |
2011 |
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Gamache, Genevieve (著) / Between Localism And Nationalism: Two Contemporary Examples Of Thai Temple Art and Architecture In Northern Thailand |
University of Victoria  |
2010 |
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Croswell, Kimberly Dawn (著) / Stella Bloch and the Politics of Art and Dance |
| | | |
237. |
University of Victoria  |
2009 |
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Ralph, Jeff (著) / The Path To Selfless Restoration: Interconnectedness Between Bhikkhu Buddhadasa And Ecological Restoration |
| | | |
238. |
University of Victoria  |
2009 |
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Zhang, Kai (著) / Archetype And Allegory In "Journey To The West" |
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239. |
University of Virginia  |
1989 |
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Cozort, Daniel Geoffrey (著) / Unique Tenets of the Middle Way Consequence School: The Systematization of the Philosophy of the Indian Buddhist Prasangika-madhyamika School by the Tibetan Ge-luk-ba Scholastic Tradition |
University of Virginia  |
1985 |
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Napper, Elizabeth Stirling (著) / Dependent-arising And Emptiness: A Tibetan Buddhist Interpretation of Madhyamika Philosophy Emphasizing the Compatibility of Emptiness And Conventional Phenomena |
University of Virginia  |
1984 |
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Wilson, Joe Bransford, Jr. (著) / The Meaning of Mind in the Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy of Mind-only (Cittamatra): A Study of a Presentation by the Tibetan Scholar Gung-Tang Jam-Bay-Yang (Gung-Thang-'Jam-Pa'i-DBYANGS) of Asanga's Theory of Mind-basis-of-all (Alayavijnana) And Related Topics in Buddhist Theories of Personal Continuity, Epistemology, And Hermeneutics |
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240. |
University of Washington  |
2017 |
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Marino, Joseph (著) / Metaphor and Pedagogy in Early Buddhist Literature: An Edition and Study of Two Sūtras from the Senior Collection of Gāndhārī Manuscripts |
University of Washington  |
2015 |
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Lin, Qian (著)=林乾 (au.) / Mind in Dispute: The Section on Mind in Harivarman’s *Tattvasiddhi |
University of Washington  |
2007 |
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Saliceti-Collins, Anne / Xi Xia Buddhist Woodblock Prints Excavated in Khara Khoto: A Case Study of Transculturation in East Asia, Eleventh-thirteenth Centuries |
University of Washington  |
2001 |
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Neelis, Jason Emmanuel (著) / Long-Distance Trade And The Transmission Of Buddhism Through Northern Pakistan, Primarily Based On Kharoṣṭhī And Brāhmī Inscriptions |
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241. |
University of Waterloo  |
2010 |
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Christidis, Tanya (著) / Mindful Physical Activity: A Pilot Study In The Context Of Walking To Public Transit |
University of Waterloo  |
2008 |
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Rennick, Joanne Benham (著) / Religion in the Ranks: Religion in the Canadian Forces in the 21st Century |
University of Waterloo  |
2006 |
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Hoernig, Heidi (著) / Worship in the Suburbs: The Development Experience of Recent Immigrant Religious Communities |
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242. |
University of Western Australia  |
2007 |
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Flynn, Warren (著) / Fragments Of The Moon (Novel) ;and "Body, Space, Ideas Of Home: Cross-Cultural Perspectives" |
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243. |
University of Western Sydney  |
2007 |
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Bubna-Litic, David (著) / Opening A Dialogical Space Between Buddhism And Economics: The Relationship Between Insight and Action |
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244. |
University of Western Sydney  |
2006 |
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Dark, Jann (著) / Relationship In The Field of Desire |
University of Western Sydney  |
2004 |
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Handel, Amanda Jane (著) / Music of Balance: Circles and Squares |
University of Western Sydney  |
2002 |
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Cathcart, Noel C (著) / Development and Application of Trans-Subjective Therapy for Older Persons |
University of Western Sydney  |
2001 |
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Flower, Jane (著) / Divining Woman: The Waterpourer's Lineage |
Klunklin, Areewan (著) / Thai Women's Experiences of HIV/AIDS in the Rural North: A Grounded Theory Study |
Pham, Van Minh (著) / Socio-Political Philosophy Of Vietnamese Buddhism: A Case Study Of The Buddhist Movement Of 1963 And 1966 |
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245. |
University of Wollongong  |
2004 |
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Sun, Chien-Yu (著) / The Silence of The Void Exploring The Visual Language of The Void From The East To The West |
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246. |
Univerzita Karlova  |
2018 |
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Hanker, Martin (著) / Ritual Use Of Skull In Tibet |
Univerzita Karlova  |
2017 |
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Zemánek, Marek (著) / Buddhist Rituals of Death in Contemporary Korea=Buddhistické Rituály Smrti V Současné Koreji |
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247. |
Univerzita Karlova (Charles University)  |
1995 |
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Rozehnal, Miroslav / Dharmapada:Komparativni Studie Palijske a Gandharske Verze Textu=Dharmapada:A Comparative Study of the Pali and Gandhari Versions of this Text |
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248. |
Unviersity of Canterbury  |
2002 |
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Le Heux, Benjamin (著) / An Investigative and Documentary Study of Music and Change Within A Buddhist Community In Christchurch, New Zealand |
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249. |
Uppsala University  |
2022 |
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Li, Josua (著) / The Non-Dual and Interconnected Nature Of Aesthetic Judgments |
Uppsala University  |
2019 |
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Dybkjaer-Andersson, Andreas (著) / Religion, Conflict and Conflicting Views On The Religious "Other" In Myanmar |
Einarsson, Ewa (著) / What About The Rohingya?: A Study Searching For Power Relations In Different Levels Of Society. |
Uppsala University  |
2018 |
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Knuters, Simon (著) / Political Buddhism And The Exclusion Of Rohingya In Myanmar: Exploring Targeted Religious Nationalism Using Myanmar's Muslim Rohingya Minority As A Case Study |
Uppsala University  |
2017 |
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Morshed, Farhana (著) / The Role of Religion in Conflict and Peace Building-The Context of Rakhine State in Myanmar |
Uppsala University  |
2009 |
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Karlström, Anna (著) / Preserving Impermanence: The Creation of Heritage in Vientiane, Laos |
Uppsala University  |
2006 |
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Bjarnesen, Jesper (著) / Waves of Disaster – Waves of Relief: An Ethnography of Humanitarian Assistance to Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka |
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250. |
Upsalla University  |
2020 |
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Kontio, Unna (著) / Environmental Motives In The Buddhist Ecology: A Study Of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Ecology, Engaged Practice And Environmental Activism |
Upsalla University  |
2018 |
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Nordby, Linda (著) / “Bikinis and Fish Don’t Match” Exploring Conflicts and Local Development of Tourism in Ngapali, Burma |
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251. |
Vanderbilt University  |
2017 |
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Kreiselmaier, Andrew Kent (著) / An Evolutionary and Developmental Science Framework for Integrating Attachment, Mentalization, and Mindfulness: Implications for Religious Practice and Moral Development |
Vanderbilt University  |
2016 |
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Helderman, Ira Philip (著) / “Religion” And “Secular” In U.S. Psychotherapists’ Approaches To Buddhist Traditions |
Vanderbilt University  |
2015 |
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Yang, Sunggu (著) / A Pilgrims Homiletic: A Comparative Practical Theological Study on Five Socio-Ecclesial Codes of Asian/Korean American Diasporic Protestant Preaching |
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252. |
Växjö University |
2008 |
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Herbertsson, Mattias (著) / Tri-Svabhava-Vada: Yogacara Buddhist Theory Applied On Film |
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253. |
Victoria University  |
2007 |
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Jones, Lisa E. (著) / The Jewel in The Heart of The Lotus Bringing Buddhist Wisdom and Compassion to Psychotherapy |
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254. |
Walden University  |
2015 |
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Fritzges, Jessica Lynn (著) / The Effects of Buddhist Psychological Practices on the Mental Health and Social Attitudes of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People |
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255. |
Washington State University  |
2008 |
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Wu, Ming-Kuo (著) / The Jataka Tales Of The Mogao Caves, China In Anthropological Perspective |
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256. |
Wöhrmann Print Service |
2009 |
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Paul, Paramita (著) / Wandering Saints: Chan Eccentrics in the Art and Culture of Song and Yuan China |
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257. |
大正大学  |
2021 |
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小渕尊史 (著)=Obuchi, Takafumi (au.) / 『秘蔵宝鑰』の研究:構造と言語表現の視座から |
大正大学  |
2020 |
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野々部利生 (著)=Nonobe, Risho (au.) / 空海仮託書の研究 |
大正大学  |
2019 |
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那波良晃 (著)=Naba, Ryoko (au.) / 初期台密における仏頂尊とその周辺 |
魚尾和瑛 (著)=Uoo, Takaaki (au.) / 戦前期における布哇浄土宗教団の展開過程 |
鈴木雄太 (著)=Suzuki, Yuta (au.) / 聖憲教学の研究 |
大正大学  |
2017 |
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安孫子稔章 (著)=Abiko, Nensho (au.) / 『逆修説法』の研究=A Study of Gyakushu Seppo |
新井弘賢 (著)=Arai, Kouken (au.) / 『魚山蠆芥集』成立過程の研究 |
大正大学  |
2016 |
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安井光洋 (著)=Yasui, Mitsuhiro (au.) / 初期『中論』注釈書の研究 |
別所弘淳 (著)=Bessho, Kojun (au.) / 平安期東台両密における教学的交渉 |
南部千代里 (著)=Nanbu, Chiyori (au.) / パウロと親鸞における宗教的悪と苦の問題についての比較思想研究 |
駒井信勝 (著)=Komai, Shinsho (au.) / 中期密教に至る灌頂儀礼の発展過程 |
横山裕明 (著)=Yokoyama, Hiroaki (au.) / Ḍākinīvajrapañjaraの文献学的研究 |
大正大学  |
2015 |
5 |
大塚恵俊 (著)=Otsuka, Shigetoshi (au.) / 『文殊師利根本儀軌経』所説のパタの密教儀礼について |
杉山裕俊 (著)=Sugiyama, Hirotoshi (au.) / 『安楽集』の研究 |
長尾隆寛 (著)=Nagao, Ryukan (au.) / 法然上人「十七条御法語」の研究:伝承と展開の背景=Honen’s “Seventeen-Article Words”, The Background of its Transmission and Development |
淺野秀夫 (著)=Asano, Hideo (au.) / 般若経から『瑜伽師地論』菩薩地、『解深密経』への空性思想の展開 |
髙瀨顕功 (著) / 現代宗教と社会参加:FBO概念の再検討 |
大正大学  |
2014 |
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真保龍敞 (著)=Shimpo, Ryusho (au.) / 真言密教教化過程の研究:三十帖策子の基礎的研究を通して |
菊池結 (著)=Kikuchi, Yui (au.) / 日本仏教福祉論の展開 |
大正大学  |
2001 |
3 |
大場朗 (著)=Oba, Akira (au.) / 宝物集の研究 |
小此木輝之 (著)=Okonogi, Teruyuki (au.) / 中世関東寺院史の基礎的研究 |
榊泰純 (著)=Sakaki, Taijun (au.) / 日本仏教芸能史研究 |
大正大学  |
2000 |
4 |
三崎義泉 (著)=Misaki, Gisen (au.) / 止観的美意識の展開 : 中世芸道と本覚思想との関連 |
佐野賢治 (著)=Sano, Kenji (au.) / 虚空蔵信仰の仏教民俗学的研究 : 日本的仏教受容と土着化 |
松崎恵水 (著)=Matsuzaki, Keisui (au.) / 平安密教の研究 : 興教大師覚鑁を中心として |
星野英紀 (著)=Hoshino, Eiki (au.) / 四国遍路の宗教学的研究 : その構造と近現代の展開を中心にして |
大正大学  |
1998 |
3 |
宇高良哲 (著)=Udaka, Ryotetsu (au.) / 近世関東仏教教団の研究 : 特に浄土宗・真言宗・天台宗を中心に |
安重喆 (著)=An, Chung-ch'ol (au.) / 高麗時代の天台教観学の研究 |
齋藤昭俊 (著)=Saito, Akitoshi (au.) / 仏教教育における指導原理の研究 |
大正大学  |
1997 |
1 |
陳明順 (著)=チン, ミョンシュン (au.) / 漱石漢詩と禅の思想 |
大正大学  |
1995 |
1 |
芹川博通 (著)=Serikawa, Hiromichi (au.) / 近世近江商人にみられる宗教的経済倫理の研究 |
大正大学  |
1994 |
2 |
佐藤成順 (著)=Sato, Seijun (au.) / 中国浄土教思想史の研究 |
佐藤隆賢 (著)=Sato, Ryuken (au.) / 空海の真言観とその展開 |
大正大学  |
1992 |
1 |
全東赫 (著)=Chon, Tong-hyok (au.) / 韓国密教史の研究 |
大正大学  |
1991 |
1 |
菅原信海 (著)=Sugahara, Shinkai (au.) / 山王神道の基礎的研究 |
大正大学  |
1988 |
1 |
石村喜栄 (著)=Ishimura, Kiei (au.) / 古代仏教文化の研究 |
大正大学  |
1987 |
2 |
山田昭全 (著)=Yamada, Shozen (au.) / 西行における釈教歌の研究 |
加藤精一 (著)=Kato, Seiichi (au.) / 弘法大師の仏陀観とその成立過程の研究 |
| | | |
258. |
大谷大学  |
2022 |
5 |
柏樹貴弘 (著) / 「不定」の思想から見た親鸞の救済観:『大般涅槃経要文』と『教行信証』の思想的連関を通して |
英亮 (著)=Hanabusa, Ryo (au.) / 最澄教学の思想史的研究 |
廣田至 (著)=Hirota, Itaru (au.) / 親鸞の聖徳太子観 |
澤﨑瑞央 (著)=Sawazaki, Zuiyo (au.) / 『大智度論』における不退転の研究 |
磯部美紀 (著)=Isobe, Miki (au.) / 現代日本の葬送儀礼に関する宗教社会学的研究:僧侶介在の意味に注目して |
大谷大学  |
2021 |
5 |
Arildii, Burmaa (著)=アリルディー, ボルマー (au.) / モンゴルにおけるチベット仏教受容の一形態:モンゴル語訳『菩提道次第大論』と『正字法・賢者の源』を中心として |
岩田香英 (著)=Iwata, Koei (au.) / 親鸞の還相回向観 |
松岡淳爾 (著) / 親鸞の浄土観:真仮の仏土と大涅槃 |
常塚勇哲 (著)=Tsunezuka, Yutetsu (au.) / 親鸞の行信における「乃至一念」の意義 |
藤井了興 (著)=Fujii, Ryoko (au.) / 清沢満之の求道:『大経』の仏道として |
大谷大学  |
2020 |
6 |
老泉量 (著) / 戦国期美濃地域本願寺教団史の研究 |
更藏切主 (著)=Gengzang, Qiezhu (au.) / 『菩提道次第大論』におけるカダム派思想の研究:道次第を中心として |
村上無量 (著) / 「我一心」の自覚道:法蔵願心への呼応 |
岸上仁 (著)=Kishigami, Hitoshi (au.) / 初期唯識思想における菩薩の課題:『大乗荘厳経論』第19章「功徳品」にみられる因相(nimitta)の概念を通して |
秦野貴生 (著)=Hatano, Kisho (au.) / ダルマキールティの言語理論 |
樋口大慈 (著)=Higuchi, Daiji (au.) / 金剛真心の獲得:願生浄土の歩みとは |
大谷大学  |
2019 |
2 |
上山慧 (著) / 明治期仏教と初期社会主義:大逆事件に関係した五人の仏教者たちを中心に |
森山結希 (著)=Moriyama, Yuki (au.) / 漢訳大乗『涅槃経』の比較研究:「秘密蔵」の概念を中心として |
大谷大学  |
2018 |
3 |
竹林遊 (著)=Takebayashi, Yu (au.) / 僧肇における大乗菩薩の理解:『注維摩詰経』を中心として |
拉毛卓瑪 (著)=Lamaozhuoma (au.) / ツォンカパの後期中観思想における二諦説の研究 |
梶哲也 =Kaji, Tetsuya / 説一切有部における煩悩論の構造と起点 |
大谷大学  |
2017 |
5 |
山本春奈 (著)=Yamamoto, Haruna (au.) / 戦国期武家の起請文にみる誓約と神仏 |
川口淳 (著)=Kawaguchi, Atsushi (au.) / 清沢満之における「他者」:その思想と問題を巡る考察 |
工藤祥子 (著) / 日本中世のムラと惣村 |
東真行 (著)=Azuma, Shingyo (au.) / 金子大榮研究:浄土顕揚の課題 |
松岡智美 (著)=Matsuoka, Tomomi (au.) / 魏晋南北朝期における尼僧と仏教受容の研究 |
大谷大学  |
2016 |
3 |
濱野亮介 (著) / 明初無祀鬼神祭祀政策の研究 |
亀崎真量 (著)=Kamezaki, Shinryo (au.) / 欲生心の往還:親鸞における求道の転換 |
釈悟灯 (著)=Shi, Wudeng (au.) / 天台智顗の止観思想:『六妙門』を中心として |
大谷大学  |
2015 |
7 |
中山量純 (著)=Nakayama, Ryojun (au.) / 願生道:『浄土論註』考究 |
安西廉 (著)=Anzai, Ren (au.) / 近代における凡夫の自覚道:清沢満之、曽我量深の求道を通して |
李曼寧 (著)=Li, Manning (au.) / 『発心集』構成研究 |
金建峻 (著)=Kim, Keon joon (au.) / 『大乗掌珍論』における一切法の無自性性論証の研究 |
渡邊温子 (著)=Watanabe, Atsuko (au.) / 師資相承から見るチベットの聖者ミラレーパの仏教者としての生き方 |
橋本彰吾 (著) / 難思議往生:信から願へ |
難波教行 (著) / 本願の仏道における「唯除五逆誹謗正法」の意義:親鸞の視点から |
大谷大学  |
2014 |
8 |
山元一志 (著)=Yamamoto, Kazushi (au.) / 信に実現する涅槃道:三一問答考究 |
今西智久 (著)=IMANISHI, Tomohisa (au.) / 隋代佛敎政策研究 |
光川眞翔 (著)=Mitsukawa, Makoto (au.) / 法然における立教開宗 |
佐々木秀英 (著) / 願生浄土:信に死し願に生きん |
長谷川雄高 (著) / 災害宗教社会史研究序説:近代日本の地震と宗教 |
青柳英司 (著)=Aoyagi, Eishi (au.) / 親鸞の仏弟子観 |
森真理子 (著)=Mori, Mariko (au.) / 『平家物語』の成立と勧修寺流藤原氏 |
稲葉維摩 (著)=Inaba, Yuima (au.) / 『ディーガニカーヤ』における-aya-,-e-語幹動詞の研究 |
大谷大学  |
2013 |
1 |
佐々木宣祐 (著)=Sasaki, Sen'yu (au.) / 所知障の研究 |
大谷大学  |
2001 |
9 |
王麗萍 (著)=Wang, Li-ping (au.) / 宋代中日文化交流史の研究 : 「参天台五臺山記」を史料として |
平原晃宗 (著)=Hirahara, Akimune (au.) / 親鸞の信疑論 |
平野寿則 (著)=Hirano, Toshinori (au.) / 近世民衆仏教論 |
江上琢成 (著)=Egami, Takujo (au.) / 日本中世の宗教的世界観 |
池田真 (著)=Ikeda, Makoto (au.) / 浄土真実の行信 : 真宗仏道の開顕と再興 |
武田未来雄 (著)=Takeda, Mikio (au.) / 親鸞における時の問題 : 近代真宗教学の一様相 |
畝部俊也 (著)=Unebe, Toshiya (au.) / バルトリハリの有の哲学と仏教思想 (1)(2) |
御手洗隆明 (著)=Mitarai, Takaaki (au.) / 建長期以降親鸞思想の研究 |
陰富炯 (著)=ウン, ブヒョン (au.) / 日本の近代化における海外布教について : 日本佛教の韓国布教 |
大谷大学  |
2000 |
8 |
Waddell, Norman (著)=ワデル ノーマン (au.) / A translation and comparative study of the life records of Zen master Hakuin=白隠禅師の研究 : 修業時代の自伝及び伝記の翻訳と比較研究 |
吉田清 (著)=Yoshida, Kiyoshi (au.) / 鎌倉仏教成立史論 : 特に「念仏停止」を中心として |
西尾賢隆 (著)=Nishio, Kenryu (au.) / 中世の日中交流と禅宗 |
沙加戸弘 (著)=Sakado, Hiromu (au.) / 真宗関係浄瑠璃展開史序説 : 素材の時代 |
東舘紹見 (著)=Higashidate, Shoken (au.) / 平安時代における法華一乗思想の史的展開 |
花山孝介 (著)=Hanayama, Kosuke (au.) / 真宗願生論 : 親鸞における信の解明 |
徐榮愛 (著)=ソ, ユイエイ (au.) / 新羅元暁の「金剛三昧経論」 : 韓国初期禅思想の究明のための試論 |
福島栄寿 (著)=Fukushima, Eiju (au.) / 思想史としての「精神主義」 |
大谷大学  |
1999 |
2 |
小谷信千代 (著)=Odani, Nobuchiyo (au.) / 法と行 : 仏説の真意を求めて |
中村薫 (著)=Nakamura, Kaoru (au.) / 華厳浄土思想の研究 |
大谷大学  |
1998 |
4 |
小野蓮明 (著)=Ono, Renmyo (au.) / 本願の行信道 |
片岡了 (著)=Kataoka, Osamu (au.) / 「沙石集」の研究 |
安冨信哉 (著)=Yasutomi, Shinya (au.) / 宗教的「個」の思想 |
神戸和麿 (著)=Kanbe, Kazumaro (au.) / 親鸞の仏弟子論 : 仏性と闡提 |
大谷大学  |
1997 |
1 |
片野道雄 (著)=Katano, Michio (au.) / 唯識思想の研究 |
大谷大学  |
1994 |
1 |
福島光哉 (著)=Fukushima, Kosai (au.) / 宋代天台浄土教の研究 |
大谷大学  |
1992 |
3 |
大桑斉 (著)=Okuwa, Hitoshi (au.) / 近世初期民衆思想史研究 |
名畑崇 (著)=Nabata, Takashi (au.) / 『元亨釋書』の研究 |
幡谷明 (著)=Hataya, Akira (au.) / 浄土教における菩薩道の研究 |
| | | |
259. |
大阪大谷大学  |
2009 |
1 |
大鳥壽子 (著)=Otori, Hisako (au.) / 竹田定盛論 : 医家と文芸=Reappraisal of Jyo-sei Takeda: The relationship between the medical profession and the literature |
| | | |
260. |
大葉大學  |
2021 |
2 |
蔡佩廷 =Tasi, Pei-Ting / 三十三觀音之繪畫作品分析-以敦煌石窟隋唐壁畫為例=Analysis of Avalokiteśvara Art: Murals of Sui and Tang Dynasties at Dunhuang Grottes as Examples |
蕭羿辰 =Hsiao, Yi-Chen / 古蹟及歷史建築火災風險評估-以彰化寺廟為例=Fire Risk Assessment of Historic Buildings-A Case Study of Temples in Changhua |
大葉大學  |
2020 |
1 |
張雅惠 / 台灣禪修空間環境之研究=Research on the Environment of Taiwan Zen meditation Space |
| | | |
261. |
山西大學=Shanxi University  |
2005 |
1 |
賈發義 (著)=Jia, Fa-yi (au.) / 曇鸞的佛教凈土思想和實踐=Tanluan' JingTu Thoughts and Practices of Buddhism |
| | | |
262. |
中央大學產業經濟研究所 |
2000 |
1 |
初麗娟 / 宗教認知對修行投入時間影響之探討 |
| | | |
263. |
中央民族大學=Minzu University of China  |
2010 |
2 |
丁莉霞 / 核心—邊緣 -- 甘南藏傳佛教寺院經濟研究 |
喬氏云英 / 越南北方佛教女性神研究 |
| | | |
264. |
中央民族大學=The Central University for Nationalities  |
2005 |
1 |
柳銀珠 / 中、韓佛教儀式舞蹈比較研究 -- 以“金剛驅魔神舞”和“作法舞”為中心 |
| | | |
265. |
中原大學  |
2020 |
1 |
毛紹周 =Mao, Shao-chou / 臺南大天后宮與開元寺之歷史場域研究=A Study on the Field History of the Great Matzu Temple and Kai Yuan Temple in Tainan |
中原大學  |
2016 |
1 |
陳冠勳 (著)=Chen, Kuan-hsun (au.) / 西藏流亡政府金銅佛像鍛打工藝之研究=A Study of Metal Technology of Bronze Buddhist Sculpture in Tibetan Government in Exile |
| | | |
266. |
中國文化大學  |
2022 |
2 |
陳淑杏 (撰)=Chen, Shu-xing (compose) / 禪宗五祖弘忍研究=Research on the Fifth Patriarch of Zen |
魏朱淑薇 (著)=Wei Chu, Shu-Wei (au.) / 究竟涅槃 — 魏朱淑薇書法《心經》創作論述=Nirvana —— Discussion on Wei Chu Shu Wei’s Calligraphy ofMaha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra |
中國文化大學  |
2021 |
2 |
邢長華 (著)=Hsing, Chang-Hua (au.) / 台北市社區大學禪修活動課程學習者參與動機與休閒效益之關聯性研究=The Study on Relations Among Participation Motivation,and Leisure Benefits for Meditation Activity Course Participants,in the Taipei Community College. |
錢靖芬 =Chien, Chin-Fen / 以禪學解析「物質與精神」平衡之美-錢靖芬油畫創作=The Beautiful Balance of 「Contemplation and Spiritual Emotion」Explained Using Zen-錢靖芬Oil Painting |
中國文化大學  |
2020 |
2 |
陳省身 (撰)=Chen, Sing-shen (compose) / 臺灣儀式僧瑜伽燄口施食儀式研究=A Study on the Yoga Flaming Mouth Feeding Ritual of Taiwanese Ritual Sangha |
簡意娟 (著)=Chien, Yi-chuan (au.) / 《經律異相》故事研究=The Study on the Stories in the“Jing Lu Yi Xiang” |
中國文化大學  |
2018 |
2 |
王程穎 =Wang, Cheng-ying / 自性渾成—王程穎禪意繪畫創作論述=Accomplishment of Intrinsic Nature-Creation Discussion on Wang Cheng-Ying’s Zen-Style Painting |
黃學文 (著)=Huang, Shiue-Wen (au.) / 清代噶瑪蘭寺廟興建與市街形成──以寺廟為核心=Temple Construction and Township Streets’ Formation in Qing Dynasty: Case Study of Temples in Kavalan |
中國文化大學  |
2017 |
1 |
郭鎧銘 (撰)=Kuo, Kai-ming (compose) / 漢唐時期文殊菩薩信仰研究=A Study of Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva Faith in Chinese Medieval Period |
中國文化大學  |
2016 |
1 |
蔡金源 (著)=Tsai, Chin-Yuan (au.) / 「一心不亂」與「念佛往生」的捨報義諦 以《印光大師全集》、《道證法師文集》為主要線索=" Mind should be undisturbed and Chant Buddha to rebirth " to "The Complete Works of Yin Guang," "Dau Jeng Master Collection" as the main clue |
中國文化大學  |
2014 |
2 |
張麗君 (著)=Chang, Li-chun (au.) / 法鼓山與慈濟社會福利思想實踐的比較:非營利組織的觀點=The Practice of Social Welfare Thoughts of Dharma Drum Mountain and Tzu Chi Foundation: Comparative Perspective of NPO |
郭益悅 (著)=Kuo, Yih-Yueh (au.) / 唐宋觀音形神美之研究-以龍門石窟與大足石刻為例=The Study on the Physiques, Natural Poetic and Artistic of the Kuanyin in the Tany Sung Dynasty - Take Longmen Caves and Dazu Cave for example |
中國文化大學  |
2013 |
1 |
郭晁榮 (著)=Kuo, Chao-jung (au.) / 從心識論、如來藏、種姓論看《楞伽經》的成立與思想內涵=A Study of the Thoughts in Laṅkāvātarasūtrabased on a vijnāna-vāda, tathāgata-garbha, gotra |
中國文化大學  |
2011 |
1 |
黃文靈 (撰)=Huang, Wen-lin (compose) / 僧肇動靜思想之研究=A Study of the Thought of Motion and Stillness of Seng-Zhao |
中國文化大學  |
2009 |
1 |
陳玉蟬 (撰)=Chen, Yu-chan (compose) / 《阿含》、《般若》、《華嚴》及《法華》佛陀放光之研究=A Study on Emanated Lights of Buddha: Based on Āgama, Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra, Buddhāvataṃsaka-mahāvaipulya-sūtra and Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra |
中國文化大學  |
2002 |
1 |
辜琮瑜 (撰) / 釋聖嚴禪學思想之研究 |
中國文化大學  |
2000 |
1 |
王延蕙 (撰) / 六朝詩歌中之佛教風貌研究 |
中國文化大學  |
1988 |
1 |
溫金柯 (撰)=Wen, Jin-ke (compose) / 阿昆達磨俱舍論的諸法假實問題 |
| | | |
267. |
中國文化大學=Chinese Culture University |
2002 |
1 |
李明芳 (撰) / 僧肇中觀思想研究 |
| | | |
268. |
中國文化大學中國文學系  |
2012 |
1 |
蔡淑慧 (撰)=Tsai, Shu-hui (compose) / 漢譯佛典中佛陀時期八位女性敘事研究=A Study of the Eight Women during the Buddha's Era in Chinese Buddhist Narrative |
| | | |
269. |
中國文化大學中國文學系=Department of Chinese Literature, Chinese Culture University  |
2008 |
1 |
謝慧暹 / 敦煌莫高窟佛畫故事研究 |
| | | |
270. |
中國文化大學心理輔導學系  |
2013 |
1 |
陳嘉玲 (著)=Chen, Jia-ling (au.) / 藏傳佛教徒喪親經驗敘說研究=A Narrative Study of Tibetan Buddhists' Experience of Bereavement |
中國文化大學心理輔導學系  |
2012 |
1 |
林恩如 (著)=Lin, En-ru (au.) / 佛教布施實踐者內在經驗研究=A Study on the Inner Experiences of Alms-giving (dāna) Practitioner in Buddhism |
| | | |
271. |
中國文化大學日本研究所  |
2009 |
1 |
黃一雁 (著)=Huang, I-yan (au.) / 從中國的宗教思想探討竹取物語 -- 天人和濟度=Discuss The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter with Chinese Religion Thinking: Devata and Uttarana |
| | | |
272. |
中國文化大學史學系  |
2015 |
1 |
林浩基 (著)=Lam, Hooky (au.) / 莫高窟壁畫所見之政治圖像研究一以維摩謁經變畫為中心=A Study on Mogao Grottoes Mural’s Political Iconographies--Focus on Vimalakirti Sutra Painting |
中國文化大學史學系  |
2011 |
1 |
林美香 (著)=Lin, Mei-hsiang (au.) / 聖嚴法師大普化教育之研究=A Study on Master Sheng Yen’s Extensive Public Buddhist Education |
| | | |
273. |
中國文化大學史學研究所  |
2008 |
1 |
蔡朝枝 (著)=Tsai, Chao-chih (au.) / 日本天台宗之中國法源研究---以最澄(767-822)思想為中心=The Dharma Origin of Japanese Tien-dai School in Chinese---A Study Focused on the Thoughts of Saicho(767-822) |
| | | |
274. |
中國文化大學哲學系=Department of Philosophy, Chinese Culture University  |
2008 |
1 |
朱玉盛 / 說一切有部「業 說」初探 |
| | | |
275. |
中國文化大學哲學研究所  |
2006 |
1 |
釋明光 / 太虛大師的唯識思想初探 |
中國文化大學哲學研究所 |
2004 |
1 |
蔡淑慧 (撰) / 《佛說未曾有因緣經》研究 |
中國文化大學哲學研究所  |
1 |
崔紹美 (撰)=Cuei, Shào-měi (compose) / 中國佛教懺悔思想之研究 -- 以《慈悲道場水懺法》為中心 |
| | | |
276. |
中國文化大學哲學研究所=Department of Philosophy, Chinese Culture University(中國文化大學哲學系)  |
2008 |
1 |
陳世賢 / 「法體」與「時間」關係之研究 -- 以《俱舍論》與《順正理論》對「三世實有」之論辯為主 |
| | | |
277. |
中華大學  |
2022 |
4 |
林若妍 (著)=Lin, Ruo-Yan (au.) / 宗教場域療癒空間特性之探討─ 以慈法禪寺為例=A Discussion on the Characteristics of the Healing Space in the Religious Field:Taking Cifa Temple as a Case Study |
詹坤穎 (撰)=Chan, Kun-ying (compose) / 應用IPA模式探討禪茶文化館服務品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之研究-以兩岸禪茶文化館為例=Using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to Evaluate the Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty of Cross-Strait Zen-tea culture teahouse |
詹瑞起 =Chan, Jui-Chi / 以系統動態學探討民眾之茶禪接受度=Exploring the Public's Acceptance of Tea Zen with System Dynamics |
簡譓哦 =Chien, Hui-E / 宗教性療癒空間構成因子之研究-以北投農禪寺為例=A Study on the Component Factors of Religious Healing Space - the case of Nung Chan Monastery in Beitou |
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278. |
中臺科技大學  |
2019 |
1 |
項堯楷 (著)=Xiang, Yao-Kai (au.) / 寺廟大氣中焚香之醛酮類化合物與重金屬成分特徵分析=Characteristics of Carbonyl Compounds and Heavy Metals in the Air of Incense Burning from the Temples |
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279. |
元智大學  |
2022 |
1 |
劉草典 (著)=Liu, Taso-Dien (au.) / 寺廟團體社會責任之探討~以桃園市三座百年寺廟為例=Discussion on the Temples Social Responsibility:A Case Study of Three Centennial Temples in Taoyuan City. |
元智大學  |
2021 |
1 |
邱美娥 (著)=Chiu, Mei-Er (au.) / 寺廟與地方社會發展-以桃園市龜山區壽山巖觀音寺為例=Temple and Local Society Development-The Case Study of Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple, Taoyuan |
元智大學  |
2019 |
2 |
Tung, Yu-hung (著)=董宇紅 (au.) / Effects of Mindfulness on Heart Rate Variability=正念對心率變異的影響 |
周偉群 (著)=Chou, Wei-Chun (au.) / 寺廟與地方社會發展—以桃園市八德區三元宮為例=Temples and Development of Local Community: Take Sanyuan Temple in Bade District of Taoyuan City as an example |
| | | |
280. |
內蒙古大學=Inner Mongolia University  |
2006 |
1 |
智利華 / 太虛大師的佛教近代化思想和實踐=The Buddhism Modern Age of TaiXu Master Turns the Thought and Fulfillment |
| | | |
281. |
北京大學  |
2003 |
1 |
広中智之 (撰) / 漢唐于闐佛教發展與流變:以傳世文獻和出土寫本為中心 |
| | | |
282. |
台南應用科技大學  |
2020 |
1 |
鞏昱宏 (撰)=Gong, Yu-hong (compose) / 禪學空間設計擬作之探討=A study on Zen Theory using in practical Space Design |
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283. |
四川大學  |
2006 |
1 |
劉曉梅 (著)=Liu, Xiao-mei (au.) / 當代藏傳佛教在漢地的傳播 -- 以對仁真活佛在廣東的田野調查為例=The Transmission of Contemporary Tibetan Buddhism in Han Atreas |
| | | |
284. |
四川大學=Sichuan University  |
2007 |
1 |
李萬進 / 宗密心性思想探析=Studying and Researching of Thought in Zongmi' Hsin Hsing |
| | | |
285. |
玄奘人文社會學院  |
2003 |
1 |
陳昭伶 (撰) / 王維詩中的終極關懷類型 |
玄奘人文社會學院  |
2002 |
1 |
釋修善 (著)=林美滿 (au.) / 當代臺灣淨土教法的發展 |
玄奘人文社會學院  |
2001 |
2 |
張家禎 (撰) / 大悲懺法之研究 |
張蘭石 (撰)=Chang, Lan-shih (compose) / ψpsi:身心靈科學與宗教的整合研究--以 "神聖記號靈效應" 的科學, 唯識學研究為例=ψpsi:A Macroscopic Study of Scientific and Religious Theories on Physical, Mental and Spiritual Phenomena |
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286. |
玄奘人文社會學院=Hsuan Chuang University |
2003 |
1 |
李秀真 / 《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》業論研究 |
玄奘人文社會學院=Hsuan Chuang University  |
2002 |
2 |
余秀敏 (撰)=Yu, Hsiou-min (compose) / 台灣佛教大齋天法會之研究--田野調查和伊理亞德式的詮釋=Studies on the Buddhist Great Heaven-Sacrifice Rite in Taiwan--Field Work Mapping and Eliadian Interpretation |
陳清龍 (撰) / 來果禪師的生命進路與生死思想 |
玄奘人文社會學院=Hsuan Chuang University  |
2001 |
3 |
王秀英 (撰) / 《俱舍論‧定品》與《清淨道論》定學諸品之比較研究 |
陳金鳳 (撰)=釋果燈 (compose) / 明末清初律宗千華派之興起 -- 兼論當時諸師之律學思想 |
鄭梅珍 (撰) / 僧肇與吉藏的般若中觀思想比較研究 |
| | | |
287. |
玄奘人文社會學院宗教學研究所 |
2004 |
1 |
梁珮瑩 (撰) / 《占察善惡業報經》與占輪相法研究 |
| | | |
288. |
玄奘人文社會學院宗教學研究所  |
2000 |
1 |
楊曉玫 (撰)=Yang, Hsiao-mei (compose) / 中唐佛理詩研究 |
| | | |
289. |
玄奘人文社會學院宗教學研究所=Department of Religious Studies, Hsuan Chuang University(玄奘大學宗教學系暨研究所)  |
2001 |
1 |
釋道修 / 梁《高僧傳》福慧觀之分析與省思 -- [興福篇]「論」之研究 |
| | | |
290. |
玄奘大學  |
2023 |
3 |
Puja Purty (著)=禮虔 (au.) / Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and Modern Indian Buddhist Social Movements=安貝卡博士與當代印度佛教社會運動 |
Renuka Shardul (著)=禮仁 (au.) / Dr. Ambedkar’s choice of Religion and its Effects=安貝卡博士對宗教信仰的抉擇及其影響 |
李育昀 (著)=Lee, Yu-yun (au.) / 從盧曼系統理論看佛敎緣起觀=An Observation of Buddhist Theories of Dependent Origination from the perspective of Luhmann’s system Theory |
玄奘大學  |
2022 |
2 |
林慧婷 (著)=Lin, Hui-ting (au.) / 〈大唐三藏聖教序〉與〈述聖記〉之研究—兼論書法藝術與佛禪之關係=Research on “Preface of Holy Doctrine ” and “Preface of Praising Sages”—Cum Discussion on the Relationship Between Calligraphy and Buddhist Ch'an |
胡青芳 =Hu,Ching-fang / 基隆五大佛教寺院之源流及其發展=The Source and Development of the top five Buddhist Temples in Keelung |
玄奘大學  |
2021 |
4 |
王新惠 (著)=Wang, Hsin-hui (au.) / 赤山龍湖巖佛寺觀光文化之研究=The Researsh of the Tourism Culture of Chishan Longhuyan Temple |
黃詩原 (撰)=Huang,Shi-Yuan (compose) / 「觀世音傳奇」之創作理念、 劇場呈現暨展演技法=“The Legends of Avalokitesvara” – Creation Concepts, Theater Presentations, and Performance Techniques |
黃鏸儀 (撰)=Huang, Hui-yi (compose) / 漢傳佛教戒律之流變=On the Development and Evolution of Chinese Monastic Discipline |
廖玲年 (撰)=Liao,Ling-Nien (compose) / 佛教在「面對老化」與 「圓滿人生」中的作用=The Effects of Buddhist Teachings in "Facing Aging" and "Fulfilling Life" |
玄奘大學  |
2020 |
7 |
丹增南卓 (撰)=Tenzin, Namdol (compose) / 月稱《入中論》第六品中對於 「二諦」的見解與「自我」 的批判之研究=A Study on Candrakirtis View of the Two Truths and Rebuttal of the self in Chapter Six of Madhyamakavatara |
李雅婷 (撰)=Li, Ya-ting (compose) / 宗教信仰對教師情緒管理影響之研究-以桃竹地區國小教師為例=Study on Influence Posed by Religious Belief to Teachers’ Emotion Management - Take Elementary School Teachers in the Districts of Taoyuan and Hsinchu for Example |
周秀蓮 (著)=Poon IRENE Shau-lin (au.) / 金山寺水陸儀軌宗教文化遺產繼承與闡揚︰以R. Grimes儀式田野描繪及I. Kant文化哲學為考察中心=A Study on the Inheritance and Propagation of the Religious Cultural Heritage of Jinshan Temple's Water and Land Dharma Liturgy:Based on Ronald Grimes’ Mapping the Field of Ritual and Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy of Culture |
許錫章 (著)=Hsu, Hsi-Chang (au.) / 華嚴經菩提心之研究=The studies of Bodhi Mind of Avatamsaka Sutra |
陳泰璿 (著)=Chen, Tai-Hsuan (au.) / 無自性思想的現代思路:基於中觀學理論的自我修養模型=A modern approach to the non-self-nature doctrine:A nonself-cultivation model based on the Madhyamika Theory |
劉冠蘭 (著)=Liu, Kuan-lan (au.) / 楊英風藝術創作之探究 ──以宗教藝術與生活為主=A Probe into YuYu Yang’s Artistic Creations--the Case of Religious Art and Life |
鄭錦珍 (撰)=Cheng, Chin-chen (compose) / 印心法門竹北會館同修宗教經驗之研究=Research on Religious Experience of Heart Chan's Fellows in Zhubei Division |
玄奘大學  |
2019 |
10 |
吳曙帆 (著)=Wu, Shu-fan (au.) / 從台灣佛教如來宗之發展反思當代佛法弘傳=Reflecting on Dharma Propagation through the Prosperity of Ru Lai Sect in Contemporary Taiwan |
林昇映 =釋見惟 / 道源法師淨律思想初探=A Preliminary Study of Master Dau-Yuan’s Thoughts on Pure-Land and Precepts |
柳文鎮 (撰)=Liu, Wen-chen (compose) / 儒、釋、道的融合 — 混元禪師傳法元素分析=The Synthesis of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism: An Analysis of the Doctrine of Zen Master Huan Yuan |
張章得 (撰)=Chang,Chang-ter (compose) / 台灣當代佛教護生行為之比較研究:以素食、放生、友善農業與動物保護運動為例=A Comparative Research on Buddhist Life Conservation in Contemporary Taiwan – An Examination of Vegetarianism, Life Release, Eco-Friendly Farming and Animal Protection Movement |
曾于芳 (著)=Tseng, Yu-fang (au.) / 慈悲心和方便智探究―《華嚴經》與先秦諸子著作淺較=The research of compassion and Facilitation Wisdom―Comparison of Avatamsaka Sutra to Other Works by Pre-Qin Philosophers |
楊彩苓 (撰)=Yang, Tsai-ling (compose) / 臺灣當代僧伽老病關懷之研究=A Study on Caring the Aging and the Sick of the Sangha in the Contemporary Taiwan |
溫翠媛 =Wen, Tsui-Yuan / 美濃靈雲寺的弘法利生與人間關懷=A Case Study of Lingyun Temple in Meinong Town for Propagation and Worldly Concern of Buddhism |
劉冠宏 (撰)=Liu, Kuan-hung (compose) / 玄奘史傳中之釋迦牟尼佛傳記=The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha in Xuan Zang’s Historical Records |
蕭朝漢 (撰)=Hsiao, Chao-han (compose) / 佛教法會對寺院運作發展功能之研究=A Study of Dharma Assemblies to Temple Operation, Development, and Functions |
謝碧芬 (撰)=Shieh, Bi-fen (compose) / 準提法門及其在當代台灣之弘揚=The Dharma Gate in Cundī and its Propagation in Contemporary Taiwan |
玄奘大學  |
2018 |
11 |
朱鳳雅 (著)=Samaphanchai Tuenchai (au.) / 培訓青少年道德之方式 ─ 以泰國法身寺的V-STAR為例=The moral practice youth V-STAR of Dhammakaya Temple |
沈岳龍 (撰)=Shen, Yueh-lung (compose) / 以漢藏經論反觀古印度佛教論師之三時思想觀=Reflecting on the views of the three periods by ancient Indian Buddhist interpreters using Han and Tibetan sutras and shastras |
周俞妗 (撰) / 台灣地區宗教現代音樂現況之研究=A Study On The Situation Of Modern Religious Music In Taiwan |
林錦楓 (撰)=Lin, Chin-feng (compose) / 宗教信仰者的生死關懷:以臺灣地區佛教與道教為例=Life and Death Concerns of Religious Beliefs: A Case Study of Buddhism and Taoism in Taiwan |
林瓊華 (撰)=Lin, Chiung-hoa (compose) / 佛教藝術之研究:以花蓮和南寺為例=A Study on Buddhist Arts: For Example of Honan Temple in Hualian |
施忠全 (撰)=Shih, Chung-chuam (compose) / 宗教思想-儒.釋.道生死觀探微=Religious Thoughts – Exploration on the Views of Life and Death inConfucianism , Buddhism and Taoism |
洪慶忠 (撰)=Hung, Ching-chung (compose) / 轉型與別開新猷的法華寺─從新竹到三灣之遞嬗=The transformation and startup of Fa-Hua monastery:From Hsinchu to Sanwan |
張峻嘉 (著)=Chang, Chun-chia (au.) / 以自我曼陀羅模型分析儒佛文化:建構三層自我曼陀羅模型=Drawing on the Mandala Model of Self to analyze Confucianism and Buddhism: A development of the three-level Mandala Model of Self |
曾國全 (著)=Tseng, Kuo-chuan (au.) / 臺灣當代水陸外壇儀軌之參與觀察與研究=Participant observation and reflective study on the contemporary Buddhist rites of Shui Lu (“Land and Sea”)ceremonies in Taiwan |
黃兆欣 (撰)=Huang, Chao-hsi (compose) / 傳統整復推拿臨床所見之病痛 -以佛典與醫典為線索之平衡手法運用研究=A Study on the Traditional Rectification Therapy : Based on Buddhist and Medical Scriptures |
韓樹蕙 (撰)=Han, Shu-huei (compose) / 禪修對諮商心理師反移情的覺察及管理之研究=The study of the counsellors’ awareness and management regarding counter-transference through Zen practice. |
玄奘大學  |
2017 |
11 |
王秀珍 (撰)=Wang, Hsiu-chen (compose) / 網路宗教傳達宗教訊息的視覺途徑之研究=A Study on Visual Approaches to Communicate Religious Messages by Internet Religion |
白思蜜 (著)=Bai, Si-mi (au.) / 佛法的當代適應與對治 ─以聖嚴法師的禮儀環保為中心=A Study On Adaptability And Applicability of Contemporary Buddhist Dharma ─ The Case of the "protecting the social environment" of Master Sheng Yen |
吳德庸 (著)=Wu, Der-yuong (au.) / 景觀美學與風水理論關聯之研究 —以禪機山仙佛寺為例—=A Study on Peng-Shui theory from the Aesthetics of Landscape – Hsien Fo Temple of Chan Chi Shan as an example. |
張綾軒 (撰)=Chang, Ling-Hsuan (compose) / 佛教健身功法效益之研究 — 以釋性廣「四界調和」理論為主=The Study of the Benefits of Buddhist Regimen: Based on Shih Shing-Kuang’s “Four- realm Harmonized” Theory |
陳佾筑 (著)=Chen, Yi-chu (au.) / 民國道安法師教育文化志業之研究(1907–1977)=A Study on the Educational and Cultural Vocation of Ven. Dao An(1907–1977) |
黃淑琴 (撰)=Hwang, Su Chin (compose) / 佛教宗教師在女子戒治所輔導陪伴之自我敘說初探=A Self-Narrative Exploration of a Buddhist Chaplain Who Services as Spiritual Guidance at a Women Drug Rehabilitation Center |
黎雅慧 (著)=Li, Ya-hui (au.) / 從佛教水陸法會儀文探討南北水陸 —召請下堂的異同—=A Study of Investigating South and North Regions for Buddhist Shui-lu Ceremony’s Ritual Rules ―Similarities and Differences of Calling for Participation |
蕭澍經 =Hsiao, Su-ching / 佛教事業之變革與創新研究=The Study of Change and Innovation in Hosting for Buddhist Missions |
謝玉美 (著)=Hsieh, Yu-mei (au.) / 三平祖師信仰及其在臺灣的發展=The Worship of San-ping Zushi and Its Later Development in Taiwan |
蘇佩玲 (撰)=Su, Pei-ling (compose) / 從抗戰文學到佛教文學 - 謝冰瑩的文學之路=Xie Bingying : From a female soldier writer war of resistance to a Buddhist writer |
釋光持 (撰)=Saik, Chee-teng (compose) / 當代台灣大專青年學佛運動的興衰與轉機(1958~2016)=The Rise and Fall and Turning Point of Contemporary College Youth Buddhist Movement in Taiwan (1958~2016) |
玄奘大學  |
2016 |
4 |
石瑀喬 (著)=Shih, Yu-chiao (au.) / 三位自閉兒家長皈信過程之生命史研究 - 新竹市東區某國中同年級三位自閉症生家長為例=Study of how Religious Believe Influence the Life History of Parents of Children with Autism - Cases of One Junior High School Located in Hsinchu |
林意純 (著)=Lin, Yi-chun (au.) / 以保險方式因應佛教團體高齡化之策略運用=Strategical Applications with Insurance for Aging Population in Buddhist Groups |
芮朝義 (著)=Jui, Chao-yi (au.) / 大悲咒對喪親的音療效應—悲傷調適之歷程與生命意義之探索=The Sound Healing Effects of Da Bei Zhou for Parent's Death — Grief Adjustment's Progress and Life Meaning's Exploration |
葉菊梅 (著)=Yeh, Chu-mei (au.) / 毘婆沙師對法救思想的融攝與拒斥=Vaibhasika’s Acceptance and Rejection of Dharmatrāta’s Ideology |
玄奘大學  |
2015 |
5 |
許家賢 (著)=Hsu, Chia-hsien (au.) / 以科技接受模式觀點探討水陸法會之網路共修=Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to Investigate Internet Co-Practices of Water and Land Service |
陳昭伶 =Chen, Char-ling / 宋代禪僧觀音畫贊研究=A Study of Buddhist Monastic Poetries on Guanyin Paintings of Song Dynasty |
曾若甄 (著)=Tseng, Ro-chen (au.) / 從佛法理念探討自然生態農耕的理論與實踐:以台灣有機農業為例=Discuss the theory of natural ecological farming and its practice based on Buddhism’s concept by using Taiwan’s contemporary organic farming |
藍正毅 (撰)=Lan, Zheng-yi (compose) / 南傳上座部僧團生活 -- 短期出家參與體驗之研究分析=Daily Routine of Therevada Sangha - The Research and Analysis of Short Term Monastic Retreat Experiences |
釋法定 (撰)=Phramaha Amphon Suttiwong (compose) / 初期佛教的業力觀念之研究=Analysis Of Kamma In Early Buddhism |
玄奘大學  |
2014 |
12 |
王寶萍 (著)=Wang, Bao-ping (au.) / 印順導師淨土思想評述之爭議=The Controversy of Yin Shun's Commentary on Pure Land Thought |
周淑賢 (著)=Chou, Shu-sian (au.) / 時代轉型期中的比丘尼=Buddhist Nun in time of transition |
徐國隆 (著)=Hsu, Kuo-lung (au.) / 泰國漢傳佛教之研究-以泰國華宗普門報恩寺為例=A Research on Chinese Buddhism in Thailand-A Case Study of Chinese Buddhist Sect Bhoman-Khunaram Temple |
徐瓊梅 (著)=Hsu, Chiung-mei (au.) / 大華嚴寺竹南分院在家信徒皈信歷程之研究=The Conversion Process of Buddhist Householders - A Case Study at Huayen-World Zhunan Branch |
高幸里 / 《無量壽經》之彌陀淨土思想及其弘傳=The Idea about Amitabha’s Pure Land in Sukhavativyuha Sutra and its Propagation |
劉富珍 (著)=Liu, Fu-chen (au.) / 佛教在家信徒皈信行為之探討―以苗栗縣公館大坑行修寺志工為例=The study of the Religious Conversion of the Buddhist Laity-based on the example of the volunteers at Gongguan Dakeng Xing Xiu temple in Miaoli County |
劉德芳 (著)=Liu, Tx-fang (au.) / 身心靈調理之功效的佛法解釋 |
蔡素雲 (著)=Tsai, Su-yun (au.) / 從西本願寺到慈善寺:其歷史與沿革=From Nishi Hongan-ji to Ci-shang Temple : The Study of the Temple’s History and Evolution |
蔡逸欣 =Tsai, Yi-hsin / 《清淨道論》說梵住品之研究-兼論南傳菩薩道之修持=The Study of Brahmavihara-niddesa In the Visuddhimagga-with a discussion on Theravada Budhisattva Path |
鄭夙惠 (著)=Cheng, Su-hui (au.) / 四無量心的修習向度=The Dimension of Practice in the Four Immeasurable Minds |
盧家昌 (著)=Lu, Chia-chang (au.) / 藏傳佛教噶舉派皈信歷程之研究=A Study on the Conversion Process of the followers of Kagyu Sect in Tibetan Buddhism |
羅中成 (著)=Luo, Chung-cheng (au.) / 六祖壇經如來藏之研究=A Study of tathāgata-garbha in Mandala Sutra |
玄奘大學  |
2013 |
8 |
李佳諭 (著)=LI, Chia-yu (au.) / 台灣佛教喪葬禮儀流變之研究=Research on the transformation of Taiwan Buddhist funeral decorum and customs |
林淑莉 (著)=Lin, Shu-li (au.) / 《百喻經》中五戒與六度之探討=The Study Is for An Introduction to The Five Precepts and The Six Perfection of The One Hundred Buddhist Parables Research. |
洪麗鳳 (著)=Hung, Li-feng (au.) / 《無量義經》菩薩行研究=The Study of Bodhisattva-caryā in the Amitārthasūtra |
范琇華 (著)=Fan, Hsiu-hua (au.) / 宗教與旅遊---以斯里蘭卡佛教朝聖之旅為例=Religion and Tourism - the case of Buddhist Pilgrimage to Sri Lanka |
姬天予 =Chi, Tien-yu / 宋代禪宗臨終偈研究=The Research of Chan’s Poetry On Death of Song Dynasty |
張惠珠 (著)=Chang,Hui-chu (au.) / 現代僧團規制建構的脈絡與運作——以一個比丘尼僧團為探討對象=The Context and Operation of a Modern Sangha Regulation Construction:A Case Study on a Bhiksuni Sangha |
陳文容 (著)=Boontha Leartthavorntham (au.) / 泰國法身寺之弘法情況─以臺灣法身寺為例=THE DEVELOPMENT OF WAT PHRA DHAMMAKAYA IN TAIWAN |
謝馨誼 (撰)=Xie, Xin-yi (compose) / 聲聞乘與菩薩乘見道差異之研究 |
玄奘大學  |
2012 |
7 |
吳叔容 (著)=Wu, Shu-jung (au.) / 西蓮淨苑智諭法師佛七開示研究=The Research on Dharma Speech in 7 Days Chanting of the Buddha’s Name by Venerable Zhiyu of Xilian Jingyuan |
林靜怡 (著)=Lin, Ching-yi (au.) / 日僧筆下的晚唐佛教-以圓仁、 圓珍為中心=Buddhism in the Late Tang Dynasty Written by Japanese Buddhists-Centering on Ennin and Ennchin |
陳乃妃 (著)=Chen, Nai-fei (au.) / 佛教在家信徒皈信歷程之研究-以苗栗銅鑼九華山大興善寺信徒為例=Religious Conversion of the Buddhist Laity:The Case study of Tongluo Jiouhuashan Da Sing Shan Monastery in Miaoli County |
黃玲慧 (著)=Huang, Ling-hui (au.) / 台灣素食者的宗教認同與理念-以佛教、一貫道、民間宗教為例=Religious Conversion of I-Kuan-Tao in Taiwan:A multiple cases study on the Temple of Feng-Tien-Kung in Hsinchu |
蔡欣芳 (著)=Tsai, Hsin-fang (au.) / 佛陀的英雄之旅=The Hero’s Journey for Buddha |
謝惠織 (著)=Hsieh, Hui-chih (au.) / 青年信徒皈信歷程之研究-以法鼓山世界青年會中區法青會為例=Religious Conversion of Young Buddhist Laity:The Case Study of Dharma Drum for Young People Organization |
釋福喜 (著)=Sang Giau Thi Ho (au.) / 一行禪師「入世佛教」與星雲法師「人間佛教」之研究=The“Engaged Buddhism”of Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh and the “Humanistic Buddhism”of Ven. Hsing Yun |
玄奘大學  |
2011 |
8 |
王美玲 (著)=Wang, Mei-ling (au.) / 《無量義經》的實相探源=An Exploration on the Truth of the Ananta-nirdesa Sutru |
朱慧娟 (著)=Choo, Wai-kin (au.) / 漢譯《阿含經》倫理觀=Chinese version Sutra of "Agama"in Ethics |
李成智 (著)=Chootong Narong (au.) / 佛教弘法方式之研究─以「泰國法身寺」為例=Research on the Propagation of Buddhist Teachings–Wat Phra Dhammakaya Temple as case study |
張文位 (著)=Truong Van Vi (au.) / 佛教三寶沙畫之創作=The Creativity of Sand Art Based on the Three Treasures of Buddhism |
莊之淵 (著)=Chuang, Chi-yen (au.) / 明復法師之佛教文教志業研究=Master Mingfu's Undertakings in Promoting Buddhist Culture and Education |
陳仲瑛 (著)=Chen, Chung-ying (au.) / 台灣佛教喪禮研究=A study on Taiwan Buddhist Funeral |
溫淑花 (著)=Wen, Shu-hua (au.) / 佛與阿羅漢斷障差別之研究=The Study of the Differences in Hindrance-Eliminating between Buddha and Arahat |
熊瑞玲 (著)=Hsiung, Jui-ling (au.) / 則天武后與佛教關係之探討=Empress Ze Tian Wu relationshipwith BuddhismEmpress Ze Tian Wu relationshipwith BuddhismEmpress Ze Tian Wu relationship with Buddhism |
玄奘大學  |
2010 |
20 |
王燕鳳 (著)=Wang, Yan-feng (au.) / 佛乘真宗苑裡大慈佛堂探究=An Exploration of Forshang ShinshuIn Daci Temple in Yuanli |
江明臣 (著)=Chiang, Ming-chen (au.) / 唐代長安寺院壁畫之研究=Reserch of wall murals in China Chang-An(618~907C.E.) |
吳麗卿 (著)=Wu, Li-ching (au.) / 《大唐西域記》阿育王故事之研究=A Study of the Asoka′s Stories in the“Si-Yu-Ki, Buddhist Records of the Western World” |
周嘉慧 (著)=Chou, Chia-hui (au.) / 佛典譬喻故事在國中品格教育的運用=The Application of Buddhist Metaphor Stories on the Junior High School’s Character Education |
林子涵 (著)=Lin, Tzu-han (au.) / 《智者大師止觀思想之形成—以《釋禪波羅蜜次第法門》為線索 |
張慎涵 (著)=Chang, Shen-han (au.) / 印度教的濕婆神形象在佛教中的轉化與意義=The Transformation and Meaning of the Image of India’s Śiva in The Transformation and Meaning of the Image of India’s Śiva in Buddhism |
張筱懿 (著)=Chang, Hsiao-yi (au.) / 武則天女性政權與佛教關係之研究=A study of the relationship between the female regime of Wu Zetian and Buddhism |
張麗俐 (著)=Chang, Li-ly (au.) / 在家佛教信徒皈信歷程之研究--以福智團體廣論研討班中區學員為例=The Research of the Conversion Process of the in Home Buddhists --Take a Case of the Middle Area Learners from Blisswisdom.organ’s Guanglun Classes |
梁玉蘭 (撰)=Liang, Yu-lan (compose) / 國際佛光會苗栗教師分會之研究=The Research on Buddha's Light International Association Miao-li Teachers'Branch |
陳惠萍 (著)=Chen, Hui-ping (au.) / 從《大智度論》看彌陀淨土經典=A perspective of Amhitbha pure land Belief from MahA-prajJApAramitAsutra-upadeZa |
陳瑩琪 (著)=Chen, Ying-chi (au.) / 宗教皈信與轉換—以五顯慈恩寺為例=The Religious Conversion and Transformation : A Case study of Wu-Sian-Cih-En Temple |
黃治仁 (著)=Huang, Jhih-ren (au.) / 佛教在家信徒皈信行為之探討:以佛教慈海家園為例=Religious Beliefs and Conduct of the Buddhist Laity:A Case Study of Puxian Cihai Juvenile House |
黃碧香 (著)=Huang, Pi-hsiang (au.) / 蕅益智旭《彌陀要解》之研究 |
楊碧輝 (著)=Yang, Pi-hui (au.) / 無分別智之研究 |
葉慧娟 (著)=Yeh, Hui-Chuan (au.) / 阿育王的「正法治國」與梁武帝的「佛教國家」比較研究=The Study of contrast between Asoka’s Dharma Country and Liang Emperor Wu’s Buddhism Country |
劉貞德 (著)=Liu, Chen-te (au.) / 佛教信仰協助成年喪親者悲傷復原之個案研究=A Case Study on the Recovery from Grief for Bereaved Adults Who are Assisted by Buddhism Faith |
賴木生 (著)=Lai, Mu-sheng (au.) / 太虛大師對天台學的融攝與運用=The thought of Master Taixu's on the Tiantai Sect with his application |
戴麗花 (著)=Teh, Lee-hwa (au.) / 竺摩與達摩難陀對馬來西亞佛教的影響=The Influences of Ven. Zhu Mo&Ven. Dhammananda on Malaysian Buddhism |
釋滿律 (著)=Man Liuh (au.) / 非洲「令正法久住」的另類模式-以「阿彌陀佛關懷中心」為研究對象=The alternative model of "Dharma" in Africa—The case of the "Amitabha Care Center"The alternative model of "Dharma" in Africa—The case of the "Amitabha Care Center" |
鐘祥瑜 (著)=Chung,Hsiang-yu (au.) / 佛教在家信徒皈信歷程之研究-以慈濟警察消防暨眷屬聯誼會為例=Conversion Process of the in Home Buddhists—A Case Study on Tzu Chi Association of Police and Fire cum dependents |
玄奘大學  |
2009 |
3 |
林廣立 (著)=Lin, Kuang-li (au.) / 智者法身思想之研究 |
胡湧源 (著)=Hwu, Yeong-yuan (au.) / 《金剛經》論說形式之研究 |
劉柏卲 (撰)=Liu, Po-shao (compose) / 聲聞弟子的菩薩行傾向:印順法師對聲聞弟子的描述 |
玄奘大學  |
2007 |
15 |
方台蘭 (著)=Fang, Tai-lan (au.) / 世俗譬喻與解甚深義──《解深密經》譬喻之研究=Understanding the Profound Meanings by the Conventional Metaphors--A study of the Metaphors in the Samdhinirmocana-sutra |
伍麗滿 (著)=Wu, Li-Man (au.) / 臺南妙心寺對印順「人間佛教」的落實與弘展=The implementation and propagation of master Yin Shun's ""Humanity-Buddhism""in Tainan Miao Hsin Temple |
李金郎 (著)=Lee, Chin-lang (au.) / 意生身的內含與歷史開展之研究 |
周艷麗 (著) / 華嚴十迴向行之研究 |
邱玉如 (著)=Chiu, Yu-ju (au.) / 從住持傳承看寺廟發展--以苗栗大湖法雲禪寺為例 |
涂慧娟 (著)=Tu, Hui-juan (au.) / 忍辱的意義與實踐--從原始佛教到大乘佛教的發展 |
婁靜華 (著)=Lou, Ching-hua (au.) / 大乘佛教智慧與願行的表徵--論華嚴經中文殊與普賢的形象 |
張惠菁 (著)=Chang, Hui-ching (au.) / 台中慎齋堂的發展與轉型 |
許淑娟 (著)=Hsu, Shu-chuan (au.) / 《淨土聖賢錄》往生研究及在臨終關懷之應用 |
陳坤華 (著)=Chen, Kun-hua (au.) / 《攝大乘論》唯識思想與修行實踐關係之研究 |
曾文豐 (著)=Tseng, Wen-feng (au.) / 佛教青年志工服務對生命價值之初探=The Buddhixt Youth Volunteers Life Calue - A Case Study Buddhist TzuChi Collegiate Youth Association |
潘色娟 (著)=Pan, Se-chuan (au.) / 煮雲老和尚精進佛七之探討-從善導淨土教談起 |
蔡玉惠 (著)=Tsai, Yu-hui (au.) / 太平天國對佛教寺院的影響-以杭州蘇州上海為例 |
賴榮堂 (著)=Lai, Jung,tang (au.) / 彌陀信仰的臨終關懷:以台灣雪心文教基金會為例 |
釋傳璽 (著)=Shih, Chuan-hsi (au.) / 曇鸞淨土教思想 |
玄奘大學  |
2005 |
5 |
高玉美 (著)=釋理群 (au.) / 當代宗教傳播之個案研究-以佛衛慈悲台為例=Contemporary Studies in Religious Broadcasting – by Example of Fo-Hsing TV Station |
陳碧鴻 (撰)=Chen, Pi-hung (compose) / 普菴信仰與儀式之考察=Puu an belief and rites of inspection |
葉國泰 (撰)=Yeh, Kuo-tai (compose) / 六祖慧能思想對禪宗興革探微 |
廖英秀 (撰) / 彌陀淨土往生行因之研究 -- 以曇鸞、道綽、善導為主 |
劉嘉琪 (撰)=Liu, Chia-chi (compose) / 禪的精神在國小教育的啟思與運用 |
玄奘大學  |
2004 |
3 |
李碧純 (撰) / 永嘉玄覺禪法研究 |
董靜宜 (撰) / 道生法師佛性論之研究 |
歐陽志宏 (撰)=Ou Yang, Chih-hung (compose) / 《大智度論》的道次第研究 |
玄奘大學  |
2003 |
1 |
吳秋慧 (撰) / 台灣天台教學發展之研究 |
玄奘大學  |
2000 |
2 |
陳乃腕 (撰) / 印順法師禪觀思想研究 |
釋性廣 (撰)=Shih, Shing-kuang (compose) / 印順法師的禪觀思想 |
玄奘大學  |
1 |
蔣文弘 (著)=Chiang, Wen-hung (au.) / 藥王藥上菩薩行門之研究 |
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291. |
玄奘大學=Hsuan Chuang University  |
2006 |
1 |
梁毓東 (撰)=Liang, Yu-tung (compose) / 《紅樓夢》後四十回佛學思想研究 |
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292. |
玄奘大學宗教與文化學系碩士在職專班  |
2024 |
2 |
雷飛揚 (著) / 全真道教《重陽立教十五論》與佛教論點之研究=A Study of “Chongyang’s Fifteen Treatises on Establishing the Doctrine” in Quanzhen Taoism and Buddhist Scriptural and Doctrinal Discourse |
釋淨光 (著)=段小剛 (au.) / 《地藏菩薩本願經》真偽問題及其救度法門=The Question of Authenticity of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Fundamental Vow Sutra and its Salvation Method |
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293. |
玄奘大學宗教與文化學系碩士班  |
2024 |
3 |
張淑雅 (著)=Chang, Shu - ya (au.) / 玄奘大學建校歷程中的困難與突破=The Difficulties and Breakthroughs in the Establishment Process of Hsuan Chuang University |
釋心門 (著)=林秀珠 (au.) / 佛光山的寺院管理內涵及其特色——以佛光山新營講堂、蘭陽別院為例 |
釋悟永 (著)=尹麗華 (au.) / 《安樂妙寶》之淨土思想探究=Exploration of Pure Land Thought in the Chinese Scripture An Le Miao Bao |
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294. |
玄奘大學宗教學系  |
2015 |
2 |
陳世珊 (撰)=Chen, Shih-shan (compose) / 佛教臨床宗教師的養成與服務=Buddhist Clinical Chaplains to Develop and Service |
劉晏均 (撰)=Liu, Yen-chun (compose) / 聞「法」趣入:從印順到弘誓與覺風=Entry by Listening to Dharma:From Yin Shun to Hong Shi and Chue Feng |
玄奘大學宗教學系 |
2004 |
1 |
鍾秀美 (撰)=Chung, Hsiu-mei (compose) / 解嚴後的佛教團體 -- 以中華佛寺協會為例 |
玄奘大學宗教學系  |
1 |
釋演慧 (撰)=Shi, Yan-hui (compose) / 隋代彌陀思想研究 -- 以慧遠、智顗、吉藏為主 |
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295. |
玄奘大學宗教學系暨研究所  |
2006 |
2 |
林瑞卿 (撰)=Lin, Jui-chin (compose) / 佛教毘沙門天王與那吒研究 |
劉汝森 (撰)=Liu, Ju-sen (compose) / 當代台灣淨土法門之修持研究以台灣靈巖山寺為例 |
玄奘大學宗教學系暨研究所  |
2005 |
1 |
蔡美端 (撰)=Tsai, Mei-tuan (compose) / 出世與入世的葛藤 -- 從義學僧侶到開國元勳的巨贊法師之研究 |
玄奘大學宗教學系暨研究所  |
3 |
丘子紘 (撰)=Chiu, Tzu-hung (compose) / 善財童子發菩提心研究 -- 以「十玄門」主詮的華嚴發菩提心=The Study of Sudhana-s/res!t!hi-da^raka Initiate Bodhi-mind: The Explanation of the Initiation of Bodhi-mind in the Huayan with the Ten Gates of the Profound Philosophic Ideas |
林韻婷 (撰)=Lin, Yun-ting (compose) / 雜阿含經譬喻故事研究 |
釋性慧 (撰) / 以《大寶積經.普明菩薩會》為本的菩薩正行 |
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296. |
玄奘大學宗教學系碩士在職專班  |
2008 |
6 |
王淑麗 (撰)=Wang, Shu-li (compose) / 佛教徒皈依後出家與否之抉擇=Choices of religious practice of Buddhists, namely the choice of donning the robe or not. |
王燦榮 (撰)=Wang, Tsan-jung (compose) / 《華嚴經.十地品》的菩薩思想與實踐觀行之研究 |
白聰勇 (撰)=Pai, Tsung-yung (compose) / 唯識學與心理學有關潛意識分析之比較 |
周貴蘭 (撰)=Chou, Kuei-lan (compose) / 新竹市青草湖靈隱寺之探究=Research of Green Grass Lake Linyin Temple﹐Hsinchu |
彭德清 (撰)=Peng, Te-ching (compose) / 禪宗心性思想之探討=The Research on Zen's Thought of Mind Nature |
蘇珮瑛 (撰)=Su, Pei-ying (compose) / 玄奘三藏法師政教分際之探究=A study of Master Xuan Zang's political and religious position |
玄奘大學宗教學系碩士在職專班  |
2006 |
2 |
楊綺育 (撰)=Yang, Chii-yuh (compose) / 《修習止觀坐禪法要》之研究(又名小止觀、童蒙止觀) |
鍾明杏 (撰)=Chung, Min-shin (compose) / 佛教在家信徒皈信之研究 -- 以慈濟中區委員為例 |
玄奘大學宗教學系碩士在職專班  |
1 |
陳滿玉 (撰)=Chen, Man-yu (compose) / 寺院密集的靈山 -- 新竹市古奇峰附近的佛教寺院概述 |
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297. |
玄奘大學宗教學系碩士班  |
2013 |
1 |
林斐文 (撰)=Lin, Fei-wen (compose) / 《菩提道次第廣論》與《成佛之道》之研究 ——以三學為主=The Study of Discipline, the Study of Mediation, and the Study of Wisdom are based on the Body of Knowledge, Lamrim Chenmo and Buddhahood of the Road. |
玄奘大學宗教學系碩士班  |
2008 |
7 |
干文惠 (撰)=Kan, Wen-hui (compose) / 宗教組織進入歷程之探討 -- 以中華佛教青年會為例=Studies in The Entry Process of Religious Organization - by Example of Chinese Young Buddhist Association |
呂明原 (撰)=Lu, Ming-yuan (compose) / 台灣當代蒙山施食儀式研究 |
李元弘 (撰)=Lee, Yuan-hung (compose) / 當代藥師法門之實踐 -- 以臺灣及日本關西地區為例=The contemporary practice of the Medicine Buddhism in Taiwan and Kansai, Japan |
林宏彥 (撰)=Lin, Hung-yen (compose) / 菲律賓佛教之傳入與發展(1937~2008)=The Introduction and Growth of Buddhism in the Philippines(1937~2008) |
黃尉原 (撰)=Huang, Wei-yuan (compose) / 佛教團體在環境倫理方面之實踐 -- 以慈心有機農業發展基金會為例=The Buddhism Association Practice In The Environment Ethics Aspect: The Case Study Of Tse-xin Organic Agricultural Foundation |
楊美容 (撰)=Yang, Mei-jung (compose) / 漢譯《阿含經》四念處之研究 |
釋心珠 (撰) / 越南佛教初傳之研究 |
玄奘大學宗教學系碩士班 |
2004 |
1 |
謝莘莘 (撰)=Hsieh, Hsin-Hsin (compose) / 當代台灣佛教僧尼的戒律觀及其生活實踐 |
| | | |
298. |
玄奘大學應用心理學系  |
2017 |
1 |
郭庭宇 (著) / 信仰佛教的諮商心理師自我照顧經驗之敘說研究=A Narrative Research about Self-Care Experiences of the Consulting Psychologist with Buddhism Beliefs |
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299. |
玄奘大學應用心理學系碩士在職專班  |
2024 |
4 |
姜杭初 (著)=Chiang, Hang-chiu (au.) / 國小教師線上教學的壓力及適應之研究:以心理資本及創新教學為調節變項=A Research of Elementary School Teachers' Online Teaching Pressure and Adaption: Psychological Capital and Innovation Teaching as Moderaing Variables |
張益源 (著)=Chang, Yi-yuan (au.) / 以阿德勒社會興趣觀點探究毒癮更生人戒治復歸之路=The road to recovery for people leaving drug addiction : An Alfred Adler's Social Interest study |
陳韻琹 (著)=Chen, Yun-chin (au.) / 疫情之下助人工作者的工作改變及因應策略對離職意向及身心健康之影響=The Impact of Turnover Intention, Physical Health, and Mental Health for Professional Helper’s Changes in the Work and Related Coping Strategies during the Pandemic |
黃美鳳 (著)=Huang, Mei-feng (au.) / 以資源保存理論探討中年危機下資源流失對職場 退縮行為的影響:心理契約違背為調節變項=Using conservation of resources theory to explore the impact of resource loss on workplace withdrawal behavior under midlife crisis: Psychological contract violation as moderating variable |
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300. |
立正大学  |
2020 |
1 |
三輪是法 (著)=Miwa, Zeho (au.) / 近現代日本における日蓮信仰の研究 |
立正大学  |
2017 |
1 |
林瑞蘭 (著)=Lin, Jui-lan (au.) / 中国仏教における天台と三論の比較研究 |
立正大学  |
2016 |
5 |
木村紫 (著)=Kimura Yukari (au.) / 『俱舍論』を中心とした有身見の研究 : 刹那的な諸行を常住な一個体(piṇḑa)と把握する想と聖者の諦 |
米澤晋之助 (著)=Yonezawa, Shinnosuke (au.) / 慶林坊日隆教学の研究 |
佐野靖夫 (著)=Sano, Yasuo (au.) / 初期アビダルマ論書における多変量構造解析 |
望月海慧 (著)=Mochizuki, Kaie (au.) / ディーパンカラシュリージュニャーナ研究 |
新田章 (著)=Nitta, Akira (au.) / 日本仏教における因果応報の研究 |
立正大学  |
2014 |
3 |
本間俊文 (著)=Honma, Shunbun (au.) / 初期日興門流史の研究 |
吉村彰史 (著)=Yoshimura, Shoshi (au.) / 仏教福祉思想の研究=A Study on Buddhist Welfare Thought |
坂輪宣政 (著)=Sakawa, Sensho (au.) / 中近世の日蓮教団と公権力 |
立正大学  |
2001 |
3 |
李興範 (著)=イ, フンボム (au.) / 韓国古代伽藍の形成と展開の研究 |
金賢姫 (著)=キム, ヒョンヒ (au.) / 「方丈記」・「発心集」研究 : 主題の歴史と展望 |
清水海隆 (著)=Shimizu, Kairyu (au.) / 仏教福祉の思想と展開に関する研究(上)(下) |
立正大学  |
1998 |
5 |
上田本昌 (著)=Ueda, Honsho (au.) / 日蓮聖人における法華仏教の展開 |
方亞平 (著)=ホウ, アヘイ (au.) / 陶弘景思想の研究 |
朴洪國 (著)=ボク, ホンコク (au.) / 韓国塼塔の考古学的研究 |
西田直樹 (著)=Nishida, Naoki (au.) / 「往生要集絵巻」詞章と絵の研究 |
望月海淑 (著)=Mochizuki, Kaishuku (au.) / 法華経における信行の研究 : 法華経における信の研究序説 |
立正大学  |
1997 |
3 |
小松邦彰 (著)=Komatsu, Kuniaki (au.) / 日蓮聖人引用経論の研究 |
庵谷行亨 (著)=Otani, Gyoko (au.) / 日蓮聖人教学における観心の研究 |
曺良淑 (著)=Cho, Yang-suk (au.) / 南岳慧思の修行道論 |
立正大学  |
1996 |
4 |
下川邊季由 (著)=Shimokawabe, Kiyoshi (au.) / 無性唯識説の文献学的研究 |
冠賢一 (著)=Kanmuri, Kenichi (au.) / 近世日蓮宗出版史研究 |
徐徳仙 (著)=Seo, Duk-sun (au.) / 唯識思想における心意識説の研究 |
野沢佳美 (著)=Nozawa, Yoshimi (au.) / 明代大蔵経刊行史の研究(南蔵篇) |
立正大学  |
1995 |
1 |
宮澤勘次 (著)=Miyazawa, Kanji (au.) / 四明知礼 : 観経疏妙宗鈔の研究 |
立正大学  |
1994 |
4 |
北村行遠 (著)=Kitamura, Gyoon (au.) / 近世開帳の研究 |
古瀬順一 (著)=Kose, Junichi (au.) / 中世国語史資料としての「日蓮遺文」の研究 |
岩田諦靜 (著)=Iwata, Taijo (au.) / 真諦の唯識説の研究 |
蜜波羅鳳洲 (著)=Mitsuhara, Hoshu (au.) / 「三昧王経」(Samâdhirâjasûtra)の研究 |
立正大学  |
1993 |
2 |
山中喜八 (著)=Yamanaka, Kihachi (au.) / 日蓮聖人真蹟の世界 |
宋錫範 (著)=ソウ, セキハン (au.) / 新羅石塔の研究 |
立正大学  |
1992 |
1 |
大橋俊雄 (著)=Ohashi, Shunno (au.) / 一遍智真の宗教に関する成立史的研究 |
立正大学  |
1990 |
2 |
沼義昭 (著)=Numa, Gisho (au.) / 観音信仰研究 |
湯田豊 (著)=Yuda, Yutaka (au.) / ウパニシャッドの哲学 |
立正大学  |
1989 |
1 |
茂田井教亨 (著)=Motai, Kyoko (au.) / 観心本尊抄研究序説 : 宗学体系化への試み |
| | | |
301. |
吉林大學=Jilin University  |
2007 |
3 |
仇明春 / 《壇經》中所見的《大乘起信論》思想略辯=The Thoughts in the Platform Sutra from the Awakening of Mahayana Faith |
稂荻 / 《阿毗達磨俱舍論》中的“無我”思想=The Idea of the "Anatman" in《Abhidharmako(?)a-bhāsya》 |
楊敬然 / 《俱舍論》之六因論辨析=Six Causes in Abhidharmakosa-bhasya |
吉林大學=Jilin University  |
2006 |
1 |
王磊 / 天臺宗山家與山外之爭評述=Comment on Shanjia-Shanwai Debate of T'ien-t'ai |
吉林大學=Jilin University  |
2005 |
1 |
郭華 / 《安樂集》凈土思想研究=Research on Pure Land Thought of ANLEJI |
吉林大學=Jilin University  |
2004 |
1 |
劉富勝 / 阿賴耶識緣起研究 -- 以《成唯識論》為主=Research on Dependent Origination of a^laya: Mainly Center on CHENGWEISHILUN |
| | | |
302. |
同朋大学  |
2015 |
3 |
河村諒 (著)=Kawamura, Ryo (au.) / 真宗における救済 : 王舎城の悲劇を通して |
花栄 (著)=Huarong (au.) / 親鸞思想の研究 : 唯識思想との関連性をめぐって |
髙木祐紀 (著)=Takagi, Yuki (au.) / 曽我量深の思想に関する研究 |
同朋大学  |
2014 |
2 |
沼波芳子 (著)=Nunami, Yoshiko (au.) / 親鸞における女人往生思想の研究 |
棚橋めぐみ (著)=Tanahashi, Megumi (au.) / 「王舎城の悲劇」にみる真宗救済論 |
| | | |
303. |
安徽大學=Anhui University  |
2004 |
1 |
金小方 / 佛教與人生 -- 太虛佛教人生觀解析 |
| | | |
304. |
汕頭大學=Shantou University  |
2004 |
1 |
王春艷 / 從“頓悟”到“妙悟” -- 禪思維向藝術思維的轉化=From 'Dunwu' to 'Miaowu': The Transferring of Chan Thought Toward Art Thought |
| | | |
305. |
西北大學=Northwest University  |
2006 |
1 |
梁爽 / 1931-1945年間中國漢傳佛教界狀況研究=Analysis of Chinese Han Buddhism Situation from 1931 to 1945 |
| | | |
306. |
佛光人文社會學院  |
2006 |
3 |
胡琬蘋 (撰)=Hu, Wan-ping (compose) / 從「信徒的社會階層」探討人間佛教道場的發展 — 以佛光山台北道場為例=The Social Classes and the Development of Humanistical Buddhism --- the Case Study of the Devotees in Fo Guang Shan Taipei Vihara |
黃靖琦 (撰)=Huang, Ching-chy (compose) / 菩薩道與菩薩戒關係之研究--以漢譯《瑜伽師地論‧戒品》為中心=The Study of Relationship Between the Bodhisattva Path and the Bodhisattva Precepts—Based On the Chinese Translation of 《Yogācāra-bhūmi‧śīla-patala》 |
劉玉燕 (撰)=Liu, Yu-yen (compose) / 大乘菩薩入世性之研究 ── 以六波羅蜜為論述範圍=Besearch on the Caring ─ Mundane Nature of the Mahayana Bodhisattvas ─ Focus on the Six Paramitas |
佛光人文社會學院  |
2005 |
1 |
蔡旻芳 (著) / 明末註疏對《楞嚴經》「五十陰魔」之研究 |
佛光人文社會學院  |
2004 |
1 |
林美玲 (撰) / 佛教慈善事業之發展:佛光山慈悲基金會等個案研究 |
| | | |
307. |
佛光人文社會學院 宗教學系 |
2005 |
1 |
林孟穎 (撰) / 「中有」之研究 |
| | | |
308. |
佛光大學  |
2023 |
1 |
鍾沁琳 (著)=Chung, Chin-lin (au.) / 佛光大學佛教學系的學生品德教育 |
佛光大學  |
2022 |
12 |
阮氏金鑾 (著)=Nguyen Thi kim loan (au.) / 當代越譯漢文《大藏經》之研究=A Study on the Contemporary Vietnamese Translation of the Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka |
阮氏香 (著)=釋妙香 (au.) / 北越佛教與母道之交融=A Study of Integration between Northern Vietnamese Buddhism and Dao Mau worship |
林于涵 (著)=Lin, Yu-han (au.) / 明清僧著《八大人覺經》疏、跋之研究=A Study of Commentaries to the Eight Realizations of Great Beings Sutra by Ming-Qing Monastics |
武氏恒 (著)=Vo, Thi Hang (au.) / 19世紀越南禪門《繼燈錄》之研究=A Study on Vietnamese Chan Buddhism Based on Ji Deng Lu in 19th Century |
俞明仁 (著)=Yu, Ming-jen (au.) / 善知識-福智在家信徒的信仰與宗教生活=Kalyāṇa-mitra : the Faith and Religious Life of the Blisswisdom Laity in Taiwan |
許慧敏 =Hsu, Hui-ming / 袾宏《阿彌陀經疏鈔》譬喻所彰顯之修行意涵 |
陳愛娥 (著)=Tan, Ai-Ngoh (au.) / 近代大馬檳城漢傳佛教發展之研究—— 以《無盡燈》為中心 |
葉馥安 (著)=Yeh, Fu-an (au.) / 藏傳佛教儀式音樂研究及其在台灣的實踐-以「祈願法會」為例=Tibetan Buddhist ritual music and its practice in Taiwan-a case study of “Monlam” |
董定翰 (著)=Tung, Ting-han (au.) / 佛法樂活觀之研究—以阿彌陀佛為例=The LOHAS Theory of Dharma: A Study of the Ideal of Amitābha |
鄭印茹 (著)=Cheng, Yin-ju (au.) / 台中靈山寺開山監院德欽法師傳 |
鄭怡玟 (著)=Cheng, Yi-wen (au.) / 羅什譯《維摩詰經》人間佛教意涵之研究── 以〈觀眾生品〉、〈佛道品〉為中心=A Study on the Meaning of Humanistic Buddhism in Vimalakīrti-nideśa Sūtra translated by Kumārajīva- Focus on the Chapters of ‘Observing Living Beings’ and ‘The Buddha Way’ |
鄧葶愉 (著) / 《法句譬喻經》版本源流研究 |
佛光大學  |
2021 |
13 |
Aizhamal Nusupova (著) / 當代俄羅斯布里亞特區的佛教尼僧與女人=Buddhist Nuns and Women in ContemporaryBuryatia, Russia |
方惠嬋 (著)=Fang, Hui-chan (au.) / 北宋佛國禪師《文殊指南圖讚》之研究=A Study of Chan Master Foguo’s Wenshu Zhinan Tuzan in the Northern Song Dynasty |
王怡仁 (撰)=釋知瑞 (compose) / 憨山德清《肇論略注》之研究=A Study of Hanshan Deqing's Zhaolun Luezhu |
王怡方 (撰)=Wang, Yi-fang (compose) / 法藏《梵網經菩薩戒本疏》之研究=On Fazang's Commentary to the Code of the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Fanwang jing |
邱巧儒 (撰)=Chiu, Chioi-ju (compose) / 現代人間佛教實踐 — 以蘭陽別院為例 |
陳子蕙 (著)=Chen, Zi-hui (au.) / 唯識思想與星雲人間佛教的心靈淨化=The Yogacara thought and the Spiritual Purification of Hsing Yun's Humanistic Buddhism |
黃絹喬 / 福智居士修學以福智台北學苑知音讚頌班為例 |
黃義助 =Huang, Yi-chu / 佛教信仰的護老實踐研究 以福智教育園區為例 |
黃鳴鳳 (著)=Huang, Ming-Feng (au.) / 茶禪對六識覺察影響之研究=Exploring How Tea Chan Influences the Mindfulness of the Six Consciousnesses |
廖麗珠 (著)=Liao, Li-chu (au.) / 戰後臺灣齋姑的生命史探討=A Study of Caigus’ Life-History in the Post-war Taiwan |
蔣敏陸 (撰)=Chiang, Min-Lu (compose) / 《佛母大金曜孔雀明王經》之探究 |
鄧葶涓 (著) / 從《龍筋鳳髓判》看唐代法律與佛教間的交涉—以三則佛教相關判文為中心 |
羅文蔓 (撰)=Lo, Wen-Man (compose) / 佛教華語文教案成效研究 — 以佛光山菲律賓光明大學為例=Chinese Language Learning Through Buddhist Materials at Fo Guang Shan Philippines Guang Ming College |
佛光大學  |
2020 |
13 |
王盈堯 (著)=Wang, Ying-yao (au.) / 人間佛教的社群媒體時代—以佛光山為例=Humanistic Buddhism in the Era of Social Media - A Case Study of Fo Guang Shan |
谷有量=Ku, Yeou-liang / 晚清民國漢藏佛教關係之研究(1900—1947):以太虛和漢藏教理院為中心=The Study of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism during the Late Qing and Republic Era (1900-1947) - Focusing on Taixu and the Sino-Tibetan Institution |
張桂菊 (撰) / 漢月法藏禪師參禪指導之研究 |
陳昱廷 =Chen, Yu-ting / 黃庭堅生死哲學及其養生禪觀研究 |
廖維駿 (著)=Liao, Wei-Juin (au.) / 唐宋佛道經典及易學傳承對紫微斗數全書影響之探討=The Influence of Buddhist Sutras, Daoist Canons, and Yi-ology Succession in the Tang and Sung Dynasties on The Encyclopedia of Zi-Wei-Dou-Shu. |
劉勁松 (著)=Liu, Jin-song (au.) / 《陰持入經》的名相 —— 以「陰」為中心的一項綜合研究=Terminology in “Yin Chi Ru Jing”: A Comprehensive Study Centering on “Skandha” |
劉美玲 (著)=釋德雴 (au.) / 自力更生之寺院經濟型態研究:以慈濟靜思精舍為例=Study on the economic type of self-reliance temples: A case study of Tzu Chi’s Jing Si Abode |
劉珈妗 (著)=Liu, Carolina (au.) / 梵文《五蘊論》譯注與研究=An Annotated Chinese Translation and Study of the Sanskrit “Pañcaskandhaka” |
潘進達 (著)=Phan, Tien-dat (au.) / 世親《俱舍論》之「無我」與「業感緣起」思想之探討=The Research “Non-self” and “the result of Action the Continuation” thought in the Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣya |
魏婉茹 (著)=Wei, Wan-ju (au.) / 福智式有機農業的宗教實踐─以里仁公司為例 |
蘇原裕 (著)=Su, Yuan-yu (au.) / 因陀羅繪畫的研究—以寒山拾得繪畫為核心 |
釋宗順 (著)=Trần Thị Ngọc Anh (au.) / 當代越南移居人士社群在台之宗教活動研究—以新店普悲寺與新莊弘法院為例=A Study On the Religious Activities of Modern Vietnamese Immigrant Communities in Taiwan - Take Xindian Pubei Temple And Xinzhuang Hongfa Cloister As Examples |
釋潤玲 (著)=Do, Minh-Chi (au.) / 《金剛經》根機之研究 |
佛光大學  |
2019 |
11 |
Craig Krieger (著) / Chan Master Wuyi Yuanlai’s Huatou Practice in the Chan Jingyu=無異元來禪師《禪警語》中的話頭禪 |
林清三 (撰)=Lin, Chin-san (compose) / 超常信念、宗教敘事傳輸與主觀幸福感之研究=Research on paranormal beliefs, religion narrative transpotation and subjective well-being |
邱品融 (撰)=Chiou, Pin-rung (compose) / 古德大賢《維摩詰經折衷疏》之研究=A Study of Gude Daxian's Weimojiejing zhezhongshu |
施枬 (著)=Shih, Nan (au.) / 《大乘莊嚴經論.真實品》譯注與研究=An Annotated Translation and Study of the “Chapter on Tatvādhikāraḥ” ofMahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra |
高氏秋鶯 (撰)=Cao, Thi-Thu-Oanh (compose) / 《湛然圓澄禪師語錄》之禪學思想研究=A Study of Chan Philosophy in “Chan Master Yuan Cheng Quotations” |
陳芷慧 (著)=CHEN, TZU-HUI (au.) / 佛教與戰爭——以二戰期間中日佛教界對戰爭之詮釋為中心=Buddhism and War:Focused on the interpretation of the Chinese and Japanese Buddhist communities during the World War II |
陽光莎夏 (著)=Lyapina, Oleksandra (au.) / 菩薩行之「阿僧祇」── 印度釋氏數種文獻數目說考釋=Asaṃkhyeya: Numerical Aspects of a Bodhisattva's Practice in Various Indian Buddhist Traditions |
關婷謙 (著)=Kwan, Ting-qian (au.) / 新加坡佛教本土化:以法華寺與佛教協會為例=Localization of Buddhism in Singapore: The case studies of Fa Hua Monastery and Buddhist Fellowship |
釋妙仁 (撰)=姚蘋 (compose) / 佛教與慈悲 - 以佛教徒急難救助人行為模式與個案探討=Buddhism, Loving-Kindness and Compassion-A Case Study on the Behavior Model of Buddhist Relief Workers |
釋法懺=Lu, Mei-line / 悟明法師生平與觀音法門實踐研究=The Study of The Biography of Ven. Wu Ming and his Avalokiteśvara Practice. |
釋慧宜 (撰)=溫敏華 (compose) / 星雲人間佛教「神明聯誼會」之研究=A Research on When Buddha Meets the Gods Event of Hsing Yun Humanistic Buddhism |
佛光大學  |
2018 |
15 |
Gediminas Giedraitis (著) / Jingying Huiyuan's Thought on Emptiness in the Essay on the System of Mahāyāna=淨影慧遠《大乘義章》中「空」之思想 |
Keller, Mirella (著) / 一揆超琛禪師話頭禪法之研究=A Study of the Huatou Teachings of Chan Master Yikui Chaochen一揆超琛 |
王曉霞 (撰) / 《瑜伽師地論.聲聞地》中種姓地下階的因緣之譯注與研究=Annotated Translation and Study of the Incomplete Conditions of the Gotrabhūmi in the śrāvakabhūmi. |
石義宇 (撰)=Shih, I-yu (compose) / 藏傳佛教寧瑪派在台灣的發展 ── 以中華民國寧瑪巴喇榮三乘法林佛學會為研究=The Development of Nyingma Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan, A Case of Nyingma pa Larong Chuling Buddhist Society. |
李恆怡 (著)=Lee, Heng-yee (au.) / 從鳩摩羅什譯本之《般若經》至《大智度論》文本解釋擴展研究=Expansion of Doctrinal Interpretation in Kumārajīva’s Translations of the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras to the Mahāprajñāpāramitā Upadeśa |
周子翔 (撰)=Zhou, Zi-xiang (compose) / 幽溪傳燈《維摩經無我疏》研究 ── 論「心淨則佛土淨」及「無我」觀 |
周是忠 (撰)=Chou, Shih-jhong (compose) / 魏晉時期佛教與道教的融合 |
姚真庭 (著)=Yau, Chin-tyng (au.) / 《大般涅槃經》臨終正念之探究=An Exploration of Near Death Mindfulness in the Mahāparinirvānasūtra |
程文杉 (撰) / 國內宗教學研究所與學生畢業論文撰寫取向研究 |
廖啟文 (撰)=Liao, Qi-wen (compose) / 淨土思想與宗教養生=Pure Land Buddhism and Religious Health |
鄭婉齡 (撰) / 《大悲懺》之身心靈療癒及生命實踐初探 –以佛光山道場為例=A Preliminary Study on the Holistic Healing and Life Practice of the Great Compassion Repentance – A Case of the Fo Guang Shan Monastery |
戴慶華 (撰)=Tai, Ching-hwa (compose) / 建構星雲人間佛教領導模式 - 以國際佛光會中華總會分會長為例=Constructing the Model of Hsing Yun Humanistic Buddhism Leadership through the Study of BLIA’s Branch Leader |
謝曉青 (著)=Chia, Siow-ching (au.) / 從正念減壓團體課程中探討正念對生命關係向度的影響=The Impact of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training on Different Life Relationship Dimension |
羅夢婷 (著)=Lau, Men-ten (au.) / 佛教數位藝術的應用:佛陀「放光」的現代詮釋——以佛陀紀念館光照大千—3D光雕祈福活動為例=The Application of Digital Buddhist Art: A Contemporary Artistic Interpretation of Buddha’s Radiating Lights – Based on Lights of Wisdom 3D Projection Mapping Display in the Buddha Museum |
釋顯僧 (撰)=曾潤麗 (compose) / 臺灣素食文化的形成與特色=The Formation and Characteristics of Vegetarian Culture in Taiwan |
佛光大學  |
2017 |
28 |
Bibek Prasad Sharma (著) / 羅漢受記之研究: 以《鳩摩羅什法師大義》為中心=The Prediction of an Arhat (vyākaraṇa): A Study of Master Kumārajīva’s Great Exposition of Meaning |
KO, NANCY LAURENTE (著) / Rebirth in the Pure Land: A Study of The Biographies of Auspicious Response (Ruiying Zhuan 瑞應傳) |
Norberto Valentin Conde Jimenez Fernandes da Cruz (著) / Buddhism and Childhood – An Analysis of Premodern South Asian Buddhist Discourse and Imagery=佛教與兒童 – 近代以前的南亞佛教教說與形象分析 |
李孟真 (著)=Lee, Meng-chen (au.) / 蘭陽地區觀音信仰之研究-以頭城鎮為例=The Study of the Belief of Avalokitesvara in Yilan-A Case Study of Toucheng Township in Taiwan |
阮氏玉艷 (著)=NGUYEN, THI-NGOC-DIEM (au.) / 越文《般若波羅蜜多心經》譯本之研究 --- 依唐三藏法師玄奘譯本為主=A Comparative Study of Different Vietnamese Translations of the Heart Sūtra – Based on the Translation by the Tripitaka Master Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty |
林佳瑩 (撰)=釋知如 (compose) / 返本開新:論佛光山教團的「四大宗旨」=Tradition and Innovation:A Discussion of the Four Main Objectives of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order |
施翔齡 (著)=Shih, Shiang-lin (au.) / 黃土水〈釋迦出山〉雕塑圖像研究=On the iconography of "Sakyamuni" by Huang Tu-Shui |
洪瑀謙 =HUNG, YU- CHIEN / 從《法華經.四安樂行》解析星雲大師人間佛教的現代實踐=A Research of the Four Modes of Happiness in the Lotus Sutra and Its Practice in Modern Times – A Case Study of the Doctrines of Master Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism |
洪瑀謙 =Hung, Yu-chien / 從《法華經.四安樂行》解析星雲大師人間佛教的現代實踐=A Research of the Four Modes of Happiness in the Lotus Sutra and Its Practice in Modern Times – A Case Study of the Doctrines of Master Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism |
張淑媛 (撰) / 現代佛教人文素養培育 - 以慈濟花道課程為例 |
郭秀琴 (著)=Kuek, Siew-Chin (au.) / 《般若經・彌勒請問章》譯注與研究=An Annotated Chinese Translation and Study of the “Chapter Preached at The Request of Maitreya” in the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra |
陳怡靜 (著) / 二十世紀上半葉藏傳佛教於漢地之發展──以上海地區為例=The Development of Tibetan Buddhism at the First Half of the 20th Century in China: Focusing on the Case of Shanghai Area |
陳芳婷 (著)=Chen, Fang Ting (au.) / 《大寶積經‧富樓那會》研究=A Study on Pūrṇaparipṛccha of The Mahāratnakūṭa-sūtra |
曾秀美 (著)=Chang, Xiu-mei (au.) / 《別譯雜阿含》中「欲」一字之使用研究=A Study of the use of the character “欲” in the Alternative Translation of the Saṃyuktāgama |
黃麗玉 (著) / 宜蘭員山北后寺研究 |
黃麗芬 (撰) / 《法華三昧懺儀》靈感錄之研究=A Research on the Sympathetic Resonance Recordof Lotus Sutra Samadhi Worship and Repentance |
楊澤君 (著)=YANG, GINA TSE-CHUN (au.) / 識土地中的法種子: 《攝大乘論》之阿賴耶識植物認知隱喻研究=Dharmic Seeds in the Ground of Consciousness: Botanical Cognitive Metaphors of the Ālayavijñāna in the Mahāyānasaṃgraha |
萬子菱 (著)=Wan, Zi-ling (au.) / 南泉、子湖和長沙禪師語錄之研究=A Study of the Recorded Sayings of Chan Masters Nanquan, Zihu and Changsha |
劉玉姿 (著)=釋智證 (au.) / 漢譯《根本說一切有部律》波羅夷、僧殘篇之研究 ──以中華民國刑法分則編為核心=A Study on the Chinese translated 《Mūlasarvāstivāda》pārājika, saṁghāvaśeṣa,Based on the Criminal Law of the Republic of China |
劉玉蓮 (著)=Lau, Yuk-lin (au.) / 菩薩的嚴飾敦煌莫高窟第57窟南壁的觀音畫像上的瓔珞的探討=The Glorious Garlands Of BodhisattvaA Study Of The Adornments Based On TheAvalokiteśvara Image On The South Wall Of TheCave 57 In Mogao Grottoes |
劉若瑜 (著)=Liu, Jo-yu (au.) / 羅東歪仔歪觀音佛祖廟—永和寺研究 |
蔡彬晨 (著)=Tsai, Pin-chen (au.) / 太虛的反思批判思想與傳承建設之研究-以「人生佛教」的思想理論與《起信論》比較=A Study on the Criticism and Inheritance of Reflection in Taixu's Thought Comparing the Theory of Humanistic Buddhism with The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana |
鄭芳宜 (著)=Cheng, Fang-yi (au.) / 漢譯《孔雀明王經》之演變與法門研究=A Research on the Development and the Approach of the Translated Chinese MahāmāyūrīVidyāRājñīsūtra |
黎清海 (著)=Le, Thanh-hai (au.) / 《法華經》在越南的翻譯、傳承與其對越南的影響──以華嚴寺為例=The Translation, Transmission and Influence of the Lotus Sutra in Vietnam – A Case Study of Huayen Temple |
羅靜怡 (著)=LUO, JING-YI (au.) / 南投久靈寺與台南碧雲寺 佛祖回鑾活動之比較研究=A Comparison on the Annual Return Journey of the Buddha between Tzu Lin Temple in NanTou and Bi Yun Temple in Tainan |
譚美卿 (著)=Tam, Mei-hing (au.) / 佛教與殘疾:從理論到當代華人社會的實踐=Buddhism and Disability – From Theory to Practice in Contemporary Chinese Societies |
釋聖元 (著)=Lai, Peggy Chun-pei (au.) / 初探現代漢傳佛教〈朝時課誦〉之英文翻譯=Preliminary English Translation Study of the Modern-day Chinese Buddhist Morning Recitations |
龔軼 (著)=Gong, Yi (au.) / 遼代中國北方禪宗源流考釋:以石刻資料為中心=An Epigraphical Study of the Development of the ChanSchool in Northern China during the Liao Dynasty |
佛光大學  |
2016 |
10 |
林靜冠 (著)=Lin, Jing-guan (au.) / 心在涅槃,行在生死—不可行乎?=Mission Impossible? Play in the Conditioned While in the State of the Unconditioned |
邱莉淳 (著)=Chiu, Li-chun (au.) / 佛塔的轉型與當代應用 ─ 以佛光山佛陀紀念館為例=The Transformation and the Contemporary Application of Buddhist Stupas – A Study of the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center |
施美智 (著)=Shih,Mei-chih (au.) / 近代往生錄之研究=A Resarch on Modern Record of Pure Land Reborn |
高婉庭 (著)=Kao, Wan-ting (au.) / 北涼石塔供養圖像的儒釋道思想匯融研究——以高善穆石塔為例=A study on the Fusion of Northern Liang Dynasty Stone Stupa Offering Iconography with Confucian,Buddhist and Daoist Thought--Taking the Gao Shanmu Stone Stupa as Case Example |
張冠葶 (著)=Chang, Kuan-ting (au.) / 《佛地經論》四種無分別智研究=A Study on Four Non-discriminating Wisdoms in the Buddhabhūmisūtra-śāstra |
張英杰 (著)=Chong, Eng-keat (au.) / 《佛所行讚》的環形結構=The Chiasmic Structure of the Buddhacarita |
陳均柔 (著)=Chen,Chun-jou (au.) / 梵語《八千頌般若波羅蜜經.了知諸行相第一品》譯注=Annotated Translation of the First Chapter on the Knowledge of All Modes in the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā |
陳俊鷹 (撰)=Chen, Jun-ying (compose) / 臨終助念儀軌之象徵意義研究=Study on Symbolic Meaning of Assist Chanting Rite |
游芳萍 (撰)=Yu, Fang-ping (compose) / 宜蘭員山慈惠寺研究 |
劉慈慧 (著)=Liu,Tzu-hui (au.) / 不空《無量壽如來觀行供養儀軌》之研究=A Study of Bukong's Wulianshou rulai guanxing gongyang yigui |
佛光大學  |
2015 |
13 |
Darvas Gabriella (著) / 佛教菩薩思想中之神話門檻性=Mythical Liminality in the Buddhist Bodhisattva Ideal |
吳宣瑾 =Wu, Hsuan-chin / 生死意涵之探討:以漢譯《瑜伽師地論.本地分》為主 |
李美蘭 (著)=Lee, Mi-ran (au.) / 佛光山藍海策略之研究=A Study of Fo Guang Shan - The Blue Ocean Strategy |
林恕聖 (著)=Su-Sheng Lin (au.) / 葛印卡內觀與奧修靜心之比較研究─以十日內觀課程為例=A Comparative Study of Goenka Vipassana and OSHO Meditation:A Case Study of 10 day Vipassana Courses |
林淑妙 (著)=Lin, Shu-miao (au.) / 《人間福報》刊載生死議題之探究--以「生命書寫」版為例 |
陳月杏 (撰)=Chen, Yueh-hsing (compose) / 佛教中火供儀式的觀點 ── 以大威德金剛火供為主 |
陳麒宇 (撰)=Chen, Chi-yu (compose) / 臺灣當代佛教臨終助念研究:參與、功德利益 — 以三位佛教團體之參與者為例 |
詹琇絜 (撰)=Chan, Hsiu-Chieh (compose) / 佛教結緣商品之設計因子研究=A Study of Buddhist-Connection Goods and Design Factors. |
鄭美美 (著)=Tee, Bee-bee (au.) / 安慧《中邊分別論釋疏·真實品》譯注與研究=An Annotated Translation and Study of the “Chapter on Tattvaparicchedaḥ” of Sthiramati’s Madhyāntavibhāgaṭīkā |
釋自孝 (著)=Shih, Tzu-hsiao (au.) / 《心經》之心:《般若波羅蜜多心經》在中世紀中國的解釋比較=The Heart of the Heart Sūtra: A Comparison of Medieval Chinese Interpretations of the Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra |
釋宏順 (著)=邱子芸 (au.) / 梵語《八千頌般若波羅蜜多經•塔供養品》 前半部譯注與研究=Annotated Translation and Research on the First Half of the Chapter on Shrine-Worship in the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā |
釋通觀 =Ski, Tong-ghout / 佛教孝道觀之研究──以《雜寶藏經》為主=The Research of the Ideology on the Buddhist Filial Piety- Mainly on the Sūtra of Saṃyuktaratna-piṭaka |
釋覺融 (著)=何伊婷 (au.) / 善導系之淨土思想研究=A Research on Ideology of Pure Land in Shandao Tradition |
佛光大學  |
2014 |
9 |
Stanzin Othso (著) / 人間佛教之女性教育:以拉達克摩訶菩提國際禪修中心為例=Women's Education in Socially Engaged Buddhism: Case study on Mahabodi Ladakh |
吳宜靜 (著)=Wu, I-ching (au.) / 悟明長老觀音法門的思想與實踐=Venerable Wu-Ming’s Thought and Practice on Avalokiteshvara |
李育慧 (著) / 《梵網經-菩薩戒》之養生思想研究 |
林則雄 (著)=Lin, Tse-hsiung (au.) / 現代中國佛教歌曲在二十世紀前半期的最初發展=The Early Development of the Modern Chinese Buddhist Songs in the First Half of the Twentieth Century |
徐雪欣 (著)=Tsui, Linda (au.) / 中峰明本《幻住庵清規》之研究: 以日資、禪坐和法事為中心=A Study of Chan Master Zhongfeng Mingben's Huanzhu an qinggui: Centered on Daily Schedule, Meditation, and Ritual Practice |
張端 / 《大乘起信論》生命關懷研究 |
釋有在 (著)=梁佩玲 (au.) / 自《大智度論》之「三三昧」至智顗之「一心三觀」=Chinese Interpretations of Indian Buddhism: From the Mahāprajñāpāramitā Upadeśa’s “Three Samādhis” to Zhiyi’s “Threefold Contemplation” |
釋淨如 (著) / 陳太宗《課虛錄》禪學思想研究=A Study of “Khoa Hu Luc” Zen Thoughts of Tran Thai Tong |
釋賢聰 (著)=Dedy Irawan (au.) / 一乘佛教之研究:以印尼佛乘教徒為例=Research on Ekayāna Buddhism:A Case Study of the Indonesian Buddhayāna Congregation |
佛光大學  |
2013 |
21 |
Holubeck, Jacob (著) / A Preliminary Study of the Dàbānnièpánjīng jíjiě =大般涅槃經集解 |
Walsh, Zachary David (著) / The Science of Sukha: A Scientific Theory on the Buddhist Concept of Happiness and Human Development |
李沁穎 (著)=Joyce Lee Gin Ying (au.) / 乘戒《唯心集》之思想研究=A Study of The Thought of Weixin Ji by Chengjie |
李進能 / 明代的貞節觀念與佛教對婦女之影響 |
李瑞欽 (撰) / 佛教石窟藝術莊嚴園區之探討─兼論在台灣地區開發的可行性 |
林昇漢 (著) / 以教學的觀點來看佛光山人間佛教生命體驗營=The Humanistic Buddhism Monastic Life Program in Light of Experiential Education |
林宣瑩 (著) / 菩提資糧論中菩薩的對治法=The Antidotes of the Bodhisattva in Bodhisambhāra-śāstra |
林瓊敏 (撰) / 論《維摩詰經》之病苦關懷 |
勇度 (著)=Jigmeth Junu (au.) / 星雲人間佛教與達賴入世佛教思想之比較研究=Comparative Research Between the Humanistic Buddhism of Master Hsing Yun and the Engaged Buddhism of His Holiness the Dalai Lama |
韋薇薇 (著)=Wai, Wei-wei (au.) / 人間佛教在澳洲本土化研究 - 以南天寺為例=Localization of Humanistic Buddhism in Australia: Nan Tien Temple as example |
符名玉 (著)=Foo, Meng-jee (au.) / 佛教「輪回與宇宙觀」之現代反思=A Modern Reflection on Buddhist Views of Cyclic Existence and Cosmology |
陳文華 (著) / 《華嚴七字經題法界觀三十門頌》之初探=The study of the Huayen qi zi jing ti fa jie juan san shi men song |
陳怡吟 (著) / 禪宗發展與外護互利共生關係之研究=The Research on the Reciprocal Relationship between the Development of Chan School During the Tang Dynasty |
傅啟晏 (著) / 從《雜阿含經》探討人間佛教時代下之財富思維與財富管理學=Investigating Buddhist Perspectives and Personal Finance in Humanistic Buddhism Era via the Samyutta Āgama |
董郡惠 (著) / 丁雲鵬之《觀音二十二聖相》之研究=A Study on Ding Yunpeng’s Twenty-Two Icons of Guanyin |
董陽春 (撰) / 《佛說觀無量壽佛經》生死關懷之研究 |
廖玉婷 (著) / 彭紹升《無量壽經起信論》之研究 |
蔡震勳 (著)=釋智梵 (au.) / 虛雲禪師的思想研究 |
蕭齊文 (著)=Hsiao, Chi-wen (au.) / 楚石梵琦《佛日普照慧辯楚石禪師語錄》之研究=A Study on the Fori puzhao huibian chushi chanshi yulu by Chushi Fanqi |
謝端陽 (著) / 賴聲川《如夢之夢》之生死關懷 |
釋慧證 (著) / 現代僧伽老病安養之探討-以三個機構為例=Study of aged care and nursing of Sangha in modern times-using three organizations as examples |
佛光大學  |
2012 |
22 |
Craigie, Helen (著) / Buddhist Influence on End-of-Life Care in Modern Taiwan |
Fung, Leonard (著) / Effective Transition of Fo Guang Shan Young Adult Division into Buddha's Light International Association through the Study of Sydney Prajna Division.=佛光青年轉為國際佛光會員之研究─以雪梨般若分團為例 |
Newhall, Thomas Bradford (著) / A Study of the Nanshan Vinaya Tradition and Dàoxuān's Commentary on Conduct and Procedure=道宣《行事鈔》與南山律宗之研究 |
王汝正 (撰) / 樂崇輝居士與人間佛教居士行之探討 |
吳芳儀 (著)=Wu, Fang-yi (au.) / 《迦葉品》空性與菩薩優勝的譬喻族系之研究 |
林妙音 (著)=Lin, Miao-yin (au.) / 高雄打鼓巖元亨寺之佛教的傳承與信仰演變=A Study on Buddhism Heritage and Transformation of Belief of Yuan Heng Temple in Kaohsiung |
林哲毅 (著) / 佛教卡通運用在國小中年級生命教育之研究-以《小沙彌歡喜看人間》為例 |
胡欣宜 (著) / 梵本《維摩詰經・天女品》之譯註 |
倪金葱 (著)=釋宗良 (au.) / 佛教的神通觀--神通對現代社會的意涵 |
陳玉青 (著)=Chen, Yu-ching (au.) / 《注維摩詰經》之研究-以〈佛國品〉為範圍=A Study on Sengzhao’s Commentary of the Vimalakīrti Sūtra Based on the Chapter of Buddha Land |
陳法菱 (著)=Chen, Fa-ling (au.) / 以格魯派「四種境」與「認知之七項分類」理論辨析現證「補特伽羅無我」之認識歷程=Analysis on the Cognitive Process of the Direct Realization toward the Personal Selflessness According to the Theories of Four Objects and Sevenfold Division of Awareness in the Geluk School |
陳玲倩 (著) / 梵琦禪師的生死解脫思想 |
陳漢為 (著)=Tan, Han Wei Amos (au.) / Monastic Life in the Song: A Study of Selected Sections in the Chanyuan Qinggui=宗賾《禪苑清規》中宋代僧伽生活之探究 |
黃惠英 (著) / 從心靈環保論法鼓山水陸法會 |
楊錦愛 (著) / 弘一法師遺囑之生命關懷探討 |
詹喬惠 (著) / 業力因果的研究:以袁了凡與俞淨意為例 |
廖玉行 (著)=釋德一 (au.) / 《清淨道論》「止」之探究-以「四衛護禪」為基礎 |
廖彩鳳 (著) / 蕅益智旭的生平及思想:地藏信仰、持戒的實踐和性相融會思想=A Study of the Life and Thought of Ouyi Zhixu: His Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Belief, Practice in Precepts and Syncretic Thought |
蔡乙模 (著)=Cai, Yi-mou (au.) / 《長部.大念處經》呼吸禪法之研究=A Study on Breathing Meditation in the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta |
簡秀如 (著) / 創新佛曲與品德教育之研究-以當代台灣佛教歌曲在國小高年級學生之實施為例=Application of Buddhist Music Creation on Elementary School Character Education |
釋道輔 (著)=藍郁瑛 (au.) / 佛陀對羅睺羅教育的探討=An Exploration of the Education for Rāhula by the Buddha |
釋證聞 (著)=陳莉芳 (au.) / 《地藏菩薩本願經》四聖諦思想之研究=A Study on The Principles of The FourNoble Truths In the Sutra of Bodhisattva Kstigarbha’s Fundamental Vows |
佛光大學  |
2011 |
12 |
王安琪 (著) / 從文化生態學的觀點看藏傳佛教中的觀音信仰 |
朱美能 (著) / 論白聖長老對臺灣佛教之影響與貢獻 |
吳宜庭 (撰) / 道藝一體之實踐 ―― 佛光山人間佛教文化弘法之探討=Realizing the Unity of the Way of Bodhi and Arts--An Investigation on the Dharma Propagation Endeavors ofFo Guang Shan’s Humanistic Buddhism |
官韋汝 (著)=Guan, Wei-ru (au.) / The Exploration of Life Education Content of Ten Great Vows of Samantabhadra=普賢十大願的生命教育意涵探討 |
林威廷 (著)=Lim, Uei-tyng (au.) / 佛光山在大馬華人社區中的發展-以柔佛州新山禪淨中心為研究=Development of Fo Guang Shan in Malaysia’s Chinese Community – Research study on Fo Guang Shan Monastery in Johor Bahru |
林穎詩 (著)=Lam, Wing-sze (au.) / A Study of Zhiyi’s Last Sermon: The Treatise of Contemplating the Mind=智顗《觀心論》初探 |
邱怡慧 (著)=釋有定 (au.) / A Study of the Jin'gang pi=《金剛錍》之研究 |
陳昱臻 (著) / 南陽慧忠心性思想研究-以《般若波羅蜜多心經注》為中心=Chan Master Nanyang Huizhong and His Commentary on the Prajñāpāramitā-Hṛdaya-Sūtra |
蔡文靜 (著)=釋有宗 (au.) / A Study on Chan Master Zhanran Yuancheng and His Work Zongmen Huowen=湛然圓澄及其著作《宗門或問》之研究 |
鄭麗莉 (著)=Tay, Lee-li (au.) / A Study of Dharani based on the Lankavatara Sutra=《楞伽經》之陀羅尼研究 |
謝鈴鈴 (著)=Hsieh, Ling-ling (au.) / 台南左鎮噶瑪噶居寺佛教藝術之初探 |
釋有是 (著)=曾慧蒂 (au.) / A Study on the Nianfo Sanmei Baowanglun by Feixi=飛錫《念佛三昧寶王論》之研究 |
佛光大學  |
2010 |
14 |
Marie Antoinette R. Gorgonio (著) / 人間佛教音樂與非佛教徒中之影嚮研究-以菲律賓“佛陀傳-悉達多太子”為例=The Study of the Impact of the Influence of Humanistic Buddhism Music on the Participants of the “Biography of the Buddha” Musical Production in the Philippines |
王保利 (著)=釋慧裴 (au.) / Interaction between Buddhism and Chinese Culture–The Study of Zhuhong's “Jiesha fangsheng wen” |
吳阿瑾 (著) / 壇經惠能禪法對諮商與心理治療的應用 |
宋旻靜 (撰)=Sung, Min-ching (compose) / 三階教的主要文獻與思想特質 -- 以《三階佛法》為中心=Main Literature and Thoughts of the San-Jie-Jiao |
李坤祥 (著) / 信徒參與宗教團體之動機與忠誠度之研究:以朝陽慈善功德會為例 |
林榮俊 (著) / 由生命教育取向探討《慈濟人文課本》 |
張婉惠 (撰) / 台灣戰後宗教傳教多元化與現代化之研究:以佛光山為例=The Research of Taiwan Post-War Propagation of Multiple Religion and Modernization -- From the Perspective of Fo Guang Shan |
郭育誠 (著) / 太虛與僧伽制度之研究 |
曾秀燕 (著)=釋妙馨 (au.) / The Role of Contemplation of feelings in the Process of Cultivation and Realization of Pure Mind Based on the Madhyama Āgama=《中阿含經》受念處在修證清淨心過程中的角色探討 |
黃美芳 (著)=Huang, Mei-fang (au.) / Studies on the Mahāmūdra Practice Based on Tilopa’s Mahāmūdra Upadeśa--Interpretations by Contemporary Tibetan Masters |
劉毅珍 / 論佛教《恒水經》現代生命教育意涵對補習教育的啟發 |
劉聯宗 (著) / 漢譯《雑阿含經》苦與解脫的研究 |
謝賜元 (著) / 佛教東方淨土之研究 |
釋有紀 (著)=卓雪莉 (au.) / The Idea of Interfusion In The Gate of The Perfect Interfusion of Thing and Principle of Huayan Five Teachings of Calming and Contemplation=《華嚴五教止觀》中<事理圓融門>的圓融思想 |
佛光大學  |
2009 |
2 |
曾玉蓮 (著)=釋有德 (au.) / Ciguang Wuen and the Dawn of Shanjia/Shanwai Debate |
蕭宏書 (撰) / 泰國佛教在臺發展初探-以桃園縣佛泰禪寺為研究對象 |
佛光大學  |
2008 |
2 |
張弘昌 (撰)=Zhang, Hong-chang (compose) / 印光大師《壽康寶鑑》戒淫思想之研究 |
釋大荷 (撰)=張瓊文 (compose) / 《清淨道論》「安那般那念」之古今詮釋 ─ 以南傳上座部佛使尊者與帕奧禪師為例=On Ancient and Modern Explanatory Comments of ānāpānāsāti in Visuddhimagga----Taking Bhikkhu Buddhadāsa of Theravāda and Pa-Auk Sayādaw as Examples |
佛光大學  |
2007 |
1 |
陳麗朱 (著)=Chern, Lih-ju (au.) / 論漢譯雜阿含之利他行 |
佛光大學  |
2006 |
1 |
黎玉山 (撰)=Le, Ngoc-son (compose) / 越南陳朝竹林禪派之研究=A Study of the Zhulin Zen School during the Chen Dynasty in Vietnam |
佛光大學  |
3 |
王慧媛 (著)=Wang, Hui-yuan (au.) / A Comparison between Peter Drucker’s Non-profit Organization Management Theory and Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order’s Management |
林婷詩 (著)=Lim, Teng-sze (au.) / A Study on the Effect of Children Meditation Class - Based on Fo Guang Shan Chiayi Educational Hall |
許淑雅 (撰)=Hsu, Shu-ya (compose) / 大慧宗杲看話禪法之研究=A Study of Dahui Zonggao's Kanhua Chan |
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309. |
佛光大學/  |
2019 |
1 |
Liu, Wei (著)=劉瑋 (au.) / A Study of Hanshan Deqing's Fahua Tongyi=憨山德清《法華通義》之研究 |
| | | |
310. |
佛光大學中國文學與應用學系  |
2024 |
1 |
釋見幢 (著)=柳學琪 (au.) / 道宣律師的佛學思想研究 |
| | | |
311. |
佛光大學文學系  |
2008 |
1 |
葉宣模 (撰) / 舊譯漢傳佛教論典翻譯品質諍論之研究──以《大智度論》與《中邊分別論》為主 |
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312. |
佛光大學未來與樂活產業學系  |
2016 |
1 |
曾貴賢 (著)=Tseng, Kuei-hsien (au.) / 觀音信仰與鸞堂—以宜蘭冬山覺善堂為例 |
| | | |
313. |
佛光大學生命與宗教學系  |
2014 |
1 |
簡美秀 (撰) / 大悲咒音療在大悲懺法會中的角色探討=A Role Exploration of Da Bei Zhou Sound Therapy in Compassion Repentance |
佛光大學生命與宗教學系  |
2013 |
1 |
葉宜庭 (撰) / 《金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論》之菩提心意涵及其運用研究 |
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314. |
佛光大學佛教學系  |
2024 |
5 |
王姿蓉 (著)=Wang, Tzu - jung (au.) / 《瑜伽師地論》對早期經典的詮釋與運用──以〈三摩呬多地〉之「眾雜經」四經為主 |
吳少梅 (著)=Ng, Siu-Mui, Stella (au.) / 佛教在香港醫院靈性關懷服務的發展及影響-以佛教院侍部為例=Development and influences of the Spiritual Care and Heath service in Hong Kong hospital by Buddhism - Buddhist Chaplaincy Unit |
宋明芬 (著) / 探討《慈悲三昧水懺》儀式對參與者之療癒作用=Discussion on the Healing Effect of Participants in The Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance |
林慧蘭 (著)=Lin, Hui-lan (au.) / 漢譯《密勒日巴大師傳》文本研究=A Textual Study Based on the Chinese Translation of the Biography of Milarepa |
釋潤義 (著)=杜明孝 (au.) / 越南淨土思想與「九品蓮花塔」之研究=A Study in the Thought of the Pure Land and the Nine-Graded Lotus Stupa in Vietnam |
佛光大學佛教學系  |
2015 |
1 |
釋知義 (撰) / 佛教經典對夢的解析=The Interpretations of Dream in the Buddhist Scriptures |
佛光大學佛教學系  |
2008 |
6 |
Shih, You-zhi (著)=釋有智 (au.) / The Thought of the Decline of Dharma based on the Sūtra of Ānanda's Seven Dreams=以《阿難七夢經》談末法思想 |
Yang, Ya-wen (著)=楊雅雯 (au.) / "Transference of Merits" on the Basis of the Profound Merit-Transference Sūtra Told by the Buddha |
李美萍 (著)=Lee, Bee-pini (au.) / Study on the ''Abridged Manual for Cultivation and Realization of [Repentance] Ritual [based on] the Scripture of Perfect Enlightenment Bodhimanda'' compiled by Jingyuan (1011 - 1088)=研究淨源(1011 - 1088) 錄《圓覺經道場略本修證儀》 |
林慧珊 (著)=Lim, Hwee-san (au.) / A Study of the Connotation, Significance and Development of Resolve in Early Buddhism=發愿在原始佛教的意義、重要性與發展之研究 |
許嫡娟 (著)=Hsu, Ti-chuan (au.) / Life Education in CBS: Identity Development Through Xing-Men Course |
釋妙淨 (著)=Shih, Miao-jing (au.) / A Study of Wencai and the Core Teaching in New Commentary on Zhao Lun |
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315. |
佛光大學-佛教學系  |
2009 |
1 |
廖錦平 (著)=釋妙哲 (au.) / Study of the Chapter on Dāna Pāramitā: Based on the Mahāyāna Sūtra on the Way to the Six Pāramitās by Prajñā |
佛光大學-佛教學系  |
2008 |
5 |
Ji, Hsiu-hui (著)=紀秀慧 (au.) / The Moral Pedagogy of Pre-school Classics-Reading: a Study Based on the Platform Sutra's Idea of "Deluded in mind, one is turned by the Lotus. Enlightened in mind, one turns the Lotus."=學前讀經道德教育—以《六祖壇經》思想「心迷法華轉,心悟轉法華」為研究中心 |
何錦玲 (著)=He, Jin-ling (au.) / The Influence of Mahayana on Buddhadasa's Thought=佛使比丘對大乘思想之影響 |
莊惠雯 (著)=Chuang, Hui-wen (au.) / The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana and Tiantai Thought in the Sung Dynasty=《大乘起信論》與宋代天台思想 |
趙思詠 (著) / "Simplicity" Aesthtic Concepts of Hismatsu Shinichi=久松真一的簡素概念研究 |
鍾貴文 (著)=Chung, Kuei-wen (au.) / Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan & Social Education: Based on Fu Shan Temple=佛光人間生活禪與社會教育 -- 以福山寺為例 |
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316. |
佛光大學宗教學系  |
2009 |
1 |
賴承宗 (撰) / 《地藏十輪經》及其末法現象之探討 |
佛光大學宗教學系  |
2008 |
14 |
王照明 (撰) / 淨土宗念佛法門對居士求生極樂淨土的理論依據 |
郭志乾 (撰)=Kuo, Chih-chien (compose) / 近代綠建築觀念在佛教建築的運用研究 |
陳昕貝 (撰) / 日本不動明王信仰之研究 |
陳麗君 (撰) / 佛號與咒語對末期病患靈性照護之應用 |
黃文姬 (撰) / 《釋淨土群疑論》解行二門之探究=Study on the learning and practice in the Explanations on the doubts of Pure-land |
蔡孔章 (撰) / 論漢譯《究竟一乘寶性論》的文本與思想特色 |
羅子堯 (撰) / 佛教與道教環境倫理觀之比較研究=The comparison of Buddhism and Taoism environmental ethics |
嚴慧茹 (撰)=Yen, Huoy-ru (compose) / 藏文阿底峽傳記資料之文獻學探討=Philological Studies on the Tibetan Biographies of Atisha |
釋妙昱 (撰) / 明清時期中國佛塔塔式研究=The Shape and Style of Ming and Qing Dynasty Chinese Buddhist Stupas |
釋妙博 (撰)=鄧翠盈 (compose) / 漢魏晉中國佛教安般禪觀 ─ 以《安般守意經》為中心=A Study of Chinese Buddhist Contemplation of ?nāpāna in the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasty: focusing on the "An-Ban Shou-Yi Jing" |
釋妙智 (撰) / 七~八世紀的南宗禪 -- 印度禪風「轉化」為中國禪風的關鍵期=7th - 8th Century Southern School Ch'an: The Crucial Period of Transformation from Indian to Chinese Ch'an |
釋見融 (撰)=王靜美 (compose) / 北宋惠洪禪師---初探其生平、歷史形象及著作特色 |
釋惟定 (撰)=張賀棋 (compose) / 三階教與淨土宗論諍之研究=Research on the contentions between the San-jie-jiao(teachings of three levels)and the Pure Land Buddhism |
釋覺靖 (撰)=陳麗娟 (compose) / 改宗與皈依歷程 ─ 以後解嚴佛教團體之信徒為例 |
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317. |
佛光大學宗教學系所  |
2004 |
1 |
周雅容 (撰)=Chou, Ya-jong (compose) / 智證大師圓珍之研究 |
佛光大學宗教學系所  |
1 |
羅珮心 (撰)=Lo, Pei-shin (compose) / 探究星雲法師對我、法二執的消融 -- 以傅偉勳「五對倫理學名詞」為進路 |
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318. |
佛光大學宗教學研究所  |
2024 |
1 |
徐國忠 (著)=Hsu, Kuo - chung (au.) / 大溪蓮座山觀音寺之經營管理與資源策略之關係=The Relationship Between The Management And Resource Strategy Of Lianzuo Mountain Guanyin Temple On Daxi |
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319. |
佛光大學宗教學研所  |
2024 |
1 |
董芸靈 (著) / 依佛法正念覺知觀察感受的無我本質 -以個人修行體驗為例 |
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320. |
佛光大學哲學系  |
2008 |
1 |
陳嘉文 (撰)=Chen, Jia-wen (compose) / 廓庵<十牛圖頌>禪學思想之研究=The Research of Chan School Thought through Kuo-An's The Ox-herding Pictures |
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321. |
育達科技大學  |
2022 |
1 |
黃靖荃 =Huang, Ching-Chuan / 休閒動機、心流體驗與休閒效益之研究-以敦煌舞為例=Research on Leisure Motivation,Flow Experience and Leisure Benefits-Taking Dunhuang Dance as an Example |
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322. |
亞洲大學  |
2020 |
2 |
王筠釩 (撰)=Wang, Yun-fan (compose) / 禪修經驗與生命困局-故事觀點的初步分析=Zen Meditation and Life Impasses:An Exploratory Study in Life Narratives |
湯博雲 =Tang, Bo-Yun / 泉州開元寺多元宗教文化共融之圖像研究=Iconology Research on the Integration of Quanzhou's kaiyuan Temple Multi-Religious Cultures |
亞洲大學  |
2017 |
1 |
洪蒼榆 (著)=Hong, Cang-yu (au.) / 宗教用品產業商業模式創新=Business Model Innovation of Religious Supplies Industry |
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323. |
京都女子大学  |
2021 |
1 |
大原眞弓 (著)=Ohara, Mayumi (au.) / 平安時代の即位儀礼と仏舎利信仰 : 一代一度仏舎利使をめぐって |
京都女子大学  |
2019 |
1 |
小南妙覚 (著)=Kominami, Myokaku (au.) / 慈覚大師円仁将来目録の研究 : 入唐求法の活動と成果 |
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324. |
延邊大學=Yanbian University=연변대학  |
2006 |
1 |
崔海波 / 佛教的新羅化及其影響 |
| | | |
325. |
明道大學  |
2017 |
1 |
林賢樓 (撰)=Lin, Shyan-lou (compose) / 佛經中的堪輿思想探微 — 以《大藏經˙建立曼荼羅及揀擇地法》為例=The geomantic strategy in the Buddhist texts --- the Way of building mandara and choice of place in the Buddhism in Tripitaka texts |
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326. |
東方設計大學  |
2021 |
3 |
黃聖峰 =Huang, Sheng-Feng / 以文化觀光觀點探討宗教建築的魅力因子-以基隆月眉山靈泉禪寺為例=From the Point of View of Cultural Tourist Attractions to Examine the Charm Factors of Religious Architecture-A Case Study of Lingquan Buddhist Temple on Yuemei Mountain, Keelung |
黃碧琴 (撰)=Huang, Pi-chin (compose) / 禪境-花藝創作論述=Zen Phenomenon: A Study on the Creation of Floral Design |
蕭勤真 =Hsiao, Chin-Chen / 宗教寺院的導覽解說之魅力因子 -以台北興隆山慈光寺為例=The Charm Factors of the Guided Tours of the Religious Temple-A Case Study of Ci-Quang Buddhist Temple on Xilung Mountain, Taipei |
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327. |
東吳大學  |
2020 |
1 |
高紹芬 (著)=Kao, Shao-Fen (au.) / 宗教聖者名稱之閾下促發對情緒詞彙偏好的影響=The Effect of Subliminal Priming of Religious Saints on Emotional Words |
東吳大學  |
2019 |
1 |
李淑芬 (撰)=Li, Shu-fen (compose) / 《圓覺經》如來藏空性智慧的教學=The Theme of this Thesis is the Teaching of the Emptiness Wisdom of Tathagata in "Yuanjue Sutra" |
東吳大學  |
2018 |
2 |
許楷慧 (著)=Syu, Kai-Hui (au.) / 佛教敦煌舞的個人、信仰與團體動力之研究-以佛光山道場學員為例=Individual,Belief and Group Dynamics of Dunhuang Dance of Buddhism-A Case Study of Buddhist of Fo Guang Bhan Monastery |
陳毅 (著)=Chen, Yi (au.) / 試探程頤理學與佛學的交融思想=A Study about the relation between Cheng Yi's Neo-Confucian thought and Buddhism |
東吳大學  |
2017 |
1 |
黃鶴仁 (著)=Huang, Ho-jen (au.) / 近代詩僧研究--以有詩集者為主 |
東吳大學  |
2005 |
1 |
簡薪洪 (撰)=Chien, Shin-hung (compose) / 應用平衡計分卡觀念於企業禪訓教育訓練效益評估之研究=Apply the concept of The Balanced Scorecard to the evaluation of corporate Zen-training |
東吳大學  |
2002 |
1 |
王俊鈞 (撰) / 石濤繪畫美學思想 |
東吳大學  |
1998 |
1 |
郭雅玲 / 敦煌歌辭用韻考 |
東吳大學  |
1996 |
1 |
簡瑞銓 (撰)=Jian, Rue-chuan (compose) / 《四書蕅益解》研究=sih shu ou i jie ian jiou |
東吳大學  |
1995 |
1 |
張瑞芬 (撰)=Chang, Rei-fen (compose) / 佛教因緣文學與中國古典小說=The Literature of Buddhist Retribution and Classical Chinese Fiction |
東吳大學  |
1993 |
1 |
何淑華 (撰)=Ho, Shou-hwa (compose) / 佛教慈濟綜合醫院志工服務隊之組織文化及其表達形式=The Organizational Culture and its Expressive Forms of the Group Volunteer Working for the Tzu-Chi Buddhist General Hospital |
東吳大學  |
1992 |
1 |
李鮮熙 (撰)=Li, Xian-xi (compose) / 寒山其人及其詩研究 |
東吳大學  |
1991 |
1 |
王頌梅 (撰)=Wang, Sung-mei (compose) / 明清性靈詩說研究 |
東吳大學  |
1986 |
1 |
姚儀敏 (撰)=Yao, Yi-min (compose) / 盛唐詩與禪 |
| | | |
328. |
東京大学インド哲学仏教学研究室  |
2010 |
1 |
宮崎展昌 / 『阿闍世王経』の基礎的研究 -- チベット語訳を中心として |
東京大学インド哲学仏教学研究室  |
2002 |
1 |
堀内俊郎 / 『釈軌論』における法無我 |
| | | |
329. |
東海大學  |
2022 |
1 |
郭庚典 (著)=Kuo, Geng-Dian (au.) / 一公里的留白-台北島現代禪寺=A Kilometer of Voids - Taipei Island Modern Zen Temple |
東海大學  |
2021 |
4 |
周明玉 (撰)=Chou,Ming-yu (compose) / 漢譯《雜阿含經》中「五蘊無我」 生命哲學之芻議=A Study of Philosophy of Life By Realizing Non-Self of Five Aggregates Base on Saṃyukta-āgama |
陳義雄 =Chen, I-hsiung / 契嵩儒釋融會之孝道思想研究=A Study on Qi-Song’s Interpretation of Filial Pietyin Confucian and Buddhist Perspectives |
葉竹修 (著)=Yeh, Chu-Hsiu (au.) / 唯識人生 - 葉竹修雕塑創作論述=Life with Consciousness-Only TheoryThe dissertation on Yeh Chu-Hsiu And His Sculpture |
廖漢倫 =Liao, Han-Lun / 現代禪寺-心靈庇護所=Zen-Buddhist Temple-Spiritual Sanctuary |
東海大學  |
2020 |
1 |
歐嘉心 (著)=Ou, Jia Shin (au.) / 唐代詩歌中的佛寺園林與文人生活 - 以《全唐詩》為例=Buddhist monastery gardens and literati life in Tang poetry as exemplified by poems in Quan Tangshi |
東海大學  |
2019 |
2 |
陳志湧 (著)=Chen, Chin-Yung (au.) / 攝影的禪宗再現=Reappearance of Zen in Photography |
廖修霖 (撰)=Liao, Hsiu-lin (compose) / 「實相」與「實證」 - 論僧肇哲學中「主體實踐」的理論內涵=Reality and Realization-The Theoretical Contents of Subjective Praxis inShengchao’s Philosophy |
東海大學  |
2017 |
2 |
周先鐘 (撰)=Chou, Hsien-Chung (compose) / 佛教哲學對「死亡」與「臨終關懷」的反思 - 以《雜阿含經》為依據=Reflections on "Death" and "Hospice " in Buddhist Philosophy:Based on the Saṃyuktāgma |
藍紹源 (撰) / 「肉食」或「蔬食」? ─ 佛教倫理學觀點的批判反思=Meat-eating or Vegan Diet?─A Critical Reflection from the Buddhist Ethical Point of View |
東海大學  |
2011 |
2 |
游麗茹 (撰)=Yu, Liju (compose) / 永嘉玄覺的禪學思想=Zen Thought of Yongjia - Xuanjue |
蘇郁雯 (撰)=Su, Yu-wen (compose) / 從《廣律》本生故事看部派佛教到大乘初期的發展=On the development from Abhidharma to Early Mahāyāna Buddhism based on the Jātaka Tales in the Vinaya Pit.aka |
東海大學  |
2007 |
2 |
江崇銘 (撰)=Chiang, Chung-ming (compose) / 金剛般若真實義 |
林育民 (撰) / 《俱舍論‧賢聖品》修證法義之研究 |
東海大學  |
2000 |
2 |
李雪萍 (撰) / 台灣的比丘尼僧團及其不同的生命經驗:一個社會學的個案研究 |
翁銘宏 (撰)=Weng, Ming-hung (compose) / 佛光山派下國內分級據點蠡測--以中部教區為例=An Elementary Study on the Hierarchical Bases of Fo-Guang-Shan Friary in its Middle Parish of Taiwan |
東海大學  |
1998 |
2 |
李宗明 (撰)=Lee, Chung-min (compose) / 天台通教之化法研究=Educational Aspects of Tong-fa as Taught by Tien-Tai School |
曾俞翔 (撰)=Jen, Yu-siang (compose) / 支遁即色義之考察=The critique of Zhir, Dun's OBJECT AND SUBJECT theory |
東海大學  |
1996 |
2 |
張仙武 (撰)=Chung, Shin-wu (compose) / 李叔同與中國近代佛教=Li Shu-tung and Modern Chinese Buddhism |
羅文玲 (撰)=Lao, Caroline (compose) / 南朝詩歌與佛教關係之研究=Study on the Relationship of the Poems in Nan Dynasty And Buddhist |
東海大學  |
1995 |
1 |
裴承東 (撰)=Bae, Seung-dong (compose) / 東晉時期士大夫對佛教的態度與反應=The Gentry's Consciousness and Reaction to Buddhism in Dong Jin Period |
東海大學  |
1992 |
1 |
尤惠貞 (撰)=You, Hui-zhen (compose) / 天台宗性具圓教之義理根據及其開展之獨特模式 |
東海大學  |
1991 |
2 |
王順民 (撰)=Wang, Shun-ming (compose) / 宗教福利思想與福利服務之探究:以慈濟功德會臺灣基督長老教會為例 |
黃百儀 (撰)=Huang, Bai-yi (compose) / 僧肇〈物不遷論〉思想研究 |
| | | |
330. |
東海大學=TungHai University  |
2001 |
1 |
李伯元 (撰)=Li, Bo-yuan (compose) / 杜順圓教思想研究 |
| | | |
331. |
東海大學哲學系  |
2012 |
1 |
紀儒勳 (撰)=Chi, Ju-hsun (compose) / 僧肇的〈般若無知論〉思想研究=A Study in Seng-chao’s Pan-jo Wu-chin Lun |
東海大學哲學系  |
2009 |
1 |
陳世平 (撰)=Chen, Shih-ping (compose) / 唯識哲學思想之探析-阿賴耶與三性=A Study in the Philosophy of Dharmalak‧ana Buddhism: ?laya and the Three Svabhāva |
東海大學哲學系  |
2005 |
2 |
林福帥 (撰)=Lin, Fu-shuai (compose) / 《六祖壇經》的管理哲學 |
游豐偉 (撰)=Yu, Fong-wei (compose) / 圭峰宗密《華嚴原人論》的教育思想 |
東海大學哲學系  |
2001 |
2 |
陳水淵 (撰)=Chen, Shui-yuan (compose) / 南傳上座部《攝阿毗達摩義論》的哲學思想研究=Study on Philosophical Though in Abhidhammatthasangaha in Theravada |
簡端良 (撰) / 藏傳佛教唐卡藝術的美學觀 -- 以中觀思想為中心 |
東海大學哲學系  |
1 |
梁子郁 (撰)=Carcal (compose) / 龍樹「菩薩道」思想探究—以《中論》為主 |
| | | |
332. |
東海大學哲學研究所  |
2013 |
1 |
韓桂春 (撰)=Han, Kuei-chun (compose) / 《雜阿含經》「中道思想」的哲學意義:以「離苦」及「無我」為核心課題之探究=The Philosophical Significance of the Middle Way of Saṃyuktāgama:A Study Based on the Topics of “Liberation from Suffering”and “Non-self.” |
東海大學哲學研究所  |
2009 |
2 |
林慧真 (撰) / 王維的禪學思想研究 |
邱淑美 (撰) / 六祖壇經的生死哲學及其養生觀=Sixth patriarch Platform Sutra ,s Philosophy of life and death with its Concept of life–nurturing﹒ |
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333. |
東海大學歷史學系  |
2000 |
1 |
杜正宇 (撰)=Tu, Cheng-yu (compose) / 西魏北周時期具官方色彩的佛教義邑 |
| | | |
334. |
東華大學  |
2020 |
1 |
李紫晴 =Lee, Zih-Cing / 無緣大慈‧同體大悲 李紫晴觀音菩薩像創作自述=Infinite and Unconditional - A narrative of Lee Zih-Ching’s artistic representations of the Avalokitesvara |
東華大學  |
2013 |
1 |
林彥宏 (著)=Lin, Yen-hung (au.) / 《大佛頂首楞嚴經》生命治療觀之研究=A Study on The concept of Life Treatment in The Shurangama Sutra |
| | | |
335. |
法光佛教文化研究所  |
2008 |
1 |
釋清如 (撰) / 萬松行秀禪學思想之研究 -- 以《從容錄》為主 |
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336. |
法鼓文理學院  |
2022 |
1 |
釋天佑 (著) / 佛教造像背光之研究─以五世紀前漢譯佛典為主=A Study on the Backlighting of Buddhist Statues Based on the Chinese Translated Sutras before the Fifth Century |
法鼓文理學院  |
2021 |
19 |
Farrell, Ronan (著)=弘倫 (au.) / The Emergence of the “Doubt Sensation” in the Chan School: A Translation and Study of the Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Foyan Qingyuan on Doubt=禪宗「疑情」的初現:佛眼清遠語錄中疑情之譯註與研究 |
吳佩蓉 (著)=Wu, Pei-rong (au.) / 《法華經》「方便」與《壇經》「無念」之會通―以智顗和神會為主=A study of the Lotus Sutra Focusing on Upāya Kauśalya Thoughts of Zhiyi and the Platform Sutra Focusing on Wu-nien(No-thought) of Shenhui. |
呂沛頡 (著)=Lu, Pei-chieh (au.) / 巴利語《經集・那羅迦經》譯注與研究=A Study and Annotated Translation of the Nālakasutta in the Suttanipāta |
李佳錫 =Li, Chia-Hsi / 晚年如何美好?—聖嚴法師的禪修教育對高齡社會之啟發=How to old age well?—The enlightenment of Master Sheng-Yen's Chan education to the aged society |
林玉如 (著)=Lin, Yeu-ru (au.) / Bhavasaṃkrānti譯本研究=A Study of the Translations of the Bhavasaṃkrānti |
林聯君 (著)=Lien-Chun Lin (au.) / 非人、病與療癒—印度吠陀、印度佛教醫學與智顗「療病觀」之探究—=Non-human, Illnesses and Healing—A study of Illnesses according to Indian Āyurveda Medicine, Indian Buddhist medicine, and Zhiyi’s Thoughts— |
張雅雯 (著)=Chang, Ya-wen (au.) / 清初三峰派仁山震研究——活用印心與印法以重構臨濟宗=Research on Renshan Jizhen of Sanfeng Sect in Early Qing—Reconstructing Linji School with a Dynamic View of Transmitting Buddha Mind and Dharma |
陳宗元 (著)=Chen, Tsung-yuan (au.) / 陳那(Dignāga)唯識思想在《成唯識論》中的發展之研究 ——— 以二分自證知(svasaṃvitti)為中心 ———=The Study of Dignāga’s Vijñaptimātra Thought Developed in Cheng Wei Shi Lun --- Centering on Dual Appearance ’s Self-cognition(svasaṃvitti)--- |
陳宗元 =Chen, Tsung-yuan / 陳那(Dignāga)唯識思想在《成唯識論》中的發展之研究 ——— 以二分自證知(svasaṃvitti)為中心 ———=The Study of Dignāga’s Vijñaptimātra Thought Developed in Cheng Wei Shi Lun --- Centering on Dual Appearance ’s Self-cognition(svasaṃvitti)--- |
陳紫玲 (著)=Chen, Tzu-ling (au.) / 三階教團傳承考察──以僧邕為主──=A Study on the Inheritance of the SanJie Buddhist Order by Sengyong |
楊久瑩 (撰) / 聖嚴法師日常四念處觀融入教育戲劇課程之自我覺察研究=The Research on Self-Awareness of Integrating “Master Sheng Yen’s Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Si Nian Chu)” into Drama in Education Course |
劉曉青 (著)=Liu, Hsiao-ching (au.) / 藏本 雍增.耶協堅贊造《心與心所攝頌寶鬘及其釋—明慧頸飾》之譯注與研究=An Annotated Translation and Study of the Tibetan Sems sems byung gi sdom tshig nor bu’i phreng ba dang de’i ’grel ba blo gsal mgul rgyan zhes bya/ by Ye shes rgyal mtshan. |
劉曉青 =Liu, Hsiao-ching / 藏本雍增.耶協堅贊造《心與心所攝頌寶鬘及其釋—明慧頸飾》之譯注與研究=An Annotated Translation and Study of the Tibetan Sems sems byung gi sdom tshig nor bu’i phreng ba dang de’i ’grel ba blo gsal mgul rgyan zhes bya/ by Ye shes rgyal mtshan. |
噶瑪施無畏 (著) / 康熙《龍藏經》圖像的再解讀=Reinterpreting the Tibetan Buddhist Iconographies of the Kangxi Kangyur |
顏小燕 (撰)=Yan, Hsiao-yan (compose) / 禪修對生活品質影響之研究—以中華禪法鼓宗禪法為例=A Study on the Influence of Meditation on the Quality of Life — Taking the Method of the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism as an Example |
釋女萬義 (著)=Pham Thi An (au.) / 一行禪師禪法特色之研究=A Study of the Characteristics of Meditative Techniques according to Thich Nhat Hanh. |
釋見暄 (著)=Shi, Jian-xuan (au.) / 心不相應行法中的眾同分―以說一切有部論書為中心=Nikāyasabhāga in Cittaviprayuktasaṃskāras—Focus on the Śāstra of Sarvāstivāda |
釋德容 (著)=Shi, De-rong (au.) / 《大乘起信論》信、覺、行之研究=A Study of Faith, Awareness, and Practice In the Awakening of Faith |
釋慧禪 (著)=Shih, Hui-chan (au.) / 由「目連變文」論其「救贖」與「解脫」的意涵=A Discussion on the Meaning of “Salvation” and “Liberation” According to the “Mulian Bianwen” |
法鼓文理學院  |
2020 |
14 |
王佳儒 (著)=Wang, Jia-ru (au.) / 《雜阿含經》第98、265經與對應巴利語經注之研究——兼論其環境譬喻=A Study of the Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 98 and 265 with Parallel Pāli Aṭṭhakathā --with Special Focus on the Similes of Environment |
李周淵 (著)=Li, Zhou-yuan (au.) / 三國支謙譯經研究=A Study of Zhi Qian’s Translations of Buddhist Texts in the Three Kingdoms Period |
林韓 (撰)=Lin, Han (compose) / 近現代天台佛教教育之鉤沉=The Deep Scrutiny of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Tian-Tai’s Buddhist Education |
邱璟惠 (撰)=Chiu, Ching-hui (compose) / 重病家屬照顧者運用佛法自我調適之初探=Preliminary Study on Family Caregivers of Severe Serious Patients by Using Buddha-Dharma to Self-Adjustment |
孫承梅 (著)=Sun, Chen-mei (au.) / 探討青少年正念教育與佛學義理的關聯性--以MindUP課程為主=An Investigation into Correlations between Mindfulness Education for Teenagers and Buddhist Thoughts: Based on the MindUP Curriculum |
黃婉君 (著)=Huang, Wan-jun (au.) / 竺摩法師弘法及藝術成就初探=An examination of The Achievements of Venerable Zhu Mo in the propagation of Buddhist teachings and the arts |
楊琍瑜 (著)=Yang, Li-yi (au.) / 《雜阿含·受相應》(T 99)譯註與比較研究=The Vedanā-saṃyukta of the Saṃyukta-āgama (Taishō no. 99): An Annotated Translation and Comparative Study |
蔣明親 (著)=Chiang, Ming-Chin (au.) / 死心悟新禪法的承襲與融會=The Inheritance and Integration of Sixin Wuxin\'s Chan |
賴哲文 =Lai, Che-Wen / 密集默照禪修經驗對生命意義轉化歷程之探究-以法鼓山聖嚴法師教法為中心=A Study on the Process of the Transformation of Meaning in Life from the Intensive Silent Illumination Meditation Experience: on the Basis of the Teaching of Master Sheng Yen |
韓東霖 / 《大正藏》經文中大範圍的文字重用現象之偵測與分析=Detection and Analysis of Textual Reuse in Taishō Tripiṭaka |
蘇郁斐 (著)=Su, Yu-fei (au.) / 漢傳禪堂建置的傳統與適應──以當代大陸傳統禪堂與台灣法鼓山禪堂為例=Tradition and Adaptation of Meditation Hall Operations: Based on the Contemporary Chan Halls in Mainland China and Dharma Drum Mountain in Taiwan |
釋同燈 (著)=Kuo, Chen-jui (au.) / 懺悔內涵與滅罪方式=The Connotation of Confession and the Extermination of Sin |
釋性培 (著)=Shih, Shin-pei (au.) / Annotated Translations and Study of the Major Literature of the Five Positions in the Caodong School=曹洞五位主要文獻譯註與研究 |
釋修萬 (撰)=Lin, Yuan-mao (compose) / 《般舟三昧經》之空觀與實踐方法=The Concept of Śūnyatā and Practice in Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra |
法鼓文理學院  |
2019 |
14 |
吳佩芬 (著)=Wu, Pei-fen (au.) / 遍路者的心理轉變歷程研究──以臺灣籍遍路者為例=The Psychological Transformation Process of the Ohenro-san—A Case Study of Taiwan''s Ohenro-san |
呂玟儀 / 佛經中英語料非監督式自動句對齊之研究=Unsupervised Sentence Alignment of Corpora of Chinese-English Buddhist Texts |
徐慈珮 (著)=釋宏源 (au.) / 《華嚴經》戒律觀之探討——以賢首法藏為主=A Study of the Dharma of Precepts in the Huayan Sutra: Based on Shianshou Fatzang''s Standpoint |
馬希寧 (著)=Ma, Xi-ning (au.) / 漢譯佛典中地獄觀之內涵與演進:從《阿含經》至《俱舍論》=The Content and Evolution of Buddhist Hells in Chinese Buddhist Literature:From Āgamas to Abhidharmakośabhāṣya |
高子貽 =Kao, Tze-Yi / 法鼓聖嚴於天台教觀思想之融會研究──以心靈環保為主=Research on Master Sheng-Yen’s Integration of Tiantai Thought ——Give priority to The Environmental Protection of the Mindv |
張舒芳 / 應用聚類分析於佛教醫學文獻主題探索之研究=Applying Hierarchical Clustering Analysis to Explore Subjects of Buddhist Medical Texts |
陳淑渟 =Chen, Shu-ting / 弘化新思路-《不一樣的聲音-與聖嚴師父對話》節目的對話探討=The new ideas of Dharma propagation—the research about dialogue from the program“Different voices - dialogue with Master Shang Yen “ |
黃婉亭 =Huang, Wan-Ting / 巴利語《餓鬼事•蛇品》譯注與研究=The Annotated Translation and Study for the Pāli Petavatthu•Uragavagga |
劉國棟 (著) / 「持名念佛」三根普被之探討—以華嚴四種法界為中心=An examination of the all-inclusiveness of the three capacities of Buddha recitation: according to the Huayan doctrine of the four realms of reality |
釋天華 (著) / 梵本《金光明經・流水長者子品》之現代社會意義探討=On Social Significance of the “Chapter on Elder Jalavahana” in the Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra in the Contemporary Society |
釋法謙 (撰)=Shih, Fa-cian (compose) / 《大乘義章》與《大乘法苑義林章》佛身.佛土觀之比較研究=A Comparative Study of Ideas about Buddha-Kāya and Buddha-Lands in the Dasheng Yizhang and Dacheng Fayuan Yilinzhang |
釋智諦 (撰) / 印順法師的佛學思想:新實用主義的詮釋=Master Yin Shun’s Buddhist Thought:An Interpretation of Neo-Pragmatism |
釋覺莊 (撰) / 《本事・二法品》之比較研究=The Comparative Study of Chapter of the Two-fold in the Benshi |
釋顯照 (撰)=Shi, Xian-zhao (compose) / 隋法經等《眾經目錄》研究=Friedrich Ferdinand Grohmann |
法鼓文理學院  |
2018 |
13 |
林悟石 (著)=Lin, Wu-shi (au.) / 禪宗無情教義的流變與展演:從《楞伽師資記》到《碧巖錄》=The Development and Performativity of Doctrine ofthe Insentient Beings according to the Chan School: From the Record of the Masters and Disciples ofthe Laṅkāvatāra to the Blue-Cliff Records |
張立欣 (撰)=Chang, Li-hsin (compose) / 藏譯月稱《明句論》〈第二十四觀聖諦品〉的研究與譯註=A Study on the 24th Chapter (Investigation of the Truth) of Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā based on Tibetan Translation |
陳亭螢 (著)=Chen, Ting-ying (au.) / 揭開溈山教團的神秘面紗——以溈山靈祐為探討核心=Unveil the Mysteries of Kuei-Shan Buddhist Order: Focus on Master Kuei-Shan Ling-Yu |
陳麗娟 (著) / 《大般若經》與《華嚴經》之四十二字門的觀行=The Perspective and Practices of the Forty-Two Syllable-Doors in the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras and Avataṃsaka-sūtra |
黃敬涵 (撰)=Huang, Ching-han (compose) / 《法華文句》「譬喻」的研究=Study on the Parables in the FahuaWenju |
董惠珠 / 《中阿含經》與《增壹阿含經》之文本翻譯風格量化分析與相似斷詞自動化擷取=Quantitative Analysis of Translation Styles and Automatic Similar Phrases Identification of the Madhyama-āgama and the Ekottarika-āgama |
羅可思 (著)=Rowe, Chris (au.) / A Twentieth-Century “Pure Land Patriarch”: An Exploration of Master Yinguang’s Buddhist World through Epistolary Connections=二十世紀的「淨土宗祖師」:透過書函探索印光法師的佛教世界 |
釋仁益 (著)=Shi, Ren-yi (au.) / 《寶王三昧念佛直指》有關淨土教義的研究=A study about the Pure Land teachings in "The Direct Guide on the Jewelled King Samadhi of the Mindfulness of the Buddha" |
釋自証 (著) / 如理作意之研究──從早期經典到有部論書=A Study of Yoniso manasikāra──From Early Buddhist Texts to the Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma |
釋開善 (撰)=Shi, Kai-shan (compose) / 當代台灣佛教的社會參與 — 以少年福利機構「普賢慈海家園」為例 |
釋彌堅 (著)=DI KIEN THICH (au.) / 《大智度論》「菩薩三三昧」之探究=The Three Types of Samādhi with the Bodhisattva Path According to the Mahāprajñāpāramitā-śāstra |
釋覺心 (撰)=Shi, Jue-xin (compose) / 《般舟三昧經》「除睡眠」之研究=A study of “eliminate sleep” in Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra |
釋覺光 (著) / 智顗「根本四禪」之研究=Four Dhyānas in Zhiyi’s Cessation-Contemplation System |
法鼓文理學院  |
2017 |
5 |
常雅涵 (著)=Chang, Ya-Han (au.) / 菩薩六度於服務學習的意義之研究=On the Significance of the Bodhisattva’s Perfections in the Service-learning |
楊鎮鴻 (著)=Yang, Jhen-hong (au.) / 「人間淨土」義涵之研究——從四依法探討聖嚴法師的詮釋=On the Signification of the “Pure Land on Earth”: An Overview of Master Sheng Yen’s Interpretation Based on the Four Reliances |
釋果興 (撰)=Shi, Guo-shings (compose) / 《梵網經》菩薩道之修道次第研究 ── 以靈源法師之《梵網經菩薩戒》為核心=A Study on the bodhisattva path in《The *Brahmajāla Sūtra》— Centered around Venerable Ling-Yuan’s Annotations on the Bodhisattva Precepts |
釋真地 (著)=Shi, Zhen-di (au.) / 《華嚴經.淨行品》慈悲心培養之實踐=Cultivating compassion of “Chapter on Gocarapariśuddhi” in Buddhāvataṃsaka |
釋善德 (著) / 當代泰國佛教頭陀行弘化的理論與實踐──以法身寺之「法勝頭陀行」為例=The Theory and Practice of the Propagation of Dhutaṅga Practice in Contemporary Thai Buddhism-A Case Study on “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” Organized by Wat Phra Dhammakāya |
法鼓文理學院  |
2016 |
2 |
吳佩珮 =Wu, Pei-pei / 聖嚴法師傳法種類與模式分析—以其傳法精神之開展為中心=An Analysis of the Categories and Models of Master Sheng-yen’s Dharma Transmission—with a Focus on the Unfolding of the Essential Principles of His Transmission of Dharma |
釋有暎 =Shi, You-ying / 《楞嚴經》六根互用之研究=A Study of the “Interaction among the Six Sensory Organs”in the Śūraṇgama |
法鼓文理學院  |
2014 |
1 |
蕭舜子 =Hsiao, Shun-tzu / 天台智顗的止觀與懺法之研究—以《修習止觀坐禪法要》為中心=Tien-Tai Buddhism Master Zhi-yi Practice Method & Kṣama Study – With ”The Basic Principles of Śamatha and Vipaśyanā Meditation” as the Center |
法鼓文理學院  |
1 |
高秀維 (撰)=Kao, Hsiu-wei (compose) / 法鼓山聖嚴師父微信公眾號至中國弘法模式之初探=Ven. Sheng Yen''s Buddhadharma propagation via WeChat in China:A Preliminary Study |
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337. |
法鼓文理學院佛教學系  |
2022 |
1 |
張巧昀 (著)=Chang, Chiao-yun (au.) / 古澗寒泉──遺囑執行與社會奉獻=Archaic stream with Chilly spring-Wills Execution and Social Contributions |
法鼓文理學院佛教學系  |
2016 |
1 |
江律怡 (著)=釋堅慈 (au.) / 諦閑法師《念佛三昧寶王論義疏》之詮釋研究=A Study of Explanation in “Nianfo Sanmei Baowanglum Yi Shu” of Master Dixian |
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338. |
法鼓佛教學院  |
2015 |
8 |
林碧燕 (著)=Lin, Bi-yan (au.) / 《楞嚴經》之禪淨思想研究 ─ 以耳根、念佛圓通章為主=Study on the Thoughts of Chan and Pure Land in the Śūraṅgama Sūtra-Focusing on the Chapters of Perfect Penetration of Ear Faculty and Chanting Buddhas’ Names |
張雅雯 (著)=Chang, Ya-wen (au.) / 「頓」中開出次第化漸修—聖嚴法師禪法的特色與現代意義=Methodical and Gradual Path Stemmed from “Sudden Teaching”— Significance and Application of Master Sheng-Yen’s Teaching of Meditation in the Modern Age |
張慧君 (著)=Chang, Hui-chun (au.) / 阿閦佛國的「妙喜女」之研究 |
黃美英 (著)=Huang, Mei-ying (au.) / 《壇經》「見性成佛」的當代詮釋與實踐 ── 以聖嚴法師為主=The Contemporary Interpretation and Practice of "To See the Nature and Thus to Become a Buddha" in Platform Sutra: Focusing on the Teaching of Venerable Sheng Yen |
釋見吾 (著)=Shi, Chien-wu (au.) / 《楞嚴經》壇場軌則之研究=The Research of The Śūraṅgama Sūtra’s Mantra and Ritual |
釋長叡 (著)=Shih, Chang-rui (au.) / 「杏雨書屋」所藏敦煌寫卷「羽619」與「阿含部類」的關係研究=Dunhuang Manuscript 羽 619 in the Kyōushoku (杏雨書屋) and Its Textual Counterparts in the Āgamas |
釋智定 (著)=高御曦 (au.) / 論《維摩詰經》之「罪性觀」-以天台智者大師觀點為主=On the Nature of Transgression in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra: Based on the Interpretation of Master Zhiyi of the Tiantai School |
釋覺宏 (著)=Seck, Jue-hong (au.) / 四無量心於說一切有部解脫次第的意義與作用 -- 以三本漢譯《婆沙論》為主=The Meaning and the Function of the Four Immeasurables in the Path of Liberation of Sarvāstivāda School ——Focus on the Vibhāsā Compendia |
法鼓佛教學院  |
2014 |
1 |
黃瑞貞 (著)=Huang, Jui-chen (au.) / 佛陀「愛」?「不愛」?探索漢譯《阿含經》中的「愛」=“ To Love? or Not to Love?” in Terms of the Buddhist Perspective according to Chinese Āgama |
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339. |
法鼓佛教學院 佛教學系 |
2014 |
4 |
陸柯 (著)=Gibson, Luke (au.) / 逆流而行:聖嚴法師漢傳佛教之主張與其時代背景=Going Against the Current: Master Shengyan's (1930-2009) Advocacy and Re-envisioning of Chinese Buddhism in Context |
黃文吟 (著)=Huang, Wen-Yin (au.) / 境之探究──從極微境到唯識境=A Study on the Cognitive Objects: Between Paramāṇu and Vijnapti |
蘇原裕=Su, Yuan-yu / 怖畏金剛之圖像研究=Vajrabhairava of the image research |
釋性禪 (著)=Shi, Xingshan (au.) / 聖嚴法師的禪修教育理念─以觀音法門為主=The Chan Teaching Concepts of Master Sheng Yen—— Based Mainly on the Method of Guan Yin |
法鼓佛教學院 佛教學系 |
2013 |
4 |
林娟蒂 (撰)=Lin, Chuanti (compose) / 試探虛雲和尚看話禪之特色─以「一念未生」為中心=An Inquiry into Master Xuyun’s Thought of Kanhua Chan: Focusing on His Theory of “One Thought Not Arising” |
胡慧婷 (著)=Woo, Wei Teng (au.) / 漢、藏《華嚴經‧淨行品》研究=A Study on the “Chapter on Gocarapariśuddhi” in the Chinese and Tibetan Buddhāvataṃsaka |
闕慧貞 (著)=Chueh, Hui-Chen (au.) / 佛教語料「品目自動對列」研究--以《法華經》藏漢譯本為例=A Study of Automatic Chapter-level Alignment for Buddhist Texts: A Case Study for Tibetan and Chinese Version of the Lotus Sutra |
釋浩暄 (著)=Shi, Hao Xuan (au.) / 法藏六相說之探討─以《探玄記‧十地品》初地菩薩為主=An Examination of the Six Characteristics of the Daśabhūmika sūtra in Tan Xuan Ji Written by Fazang –Focus on the First Bhūmi. |
法鼓佛教學院 佛教學系 |
2010 |
1 |
釋印隆 (撰) / 水陸儀軌之天台圓觀思想研究=A study on the Tiantai Perfect Meditation in the Shuilu fahui Dharma Ritual |
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340. |
法鼓佛教學院佛教學系 |
2014 |
1 |
賴玉梅 (著)=Lai, Yu-Mai (au.) / 《華嚴經》發願思想之研究=Notions of Praṇidhāna in Huayan Jing |
法鼓佛教學院佛教學系 |
2013 |
2 |
康吉良 (著)=Kang, Ji-Liang (au.) / 《攝大乘論釋》中「解性」意涵之探究=The Reserch of Jiexing in Mahāyāna-saMgraha-bhāSya |
釋見量 (撰)=Shi, Jian-Liang (compose) / 《未來史》研究=The Study of the Anāgatavaṃsa |
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341. |
花園大学  |
2020 |
1 |
呉進幹 (著)=戒法 (au.) / 臨済禅の思想史的研究 : その形成と展開=Study on History of Linji’s Chan Thoughts : Their Formation and Development |
花園大学  |
2019 |
1 |
梁特治 (著)=リョウ, トクジ (au.) / 宋代禅宗の中期高麗禅宗への思想的影響 |
花園大学  |
2018 |
3 |
小川太龍 (著)=Ogawa, Tairyu (au.) / 黄檗希運研究 : 思想とその祖師像の変遷=The Chan Teaching of Huangbo Xiyun and Shifts in His Representation as a Chan Master |
李忠煥 (著)=法長 (au.) / 『梵網経』註釈史の研究=Studies on the History of the Commentary of Fanwang-jing |
李薇 (著)=Li, Wei (au.) / 律蔵における四波羅夷法経分別の研究=A Study on the Vibhaṅgas of the four Pārājika offenses in the Vinayapiṭaka |
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342. |
長庚大學  |
2022 |
1 |
Liu, Chao (著)=劉超 (au.) / Effects of positive psychological interventions on mindfulness, spirituality and subjective well-being=正向心理介入對正念、靈性和主觀幸福感的影響研究 |
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343. |
長榮大學  |
2021 |
1 |
蔡宗佑 =Tsai, Tsung-Yu / 台灣寺廟經營管理之關鍵成功因素研究=A Study on the Key Success Factors of the Temple Operations Management in Taiwan |
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344. |
南京大學  |
2011 |
1 |
金命鎬 (著) / 〈壇經〉思想及其在後世的演變與影響研究=Studies on the Thoughts of Platform Sutra and Its Variation and Influence |
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345. |
南京師範大學  |
2014 |
1 |
徐珊珊 (著) / 〈敦煌石窟僧詩校釋〉校補=The Check and Supplement about the Elucidation of Monks’ Poems in Dunhuang Grotto |
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346. |
南華大學  |
2023 |
2 |
陳孝芸 (著)=Chen, Hsiao-yun (au.) / 一位透過佛教信仰海洛英戒毒成功者生命轉化的敘事研究=A Narrative Study of the Life Transformation of a Successfully--Rehabilitated Heroin User through the Buddhist Belief |
盧麗娜 (著) / 《藥師經》十二大願之現世幸福觀詮釋與研究= The Explanation and Research on the Concept of Happiness of the Twelve Vows of the Medicine Buddha Sutra |
南華大學  |
2022 |
14 |
王貞婷 (著)=Wang, Chen-Ting (au.) / 星雲大師的《金剛經》般若思想研究—以「四無思想」為探究=A Study of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Prajñā Thought in the Diamond Sūtra: An Inquiry into the “Four Insights of Emptiness” |
江淑芬 (著)=Chiang, Shu-fen (au.) / 出世心‧入世行:佛光山師姑的信仰實踐=Worldly Practice with a Transcendental Mind: Faith as Actualized by the Shigus of Fo Guang Shan |
林佩儀 (著) / 星雲大師領導觀研究=A Study on Perspective of Leadership of Venerable Master Hsing Yun |
林淑妃 (著)=Lin, Shu-fei (au.) / 佛教淨土信仰者臨終助念經驗及其生死觀之探討=A Study on the Pure-land Buddhist Chanting Assisting Experience for the Dying Process and Their View of Life and Death |
陳弘 (著) / 《法華經•常不輕菩薩品》的思想與實踐之研究=A Study of Bodhisattva Sadāparibhūta's Thought and Practice of Lotus Sūtra |
陳明珠 (著) / 釋印順如何抉擇佛法—以《印度之佛教》為主要線索=How Venerable Yinshun Identifies Buddha’s Teachings: Take Buddhism in India as the Main Clue |
陳燕錚 (著) / 藏傳佛教與美國心理學的交會―以認知基礎慈悲訓練CBCT為例=The Interaction of Tibetan Buddhism and American Psychology: with "Cognitively-Based Compassion Training" as an Example |
曾錦文 (著) / 人間佛教六度行融入保護性社會工作之探究:一位保護性社會工作人員的自我敘說=Researching on the Six Paramitas of Humanistic Buddhism into Protective Social Work: Self-narrative of a Protective Social Worker |
黃煒倫 (著)=釋知參 (au.) / 《金光明經》護法神及護國思想研究=A Study of the Dharma-protecting Deities and the State Protective Thought in The Jin Guang Ming Jing |
董泰裕 (撰) / 精進波羅蜜多之研究─以《菩提道次第廣論》為主=A Study of the Perfection of Perseverance in Lamrim Chenmo |
蔡淑滿 (著) / 中國《法華經》注疏對〈觀世音菩薩普門品〉的詮釋之研究=A Study on the Interpretation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Universal Gates in Chinese Commentaries on the Lotus Sutra |
鄭琪耀 (撰)=Zheng, Qi-yao (compose) / 禪•藝-鄭琪耀水墨創作論述=Zen•Art: Discourse on the Chinese Painting by Zheng, Qi-Yao |
蘇鈺惠 (著)=釋能超 (au.) / 《妙法蓮華經.觀世音菩薩普門品》網路圖文改編研究=A Study on Online Graphic Adaptations to The Lotus Sutra’s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva |
釋知濤 (著) / 憨山德清《楞嚴經通議》一心三觀之研究=A Study of Hanshan Deqine’s Lengyanjing Tongyi andThreefold Contemplation in One Single Mind |
南華大學  |
2021 |
16 |
方耀珠 =Fang, Yao-Chu / 准提法的思想與實踐研究—以十方禪林為中心=Study on the Thoughts and Practices of Cundi Dharma--Taking Ten-Direction Buddhist Community as Study Case |
何佳芳 (撰)=Ho, Chia-fang (compose) / 星雲大師為僧之道-以《我不是「呷教」的和尚》為核心=A Study of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Conducts and Ways of a Monastic--Using “I am not a Dependent of the Buddha” as the Focal Point of Study |
李若豪 (撰)=Lee, Jo-hao (compose) / 如何度亡與度生—地藏菩薩的救度理論研究 |
范瑄珆 =Fan, Syuan-Yi / 正念茶禪對於中高齡者正念止觀覺察注意力及生活品質之影響=The Effects of Mindfulness Tea Zen on Quality of Life and Mindful Awareness Attention in Middle-Aged and Elderly Individuals |
徐瑜 (撰)=Xu, Yu (compose) / 《四大菩薩圖文書》之詮釋研究=A Research on the Pictorial and Text Representation of the Illustrated Books of Four Great Bodhisattvas |
張瑜芳 (著)=Chang, Yu-fang (au.) / 一位資深臨床佛教宗教師的臨終關懷經驗敘說研究=A Narrative Research on the Terminal Care Experience of a Clinical Buddhist Chaplain |
張嘉珈 (撰)=Chang, Karen Chia (compose) / 星雲大師《在人間自在修行—八識講話》的人間佛教修行觀之探究=An Analysis of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s “Carefree Living: A Commentary on the Eight Consciousnesses” Investigating the Cultivation Practice of Humanistic Buddhism |
陳均柔 (撰)=Chen, Chun-Rou (compose) / 星雲大師僧團制度建立之研究=A Study of the Establishment of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Monastery System |
陳建宏 (著)=Chen, Chien-hung (au.) / 父母教養方式與家庭生活幸福感之相關研究-以福智青少年為例=A Correlation Study on Parental Rearing Styles and Family Life Happiness among Youth of BWSOCE |
陳建霖 (著)=Chen, Chien-lin (au.) / 台大獅子吼佛學專站網路讀經班資深成員的個體化歷程=The Individuation Process of the Senior Members of the NTU Lion-Roaring Sutra Reading Online Club |
陳時儂 (撰)=Chen, Shih-Nung (compose) / 星雲大師自覺教育思想與實踐之研究=A Study on Venerable Hsing Yun’s Thought and Practice for the Education of Self-awareness |
陳敏慧 (撰)=Chen, Min-hui (compose) / 情慾與解脫─以超越功能詮釋摩登伽女文本暨平等實踐=Sexual Desire and Liberation––An Interpretation of the Texts of Matangi's Daughter and the Equanimity Practice Characteristic of Transcendent Function |
陳嘉慧 =Chan, Kah-wai / 瑜伽焰口儀軌法會之研究—以佛光山為例=A Study on the Ritual Practice of Yogacara Ulkā-mukha: A Case Study of Fo Guang Shan Monastery |
葉慧敏 (著)=Yeh, Karen (au.) / 鳩摩羅什禪經中的「念佛三昧」觀=Study on Buddhānusmṛti-samādhi in Kumārajīva’s Meditation Texts |
劉宜靜 (撰)=釋知岫 (compose) / 星雲大師《金剛經講話》所體現的破立之道=The Way of Establishment and Deconstruction as Shown in the Describing the Indescribable: A Discourse on the Diamond Sutra by Venerable Master Hsing Yun |
蕭慈恩 (著)=Hsiao, Tzu-En (au.) / 《大智度論》四諦詮釋之研究=The Research on the Interpretation of the Four Noble Truths from the Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise |
南華大學  |
2020 |
15 |
Luong, Tien-hiep (著)=梁進俠 (au.) / By Using "Buddhist Systems Methodology (BSM)" to Deal with Organizational Culture Problems: A Case Study in Vietnam Business Enterprise (Le Group of Companies)=運用「佛教系統方法論(BSM)」解決組織文化之問題-以越南企業Le Group of Companies為案例 |
王元枏 (著)=Wang, Yuan-Lan (au.) / 從佛光緣美術館探討星雲大師的藝文弘法=A Study of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Dharma Propagation from Case Study of Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery |
周祥隆 (撰)=Chou, Hsiang-lung (compose) / 自殺問題之哲學探討—以關懷精神疾病為目的=A Philosophical Research on Suicide--With the Purpose of Caring for Mental Illness |
林儀芳 (撰) / 《六祖壇經》般若中道思想之研究=A Study of Prajnā Thought in the Platform-Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch |
邱美華 (撰)=釋聞融 (compose) / 蕅益智旭之淨土念佛思想=A Study Ouyi's Pure Land Buddist Thought |
柯映亘 (撰)=Ko, Ying-Hsuan (compose) / 《楞嚴經》心性論-真妄二心之探究=The Study of the True (Bhūtatathatā) and Delusive (Amalavijñāna) Minds in the Śūraṅgama Sūtra |
洪玉珮 (撰)=Hung, Yu-pei (compose) / 佛教優婆夷行願典範之探究=A Study on the Model of Practices and Vows of Upāsikās in Buddhism |
徐苔珍 (撰)=Xu,Tai-Zhen (compose) / 人間佛教的藝術弘法-以佛光山佛誕展為例=A Research on the Art Propagation of Humanistic Buddhism--Based on Buddha's Birthday Exhibitions at Fo Guang Shan |
張精明 (撰)=Chang, Jing-ming (compose) / 准提法門的義理與實踐研究以《顯密圓通成佛心要集》為中心=A Study on Theory and Practice of Cundi Dharma |
許祐溱 (撰)=釋知悟 (compose) / 試論《法華經》的教化方法=The Study of Preaching Ways in the Lotus Sūtra |
許景雯 (撰)=Hsu, Ching-wen (compose) / 《華嚴經.入法界品》思想之研究=A Study on the Thoughts of the Chapter of Gaṇḍa-vyūha in the Avataṃ-saka Sūtra |
郭宿慧 (撰)=Kuo, Su-hui (compose) / 煮雲法師念佛思想與實踐之研究=A Study on Master Zhuyun's Thought and Practice of Recitation of the Buddha's Name |
陳庭毓 (撰)=Chen, Ting-yu (compose) / 佛教香供養的文化內涵與意義探討=A Study on the Cultural Connotation and Meaning of Buddhist Using Incense |
黃絨湑 (撰)=Huang, Jung-hsu (compose) / 由東西方因果關係的探討揭示人之實踐的生命哲學=To Reveal Practical Life Philosophy of Human Beings from a Research on the Causality of Eastern and Western |
葉昆錦 (撰)=Yeh, Kun-chin (compose) / 藥師如來利樂有情之大願及其人心淨化之研究=A Study on the Medicine Buddha's Vows and Human Purification |
南華大學  |
2019 |
24 |
何樂辛 (著)=Sharma Khemraj (au.) / 奧里沙佛教的研究-從考古、歷史的視角討論=The Significance of Odisha Buddhism--From Aspect of Archeological, Historical Study |
吳佩珊 (著)=Wu, Pei-shan (au.) / 寧瑪派大圓滿教法之詮釋-以「認出本覺而自解脫」為核心=An Interpretation of Tibetan Buddhism Nyingmapa's Teachings of Dzogchen (Great Perfection)--Focused on "Self-Liberation through Recognizing Rigpa" |
李欣霖 (撰)=Lee, Shen-lin (compose) / 禪宗公案與生命療癒研究=The Study of Kong-an of Chan-Buddhism and Life Theapy |
沈倩儀 (撰)=釋知迦 (compose) / 試析星雲大師「菩薩性格」的論述 - 以《貧僧有話要說》為例=An Analysis of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "Characteristics of a Bodhisattva" -- Based on "Hear Me Out: Messages from a Humble Monk" |
沈倩儀 (撰)=釋知迦 (compose) / 試析星雲大師「菩薩性格」的論述-以《貧僧有話要說》為例=An Analysis of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's ""Characteristics of a Bodhisattva""--Based on ""Hear Me Out: Messages from a Humble Monk"" |
林碧麗 (著)=釋知勝 (au.) / 星雲大師兒童教育理念與教材分析:以《心中的陽光.國小低年級》為例=A Study on Children's Educational Philosophy and Practice of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: Based on Sunlight within the Heart Grades 1&2 |
南家帆 (著) / 死亡儀式和神諭:在印度北部拉達克佛教的一個案例研究=Death Rituals and Oracle: A Case Study in Ladakh Buddhism, North India |
洪琬雯 (撰)=Hung, Wan-wen (compose) / 《菩提道次第廣論》發心教授之探析=An Study on Teachings of Bodhicitta-Samutpāda of Lamrim Chenmo |
高嫚君 (撰)=Kao, Man-chun (compose) / 漢譯《增壹阿含經》的譬喻文學研究=A Study of Metaphorical Literature in the Translated Chinese Ekottara Āgama |
張茵荃 (撰)=Chang, Yin-chuan (compose) / 星雲大師布施觀研究=A Study of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Generosity |
陳素雲 (撰)=Chen, Su-yun (compose) / 星雲大師「四給精神」與其宗教情懷之探討=A Discussion on "Four Givings" and Religious Feelings of Master Hsing-Yun |
陳穎萱 (撰)=釋知光 (compose) / 試析蕅益智旭之《教觀綱宗》=A Study of Ouyi Zhixu’s The Essence of Teaching and Meditation (Jiaoguan Gangzong 教觀綱宗) |
黃宣珮 (撰)=Huang, Xuan-pei (compose) / 中國禪宗叢林組織之研究:以《百丈清規》的創建與發展為例=The Study of the Organizational Structure of Chan Monasteries in China : : the Establishment and Development of Baizhang's Monastic Rules |
黃素娟 (著)=Huang, Su-Chuan (au.) / 星雲大師《無聲息的歌唱》研究=The Study of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "Bells, Gongs and Wooden Fish" ("Wushengxi de gechang") |
楊宜樺 (撰)=釋知誼 (compose) / 佛光山大佛法語與《人生 108 事》之當代價值=A Comparative Study of the Contemporary Value between Great Buddha Dharma Words of Fo Guang Shan and the 108 Tips for Life |
達喜 (著)=AMAN RAJ (au.) / 那爛陀衰落的分析研究=An Analytical Study of the Decline of Nālandā |
趙永祥 (撰)=Chao, Yuang-shiang (compose) / 金剛經要義對企業組織管理與其穩健成長之研究=Diamond Sutra Research on Corporate Organizational Management and Steady Growth |
劉珍珠 (撰)=Liu, Chen-chu (compose) / 《入中論善顯密意疏》之初探-以大悲心與初地為中心=A Study of《Tsongkhapa's Commentary on The Madhyamakāvatāra》: Focus on Mahākaruṇa and First Bhūm |
劉素錦 (撰)=Liu, Su-chin (compose) / 參加藥師寶懺法會信眾回饋之研究=Research on the Feedback of Buddhist Participant in Medicine Buddha Confession Ceremon |
潘紫瀅 =Pan, Tzu-ying / 正念與三十七菩提分法之交涉=A Study of the Relation Between Mindfulness and Thirty-Seven Bodhi-Pakkhiyā Dhammā |
蔡麗敏 (撰)=Tsai, Kai-wen (compose) / 精進與三十七道品交涉之研究=A Study of the Relation between Viriya and Bodhipakkhiyā Dhammā |
賴奕淨 (撰)=Lai, Yi-ching (compose) / 相・像-賴奕淨觀音繪畫創作研究=Characteristic and Image: Research on Yi-Ching Lai's Guanyin Painting Creation |
韓佩芳 (撰)=Amn, Pui-fong (compose) / 高齡化社會的幸福之道-星雲大師孝道觀的當代價值=The Filial Piety in an Aging Society--On The Contemporary Value Of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Filial Piety Views |
釋湛愍 (撰)=Shi, Chan-min (compose) / 《瑜伽師地論》菩薩道修行次第之研究=A Study on the Steps to the Path of Bodhisattva of Yogācāra-Bhūmi-Śāstra |
南華大學  |
2018 |
21 |
朱合 (撰)=Chu, Ho (compose) / 「正念」課程啟發社區老人生命意義之研究-以高雄市某社區為例=A Study on the Life Meaning of Elderly People Inspired by the Mindfulness-Based Courses: A Case Study of a Local Community in Kaohsiung City |
李安琪 (撰)=Lee, An-chi (compose) / 虛雲法師禪學思想探微=The Study of Master Hsu-Yun's Thought System of Zen |
李苑嫣 (撰)=Lee, Yuen-yin (compose) / 《六祖壇經》之無住思想 及其在星雲大師弘法事業的實踐=The Viewpoint of Non-abiding in The Platform Sutra and its Realization in Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Dharma Propagation |
林曉君 (撰)=Lin, Xiao-jun (compose) / 宗教信仰、生命意義感與幸福感之相關研究 - 以嘉義縣國小教師為例=A Study on the Relationship Among Religious Beliefs, the Sense of Meaningful Life, and the Well-Being of Elementary School Teachers in Chia-Yi County |
孫清讚 (著)=Sun, Ching-tsan (au.) / 自性超度與生命不死之研究-以蓮花生大士教言為文本=Self Life of Salvation and Immortality--To Padmasambhava Master Words to Text |
張書銓 (撰)=Chang, Shu-chiuan (compose) / 奢摩他修持探究 ─ 以《菩提道次第廣論》為主=A Study of Śamatha Practice in Lamrim Chenmo |
張淑鳳 (撰)=Chang, Shu-feng (compose) / 佛教的醫藥觀與養生觀的研究 — 以日常法師《菩提道次第廣論》開示為中心=Buddhist Perspective on Medicine and Health Promotion: Focused on Venerable Master Ri-Chang's Interpretations on Lamrim Chenmo |
張麗芬 (撰)=Chang, Li-fen (compose) / 《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》之世界觀與修學進路=The Cosmology and the Practice Way of 《The Sutra of Buddha of Infinte Life》 |
郭靜雯 (撰)=Kok, Ching-mun (compose) / 佛教論瞋及現代社會之應用=Study of Hatred in Buddhism and its Applications in Modern Society |
黃銘輝 (撰)=Huang, Ming-hui (compose) / 釋教「擔經」教化儀式之研究-以南投縣為例=A Study of the "Shouldering Scriptures" Educational Influence Ceremony -- Taking Nantou County Interpretation as Example |
黃靜苓 (撰)=釋知尚 (compose) / 星雲大師體育弘法的三好理念與實踐=Master Hsing Yun’s: Physical Education Spread Buddhism in Application of Three Acts of Goodness |
黃瓊慧 (撰)=Huang, Chiung-hui (compose) / 星雲大師簡食觀及其實踐之研究=A Study on the Concept and its Practice of Simple Food of Venerable Master Hsing Yun |
趙冠茹 (撰)=Chao, Kuan-ju (compose) / 星雲大師幸福觀之研究:以《十種幸福之道-佛說妙慧童女經》為文本=A Study of the Conception of Happiness of Venerable Master Hsing Yun based on "Ten Paths to Happiness--A Commentary on the Sumati Sūtra" |
劉容珊 (撰)=Liu, Long-shan (compose) / 《法華經》弘傳中之忍辱行=A Study on the Practice of Patience amidst the Propagation of The Lotus Sutra |
蔡敏慧 (撰)=Chai, Meng-huei (compose) / 論人間佛教之善巧方便:以《維摩詰經·方便品》為文本=A Study of Skillful Means of Humanistic Buddhism based on the Chapter of the "Upāya-kauśalya in Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Sūtra" |
鄭雅文 (撰)=釋開然 (compose) / 《慈悲藥師寶懺》的思想與實踐研究=The Reacarch on the Thoughts and Practices of "Ci-Bei-Yao-Shi-Bao-Chan" |
蕭涵勻 (撰)=Hsiao, Han-yun (compose) / 唯識學心識理論在情緒管理之應用-以《八識規矩頌》為例=The Practice of Emotional Management based on the Mind Consciousness Theory of the Mind Only Doctrine: Focused on "Verses Delineating the Eight Consciousnesses" |
賴柏丞 (撰)=Lai, Po-cheng (compose) / 從星雲大師一筆字書法論其傳道特色與影響=Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s One-Stroke Calligraphy: Propagating the Dharma’s Distinguishing Traits and Influence |
鍾怡敏 (撰)=Chung, Yi-min (compose) / 老年佛教徒義工彌陀信仰及其自我靈性照顧之研究=A Study on Amitabha Faith and It’s Spiritual Care of the Elderly Buddhist Volunteers |
顏艷秋 (撰)=Yen, Yen-chiu (compose) / 印順法師的中國佛教觀之探究=A Study on the Chinese Buddhist Concept of Master Yin-Shun |
嚴曉竺 (撰)=Yen, Hsiao-chu (compose) / 佛光山僧伽教育之研究=A Study on Sangha Education of Fo Guang Shan |
南華大學  |
2017 |
29 |
Nguyen, Phuoc-thien (著)=阮福庭 (au.) / The Study of Applying System Thinking and Buddhist Systems Methodology (BSM) in Dealing Organizational Problems -- The Case of Vietnam Buddist University=運用系統思考及佛教系統方法論處理組織問題之研究:以越南佛教大學為例 |
余怡 (撰)=Yu, Yi (compose) / 準提法門的修證體系之研究 - 以漢譯佛典為主要文獻=A Study of the Expericence of Practice and Propagation of Dhamma in Chundi Dharmaparyaya -- Based on Chinese Version of Buddhist Scriptures |
余怡 (撰)=Yu, Yi (compose) / 準提法門的修證體系之研究-以漢譯佛典為主要文獻=A Study of the Expericence of Practice and Propagation of Dhamma in Chundi Dharmaparyaya--Based on Chinese Version of Buddhist Scriptures |
吳素芬 (撰)=Wu, Su-Fen (compose) / 星雲大師人間佛教「五和」經證及其實踐=A Study on the Scriptural Evidence and Practice of "Five Harmony" as Basis of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Humanistic Buddhism |
李佩奾 (著)=Li, Pei-xian (au.) / 大乘佛教終極關懷之研究—以《菩提道次第廣論》為例=A Study on the Ultimate Concern of Mahayana Bud-dhism: The Case of "Lamrim" |
李素貞 (撰)=釋穎融 (compose) / 中峰明本之禪淨思想研究=A Study of Zhongfeng Mingben's Thoughts on Chan Buddhism and Pure Land |
范明賢 (撰)=Fan, Ming-hsien (compose) / 漢譯《雜阿含經》業報思想之探討=A Study on Karma of the Chinese Translation of Samyuktāgama |
范敏峯 (撰)=Fan, Min-feng (compose) / 《菩提道次第廣論》之道次第內涵應用於生命教育之探究 - 以新北市林口國中生命教育課程為例=A Research of Applying the Connotation in "The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment" to Life Education, Implemented on the Life Education Courses of the Lin-Kou Junior High School in the New Taipei City as an Example |
孫淑儀 (撰)=Sun, Shu-yi (compose) / 唯識學轉識成智歷程與榮格個體化過程比較研究 ― 以心識轉變為中心=A Comparative Study on The Process of Only Knowledge's Transfer Knowledge into Wisdomand Jung's Individualization -- Centered on The Change of Mind Consciousness |
孫淑儀 (撰)=Sun, Shu-yi (compose) / 唯識學轉識成智歷程與榮格個體化過程比較研究=A Comparative Study on The Process of Only Knowledge's Transfer Knowledge into Wisdomand Jung's Individualization--Centered on The Change of Mind Consciousness |
徐榕澤 (撰)=Hsu, Rong-che (compose) / 無我與空性之義理關聯-以《菩提道次第廣論》為主 |
寂合 (撰)=Souksavanh Khenthavong (compose) / 星雲大師的中道思想 - 以《維摩詰經》為進路=The Study on the Thought of Middle Way by Master Hsing Yun in Light of the Vimalakirti Sutra |
張聖涵 (撰)=Chang, Sheng-han (compose) / 從人間佛教脈絡詮釋 「神明聯誼會」之宗教意涵=Understanding the Meaning of "When Buddha Meets The Gods Event" From the Ideals of Humanistic Buddhism |
陳幸宜 (撰)=釋常圓 (compose) / 僧肇〈物不遷論〉之思想探究=An Inquiry into The Thought of Sengzhao's Essay "Things Do Not Move" |
陳瑄嬪 (撰)=Chen, Hsuan-Pin (compose) / 初期佛教「空」思想-以巴利《中部.空小經》註譯與研究為進路=The Concept of Emptiness in Early Buddhism--From the Viewpoint of Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ in the Majjhima-nikāya |
曾珮宸 (撰)=Tseng, Pei-chen (compose) / 聲聞佛法作為大乘佛法基礎之探究 — 以《菩提道次第廣論》為中心=The Study of the Mahāyāna Buddhism Based on the Śrāvakayāna Buddhism -- A Case Study of Lamrim Chenmo |
黃玉真 =Huang, Yu-Chen / 聖嚴法師對佛性意義的當代詮解及其與人間淨土實踐的關涉=Master Sheng Yen's Contemporary Interpretation of the Meaning of Tathāgata-garbha and Its Relationship with Building a Pure Land on Earth |
黃阿日 (著)=Huang, A-jih (au.) / 菩提心觀修方法之探究-以《菩提道次第廣論》為研討依據=Bodhicitta Meditation Method Research--Based on "Lamrim, the Path to Bodhi" |
楊春茶 (撰)=Yang, Chun-cha (compose) / 從臨終陪伴到生命陪伴—以《菩提道次第廣論》「死無常」之觀點為啟發=From the Dying Accompany to the Life Care--The Concept on the Impermanence of the Death of《The Great Treatise on the Stages of The Path to Enlightenment》 |
葉靜宜 (撰)=釋知沂 (compose) / 星雲大師《繪本心經》圖文詮釋研究=A Research on the Pictorial and Text Representation of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Illustrated Heart Sutra |
劉席明 (撰)=Liu, Hsi-ming (compose) / 無我與輪迴:從緣起性空論生死自在 |
鄭塋芝 (著)=Cheng, Ying-chih (au.) / 宗喀巴大師生死思想研究—以《菩提道次第廣論》為主 |
鄧麗玲 =Teng, Li-lin / 卡巴金正念減壓與馬哈希內觀禪修之比較研究=A Comparative Study Between Kabat-Zinn MBSR and Mahāsi Vipassanā Meditation |
簡妙夙 (著)=Chine, Mioa-shu (au.) / 一位歷經瀕死經驗皈依佛教信仰者的自我敘說研究=A Self-Narrative Study of a Converted Buddhist Devotee Having Near-Death Experience |
簡晉齊 =釋宏聖 / 慈航法師思想與實踐之研究=Research of the Thought and Practice of Master Zhi Hang |
羅怡娟 (撰)=Lo, Yi-chuan (compose) / 星雲大師「四給」經證及在佛陀紀念館常設展的呈現=Textual Evidences of Master Hsing Yun's "Four Givings" and the Presentation of the Buddha Museum's Permanent Exhibitions |
羅曉瑩 (撰)=Lo, Hsiao-ying (compose) / 從同理心邁向菩提心之自我敘說-以《菩提道次第廣論》為敘說視框之研究=A Self Narrative as an Approach to Examining the Process of Turning from Empathy to Bodhicitta--Using Lamrim Chenmo as the Narrative Frame |
釋育恆 (撰)=Shih, Yu-Heng (compose) / 四明知禮《大悲心呪行法》之研究=A Study on Siming Zhili's Great-Compassionate Heart Incantation Practices of the Avalokiteśvara with a Thousand Hands and Eyes |
温秀珍 (撰)=Wen, Hsiu-chen (compose) / 星雲大師的財富觀-以「公益信託星雲大師教育基金」為例=Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Perspective on Wealth: A Research on Venerable Master Hsing Yun Public Education Trust Fund |
南華大學  |
2016 |
20 |
王玉琳 (撰)=Wang, Yu-lin (compose) / 星雲大師「問政不干治」之研究 — 從「政治和尚」到「趙無任」=A Study of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "Asking after Government without Interfering in Governance": From "Political Monk" to "Zhao Wu-ren" |
王靖婷 (撰)=釋知五 (compose) / 《楞嚴經》注疏之菩提心義研究=A Research on the Significance of Bodhicitta Based on the Commentaries of the Surangama Sutra |
王慧蓮 (撰)=Wang, Hui-lien (compose) / 禪門參學之研究—以中晚唐為例=The Study on Zen Practice: Based on the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty |
李仲謹 (撰)=Li, Zhong-jin (compose) / 批判與繼承:星雲法師《無聲息的歌唱》之創作義蘊及人間佛教理念=Critique and Inheritance: The Creative Implication and the Idea of Humanistic Buddhism in Bells, Gongs and Wooden Fish by Venerable Master Hsing Yun |
李宜純 (撰)=Li, Yi-chun (compose) / 佛教信仰、老年、性別-以佛光會四名老年女性為例=Buddhist Faith, The Elder, and Gender: The Case Studying of Four Elder Women in the Buddha's Light International Association R.O.C. |
卓芸心 (撰)=Cho, Yun-hsin (compose) / 當代大悲懺之研究 - 以千佛山菩提寺為例=The Research of the Great Compassion Repentance --In Contemporary Based on the Chief Sun Temples |
官韋汝 (撰)=Guan, Wei-ru (compose) / 星雲大師的現代戒律新解研究 — 以〈怎樣做個佛光人〉為主=Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Modern Interpretation of Precetps : An Analysis on the "Eighteen Lectures for Fo Guang Shan Community" |
林淑娟 (撰)=Lin, Shu-chuan (compose) / 觀音法門之研究-以三部觀音經典為主之探討 |
范重光 (撰)=Pham, Trong Quang (compose) / 宗教臨終關懷應用於大學生命教育教學之探討 — 以佛教與天主教對比的討論為例=A study on the Inclusion of Religious Hospice Care in the Life Education Course of University Students--A Case study of Comparing between Buddhist and Catholic Approaches |
翁琬君 (撰)=Wong, Wan-Chun (compose) / 星雲大師人間佛教及其建築實踐-以佛陀紀念館為例=The Humanistic Buddhism of Master Hsing Yun and the Architectural Practice: A Case Study of Buddha Museum |
涂美玲 (撰)=Tu, Mei-ling (compose) / 《法華經》生命教育思想研究 — 以天台注釋為主的探討=A Research on Life Education Thoughts of the Lotus Sutra: Based on Teachings from the Tian-tai Sect |
張嘉容 (撰)=釋知晟 (compose) / 從佛陀紀念館的社教與休閒功能—探討人間佛教的理念與實踐=Social Education and Leisure Functions of Buddha Memorial Center: Perspectives from the Ideals and Practices of Humanistic Buddhism |
郭梵韋 (著)=Guo, Fan-wei (au.) / 正念療法的佛教禪修蘊含之研究—以喬.卡巴金與馬克.威廉斯為中心 |
郭瑜萱 (撰) / 《佛光祈願文》之研究=The Study of "Pearls of Wisdom" |
陳志忠 (著)=Chen, Chih-chung (au.) / 大學生觀功念恩對幸福感與社會支持之相關研究=A Study of the Relationship of Observing Merits and Appreciating Kindness, Happiness, Social Support among College Students |
陳玫玲 (撰)=Chen, Mei-ling (compose) / 人間佛教修行生活的食、衣、住、行 四個面向之研究:以佛光山為例=Research on Food, Clothing, Shelter and Mobility in Practicing Humanistic Buddhism |
陳昱廷 (撰)=Chen, Yu-ting (compose) / 「人間佛教」在台灣的發展 - 以佛光山「回歸本來面目」之教育為核心的探討=The Development of "Buddhism for the Human World" in Taiwan -- Discussion on the Fo Guang Shan's Education of "Return Unto the Came Face" |
陳皆興 =Chen, Jie-xing / 雲棲祩宏淨土思想研究-真理觀與實踐論 |
黃怡禎 (撰)=Huang, Yi-chen (compose) / 星雲大師《玉琳國師》之修行觀與時代意義=The View of Cultivation and Significance of the Times of YuLin National Master by Grand Master Hsing Yun |
鄭瑋瑄 (撰)=Cheng, Wei-hsuan (compose) / 論「星雲模式」的菩薩行證-以佛陀紀念館為例=Bodhisattva's Practice and Realization in the Mode of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: A Case Study of the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center |
南華大學  |
2015 |
13 |
王常琳 (撰)=Wang, Chang-lin (compose) / 二十一世紀新式佛塔:佛陀紀念館及其宗教、文化與教育功能的研究=A Study of the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center and Its Religious, Cultural and Educational Functions |
何信賢 (撰)=Ho, Hsin-hsien (compose) / 食禪與正念飲食的研究 |
呂嘉民 (撰)=Lu, Chia-ming (compose) / 《法華經》菩薩行的思想特質與實踐開展=The Thoughts and Practices of Bodhisattva in the Lotus Sutra |
杜佳鴻 (撰)=Du,Jia-Hong (compose) / 人間佛教淨土思想的開展:以佛光山為研究對象=The Development of the Pure Land Thoughts of Humanistic Buddhism :Focused on the Case of Fo Guang Shan |
梁國超 (撰)=Leung, Kok-chiu (compose) / 對追求往生淨土成佛現象的再思考:以梵本Sukhāvatīvyūha(略本《樂有莊嚴》)為參考點=Rethinking on the Soteriology of Attaining Buddhahood Through Rebirth in the Pureland: With Sanskrit Text The Smaller Sukhāvatīvyūha as a Reference |
莊月香 (撰)=Chuang, Yueh-hsiang (compose) / 《六度集經》的菩薩行思想及其對當代生命教育的啟發=Thoughts of the Discipline of the Bodhisattva in a Collection of the Six Perfections and its Inspiration to Contemporary Life Education |
郭玉茹 (撰) / 臺灣漢傳佛教瑜伽焰口儀式音樂之分析研究=An Analytical Research on the Ritual Music of Yogacara Ulkā-Mukha Dharma Service of the Traditional Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan |
陳怡靜 (撰)=釋德音 (compose) / 《慈悲三昧水懺》之研究—其結構、思想與教化=A Study on the Repentance of Compassionate Samadhi Water--Its Construction and Teachings |
傅雪卿 (撰)=Hsueh-Ching Fu (compose) / 台灣佛教報業的世俗化轉型-從覺世旬刊到人間福報=The Secularization Transformation of the Buddhist News Industry in Taiwan -- An Investigation of the Transition from the "Awakening the World" to the "Merit Times" |
楊素真 (撰)=Shih, Chueh-ming (compose) / 四聖諦融入學童生命教育之行動研究-以南投縣一所國小二年級學生為例=The Action Research of Student's Life Education Integration into the Four Noble Truths--The Case Study of the Second Year Students of an Elementary School in Nantou County, Taiwan |
劉智凱 (撰)=Liu, Chih-kai (compose) / 五蘊之想蘊研究—兼論與當代正念療法的關係=A study of saññā and the Relationship with Mondern Mindfulness--Based Therapy |
蔡瑪麗 (著) / 一位淨土宗念佛修行者修行歷程之敘說研究=The Narrative Study on the Spiritual Journey of a Pure Land Buddhism Practitioner |
簡秋燕 (撰)=Chien, Chiu-yen (compose) / 《法華經》的人間佛教實踐:以佛光山為例的探討=The Study of Practicing Humanistic Buddhism in the Lotus Sutra: The Case Study in Fo Guang Shan Monastery |
南華大學  |
2014 |
16 |
Eduardo, Perez Jaime Andres (撰)=溫德斯 (compose) / Myth as Narrative: Issues Regarding the Study of Myth in Buddhist Studies, With Particular Interest in the Mahāsudassana Sutta of the Dīgha Nikāya |
王佩秀 (撰)=Wang, Pei-hsiu (compose) / 《沙門果經》解脫道次第之研究=A Study of Sāmaññaphala Sutta: The Graduated Path to Liberation |
吳美瑤 (撰)=Wu, Mei-yao (compose) / 宗教型社會福利機構經營管理之探討-以佛光山慈悲基金會營運之高雄市老人公寓為例=An Investigation of the Operating and Management of a Religious Social Welfare Organization: The Senior Citizens' Apartment of Kaohsiung City Operated by the Fo Guang Shan Compassion Foundation |
吳清海 (撰)=Wu, Chin-hai (compose) / 《金剛般若波羅蜜經》被動句研究-以梵漢對勘為進路=Passive Sentences in Diamond Sūtra--Research on the Comparison of Sanskrit and Chinese Versions |
李孟委 (著)=Li, Meng-wei (au.) / 學習《廣論》經驗與生命意義關係之研究—以福智團體廣論研討班雲林縣學員經驗為例=The Study Related to the Meaning of Life through Learning Guanglun: Refer to the Yunlin Guanglun Class Members' Experiences as Examples |
林均頤 (著)=Lin, Jhun-yi (au.) / 從初期佛教生死觀探討青少年之生死關懷 |
林育辰 (撰)=Lin, Yu-Chen (compose) / 唯識佛學的生死哲學及生命教育之應用=The Life and Death Philosophy of Mind-Only Buddhism and It's Application in the Life Education |
許善然 (著) / 莊子的人生哲學-以生死智慧為中心 |
陳俊明 (撰)=Chen, Chun-min (compose) / 《摩訶止觀》之懺悔思想研究=Study on the Confession Thought of Mohozhuguan |
陳美華 =Chern, Meei-hwa / 懺悔之研究-以授得「比丘尼戒」為例=Research Grant Repentance--To Get ""Nuns Ring"" as An Example |
陳睿風 (著) / 禪宗〈牧牛圖〉的意識轉化與治療應用 |
陳睿風 (撰)=Chen, Jui-feng (compose) / 禪宗〈牧牛圖〉的意識轉化與治療應用 |
曾興隆 (撰)=Tseng, Hsing-lung (compose) / 《維摩詰經》心淨即土淨思想與中道菩薩行之研究-以淨影慧遠《維摩義記》為主=Pure Land Thought and the Middle Way in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra--The Perspectives Presented by Huiyan in the Weimo Yiji |
葉果真 (撰)=Yeh, Kuo-chen (compose) / 巴漢諸本《大苦蘊經》之比較研究=A Comparative Study on Pāli and Chinese Parallels of “The Greater Discourse on the Mass of Suffering”(MN 13 Mahādukkhakkhandha Sutta) |
薄培琦 (撰)=Po, Pei-chi (compose) / 正念運用於宗教教誨之研究:以明德戒治分監收容人為例=A Research on Mindfulness Applied to Religious Education: Csaes on Inmates in Ming-De Rehab Branch, Tainan Prison |
蘇蜂琪 (撰)=Su, Feng-chi (compose) / 佛教醫學思想之研究-以《阿含經》為論述核心=The Study on Buddhist Medical Thoughts: Focused on Chinese Āgamas |
南華大學  |
2013 |
20 |
王艾玲 (撰)=釋如塵 (compose) / 大智度論布施波羅蜜之研究=A Study on the Dana-Paramita of the Mahaprajnaparamita-Wastra |
吳金燕 (著)=釋印行 (au.) / 經懺佈教:建構以生死關懷為核心之生命教育實踐場域— 一位佛教行者之實踐與省思=Preaching through Sutra Chanting: To Build a Pratical Field for Life Education Based on the Core of Life – and - death Concern--a Practice and Reflection from a Buddhist |
吳素禎 (撰)=Wu, Su-chen (compose) / 《長老尼偈》之敘事研究─兼以對照《比丘尼傳》=Narrative Research of "Therigatha, Verses of the Elder Nuns"--In Comparison with "Bhikshuni Biography" |
孫鍾鈞 (撰)=Sun, Chung-chun (compose) / 南北朝佛教懺悔思想之探究=Buddhist Repentance Thoughts in the Southern and Northern Dynasties |
高美蓮 (著)=釋蓮善 (au.) / 協助臨終往生對佛教宗教師生命意義之探討=A study on the meaning of life of Buddhist Chaplain in the assisting of dying |
張竹如 (著)=Jhang, Jhu-ru (au.) / 《般若波羅蜜多心經》生命教育義涵探析 |
陳永宏 (撰)=Chen, Yung-hung (compose) / 《慈經》與當代正念治療慈心禪之交涉=The Correlations between Mettāsutta and Loving-Kindness Meditation of Modern Mindfulness-Based Therapy |
陳昭榮 (撰)=Jhen, Jhao-rong (compose) / 國小教師教學信念之省思─取徑《金剛經》的論析 |
陳玲英 (撰)=釋傳徹 (compose) / 靈芝元照淨土思想之研究=Lingzhi Yuanzhao on the Pure Land |
陳羿璇 (撰)=Chen, Yi-hsuan (compose) / 完形心理治療與天台教觀思想的對比研究-以非行非坐三昧為例=A Comparative Study on Gestalt Therapy and Tien-Tai's Doctrine--Take either Walking nor Sitting Samadhi for Example |
黃均筑 (撰)=Huang, Chun-chu (compose) / 女性僧伽教育者之比較研究—以丹津葩默與悟因法師為例 |
黃博涵 (撰)=Huang, Po-han (compose) / 《妙法蓮華經》會歸思想之研究-以譬喻故事為中心=A Research on the Thought of Integration Focused on the Analogy Stories |
楊秀源 (撰)=Yong, Siew-yen (compose) / 唯識學之修行次第的研究─以《成唯識論》為中心=A Study of Vijnaptimatrata''s Practice--According to the Ch''eng Wei-shih Lun |
楊淑妹 (撰)=Yang, Shu-Mei (compose) / 《大智度論》菩薩思想之研究=A Study on the Thought of Bodhisattva in the Mahaprajnaparamita-sastra |
楊富美 (撰)=釋晴元 (compose) / 宗教團體使命與附屬機構績效結合之研究─以有機茶場為例=An Alignment between the Mission of Religious Organization and its Performance of Affiliated Unit : An Organic Tea Farm Case |
劉郁嘉 (撰)=Liu, Yu-chia (compose) / 生活場域的美感實踐—以《華嚴經.淨行品》為例 |
蔡麗芬 (撰)=Tsai, Li-fen (compose) / 佛光山人間佛教的社會實踐─兼論與原始佛教之關涉=The Study of the Social Practice of Fo Guang Shan's Humanistic Buddhism and its relationship with Early Buddhism |
鄭淑卿 (撰)=Cheng, Shu-ching (compose) / 從正念日記到自我療癒:正念如何帶來治療?=From Mindfulness Diary to self-healing: how Mindfulness brings forth the treatment? |
釋天琳 (撰)=Shin, Tien-lin (compose) / 天台止觀在安寧療護應用之研究=Research on Application of Tientai Zhi-Guan to Hospice Care |
釋顯順 (撰)=Teh Yuen Shiong (compose) / 《大智度論》生死思想研究=A Study on the Thought of Life and Death in the Mahāprajñāpāramitā-śāstra |
南華大學  |
2012 |
12 |
王糧禧 (撰)=Wang, Liang-hsi (compose) / 《比丘尼傳》複音詞研究=A Study on the Compound- voiced Vocadulary of "the Bhikshuni Biographies" |
杜怡嫺 (撰)=Tu, Yi-hsien (compose) / 佛教《成唯識論》與新時代《賽斯書》之比較探討 |
林順富 (著)=釋明諦 (au.) / 霹靂布袋戲人物一頁書佛教生死觀點之探析=A Study on the view of Buddhism Life and Death of Taiwan''s Pili Puppet Drama Character "Yik Ya Shu" |
金建燁 / 十牛圖的個體化過程詮釋:以象徵性死亡與重生為焦點=An Interpretation on the Individuation Process in Ten Ox-Herding Pictures: Focused on the Symbolic Death & Rebirth |
姚碧芳 (撰)=釋仁定 (compose) / 天台《金光明經》懺悔思想之研究─以智顗、遵式、知禮為中心=A study of the thought of repentance in the Tiantai of the "Sutra of Golden Light"--Zhiyi, Zunshi, Chihli as the Center |
殷徐月綢 (著)=Yinghsu, Yuen-chou (au.) / 一個中道生命觀的沉思=Contemplation of a middle view of life |
陳孟卿 (撰)=Chen, Meng-ching (compose) / 慈雲遵式《往生淨土懺願儀》之研究=A Study on Ciyun Zunshi''s "Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi" |
黃月娥 (著)=Huang, Yueh-o (au.) / 印順法師的淨土思想研究=A Study of the Pure Land Thought of Master Yin-Shun |
黃美玲 (著)=Huang, Mei-ling (au.) / 以臨終關懷為宗教修行:臨床佛教宗教師為例=Terminal Care as Religious Practice--Take Clinical Buddhist Chaplains as An Example |
劉峻佑 (撰)=Liu, Gun-yo (compose) / 《十住毘婆沙論》之念佛思想對中國淨土義理的影響研究=A Study on the Effects of the Buddha-remembrance Thought in the Daśabhūmika-vibhāṣā-śāstra to Chinese Pure Land Theories |
賴春進 (著)=Lai, Chun-jin (au.) / 禪門宗派初探─南頓北漸禪法義理之對比研究 |
釋延明 (撰)=Shih, Yan-ming (compose) / 藕益智旭的菩薩戒思想之研究=A Study of Ouyi Zhixu''s thought on Bodhisattva Precepts |
南華大學  |
2011 |
9 |
邱聖真 (撰)=Chiu, Sheng-chen (compose) / 運用佛教系統方法論(BSM)探討傳統產業面臨時代變遷下永續經營之研究─以台灣傢俱業為案例=He Study of Using Buddhist Systems Methodology (BSM) to Discover Traditional Industries Problems Under the Sustainable Development -- The Case Study of Furniture Industry in Taiwan |
徐靖婷 (撰)=Syu, Jing-ting (compose) / 《佛說觀普賢菩薩行法經》懺悔思想之研究=A Study of the Repentance Thought of the Samantabhadra-bodhisattva-dhyana-carya-dharma-sutra |
康瑞昌 (撰)=Kang, Ruei-chang (compose) / 佛教擇地觀之研究=A Study on the Best Choice of Geographical Site in Buddhism |
陳繼權 (撰)=Chen, Chi-chuan (compose) / 伊利雅德的神聖理論與牟宗三的天台中道實相思想詮釋之比較-以聖與俗辯證為進路的研究=A Comparative Study on the Thought of Mircea Eliade and Mou Zongsan''s Interpretation of T''ien-T''ai Buddhism--The Dialectic of the Sacred and the Profane |
趙朝民 (撰)=Jhao, Chao-min (compose) / 《六祖壇經‧坐禪品》研究:以「看心看淨」之辯證為中心=A Study of《the Platform Sutra of the Six Patriarch•Sitting Meditation Chapter》 |
劉建宏 (撰) / 佛教系統方法論(BSM)之應用-運用系統思考之佛教系統方法論(BSM)探討與綜析幼教組織之問題歸因並建構其成為學習型組織=The Application of Buddhist Systems Methodology (BSM) -- Applying Buddhist Systems Methodology (BSM) to Discuss and to Synthesize the Origin Problems of Childhood Education Organization in order to Construct Learning Organization |
劉麗雲 =釋法如 / 初期佛教之布施思想—以四尼柯耶與阿含經為主=The Concept of Giving (dāna) in Early Buddhism--According to the Pāli Nikāya and Chinese Āgama |
蘇淩彰 (撰)=Su, Ling-jhang (compose) / 佛教《阿含經》中的耆那教之研究=A Study on Jainism in the Buddhist Āgamas |
釋尚定 (撰)=Shih, Shng-ding (compose) / 《無量義經》之研究=A Study on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings |
南華大學  |
2010 |
17 |
江幸珍 (撰)=Chiang, Hsing-jen (compose) / 阿底峽《發心律儀儀軌次第》之研究=The Research of Atisha''s 《Sems-bskyed-pa dan sdom-pa''i cho-ga''i rim-pa》 |
吳一忠 (撰)=Wu, Yi-zhong (compose) / 原始佛教的天人觀─以佛與天人的交涉為取向=On the Devas in Early Buddhism: Based on the interrelation of Buddha and Devas |
吳寶鈺 (撰)=Wu, Pao-yu (compose) / 泰國佛教舍利子信仰之研究=A Study on the Faith of Relic (Saririkadhatu) of Thai Buddhism |
李明仁 (撰)=Li, Ming-jen (compose) / 阿底峽造論:《論入菩薩初學道》之譯注與研究=Translation and Study on Byang Chub Sems Dpa'' Las Domg Po Ba''i Lam La ''Jug Pa Bstam Pa by Atisha |
林文堂 (著)=Lin, Wen-tang (au.) / 太虛與印順淨土思想之比較研究=A Comparison of the Pure Land Thoughts between Master Tai-xu and Yin Shun |
林佳怡 (撰)=釋有祥 (compose) / 從東山法門到惠能禪學的思想演變=The Thought Transformation From Dongshan School to Hui-Neng Chan |
邱金品 (撰)=Chiu, Chin-pin (compose) / 在家人的佛教倫理-以巴利本《善生經》為對比之研究 |
張李玲麗 (撰)=ChangLi, Ling-li (compose) / 初期佛教財富觀研究=A Study on Wealth View in Early Buddhism |
陳柏亘 (撰)=Chen, Bo-syuan (compose) / 藏傳佛教在台灣的發展─以台灣中南部三間道場為例=The Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan--by three Tibetan Buddhism Organizations in south central Taiwan. |
陳美玉 (撰)=Chen, Mei-yu (compose) / 憨山大師對《妙法蓮華經》佛性思想之詮釋―以《法華經通義》為研究依據=Master Han Shan''s Interpretation of the Buddha-Nature Theory in The Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma: A study of An Interpretation of The Lotus Sutra by Han Shan |
葉秀滿 (撰)=釋浮證 (compose) / 臺灣佛教僧團之轉型與發展 - 以臺南千佛山菩提寺為例=The Transition and Development of Taiwanese Buddhist Monastery -- A Case Study of Chief Sun Temples in Tainan |
廖燕妮 (著)=釋蓮恩 (au.) / 佛教臨床宗教師死亡態度之探討=A Study on the Death Attitudes of Buddhist Chaplains |
劉瑞蓉 (撰)=Liu, Jui-jung (compose) / 戒環《法華經要解》之研究=A Study of Jiehuan''s Fa Huan Yao Jie |
賴慧峯 (著)=Lai, Hui-feng (au.) / 教師生命意義與曼陀羅圖形的相關研究:以佛光山生命教育研習營教師為例=A Study of the Relationship between the Purpose of life and the Mandala for Fo-Guang Shan Camp Teachers |
戴綉娟 (著)=釋如圓 (au.) / 《維摩詰所說經》虛詞研究 |
簡慶齡 (撰)=釋德律 (compose) / 五臺山文殊信仰的宣揚─《古清涼傳》的研究=The Preaching of the Mabjuwri Cult of Mountain Wutai--A Study of the Guqingliangchuan |
釋明法 (撰)=Henegama Dhammaratana Thero (compose) / 巴利《中部‧譬喻品》之文獻與思想研究=The Study on Literature and Conceptions of the Opammavagga of Majjhimanikāya |
南華大學  |
2009 |
3 |
吳寶鈴 (著)=Wu, Pao-ling (au.) / 泰國佛印寺對愛滋病患照顧之探討=A Study on AIDS Patients Cared by Thai Buddhist Phrabahtnumphu Temple |
周慧美 (著)=Chou, Hui-mei (au.) / 菜根譚融入國小二年級生命教育之行動研究:以佛光菜根譚為例=An Action Research Using "Cai Gen Tan" in the Life Education Curriculum of Second Grader; Using "Humble Table, Wise Fare" as an example |
陳怡汝 (撰)=Chen, Yi-ju (compose) / 運用佛教系統方法論(BSM)建構行銷策略流程及探討品牌知名度與領導行為對非營利組織成員忠誠度之研究=The Study of Using Buddhist Systems Methodology (BSM)Constructed Marketing Strategy Process and Enhance Brand Awareness and Leadership Behavior on Member Loyalty in Non-Profit Organization |
南華大學  |
2008 |
1 |
陳冠宏 (撰)=Kuan-hung Chen (compose) / 《地藏菩薩本願經》教化思想之研究 |
南華大學  |
2006 |
5 |
邱雅蘭 (撰)=Chiu, Ya-lan (compose) / 宗教團體重建教師信念之研究-以財團法人福智寺為例=How Does Religion Help to Reconstruct Teacher's Belief - A Case Study of The Corporate Body of The Bliss & Wisdom Monastery |
侯淑菁 (撰)=Huo, Shu-chin (compose) / 高行健《八月雪》之劇本分析 -- 以禪式寫意為中心=An Text Analysis of "August Snow" by Gao Xingjian: Lyrical Play of Zen Buddhism centered |
許絹惠 (撰)=Hsu, Chuan-hui (compose) / 唐代敦煌金剛經變研究 -- 兼論「禪淨融合」思想的發展=A study on "Diamond Sura Painting' at Dunhuang Grottoes in Tang Dynasty: Zen Pure-Land Syncretism of The Thoughty in Dun-huang area |
蔡麗芬 (撰)=Tsai, Li-fen (compose) / 生命歷程作為宗教經驗 -- 一個禪修者的自我敘說探究=Lived-Experience as Religious Experience: A Self-Narrative Inquiry of A Chan Practitioner |
駱政昌 (撰)=Lo, Cheng-chang (compose) / 監獄、佛教、交換:雲林第二監獄收容人與佛光山斗六禪淨中心互動之研究=Exchanges Between Prisoners and Buddhists: A Study of the Interaction Between Criminals in Yunlin Second Prison and the Tou Liu Temple of Foguang Shan |
南華大學  |
2005 |
2 |
吳明興 (撰) / 天臺圓教十乘觀法之研究=A Study of the T'ien-t'ai Perfect Doctrine's Ten Methods in Wamatha and Vipawyana |
曾佩舒 (撰)=Tseng, Pei-su (compose) / 禪修與高血壓患者的關涉及其療效之研究=Healing Effect of "Zen" Meditation Practice on Hyper Tensive Patients |
南華大學  |
2004 |
2 |
羅正孝 (撰)=Lo, Cheng-hsiao (compose) / 太平經生命觀之研究=The Philosophy Of In Tai-Ping Classics |
釋覺了 (撰) / 佛教信徒瀕死經驗之研究 -- 以嘉義四位信徒為例 |
南華大學  |
2002 |
1 |
陳秋平 (撰) / 英國殖民時代移民與馬來亞半島佛教的發展:以檳城州為例 |
南華大學  |
2000 |
3 |
王寶珍 (撰) / 天台止觀修行中的「二十五方便」--從傅柯的「自我技術」談起 |
裴春苓 (撰) / 熊十力《新唯識論》與佛教義理融攝的問題探討 |
劉偉業 (撰)=Liou, Woei-yeh (compose) / 台灣區佛教團體運作績效之研究=A Study of the Performance of Buddhist Organizations in Taiwan |
南華大學  |
1999 |
1 |
林妙貞 (撰) / 試析「佛法身之自我坎陷」與天臺圓教「性惡法門」之關係 |
南華大學  |
2 |
林聰耀 (撰)=Lin, Tsung-yao (compose) / 歷緣對境自在之道 - 以《菩提道次第廣論》解脫煩惱為主之論析=The Way of Facing the Circumstances, the Heart Can Also Keep Calm and Comfortable -- An Analysis to Relieve the Afflicting Emotions on《The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment》 |
劉淑珍 (撰)=釋見侖 (compose) / 《中邊分別論•相品》中「虛妄分別」與「空性」之研究――以梵、漢比對為考察基礎 |
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347. |
南華大學=Nanhua University |
2003 |
2 |
何婉喬 (撰) / 宗教師在安寧療護中的專業化角色初探─以佛教法師為例=Exploring the Professional Role of Chaplain in Hospice Care:Take Buddhist Monastics as an Example |
楊謦綺 =釋大愚 / 禪宗教育思想及其實踐之哲學研究=A Philosophical Study into the Theory and Practice of Ch'an Education |
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348. |
南華大學文學研究所=Department of Literature, Nanhua University(南華大學文學系)  |
2007 |
1 |
許棋淵 (著)=Hsu, Chi-yuan (au.) / 魏晉「聖人」思想之探究 -- 以西晉到東晉的轉折為中心=The Research of Thoughts of Wei-Jin "Saint Ren": concentrated on the turning point form Si-Jim to Dong-Jing |
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349. |
南華大學生死學系  |
2015 |
2 |
李憶容 (著)=Yi-Jung Lee (au.); 釋永有 (指導) / 佛教疾病療癒感應案例之生命轉化歷程探討=A Study on the Buddhist Miraculous and Transferring Experience of Diseases Cases |
周心琳 (著)=Chou, Hsin-lin (au.) / 受持《地藏經》感應者之感應經驗及生命意義之探討=The Miraculous Experiences and the Meaning of Life of the Cases Who Recites the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva's Sutra |
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350. |
南華大學生死學系暨研究所=Nanhua University, Department of Life-and-Death Studies  |
2003 |
1 |
王興煥 (撰)=Wang, Shin-hung (compose) / 佛典語言的詮釋學問題 -- 以觀詮教的建構=The Hermeneutical Problems in The Language of Buddhist Texts: The Construction of Interpreting Teaching through Contemplation |
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351. |
南華大學生死學研究所  |
2008 |
1 |
張寶珠 (撰)=Chang, Pao-chu (compose) / 正德西方蓮社與諾那華藏精舍助念方法之探法=Research on approach of Buddhist chanting services of Cheng-Te and No-Na |
南華大學生死學研究所 |
2004 |
2 |
李函真 (撰) / 中陰解脫之研究:藏傳佛教中陰超度法的生死意識轉化內涵 |
黃瑞凱 (撰) / 初期佛教生死觀之哲理試探:以緣起理論為核心之探索=A Philosophical Study of Life-and-Death Persectives in Early Buddhism — Focus on the Reserching of Paticcasamuppada Theory |
南華大學生死學研究所  |
1 |
陳岳玲 (撰)=Chen, Yueh-ling (compose) / 皈依的敘說式探究 -- 以比丘尼與優婆夷為例=A Narrative Inquiry of Taking Refuge (Conversion): Taking Buddhist Bhiksuni and Upasika as Example |
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352. |
南華大學生死學研究所=Institute and Department of Life-and-Death Studies(南華大學生死學系暨研究所)  |
2007 |
2 |
林玉燕 (著)=Lin, Yu-yen (au.) / 佛教信仰者生病經驗之研究 -- 以樂生療養院痲瘋病個案為例=A Study on Buddha Faithful of the Illness Experience: The Lo-Sheng Sanatorium Leper as Examples |
胡昭媚 (著)=Hu, Chao-mei (au.) / 安寧病房癌末病患與佛教臨床宗教師的交談經驗研究=A Study on the Dialogues between Terminal Cancer Patients and a Buddhist Chaplain in a Hospice Ward |
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353. |
南華大學宗教學研究所  |
2024 |
7 |
吳長鴻 (著)=Wu, Chang-hung (au.) / 書法與佛法-以佛法道次第解釋書法經驗歷程=Calligraphy and Dharma--Explaining the Experience of Calligraphy with the Buddhist Phenomenology |
呂文峰 (著)=Lu, Wen - fong (au.) / 人間佛教理論與個人修行體驗探索之研究=A Research on Humanistic Buddhism Theory and Exploration of Personal Experiential Practice |
黃焌吉 (著)=Huang, Chun-chi (au.) / 宗教療癒與遇見佛法:以自我為例之研究=Religious Healing and Encountering Buddhism: A Case Study of the Self |
潘瑞珍 (著)=Pan, Jui-chen (au.) / 佛世時代女信徒研究:以《增一阿含經‧清信女品》為中心=A Research on the Female Buddhist Practitioners during the Buddha's Lifetime: Focused on the “Upāsika Chapter” in the “Ekottara Āgama” |
釋妙熙 (著)=韋幼玲 (au.) / 《人間福報》建構人間佛教論述之研究=A Research on the Discourse of The Merit Times and Its Construction Related to Humanistic Buddhism |
釋能永 (著)=高佩妏 (au.) / 從《雜阿含經.病相應》探究滅苦之道及其現代詮解=Exploring the Path to Eliminate Suffering through Saṃyukta Āgama’s “Collection on Illness” and Modern Explanation |
釋慧中 (著)=林銘信 (au.) / 星雲大師「菩薩義工」理念與實踐之探究=A Study on Philosophy and Practice of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s “ Bodhisattvas Volunteer ” |
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354. |
南華大學宗教學研究所=Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Nanhua University  |
2008 |
2 |
李建昌 (著)=Lee, Chien-chang (au.) / 部派佛教的佛陀論 -- 以《異部宗輪論》和《論事》為考察中心=The Theories of Buddha in Abhidharma Buddhism: Focus on Samayabhedoparacana-cakra and Katha-vatthu |
張家榮 (著)=Chang, Chia-jung (au.) / 臺灣佛教學術高等教育發展現況之研究 -- 以南華大學宗教學研究所佛學組與中華佛學研究所爲例=A Study on Current Development of Advanced Buddhism Education in Taiwan: With Buddhist Department at the NanHua University's Graduate Institute of Religious Studies and the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies at Dharma Drum Mountain as Examples |
南華大學宗教學研究所=Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Nanhua University  |
2007 |
3 |
周秀真 (著)=Chou, Hsiu-chen (au.) / 安貝卡與其新佛教運動之研究=A Study on B.R. Ambedkar and His Neo-Buddhist Movement |
邱秋菊 (著)=Chiu, Chiu-chu (au.) / 《十上經》法數思想研究=A Study of the categories of Buddhist concepts of Dasuttara-suttanta |
趙靜逸 (著)=Chao, Ching-i (au.) / 菩提心、慈悲心與空性 -- 寂天《入菩薩行論》的修心思想及其現代社會的實踐意涵 |
南華大學宗教學研究所=Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Nanhua University  |
2006 |
1 |
李瑞祥 (著)=Lee, Jui-hsiang (au.) / 初期佛教的梵思想研究=A Study of the Concept of Brahman in Early Buddhism |
南華大學宗教學研究所=Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Nanhua University  |
2005 |
1 |
許景華 (著)=Shu, Ching-hua (au.) / 化身與救度思想及其象徵研究 -- 毗師孥與觀世音圖像之宗教與美學意涵=A Study on the Thoughts of Avatara and Paritrana and Their Symbols: The religious and aesthetic meanings of Visnu's and Avalokitewvara's Icons |
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355. |
南華大學哲學研究所=Department of Philosophy and Life Education, Nanhua University(南華大學哲學與生命教育學系)  |
2007 |
2 |
周鶴庭 (著)=Chou, He-ting (au.) / 佛教的生死觀 -- 從天台智顗的心靈哲學看生死解脫 |
劉秀真 (著)=Liu, Hsiu-chen (au.) / 生命之安立及其趣向善的探討 -- 論天台圓教判釋開決對生命之啟發 |
南華大學哲學研究所=Department of Philosophy and Life Education, Nanhua University(南華大學哲學與生命教育學系)  |
2003 |
1 |
李傳玲 / 智顗止觀著作的教學研究 -- 以佐藤哲英之判釋為主的評述 |
| | | |
356. |
南開科技大學  |
2020 |
1 |
彭乾芳 (撰) / 銀髮族學習禪繞畫動機與效益之研究=Research on Motivation and Benefits of Elderly learning Zentangle |
| | | |
357. |
首都師範大學  |
2011 |
1 |
于碩 (撰) / 唐僧取經圖像研究——以寺窟圖像為中心 |
| | | |
358. |
香港大學=University of Hong Kong  |
2007 |
1 |
Lee, Chi-kit (著)=李智傑 (au.) / Exploration of Buddhism path: LantauIsland |
香港大學=University of Hong Kong  |
1999 |
1 |
Shannon, John Michael / Buddhism and the State in Asia: A Comparative Study of Historical Relations Between the Sangha and the Politics in Thailand and Japan |
香港大學=University of Hong Kong  |
1983 |
1 |
蔡澤群 (著)=Choy, Edwin Chat-kwan (au.) / The Role of Buddhism in Thailand's Politics of Modernisation |
| | | |
359. |
香港中文大學  |
2005 |
1 |
楊毅彬 (撰) / 瑜伽焰口施食儀式研究—以香港「外江派」佛教道場為對象 |
| | | |
360. |
香港中文大學=The Chinese University of Hong Kong  |
2006 |
1 |
毛秋瑾 (撰)=Mao, Qiu-jin (compose) / 敦煌寫經書法研究=A Study of the Calligraphy of Buddhist and Daoist Scriptures of Dunhuang |
| | | |
361. |
香港中文大學文化與宗教研究系  |
2016 |
1 |
陳倩 (撰)=Chen, Qian (compose) / 《大乘起信論》與佛耶對話=The treatise on the awakening of faith in the Mahayana and Buddhist-Christian dialogue |
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362. |
香港中文大學翻譯系  |
2019 |
1 |
蕭世友 (著)=Siu, Sai-Yau (au.) / 唐代般若、利言《般若波羅蜜多心經》的漢譯研究=On the Chinese Translation of Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya by Prajña and Satyacandra in the Tang Dynasty |
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363. |
浙江師範大學=Zhejiang Normal University  |
2006 |
1 |
馬錦冰 / 心靈的飛動 -- 北京法海寺壁畫中的四大天王藝術風格研究=The Floating Soul: The Research on the Artistic Style of the Four Devarajas' Murals in Fahai Temple |
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364. |
真理大學  |
2022 |
2 |
袁小萍 =Yuan, Sheau-ping / 觀音法門之實踐與弘揚—台灣佛教聖嚴與心道法師之例證=The Practice and Promotion of Kuan-yin Belief:Two Examples of Masters Sheng-yen and Hsin-tao in Taiwanese Buddhism |
郭建雯 (著)=Kuo, Chien-Wen (au.) / 祈福與超度:新莊地藏王菩薩聖誕法會=Blessing and Transcendence: The Christmas Ceremony of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in Xinzhuang |
真理大學  |
2021 |
1 |
林家池 (撰)=Lin, Chia-Chih (compose) / 台北伽藍道場及其宗教調煉之道=The Garan Altar in Taipei City and its Tao of Religious Healing. |
真理大學  |
2018 |
1 |
蕭錡駿 (撰)=Hsiao, Chi-chun (compose) / 佛乘宗緣道觀音廟在新時代宗行銷之研究=The New Era of Religious Marketing - a Case Study of Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple |
真理大學  |
2014 |
1 |
林紘任 (著)=Lin, Hung-Jen (au.) / 慈濟浴佛節儀及其思想探究=A Study of the Thought of Tzu Chi’s Buddha Bathing Ceremony |
真理大學  |
2012 |
1 |
邱郁霖 =Hew, Yok Lin / 臺灣地皎法師「三相佛化」之研究=Reverend Di Jiao of Taiwan and Tri-Buddhist Family Practices |
真理大學  |
2009 |
1 |
賴豐福 (著)=Lai, Feung-Fu (au.) / 宗教團體志工的組織認同與發展:以士林地區慈濟功德會為例=A Study on the identification of the volunteer in the religious group and its development –focus on the Tzu Chi Foundation in Shin-Lin district. Taipei. |
真理大學  |
2008 |
2 |
陳建安 (著)=Chen, Jian-Ann (au.) / 安貝卡(B.R.Ambedkar)的改信佛教運動其內涵與意義之研究=Studies of Contents and Significances of B.R. Ambedkar’s Conversion to Buddhist Movements |
戴裕 (著)=Tai, Yu (au.) / 初期佛教象徵圖像研究:以山琦(Sāñchī)佛塔為例=A Study of the Symbolic Reliefs and Structures Applied in the Monuments of Sāñchī in the Period of the Early Buddhism |
真理大學  |
2005 |
1 |
羅佳文 (撰)=Lo, Chia-wen (compose) / 從「現代禪」到「淨土宗彌陀念佛會」 -- 一個宗教團體的轉型=From “Modern Chan Society” to “Amitabha Buddha Recitation Society”: The Transformation of a Religious Movement in Taiwan |
真理大學 |
2003 |
1 |
黃慧英 (撰) / 初期佛教生天思想研究 |
| | | |
365. |
真理大學宗教文化與組織管理學系碩士班  |
2008 |
1 |
林俊立 (撰)=Lin, Jing-lee (compose) / 台灣地區佛教徒政治參與之研究-以人間佛教為研究焦點=Research of the Political Participation of Buddhist In Taiwan ─ Take the Humanistic Buddhism as the focal point of the research |
| | | |
366. |
真理大學宗教學系暨研究所  |
2006 |
1 |
蔡合綱 (撰)=Tsai, Ho-kang (compose) / 真佛心宗組織、儀式及其教義初探=A Study on True Buddha Mind Clan's Organization, Ritual and Teachings |
| | | |
367. |
高野山大学  |
1996 |
2 |
北原裕全 (著)=Kitahara, Yuzen (au.) / 「多様不二照明論」の研究 |
松長恵史 (著)=Matsunaga, Keiji (au.) / インドネシアの密教 |
| | | |
368. |
高雄醫學大學  |
2022 |
1 |
陳寀羚 =Chen, Tsai-ling / 護理人員人格特質與工作壓力、工作滿意度之關係:正念中介效果=The Relationship among Personality Traits, Job Stress, and Job Satisfaction of Nurses: The Mediator Effect of Mindfulness |
| | | |
369. |
國立中山大學  |
2021 |
1 |
鄭添藝 (著)=Zheng, Tian-Yi (au.) / 《解脫道論》與《清淨道論》中「死隨念」之比較研究=A Comparative Study of Maraṇānussati in The Vimutti-magga and The Visuddhi-magga |
國立中山大學  |
2017 |
1 |
蔡學皇 (著)=Tsai, Shi-hung (au.) / 唯識學中「聞熏習」的探討=The Study of “Imprint of Listening”(śrutavāsanā) Among the Yogacara School |
國立中山大學  |
2014 |
2 |
丁孝明 (著)=Ting, Hsiao-ming (au.) / 《解脫道論》研究=A Study of Vimutti-magga |
林慶揚 =Lin Ching-yang / 明代之前小說中儒道佛海洋觀研究=Before the Ming Dynasty Chinese Novel about Confucianism Taoism and Buddhism Study Ocean View |
國立中山大學  |
2012 |
1 |
蔡金源 (撰)=Tsai, Chin-yuan (compose) / 念佛往生淨土如何可能-以印光大師全集為主要範圍=How is it possible to chant Buddha for rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land-Focus on Literatures of Master Yin-Guang |
國立中山大學  |
2010 |
1 |
蔡佩蓉 (撰)=Tsai, Pei-jung (compose) / 論和平的可能性:從康德、孔漢思及池田大作的觀點出發=On The Possibility of Peace:The Viewpoints of Kant, Hans küng and Daisaku Ikada |
國立中山大學  |
2009 |
1 |
陳世賢 (撰)=Chen, Shih-hsien (compose) / 瑜伽行派轉識成智之研究=A Study of the Transformation of Consciousness into Wisdom in Yogacara School |
國立中山大學  |
2004 |
1 |
蘇美鶴 (撰) / 廣欽和尚研究 |
國立中山大學  |
2003 |
1 |
涂建平 (撰) / 慈濟功德會做為集體行動邏輯之個案研究=A Case Study of Tzu-Chi Foundation As a Logic of Collective Action Problem |
國立中山大學  |
2002 |
1 |
王信宜 (撰) / 榮格心理學與佛教相應觀念之研究 |
國立中山大學  |
1999 |
1 |
謝佩慈 (著) / 敦煌詩歌用韻研究=The Study of Rhymes in the Poems and Songs of Dunhuang |
| | | |
370. |
國立中山大學中國文學系研究所  |
2017 |
1 |
高璽鈞 (撰)=Hsi-chun Kao (compose) / 釋悟光的宗教修學經歷與抉擇(1918~1972) |
| | | |
371. |
國立中央大學  |
2022 |
1 |
陳昱萍 (撰)=Jocelyn Wu-Ping Chen (compose) / 台灣西藥製劑廠品質管理的倫理問題—以佛教「八正道」的義理架構為實踐路徑=Quality management ethical issues for drug manufacturers in Taiwan — A practical approach based on a Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path thought framework |
國立中央大學  |
2021 |
2 |
呂宜臻 =Lyn, Yi-Zhen / 桃園市寺廟經營管理策略之研究-以財團法人中壢慈惠堂為例=A Study on the Management of Taoyuan Temples - A Case Study of Jongli Cihuitang, A Consortium-Corporation |
陳春吟 (著)=Chen, Chun-Yin (au.) / 《大般若經》菩薩摩訶薩實踐般若波羅蜜多之教學=The Teachings of Bodhisattvas’ Practice of Prajñāpāramitā in the Mahāprajñāpāramitā Sūtra |
國立中央大學  |
2020 |
2 |
陳文惠 (著)=Chen, Wen-Hui (au.) / 王陽明心學與正念療法 |
釋法律 (著) / 泰王普美蓬的「適足經濟哲學」之研究 : 依據佛教倫理與中道思想來解析=Analysis of the Connotation of Buddhist Ethics and Buddha\'s Teaching of the Middle Path : The Case of King Bhumibol Adulyadej\'s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy |
國立中央大學  |
2019 |
2 |
Satish Jaiswal (著)=迦思瓦 (au.) / The interplay between mindfulness and anxiety, and their influence on executive functions=正念與焦慮的作用及其對執行功能的影響 |
顏銘俊 (撰)=Yan, Ming-jyun (compose) / 「力動」與「體用」 ── 吳汝鈞「力動論」哲學與熊十力「體用論」哲學的比較研究=“Vitality” & “Substance and Function” -- A comparative study of Ng Yu-Kwan’s “Vitality” and Hsiung Shih-li’s “Substance and Function” |
國立中央大學  |
2018 |
2 |
張羽賢 (撰)=Chang, Yu-hsien (compose) / 周海門與彭際清儒佛觀比較研究 - 以《聖學宗傳》與《居士傳》為例=The Comparison Between the Viewpoints of Zhou Haimen and Peng Jiqing on Confucianism and Buddhism--Take Shengxue zongzhaun and Jushizhuan as examples |
張羽賢 (撰)=Chang, Yu-hsien (compose) / 周海門與彭際清儒佛觀比較研究 -- 以《聖學宗傳》與《居士傳》為例=The Comparison Between the Viewpoints of Zhou Haimen and Peng Jiqing on Confucianism and Buddhism --Take Shengxue zongzhaun and Jushizhuan as examples |
國立中央大學  |
2017 |
1 |
羅候羅 (著)=Rahul Ratna (au.) / 人格同一與道德責任:從初期佛教聖典對神經科學的挑戰的回應=Personal Identity and Moral Responsibility: A Response from Early Buddhist Pāli Texts to Neuro-Science |
國立中央大學  |
2016 |
3 |
李冠慧 (著)=Lee, Kuan-hui (au.) / 佛教的生命末期照顧理論與方法:平等、關懷、提升與轉化=A Buddhist Theory and Method of End of Life Care: Equality, Compassion, Enlightenment and Conversion |
林笛 (著) / 古傳日本之中國涅槃圖研究=The Study of Chinese Nirvana Paintings Transported to Japan |
趙淑華 / 《維摩詰經》諸本對勘及研究──以〈法供養品〉及〈囑累品〉為中心 |
國立中央大學  |
2015 |
4 |
干文琴 =Kan, Wen-chin / 佛教對「心身關係」中「心理疾病」本質的詮解 ── 以廣義的心識哲學為中心=The Interpretation of the Essence of “Mental Illness” from the “Mind-Body Relationship” of Buddhism — In the Thought of Philosophy of Consciousness |
吳子正 (著)=Wu, Tzu-cheng (au.) / 宋代天台山家山外第二次論諍─以智者大師的原始思想決疑=The second debate between the "Mountain School" and the "Non-Mountain School" of Tiantai tradition in Sung dynasty: Resolving doubts from Master Zhiyi's thought |
蔡林樟 (撰)=Tsai, Lin-jang (compose) / 由資源回收探討環境倫理:以桃園縣地區佛教慈濟事業為例示 |
譚翠麗 (撰)=Tham, Chui-lai (compose) / 佛教生態思想研究 —— 以《雜寶藏經》等六部經典為例 |
國立中央大學  |
2012 |
1 |
釋法勝 (撰) / 《葛拉瑪經》的佛教知識學之研究=Study of Buddhist Epistemology in Kalama Sutta |
國立中央大學  |
2011 |
1 |
陳春吟 (撰)=Chen, Chun-yin (compose) / 動物道德地位:辛格及雷根與佛教之比較論述=The moral status of animals:a comparison between Singer, Regan and Buddhist |
國立中央大學  |
2010 |
1 |
陳乃腕 (撰)=Chen, Nai-wan (compose) / 智顗大師圓頓止觀法門研究=A Study on Venerable Zhi-yi’s Complete and Immediate Practice of Concentration and Contemplation |
國立中央大學  |
2000 |
2 |
林琦瑄 (撰) / 論《維摩詰經》之入世精神--以現代「人間佛教」為說明 |
黃國清 (撰) / 《妙法蓮華經》「十如是」研究 |
國立中央大學  |
1998 |
1 |
張清二 (撰)=Chang, Ching-er (compose) / 漢語佛典之淫欲問題探究=The Sexual Desire Research in the Teaching of Buddha |
國立中央大學  |
1997 |
1 |
文美英 (撰) / 唐人小說中的長安:以傳奇為主 |
國立中央大學  |
1995 |
2 |
賈忠婷 (撰)=Ja, Chung-ting (compose) / 東晉南北朝的形神問題=The Problem of Body and Mind in East Tsin South and North Dynasties |
賴志銘 (撰)=Lai, Chih-ming (compose) / 天台智顗性惡說研究=A Study of the Theory of Evil in Buddha-nature of T'ien-t'ai Chih-I |
國立中央大學  |
1993 |
1 |
呂玉珍 (撰)=Liu, Yiu-jann (compose) / 前期如來藏經典中「法身」概念的釐清:以阿含經的「無我」與「法身」為進路 |
國立中央大學  |
1992 |
1 |
林世榮 (撰)=Lin, Shi-rong (compose) / 熊十力《新唯識論》研究:以《新唯識論》所引發儒佛之爭為進路的探討 |
國立中央大學  |
1991 |
1 |
陳運星 (撰)=Chen, Yun-xing (compose) / 儒道佛三教調合論之研究:以憨山德清的會通思想為例 |
國立中央大學  |
1990 |
1 |
施忠賢 (撰)=Shi, Zhong-xian (compose) / 魏晉「言意之辨」研究 |
| | | |
372. |
國立中央大學歷史研究所  |
2021 |
1 |
吳士青 (撰)=Wu, Shih-ching (compose) / 戰後臺灣佛教雜誌之研究 — 以《人生》雜誌的「佛教改革」與「社會關懷」為主=The Study of Buddhism Magazine in Postwar Taiwan: Focus on \"Buddhist Reform\" and \"Social Care\" of Humanity Magazine |
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373. |
國立中正大學  |
2022 |
1 |
翁烔慶 =Wong, Tong-ching / 清代臺灣宗族的形成與建構:以義竹翁家、鹿草林家及後壁林家為例 |
國立中正大學  |
2020 |
2 |
謝智光 =Hsieh, Chih-kuang / 謝潤德寺廟建築設計之人文脈絡研究=The study of the Humanistic Thread of Hsieh, Jun-Te's Temple Architecture Design |
藤森空美 (著)=Fujimori Sorami (au.) / 地域共生社會的理念與實踐 − 以日本社會福祉法人佛子園行善寺為例=Philosophy and practice of Regional symbiotic society –The study of the Japanese social welfare legal person BUSSI-EN GYOZENJI |
國立中正大學  |
2019 |
3 |
李志桓 (撰)=Lee, Chih-huan (compose) / 論語、莊子與牟宗三:中國哲學的形上學進路=The Analects of Confucius, Zhuangzi and Mou Zongsan: The Metaphysical Approach of Chinese Philosophy |
張家豪 (撰)=Chang, Chia-hao (compose) / 唐代「佛傳文學」研究=A Study on the "Buddha’s Biographies Literature" in Tang Dynasty |
張榮彰 (撰)=Chang, Jung-chang (compose) / 多元宗教社會的政治傾向:台灣的宗教差異=Political Preference within Pluralist Religious Societies:Taiwan`s Religious Differences |
國立中正大學  |
2018 |
2 |
翁進通 (撰)=Weng, Chin-tung (compose) / 兩岸宗教軟實力的交流與演進 ― 以儒、釋、道為例=Exchanges and Evolution of Religious Soft Power between the Two Sides―Taking Confucianism, Buddhism and Tao as an example |
許尤娜 =Hsue, Yu-na / 求法高僧法顯及其《佛國記》研究 ──宗教志向、文學感性與文化選擇=Quest for Dharma: Faxian and his Records of Buddhistic Kingdoms ── Religious Aspiration, Literary Aesthetics and Cultural Choices |
國立中正大學  |
2017 |
1 |
廖憶榕 (著)=Liao, Yi-rung (au.) / 學問僧的生命書寫──印順法師與聖嚴法師自傳之研究=The Life Writing of Scholar Monks:On the Autobiographies of Master Yinshun and Master Shengyan |
國立中正大學  |
2016 |
1 |
鍾媄媜 (著) / 蕅益智旭死亡書寫研究=A Study on Quyi Zhixu's Death Writing |
國立中正大學  |
2015 |
2 |
劉玉菁 =Liu,Yu-ching / 佛教因素對南北朝史學發展之研究--以四部史書為例=A Study on Buddhism Factors to The Development of The North-South Dynasties Historiography--Taking four History Books as An Example. |
鍾智誠 (撰)=Zhi-Cheng Zhong (compose) / 台灣佛教興辦中等以上學校之研究=The research of Buddhism establishing secondary or higher education in Taiwan |
國立中正大學  |
2014 |
1 |
陳雯宜 =Chen, Wen-yi / 中國佛教會在台灣的組織發展(1949-2010)=Organizational Development of The Buddhist Association of China in Taiwan (1949-2010) |
國立中正大學  |
2013 |
1 |
蕭文真 (著)=Hsiao, Wen-chen (au.) / 唐‧知恩《金剛般若經義記》研究 |
國立中正大學  |
2011 |
1 |
蘇全正 (撰) / 臺灣佛教與家族:以霧峰林家為中心之研究 |
國立中正大學  |
2006 |
1 |
葉千綺 (撰)=Ye, Qian-qi (compose) / 祖堂集助動詞研究=Zutangji zhudongci yianjiu |
國立中正大學  |
2001 |
2 |
王文杰 (撰) / 《六祖壇經》虛詞研究 |
李致諭 (撰) / 王士禛「神韻說」研究 |
國立中正大學  |
2000 |
1 |
周碧香 (撰)=Chou, Pi-hsiang (compose) / 《祖堂集》句法研究--以六項句式為主 |
國立中正大學  |
1998 |
2 |
吳玲君 (撰) / 北朝婦女佛教信仰活動:以佛教造像銘刻為例 |
張尤雅 (撰) / 佛教成人教育課程規劃之研究=A study of curriculum planning for buddhist adult education |
國立中正大學  |
1997 |
1 |
金思良 (撰)=Jin, Si-liang (compose) / 太虛大師近代中國佛教復興運動的理念與實踐(1890-1947)=The Theory and Practice of Tai Hsu's Buddhist Revival in Modern China(1890-1947) |
國立中正大學  |
1996 |
1 |
陳柏蓉 (撰)=Chen, Po-jung (compose) / 龜茲樂與隋唐音樂文化之研究=A Study of the Relationship between the Chiu Tsu Music and the Music Culture in Sui and Tang Dynasty |
國立中正大學  |
1995 |
2 |
黃志成 (撰)=Huang, Chi-ch'eng (compose) / 四至六世紀山東地區佛教之研究--以寺院, 僧侶與義邑為中心=The Research of Buddhism in Shan-tung Region from Fourth to Sixth Century, Focus on Temple, Monastic, and Religious Community |
劉芳薇 (撰)=Liou, Fang-wei (compose) / 《維摩詰所說經》語言風格研究=The Study of Language Style of "Wei Mou Jie Sou Shuo Jing" |
國立中正大學  |
1993 |
1 |
馮文饒 (撰)=Feng, Win-rau (compose) / 志願福利服務組織形成及運作之探討:以慈濟功德會為例=The Exploring of Voluntary Welfare Service Organization Forming and Functioning--to Take Tzu-chi Kindness Association as Example |
| | | |
374. |
國立中正大學中國文學所  |
2010 |
1 |
李昱穎 (撰)=Lee, Yu-ying (compose) / 中古佛經情緒心理動詞之研究 |
國立中正大學中國文學所  |
2008 |
1 |
陳錦霞 (撰)=Chen, Jin-xia (compose) / 地藏菩薩感應故事研究=The miraculous stories of Ti-tsang Bodhisattva |
| | | |
375. |
國立中興大學  |
2021 |
1 |
簡妙如 (撰) / 戰後日月潭東畔寺廟區的建造背景及其發展研究(1950-1993)=Research on the construction background and development of the temple area on the east side of Sun Moon Lake after the war (1950-1993) |
國立中興大學  |
2020 |
3 |
姜德昭 (撰)=De-Jhao Jiang (compose) / 日用尋常與無邊妙法──憨山德清詠物詩、山居詩之概念譬喻淺析=Common and Mysterious──Hanshan Deqing’s Chanting Poetry and Mountain Poems from Metaphors |
張麗錦 (著)=Chang, Li-chin (au.) / 《太平廣記》所收《金剛經》靈驗故事之命題研究=A Propositional Research on the Miracle Tales from Diamond Sutra Collected in Taiping Guangji |
董秋月 (著)=Tung, Chiu-yueh (au.) / 《西遊記》唐僧師徒受持佛戒敘事意涵之研究=A Narrative Research of Precepts Upholded by Tang-Monk and His Apprentices in Journey to the West |
國立中興大學  |
2019 |
2 |
涂晏瑄 (撰)=Tu, Yen-husan (compose) / 禪畫的美學意境:以牧谿《六柿圖》分析為例=The Aesthetic Conception of Zen Painting:Taking the Analysis of Muxi\'\'s \""Six Persimmons\"" as an Example |
許善然 / 李通玄華嚴思想研究=Research on Li Tongxuan’s Hua-Yen Philosophy |
國立中興大學  |
2018 |
1 |
黃朝和 (撰)=Huang, Chao-ho (compose) / 唐五代禪宗悟道偈研究 — 從祖師禪到分燈禪之語境交涉及宗典詮釋=The Study of Zen Buddhist Enlightenment Gāthās in the Tang and Five Dynasties: Approach to Zu-shih Zen and Feng-deng Zen from the Perspectives of Contextual Dialectics and Hermeneutics of Zen Classics |
國立中興大學  |
2016 |
1 |
李偉聖 (撰)=Li, Wei-Sheng (compose) / 佛教心識、工夫及業力系統之研究=A Study on Buddhism Minds-Consciousness, Practical theory and Karma System |
國立中興大學  |
2015 |
1 |
嚴茹蕙 (著)=Yen, Ju-hui (au.) / 八、九世紀唐日文化交流探索─以人物交流及禮令之影響為主=An Exploratory Study of Sino-Japanese Cultural Communication During the 8th and 9th Centuries: Focus on Bilateral Exchanges of Personnel, and the Effects on Etiquette and Legislation. |
國立中興大學  |
2014 |
1 |
曾柏瑋 (著)=Tzeng, Bo-Wei (au.) / 華嚴學對淨土宗的影響=The Influence of Avātaṃsaka Philosophy upon the Pure Land Sect |
國立中興大學  |
2000 |
1 |
林明莉 (撰) / 智者大師之一佛乘思想與實踐 |
國立中興大學  |
1999 |
3 |
王家琪 (撰)=Wang, Chia-chie (compose) / 皎然詩研究=A Study of Jeau-ran's Poetry |
張玲芳 (撰) / 釋德清以佛解老莊思想之研究 |
謝惠青 (撰) / 宋代僧人詞研究 |
國立中興大學  |
1998 |
1 |
許淑華 (撰) / 彌陀淨土研究:以淨土五經為線索 |
| | | |
376. |
國立中興大學=National Chung Hsing University  |
2003 |
2 |
吳聰敏 (撰) / 知禮《觀無量壽佛經疏妙宗鈔》研究 |
黃建邦 (撰) / 章太炎《齊物論釋》莊佛會通思想之研究 |
| | | |
377. |
國立中興大學歷史學系  |
2001 |
1 |
蘇全正 (著)=Su, Chuan-cheng (au.) / 臺灣民間佛教「巖仔」信仰之研究 |
| | | |
378. |
國立交通大學  |
2020 |
1 |
温智竣 (著)=Wen, Chih-chun (au.) / 禪定腦電波之非線性動態回歸現象的頻率空間特性研究=Spatio-spectral characterization of nonlinear dynamical recurrence of Zen-meditation EEG |
國立交通大學  |
2019 |
3 |
王少宏 (著)=Wang, Shao-Hong (au.) / CNN應用於禪定與放鬆休息腦電波之頻率空間特性分類=Classification of Zen-meditation EEG and Resting EEG Spatial-spectral properties by Convolutional Neural Network |
王品皓 (著)=Wang, Pin-Hao (au.) / 客棧與寺廟:胡金銓電影裡的舞台=The Inn and the Temple: Stages of Conflict in King Hu |
蔡宗諺 (著)=Tsai, Tsung-yen (au.) / Classification of Zen-meditation and Resting EEG Spatial spectral properties by Random Forest=隨機森林應用於禪定與放鬆休息腦電波之頻率空間特性分類 |
國立交通大學  |
2018 |
2 |
李金龍 =Lee, Jing-Long / 自組織映射圖方法於禪定與休息腦波之Alpha腦分佈圖的分類=SOM Clustering of Alpha Brain Mappings of Zen-Meditation and Resting EEG |
楊家維 (著)=Yang, Chia-wei (au.) / 禪定組與控制組的腦電波之空間非線性相互依存源與波源特性關係之研究=Investigation of spatially nonlinear interdependence in correlation with focalized source characteristics of Zen meditation and resting EEG |
國立交通大學  |
2014 |
1 |
蔡承哲 / 《梵天》原創管絃樂作品與註釋=Brahma an Original Orchestral Composition with Commentary |
國立交通大學  |
1998 |
1 |
高楊達 (撰)=Kao, Yang-dar (compose) / 佛教經典-大藏經辨識系統之設計=Design of a Printed Classical Document, Da-Zang-Jing Recognition System |
| | | |
379. |
國立成功大學  |
2020 |
2 |
許嘉哲 =Hsu, Chia-Che / 以臨路條件解析舊市區土地分合形態之類型研究─以臺南市清水寺周邊地區為例=A Typological Study of Land Division and Consolidation in Old Town Based on Land Frontage Condition - A Case Study of Qing-Shui Temple Area in Tainan City |
簡瑞瑤 =Chien, Jui-yao / 明清之際廣東佛教的發展──以天然函昰法系為考察中心=The Development of Chinese Buddhism of Guangdong during the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties: Focus on Tianran-Hanshi and his Disciples |
國立成功大學  |
2019 |
1 |
陳淑萍 (撰)=Chen, Shu-ping (compose) / 敦煌法數類書《法門名義集》及相關文獻研究=Research of Dunhuang Manuscripts \" Famen Mingyi Ji \" and Related Issue |
國立成功大學  |
2018 |
1 |
蕭愛蓉 =Hsiao, Ai-jung / 唐君毅儒佛思想研究——以「生命存在」與「心靈境界」為入路=Research on Tang Jun-Yi’s Confucianism and Buddhism Thoughts: A Perspective of Life Existence and Spiritual Realm |
國立成功大學  |
2015 |
1 |
范文俊 / 十七世紀閩南與越南佛教交流之研究=Interaction between Vietnam Buddhism and Minnan in the 17th century |
國立成功大學  |
2013 |
1 |
吳靜宜 (著)=Wu, Chin-yi (au.) / 「詩禪交涉」在唐代至北宋詩學的開展=The Influence of Zen on the Poetics in the Tang and Northern Song Dynasty |
國立成功大學  |
2000 |
2 |
何麗華 (撰)=Ho, Li-hua (compose) / 佛教焰口儀式與音樂之研究:以戒德長老為主要研究對象 |
蔡睿娟 (撰)=Tsai, Jui-chuan (compose) / 釋迦八相圖之研究 |
國立成功大學  |
1999 |
2 |
林湘華 (撰)=Lin, Xiang-hua (compose) / 禪宗與宋代詩學理論=The Relation Between Ch'an And Poetics In Sung |
黃靖芠 (撰)=Huang, Ching-wen (compose) / 文殊師利菩薩本願研究=Manjusri Buddha Real Desire Research |
國立成功大學  |
1998 |
1 |
連秋惠 (撰) / 北魏諸帝對佛教的態度及其管理政策之研究 |
| | | |
380. |
國立成功大學中國文學系  |
2015 |
1 |
郭懿儀 (撰)=Kuo, Yi-yi (compose) / 東漢佛經複合詞研究 |
| | | |
381. |
國立成功大學歷史學系  |
2020 |
1 |
徐逸誠 (撰)=Hsu, Yi-Cheng (compose) / 日治時期「臺灣佛教改革運動」中的齋教徒:以洪池為研究中心 |
| | | |
382. |
國立東華大學  |
2021 |
1 |
范芝熏 (著)=Fan, Chih-hsun (au.) / 閱讀與意義治療之實踐研究─以《六祖壇經》為示例=A Practical Study on Bibliotherapy and Logotherapy: A Case Study of Reading The Dharmic Treasure Altar-Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch |
國立東華大學  |
2020 |
1 |
釋德傅 (撰)=Shih, De-fu (compose) / 佛典文學性之生成與轉化研究=Study on the Emergence and Transformation of Literariness in Buddhist Sutras |
國立東華大學  |
2016 |
1 |
劉長宗 (著)=Liu, Chang-chung (au.) / 正念靜坐對國小學童放鬆力和專注力之影響=A Study on the Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Promoting the Capability of Relaxation and Sustained Attention of Elementary School Children |
國立東華大學  |
2014 |
1 |
蘇愷悌 (著)=Su, Kai-ti (au.) / 論原始佛教到初期大乘空義發展的轉折=Exploring the Turing Point From The Primitive |
國立東華大學  |
2004 |
1 |
蕭淳方 (撰) / 弘一大師持戒宏律創化美感人生之教育啟示 |
| | | |
383. |
國立金門大學  |
2018 |
1 |
詹馨萍 =Chan, Hsin-Ping / 建立古蹟近斷層與遠域地震之易損曲線-以金門海印寺為例=Development of Fragility Curves of Historic Structures Considering Near Fault and Far Field Earthquakes-A Case Study of Hai-Yin Temple |
| | | |
384. |
國立南華大學=National Nanhua University  |
2002 |
1 |
徐嘉政 (撰) / 台灣區佛教團體圖書行銷通路與效益研究 |
| | | |
385. |
國立屏東大學  |
2018 |
1 |
卜美貞 (著)=Pu, Mei-Chen (au.) / 探討禪修對休閒體驗之啟發 —以法鼓山禪修為例=Explore Meditation on Inspiration of Leisure Experience -A Case Study on Meditation of Dharma Drum Mountain |
國立屏東大學  |
2017 |
1 |
王淨慧 (撰)=Wang, Ching-Hui (compose) / 《地藏菩薩本願經》思想探析=A Study of “Ti-Tsang-Pu-Sa-Pen-Yuan-Ching” |
| | | |
386. |
國立屏東大學視覺藝術學系碩士班  |
2017 |
1 |
夏藝方 (著) / 佛陀紀念館攝影創作論述=The Statement of photographic Creations of Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum |
| | | |
387. |
國立屏東科技大學  |
2019 |
1 |
黃志明 (著)=Huang, Chih-Ming (au.) / 民眾對於推廣寺廟減香與以功代金可減少空污污染認知之探討-以鳳山區某寺廟為例=The public’s perception of air pollution reduction achieved through incense reduction and replacement of joss paper burning rituals with donation—In the case of a temple in Fongshan District |
| | | |
388. |
國立屏東教育大學 |
2014 |
1 |
李枝憙 (著)=Lee, Chih-hsi (au.) / 東山法門禪法研究=Study on Chan of the East Mountain Teachings |
| | | |
389. |
國立屏東教育大學客家文化研究所=Graduate Institite of Hakka Culture, National Pingtung University of Education  |
2008 |
1 |
賴怡珍 (著)=Lai, Yi-chen (au.) / 內埔天后宮觀音廳念佛儀式及念佛會之研究=The Research of the Sutra-Reciting Ritual and Chanting Group in Neipu''s Mazu Temple and Guanyin Temple |
| | | |
390. |
國立政治大學  |
2023 |
1 |
釋道輔 (撰)=藍郁瑛 (compose) / 華嚴典籍的菩薩行願研究=A Study on the Bodhisattva's Vow and Practice of Hua-Yen Sutras |
國立政治大學  |
2022 |
7 |
王秀妃 (撰)=Wang, Hsiu-fei (compose) / 從一個太極拳團體探討佛教與道教的身心修煉=Taking a Taiji group as an Example to Study the Buddhist and Daoist Body-Mind Cultivation |
王婷婷 (撰)=Wang, Ting-ting (compose) / 卡瓦格博:在地方信仰與藏傳佛教的雙重脈絡之間=Kawadgarbo: between the Contexts on Local Belief and Tibetan Buddhism |
徐鳴謙 (撰)=XU, Ming Qian (compose) / 離散中傳播:海外華人佛教的跨地交流 (1949-1980)=Diasporic Diffusion: Overseas Chinese Buddhism and Its Intercommunion (1949-1980) |
陳法菱 (著)=Chen, Fa-ling (au.) / 緬甸帕奧禪林復甦「入出息念」禪定――「禪修行動」調查研究=Reviving of The Mindfulness-of-Breathing Samādhi at Pa-Auk Monastery in Myanmar: A Field Work Study of Meditation-in-Action |
陳翁清 (撰)=Chen, Weng-ching (compose) / 齋佛相濟.敦儒修真-圓滿德治法師的內修外弘=Self-cultivation and Social Engagement - Zhaijiao’s Syncretism with Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism in Ven. Monk Yuan Man De Jhih’s Life |
黃美英 (撰)=Huang, Mei-ying (compose) / 跨族群與性別的信仰象徵:台灣媽祖進香與觀音朝山的比較研究=Religious Symbols of Cross-Ethnicity and Gender: A Comparative Study of Ma-zu and Kuan-yin Pilgrimages in Taiwan |
譚睿 (著)=Tan, Rui (au.) / 遼代鮮演的華嚴思想=Xianyan's Huayan thought in Liao Dynasty |
國立政治大學  |
2021 |
5 |
王瑜 =Wang, Yu / 淨影寺慧遠的真識心思想與如來藏思想=The Theory of Mind as True Consciousness and Tathāgatagarbha Thought of Huiyuan of the Jingying Temple |
危湘蘋 (著)=Wei, Shuang-ping (au.) / 當代台灣佛教寺院之老病照護 : 以三個尼寺為例=To Care Our Sick and Elderly Monastic Members in Contemporary Taiwan by Three Cases |
金正煥 (著)=Kim, Jung-hwan (au.) / 戰後臺韓佛教之現代化比較: 以聖嚴與吞虛法師為例=Comparing the Taiwan and Korean Buddhist Modernization in the Post-War Era:in the cases of Ven. Sheng-yen and Ven. Tan-heo |
許凱威 =Hsu, Kai-wei / 國民中學校長正向領導、教師正念與教學效能關係之研究=The Study of the Relationship among Principals’ Positive Leadership, Teachers’ Mindfulness and Teaching Effectiveness in Junior High Schools |
劉育辰 (著)=Liou, Yu-Chen (au.) / 中晚唐時期的彌勒信仰與社會關係=Maitreya Belief and Society in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty |
國立政治大學  |
2020 |
8 |
Kukowka, Stefan =顧頡鋒 / Confucian Family Ethics Intersecting with Pure Land Soteriology: The Discursive Structures of the Lay Education of ‘The Corporation Republic of Hwa Dzan’=淨土解脫觀會通儒家家庭倫理—— 中華華藏淨宗學會居士教育之論述結構 |
吳智美 (著)=Wu, Chih-mei (au.) / 《東渡:鑑真和尚傳》劇本創作及論述=Ven. Jian Zhen:A Script and Discourse on A Hero\'s Journey |
姚雅文 (撰)=Yao, Ya-wen (compose) / 以法施為視角觀察慧皎《高僧傳》=The Study of \"The Biography of Eminet\" from the Perspective of Dharma-desana |
劉賢駿 (撰)=Liu, Hsien-chun (compose) / 唯識學中的他心問題 —— 以《成他相續論》與《破他相續論》為例=On the Issue of Other Mind in the Yogācāra Tradition -A Study Focusing on the Saṃtānāntarasiddhiand the Saṃtānāntaradūṣaṇa. |
鄭凱文 (撰)=Cheng, Kai-wen (compose) / 證嚴思想與慈濟宗:經典教化與宗教文化形塑=The Scriptural Teachings and Religious Cultural Formation of Master Cheng Yen's Thoughts and Tzu Chi Buddhism |
蕭嘉宏 (著)=Hsiao, Chia-hung (au.) / 智顗的一佛乘止觀思想=The Theory of Meditation of Zhiyi under His Idea of One Buddha Vehicle |
釋如示 (撰)=Shi, Ru-shi (compose) / 陳那《觀所緣緣論》窺基詮解之研究=A Study of Kuiji\'s Commentary on Dignāga\'s Ālambanaparīkṣā |
釋麗竺 (著)=Pham,Thi Kim Anh (au.) / 越南阮朝明正禪師思想之研究=The Research on Minh Chanh Zen’Thought in Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam |
國立政治大學  |
2019 |
10 |
李培瑜 (著)=Lee, Pei Yu (au.) / 通潤《觀所緣緣論釋發硎》之研究=A Study of Tonrun’s Subcommentary on Dharmapala’s Philosophical Exegisis of Dignaga Alambanapariksa. |
周佩儀 (撰)=Chou, Pei-yi (compose) / 梁‧釋寶亮注《大般涅槃經》思想研究=A Study of Bao-liang\'s Annotations to the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra |
邱郁霖 (著)=Hew, Yok Lin (au.) / 地藏信仰的現代性與跨國化:以地皎法師為例=The Modernity and Transnationality of Dizang Worship Promoted by Ven. Dijiao |
張鎮光 (撰)=Chang, Chen-kuang (compose) / 藏傳佛教止觀思想研究 - 以岡波巴大手印為主=A Study of Śamatha-Vipaśyanā in Tibetan Buddhism: Gampopa’s Mahamudra Text |
陳世昀 (撰)=Chen, Shih-yun (compose) / 魏晉南北朝志怪中的命運敘述=Destiny Narration in the Zhiguai Fictions of Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties |
楊志常 (著)=Yang, Chih-Chang (au.) / 晚明《成唯識論》註釋傳統的重新建構=How did late-Ming commentators rebuild the interrupted commentarial tradition of the Cheng Weishi Lun? |
劉文芳 (撰)=Shih, Chuan-fa (compose) / 南北傳入世佛教在台灣的會遇:以佛教弘誓學院與泰國國際入世佛教協會的交流為例=The Encounter between Therevada Engaged Buddhism and Mahayana Engaged Buddhism in Taiwan: The Interaction between Buddhist Hongshi College and International Network of Engaged Buddhists |
劉興松 (撰)=Liu, Sing-song (compose) / 雲棲袾宏與禪淨雙修=Yunqi Zhuhong and the dual practice of Chan and Pure Land |
鄭乃綺 (撰)=Cheng, Nai-chi (compose) / 論諸識能否俱起與如何相續 ── 從部派佛教到初期瑜伽行派的考察=On Whether Two or More Consciousnesses Can Arise Simultaneously and How They Succeed Each Other: An Investigation from Abhidharma to Early Yogācāra |
鍾倩儀 (撰)=Chong, Sin-i (compose) / 中國宗教的全球在地現代化或基督宗教化? - 以台灣和澳門的佛光山和一貫道為例=Glocal-modernization or Christianization? Chinese Religions in Taiwan and Macau: FoGuang Shan and I-Kuan Tao |
國立政治大學  |
2018 |
8 |
林恕安 (撰) / 緣起、二諦與因明— 以清辨《般若燈論‧觀緣品》與《掌珍論》 為主的研究=Dependent-Arising, Two Truths and Logic in Bhāviveka's philosophy: Focusing on chapter one of Prajñāpradīpa and Jewels in the Hand |
林恕安 (撰)=Lin, Su-an (compose) / 緣起、二諦與因明 — 以清辨《般若燈論‧觀緣品》與《掌珍論》 為主的研究=Dependent-Arising, Two Truths and Logic in Bhāviveka's philosophy: Focusing on chapter one of Prajñāpradīpa and Jewels in the hand |
胡志強 (撰)=Hu, Chih-chiang (compose) / 知覺、他者與邏輯:護法《成唯識寶生論》之哲學研究=Perception, Others, and Logic: A Philosophical Study on Dharmapāla's Cheng weishi baosheng lun |
曹德啟 (撰)=Tsao, Te-chi (compose) / 北朝石窟中淨土與菩薩道信仰=The Faith in Pure Land and Bodhisattva Path in the Buddhist Caves of the Northern Dynasties |
梁陳安 (撰)=Leo, Sing-ann (compose) / 「無境」的證成與認知:以窺基《唯識二十論述記》為核心之研究=Logical and Epistemological Arguments for the Non-existence of External World: A Philosophical Analysis of Kuiji’s Commentary on Vasubandhu’s Twenty Verses (Weishi Ershilun Shuji) |
賀孟琳 (撰)=Haighton, Marit Annelize (compose) / Analyzing Interreligious Tolerance in Post-martial Law Taiwan through Cases of Conflicts=從衝突事件來探討臺灣宗教團體的包容性 |
黃慧英 (撰)=Huang, Hui-ying (compose) / 佛教生命倫理觀的實踐理路:以自然農法為例=The Praxis of Buddhist Bioethics: Natural Farming as an Example |
蘇胤睿 (撰) / 佛教山派的形成與式微:以台灣法雲寺派為例=The Formulation and Decline of Buddhist Monastic Affiliation:The Case of Taiwan Fayun Monastery's Network |
國立政治大學  |
2017 |
4 |
吳品達 (著) / 多重共構的藏傳淨土:以蓮花生大士銅色吉祥山為例=Multiple Constructions of a Tibetan Pureland: A Focus on Padmasambhava's Copper-Coloured Mountain |
汪純瑩 (著)=Wang, Chun-ying (au.) / 先驗邏輯與精神發展-陳那與康德批判知識論的研究=Transcendental logic and spiritual development in Dignāga's and Kant's critical epistemology |
姚曼菁 (著)=Yao, Teresa (au.) / 經由暴力方式的證悟:藏傳佛教普巴金剛修持的轉變=Enlightenment through Violent Means: The Transformation of the Practice of Vajrakīlaya in Tibetan Buddhism |
廖宣惠 (著)=Liao, Xuan-hui (au.) / 「有法」/「無法」────金聖歎詮釋活動研究=Method and Non-Method :the activity of Jin Shengtan’s enigmatic exegetical style |
國立政治大學  |
2016 |
6 |
安怡 (撰)=An, Yi (compose) / 浄影慧遠《大乘起信論義疏》研究=A study on The commentary on The Awakening of Faith by Jingying Huiyuan |
吳芝瑩 (撰)=Wu, Chih-ying (compose) / 護法論知覺—以<<廣百論釋論.破根境品>>為考察核心=Dharmapāla on Perception: a study of "Refutation of Sense Organs and Their Objects" of the Dasheng Guangbailun Shilun |
李明傑 (著) / 當代佛教臨終關懷的理念與實踐:以法鼓山台北文山區助念組為例 |
孫亞柏 (著)=Zamorski, Jakub (au.) / 行在淨土,解在唯識:近代東亞佛教的解神話詮釋學=Demythologizing Amitābha: A Consciousness-Only Hermeneutics of Pure Land Buddhism in Modern East Asia |
高家萱 (著)=Kao, Chia-hsuan (au.) / 葛若思的文化轉譯:西方女性主義與藏傳佛教的對話=When Feminism Meets Tibetan Buddhism: Rita M. Gross’ Cultural Translation |
黃子瑜 / 漢魏兩晉南北朝佛教醫療觀的傳入與影響=The introduction and influence of the Buddhist medical concept in the Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. |
國立政治大學  |
2013 |
1 |
蔡貴玫 (撰)=Tsai, Kuei-mei (compose) / 陳那《佛母般若波羅蜜多圓集要義論》 譯注與研究=The Translation, Annotation and Study of Prajñāpāramitāpiṇḍārthaḥ by Dignāga |
國立政治大學  |
2011 |
5 |
吳佳純 (撰)=Wu, Chia-chun (compose) / Kin Support System of Taiwanese Buddhist Monks and Nuns: A Study at a Monastery in Southern Taiwan=台灣僧尼的親屬支持系統 : 以南部某寺院為中心 |
周大為 (撰) / 帕式化約論與初期佛教的人格同一性觀點之差異 |
張陌耘 (撰) / 表象與意識結構:克里果與佛教的意識理論比較=Representation and the structure of consciousness: A comparison of Kriegel’s and Buddhist theory of consciousness |
陳雪萍 (撰)=Chen, Hsueh-ping (compose) / 勝鬘夫人經之如來藏學說=On the Tathagatagarbha doctrine in the Sutra of Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala. |
鄭伃筑 (撰)=Cheng, Yu-chu (compose) / 聖物的形成與消費:龍宮舍利在台灣=The Formation and Consumerism of Sacred Object: Long Gong Sarira in Taiwan |
國立政治大學  |
2010 |
1 |
施又仁 (撰)=Shih, Eugene (compose) / 《卓瑪玉埵:度母破障》儀軌譯註及研究=The Annotation and study on Tara Overcoming Obstacles Sadhana(sGrol ma g-yul bzlog) |
國立政治大學  |
2009 |
1 |
楊景翔 (撰) / 多布巴《山法了義海論》第二部分〈道〉的譯註與研究 |
國立政治大學  |
2007 |
1 |
邱珮琳 (撰)=Chiou, Pei-lin (compose) / 從吠陀神觀和獻祭理念的轉變談古奧義書中「梵」(bráhman)作為個人宗教追尋之終極目標的出現=Discussion on the Emergence of bráhman in older Upaniṣads as the ultimate religious concern of individuals from the transformation of the idea about gods and sacrifice |
國立政治大學  |
2006 |
2 |
林子瑄 (撰)=Lin ,Tzu-hsuan (compose) / 《薄伽梵歌》研究-從karma與瑜伽之整彙看婆羅門思想的新樣貌 |
陳雅惠 (撰)=Chen, Ya-hui (compose) / 廟宇空間及其使用之研究-以大龍峒保安宮為例=The Spatial usage of the Taiwanese traditional temple |
國立政治大學  |
2005 |
1 |
吳明峰 (撰) / 張載《正蒙》天道論及其闢佛之理論效力 |
國立政治大學  |
2004 |
3 |
何名容 (撰) / 持戒清淨對於天台止觀修證之重要性 -- 以智顗《摩訶止觀》之論述為中心 |
陳仕蘋 (撰) / 《阿含經》與《大般若經.第二會》裡的無明觀 -- 從聲聞乘到菩薩乘的銜接與超越 |
陳仕蘋 (撰) / 《阿含經》與《大般若經.第二會》裡的無明觀:從聲聞乘到菩薩乘的銜接與超越 |
國立政治大學  |
2000 |
1 |
鍾秋玉 (撰) / 禪修型新興宗教之社會心理學研究 |
國立政治大學  |
1999 |
1 |
張皓得 (撰)=Chang, Ho-deug (compose) / 《祖堂集》否定詞之邏輯與語義研究=A Logical and Semantic Study of Negatives in Zutangji |
國立政治大學  |
1998 |
2 |
宋隆斐 (撰) / 守一與守意--六朝佛道思想交流初探 |
羅永樺 (撰) / 歐陽竟無佛學研究 |
國立政治大學  |
1997 |
1 |
王儒慧 (撰) / 元朝廷與西番佛教之關係 |
國立政治大學  |
1996 |
3 |
王志楣 (撰)=Wang, Chih-mei (compose) / 從《弘明集》看佛教中國化=Chinese Buddhism from Hung Ming chi |
芮英淑 (撰)=Suk, Ye-young (compose) / 李商隱與佛教因緣=The Influence of Buddhism on the Writings of Li Shang |
胡健財 (撰)=Woo, kin-choi (compose) / 《大佛頂首楞嚴經》「耳根圓修」之研究=A study on the Universally Penetrating by Srotrend Riya in Surangama Sutra |
國立政治大學  |
1995 |
6 |
元鍾實 (撰)=Won, Jong-sil (compose) / 慧能禪思想=The Zen thought of Hwei-nung |
吳雪嬌 (撰) / 九輩班禪額爾德尼與中央政府關係之研究 |
呂凱文 (撰)=Lu, Kai-wen (compose) / 當代日本「批判佛教」研究:以「緣起」, 「`dhatu-vada`」為中心之省察=An Enquiry on Critical Buddhism in Contemporary Japan |
許國華 (撰)=Sheu, Gwo-hwa (compose) / 天台圓教與佛性思想之研究=A Study of T'ien-t'ai Perfect Doctrine and its Buddha Nature Theory |
鍾國賢 (撰)=Chung, Kuo-shyan (compose) / 宗喀巴《末那識和阿賴耶識難解處的廣註》譯註=To translate and annotate on Tsong Kha pa "To annotate the lities of Manas and alayavijnana" |
龐書樵 (撰)=Papenfuss, Joe (compose) / 支遁其人及其《支遁集》研究=Research on Zhir Dun and His Collected Works |
國立政治大學  |
1990 |
1 |
鄧繼盈 (撰)=Deng, Ji-ying (compose) / 蕅益智旭淨土思想之研究 |
國立政治大學  |
1988 |
1 |
涂艷秋 (撰)=Tu, Yen-chiu (compose) / 僧肇思想探究 |
國立政治大學  |
1982 |
1 |
林麗娥 (撰)=Lin, Li-e (compose) / 范曄之文學及其史論 |
國立政治大學  |
9 |
于明華 (撰) / 上海臺商的宗教實踐與身份認同變化, 1990-2010=Religions and Identities of Taiwanese Businessmen in Shanghai, 1990-2010 |
白立冰 (撰)=Brewster, Ernest (compose) / Time and Liberation in Three-Treatise Master Jizang's Madhyamika Thought=〈析論吉藏之時間觀–以《中觀論疏》與《大乘玄論》對「三世實有」之論辯為考察中心〉 |
林芳民 (撰)=Lin, Fang-min (compose) / 覺悟者的心識內容──以〈阿毘達磨俱舍論‧分別智品〉為中心=The conscious content of an awakened being - A study focusing on the chapter of knowledge (Jñāna) of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya |
林維明 (撰) / 「見清淨」之探討-以《清淨道論》為主=A study of the“Purification of View”:based on the Visuddhimagga |
莫凱輝 (撰)=Mo, Kai-hui (compose) / 論《俱舍論》及《成唯識論》的 見道理論差異及其原因=On the Different of Path-Seeing (Darśana-mārga) Theories by Abhidharmakośakārikā and Cheng Weishi Lun |
陳松宜 (著)=Chen, Sung-i (au.) / 《般若波羅蜜多心經》靈性智慧於全人教育之蘊義=Implication of the Spiritual Wisdom in the 《Heart Sutra》 |
雷承平 (撰)=Lei, Cheng-ping (compose) / 《楞嚴經正脈疏》與《楞嚴經圓通疏》諍論之研究──以「四決定義」與「四不決定義」為主 |
劉美玉 / 「中華禪法鼓宗」的禪修教育=The Meditation Education of the “Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism” |
錢鐵錚 (撰)=Qian, Tie-zheng (compose) / 臺灣宗教法制與日本「宗教法人法」之比較研究登記制度、不動產制度、財產制度=A Comparative Study of Taiwan Religious Legal System and Japan Religious Corporations Act Registration,Real Property Regulation and Financial System |
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391. |
國立政治大學宗教研究所  |
2024 |
1 |
姚曼菁 (著)=Yao, Man-ching (au.) / 高山上宗教師的使命: 藏傳佛教與苯教宗教師在尼泊爾多波地區族群身份認同與文化復興的參與=High Clergymen’s Vocation: The Ethnic Identity and Cultural Revival Involvement of Tibetan Buddhist and Bönpo Monks in Dolpo, Nepal |
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392. |
國立政治大學哲學系  |
2023 |
1 |
Eihmanis, Kaspars (著)=艾恪 (au.) / Vasubandhu’s No-Self Causal Theory of Memory=世親基於無我的記憶因果論 |
國立政治大學哲學系  |
2004 |
1 |
伍啟銘 (撰) / 《解深密經‧如來成所作事品》之校譯與研究 |
| | | |
393. |
國立政治大學傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程  |
2021 |
1 |
劉皓齊 (著)=Liu, Hao-chi (au.) / 藏傳佛教在台之宗教傳播策略研究:以「台籍僧侶」的疑慮消除策略為例=Communication Strategies of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan: The Uncertainty Reduction Strategies of “Taiwanese Monk” |
| | | |
394. |
國立政治大學廣播電視學系=Department of Radio and Television, National Chengchi University  |
2001 |
1 |
陳延昇 (撰)=Chen, Yen-shan (compose) / 宗教衛星頻道經營管理之研究=The Study of Management of Religion Channels |
| | | |
395. |
國立高雄科技大學  |
2020 |
4 |
林子晏 =Lin, Tzu-yen / 2016 年 2 月 6 日美濃地震磚造寺廟震損分析與耐震評估=Damage Analysis and Seismic Evaluation of Masonry Temples in the February 6th , 2016 Meinong Earthquake |
洪勝臣 (著)=Hung, Sheng-Chen (au.) / 具佛法與善念特質之桌遊設計=Tabletop Game Design with the Buddhism and Kindness Content |
許敦品 (撰) / 運用創意生活產業輔助「彌陀講寺」發展信眾教育之研究=By Using The Creative Life Industry to Assist the Buddhist Education in Mituo Lecture Temple |
蔡孟樺 (撰)=Tsai, Meng-hua (compose) / 《星雲大師全集》的人間佛教思想與出版意義研究=Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: the Humanistic Buddhist Thoughts and Significance of Its Publication |
國立高雄科技大學  |
2018 |
1 |
吳姿宜 (撰)=Wu, Tzu-yi (compose) / 庇佑之下的居所:一些香客大樓的初探=Living under the Protection of Gods: A Preliminary Study of Pilgrim Accommodation |
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396. |
國立高雄師範大學  |
2021 |
1 |
陳麗戎 (撰) / 雲、水‧禪心–陳麗戎創作論述=Zen spirit of Cloud and Water—The Creation Discourse of Chen,Li–Rong's paintings |
國立高雄師範大學  |
2020 |
2 |
黃家樺 (撰)=Huang, Chia-hua (compose) / 蕅益智旭《靈峰宗論》研究=The Studies on The Sect Commentary of Lingfeng by Ouyi Zhixu |
楊智凱 (著)=Yang, Chih-Kai (au.) / 《六祖壇經》研究─以版本、情節與用字為範疇=The Study on the Altar Sutra of Six Patriarch-Categories on Book Versions, Plots and Word Usages |
國立高雄師範大學  |
2019 |
2 |
李錫利 (著)=Lee, Shi-li (au.) / 弘一大師書法藝術研究——試以寫經、書簡及護生畫集題字為例 |
莊慧琳 =Juang, Huei-lin / 慈悲修養情緒調節模型之建構與驗證=The Construction of Compassion Emotion Regulation Model and Its Empirical Studies. |
國立高雄師範大學  |
2018 |
2 |
吳硯熙 (撰) / 東坡詩與佛教典籍研究=The Study of Su Tung-Po Poems and Buddhism Classics |
曾銘璋 (著)=Zeng, Ming-zhang (au.) / 梁啟超學術思想研究——以儒學、佛學、史學、文學為主要探討對象=A Study of Liang Qichao 's Academic Thought - A Study of Confucianism, Buddhism, History and Literature as the Main Object. |
國立高雄師範大學  |
2017 |
1 |
李淑瑜 (著)=Lee, Swu-yu (au.) / 弘一法師寫經書法研究 |
國立高雄師範大學  |
2016 |
1 |
楊貴梅 (著) / 李叔同書法研究 |
國立高雄師範大學  |
2014 |
2 |
邱信忠 (撰) / 蕅益智旭唯識思想研究 ─ 以《成唯識論觀心法要》為中心=The Research of Famous Monk Ouyi Zhixu' Yogacara |
徐偉強 (著)=Hsu, Wei-chiang (au.) / 愚溪短篇詩集研究=A Study of Short Poems by Yu Hsi |
國立高雄師範大學  |
2013 |
2 |
陳穎蓁 (著)=Chen, Ying-jhen (au.) / 惠洪、張商英《法華經合論》研究=A Study of“the Annotation of Lotus Sutra”Respectively Collected from Huihong and Zhang Shang-ying |
蔡琇瑩 (著) / 繁華落盡見真淳——弘一法師詩文研究 |
國立高雄師範大學  |
1997 |
1 |
龔蕙瑛 (撰)=Kung, Hui-yin (compose) / 佛教團體教育的實況與評估:以高雄市元亨寺學佛營為例=Survey and Evaluation of Buddhism Program:A Case Study of Yuan-Heng Temple |
國立高雄師範大學  |
1991 |
1 |
黃志洲 (撰)=Huang, Zhi-zhou (compose) / 出三藏記集研究 |
國立高雄師範大學  |
1990 |
2 |
吳麗玉 (撰)=Wu, Li-yu (compose) / 近代佛教先覺者楊文會 |
邱敏捷 (撰)=Qiu, Min-jie (compose) / 袁宏道的佛教思想 |
| | | |
397. |
國立高雄師範大學美術學系  |
2014 |
1 |
黃文欣 (著)=Huang, Wen-hsin (au.) / 禪宗境界美學─以《六祖壇經》為中心研究=Aesthetics of the realm-《Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch》as the core focus |
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398. |
國立高雄第一科技大學  |
2018 |
2 |
徐嘉駿 (撰)=Syu, Jia-jyun (compose) / 應用層級分析法於禪風意象因素探討之研究-以木桌椅設計為例=A Research on Application of AHP Method on Image and Factor of Zen Style - With the Design of Wooden Table and Bench |
張碩修 (著)=Chang, Shuo-hsiu (au.) / 專案管理實施做法之探討- 以佛陀紀念館工程為例=Study of project management practices – taking the Buddha Memorial project as an example |
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399. |
國立高雄餐旅大學  |
2021 |
1 |
賴政育 (著) / 研究年輕旅客對高台寺禪宗寺廟的佛像機器人和尚的旅行意圖=Investigate Younger Generations’ Travel Intention to Kodai-ji Zen Temple’s Robot Monk of Buddhism |
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400. |
國立清華大學  |
2020 |
2 |
邱淑芬 (著)=Chiou, Shu-Fen (au.) / 制心一處,般若觀照── 釋見介與釋妙熙弘法散文研究=The Mind Steadily Fixed on One Place, The Wisdom of Meditative Enlightenment on Reality:Research on the Prose Promoting Buddhism by Shih, Jian-Jie and Shih, Miao-Si |
温欣怡 (著)=Wen, Hsin-Yi (au.) / 香客對竹蓮寺廟宇識覺及其空間行為之探思 -兼論社會變遷下信眾的變與不變=The study on Believers\' Perception and Spatial Behavior toward Chulien Temple in Hsinchu –and Variance and Invariance of Believers under Social Changes |
國立清華大學  |
2018 |
2 |
廖書馨 (撰)=Liao, Shu-hsin (compose) / 佛乘一帆引 - 佛乘宗教徒宗教實踐力行之路=The Way Fosheng Zhong Disciples Practice Their Buddhism |
劉永中 =Liu, Yung-chung / 魏晉南朝命運觀:儒釋道三家的理論與實踐=The Concept of Fate in Wei-Jin and Southern Dynasties:The Theory and Practice of Three Religions |
國立清華大學  |
2015 |
1 |
李柏翰 =Li, Bo-han / 明清悉曇文獻及其對等韻學的影響=A Study of Siddhāṃ Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Influences on Dengyunxue |
國立清華大學  |
2012 |
1 |
黃桂雲 (撰)=Huang, Kuei-yun (compose) / 佛教孝道的義理與實踐 —— 以大足、敦煌石窟為重點 |
國立清華大學  |
2009 |
1 |
許正弘 (撰)=Hsu, Cheng-hung (compose) / 元代原廟制度初探:以太禧宗禋院為中心 |
國立清華大學  |
1998 |
3 |
王平宇 (撰)=Wang, Ping-yu (compose) / 宋代婦女的佛教信仰--兼論士大夫觀點的詮釋與批評 |
張愛倫 (著) / 宋代蘇州地區的佛教 |
郭中翰 (撰) / 中唐梁肅(753~793) -- 大曆, 貞元間的文章中興和性命之學 |
國立清華大學  |
1997 |
1 |
黃怡蓉 (撰)=Huang, I-jung (compose) / 印心禪法打坐儀式的象徵分析=The Symbolic Analysis of Mediation |
國立清華大學  |
1996 |
1 |
林宜璇 (撰)=Lin, Yi-shuan (compose) / 人間佛教與生活實踐:慈濟現象的社會學解析=The Practice of Mahayana in Daily Life:Sociological Analysis of Buddhist Tzu-Chi Association |
國立清華大學  |
1995 |
1 |
林芝安 (撰)=Lin, Chin-an (compose) / 從禁慾苦行到娛樂休閒:現代宗教質素之變化的分析--以創價學會為例 |
國立清華大學  |
1991 |
1 |
林曉真 (撰)=Lin, Xiao-zhen (compose) / 唐五代川蜀地區的佛教文化--以高僧, 寺院, 造像為考察中心 |
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401. |
國立清華大學人類學研究所  |
2017 |
1 |
施以慈 (著)=Shih, Yi-tzu (au.) / 人間佛國裡的佛光小姐:青春女性的宗教工作經驗及自我追求=Miss Fo Guang in the “Pure Land on Earth” : Working Experiences, Religiosities, and the Senses of Being Oneself of Young Females Workers in Fo Guang Shan |
國立清華大學人類學研究所  |
2010 |
1 |
黃心儀 (著) / 現代佛教青年的養成機制:以台灣福智青年為例 |
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402. |
國立清華大學哲學研究所  |
2023 |
1 |
Yap, Kar-men (著)=葉嘉雯 (au.) / Revisiting William James’ Varieties of Religious Experience: Beginning with a Buddhist Experiential Perspective=重訪詹姆斯的《宗教經驗之種種》: 從一個佛教體驗的向度談起 |
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403. |
國立陽明大學  |
2020 |
1 |
李涵 (撰) / 開發腦波帶生理回饋系統於禪文化之應用=Development of electroencephalography physiological feedback system in Zen culture |
國立陽明大學  |
1999 |
1 |
沈莉真 (撰)=Shen, Li-chen (compose) / 癌末病患及家屬接受安寧療護服務之分析--以佛教慈濟綜合醫院為例=The Analysis of Hospice Service for the Terminal Ill Cancer Patients and Their Family--In the Buddhish Tzu Chi General Hospital |
國立陽明大學  |
1995 |
1 |
陳高揚 (撰) / 以心率變異度分析研究佛教對臥姿的規範:師子王臥=The study of buddhistical regulation on recumbency by using heart rate variability analysis: the lion king recumbency |
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404. |
國立陽明交通大學  |
2022 |
1 |
林容伊 (著) / 以宗教社會學觀點探討Netflix串流平台追劇現象=Exploring Netflix Binge-Watching Phenomenon from the Perspective of Sociology of Religion |
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405. |
國立陽明交通大學心智哲學研究所  |
2023 |
1 |
鄭善益 (撰)=Cheng, Shan-yi (compose) / 在冥想以及啟靈藥體驗當中,其自我究竟有無「消融」?=Analysis of Ego Dissolution while Meditating and Experiencing Psychedelics |
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406. |
國立雲林科技大學  |
2022 |
1 |
林惠麗 (著)=Lin, Hui-li (au.) / 宗教文物商品設計之價值創新研究 |
國立雲林科技大學  |
2020 |
2 |
周青蓉 (著)=Chou, Ching-jung (au.) / 宗教觀光之服務接觸、遊客體驗與重遊意願關係之研究-以台南玄空法寺為例=A Study of Relationship among Service Encounter, Tourist Experience and Revisiting Intention in Religious Tourism﹕The Example of Tainan Xuankong Temple |
劉欽源 (著)=Liu, Chan-yuan (au.) / 「利他」與「無我」思想研究─以墨家「兼愛」與《菩提道次第廣論》「菩提心」比較為中心=Study on the “Altruism” and“Selflessness”-Universal Love and “Bodhicittah” “Bodhi Heart” Comparison centered |
國立雲林科技大學  |
2019 |
1 |
溫筱筠 (撰)=Wen, Hsiao-yun (compose) / 訊息訴求對社群媒體行銷效果之研究:以因果信仰、 從眾行為作為調節變項=The Impact of Message Appeals on Social Media Marketing Effectiveness The Moderatoring Roles of Karma Beliefs and Conformity |
國立雲林科技大學  |
2018 |
1 |
蘇麗理 (撰)=Su,Li-li (compose) / 《法華經》中修行方法之研究=Study on the Method of Practice in The Lotus Sutra |
國立雲林科技大學  |
2016 |
1 |
洪藝慈 (著)=Hung, I-tzu (au.) / 佛經古印刷字體及版面編輯設計特性之研究=Research on the Characteristics of Sutras Ancient Printing Typeface & Editing Design |
國立雲林科技大學  |
2008 |
1 |
陳真鈺 (著)=Chen, Jhen-yu (au.) / 《法苑珠林》中的彌陀淨土感應故事──淨土宗以外的一種敘述觀點=The Pure Land Miraculous Stories in Fayuan Zhulin --A Narrative Perspective outside of Pure Land Sect |
| | | |
407. |
國立嘉義大學  |
2021 |
1 |
范敏瀾 (撰) / 網格對熱點分析的影響-以臺灣寺廟分佈為例=Effect of Grid Size on Hot Spot Analysis:A Case Study of Temple Distribution in Taiwan |
國立嘉義大學  |
2020 |
2 |
宋其哲 (撰)=Song, Chi-che (compose) / 蓮池大師《緇門崇行錄》研究=The Study on Master Linachi’s \"The Noble Conducts of Monk\" |
釋純智 (著)=Huynh Ngoc Knanh Tuyen (au.) / 越南賦體文學中的佛教書寫研究=Research of the Buddhist elements in Vietnam Poetic exposition |
國立嘉義大學  |
2019 |
4 |
林恩存 (撰) / 慈心禪修課程對情緒與壓力調節效果之研究=Study on the Effect of Loving Kindness Meditation Course on Emotion and Stress Regulation |
林港博 (著) / 「彌陀大願」會集本之比較研究–以彭際清《無量壽經》暨王龍舒《大阿彌陀經》為例=A Comparatie Study on the Gatherings ”Amitabha Buddha Great Vows”-Using Peng Ji Ching ”Infinite Life Sutra” and Wang Lung Shu ”The Great Amitabha Sutra” as an Example. |
莊慧娟 (著)=Chuang, Hui-Chuan (au.) / 敦煌本《華嚴經》五十卷本之研究=A Study of Dunhuang《The Avatamsaka Sutra》50 Rouleaux Manuscripts |
陳彥綾 (撰)=Chen, Yen-ling (compose) / 蕅益智旭與日常老和尚詮釋《論語》之研究=The Research of the Interpretation of the Analects by Ouit Zhixu and the Venerable Master Jig-Chang |
國立嘉義大學  |
2018 |
1 |
王瑞益 (撰) / 黃山谷詩中茶文化與禪理之研究=Research on the Tea Culture and Theory of Zen in Huang Shan Gu poetry |
國立嘉義大學  |
1 |
余昌哲 (撰) / 證嚴法師教育思想之研究 |
| | | |
408. |
國立嘉義大學管院碩士在職專班  |
2017 |
1 |
黃瀞儀 (著) / 宗教旅遊體驗與情感依附對幸福感之研究-以佛光山佛陀紀念館為例=A Study of the Sense of Happiness to Religious Travel Experience and Emotional Attachment: A Study of the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center |
| | | |
409. |
國立彰化師範大學  |
2022 |
1 |
陳勝智 (著)=Chen, Sheng-Chih (au.) / 明清臺灣禪詩之意象研究 |
國立彰化師範大學  |
2019 |
1 |
温一翰 (撰)=Onn, Yee-han (compose) / 帶心回家之旅 : 修習傳统佛教禪修法與現代正念心理療法之自我敘說=The Journey of Bringing Mind Home: A Self Narrative Research on The Practice of Traditional Buddhist Meditation and Modern Mindfulness Psychotherapy |
國立彰化師範大學  |
2018 |
2 |
林明申 (著)=Lim, Benson (au.) / 心理助人工作者的內觀禪修和情緒涵養之敘說研究=A Narrative Study of Psychological Helpers' Vipassana Meditation and Emotional Cultivation |
魏慧雯 (著)=Wei, Hui-wen (au.) / 中唐元和時期白居易禪詩研究 |
國立彰化師範大學  |
2016 |
2 |
楊淑貞 =Yang, Su-jane / 正念藝術治療工作轉化經驗初探以新手諮商師自我覺察與自我療癒為例=Transforming Experiences of Mindfulness Based Art Therapy: Novice Counselor’s Self-awareness and Self-healing |
趙詠寬 (著)=Zhao, Yong-kuan (au.) / 《法華經》「四要品」偈頌之韻律風格研究 |
國立彰化師範大學  |
2014 |
1 |
鄭素如 =Cheng, Su-ju / 澄觀《華嚴經疏.十地品》之研究 |
國立彰化師範大學  |
1996 |
1 |
潘素卿 (撰)=Pan, Su-ching (compose) / 佛教徒的死亡觀念與生命意義之關係研究及其在諮商上的應用=The Buddhists' Conception of Death, its Relation to Life's Applications in Counseling |
國立彰化師範大學  |
1987 |
1 |
陳桂市 (撰)=Chen, Gui-shi (compose) / 幽明錄宣驗記研究 |
國立彰化師範大學  |
2 |
林伯彥 (著) / 「無惱療法」對思覺失調症個案的臨床療效研究--以正念正知原理為基礎=The Study on Clinical Outcomes of “Non-suffering Therapy” Toward Patients with Schizophrenia: Mindfulness and Clear Comprehension Principles Based Method |
邱吉生 (撰) / 淨土宗臨終關懷研究 ── 以台中蓮社助念為例 |
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410. |
國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系所  |
2014 |
2 |
陳怡君 (著) / 學佛心理助人者解惑離苦之哲理與方法=The philosophy and method of the Buddhist psychological helper to elaborate and extricate misery |
楊雯君 (著) / 諮商師學習與應用佛法於處理哀傷議題的經驗 |
| | | |
411. |
國立暨南國際大學  |
2021 |
2 |
張氏清 (著)=Troung, Thi Thanh (au.) / 臺灣越南新住民參與佛教教育活動及其影響之研究=A Study on Vietnamese Migrants' Participation inBuddhist Education Activities and It's Impact in Taiwan |
釋善香 (著)=Phan, Thanh-tri (au.) / 從「寺田」到「服務」:當代越南順化佛寺的經濟轉型=From ""Temple Farm "" to ""Service"": The Economic Transformation of Buddhist Temples in Hue, Vietnam |
國立暨南國際大學  |
2019 |
1 |
武春白楊 (著)=Wu Chun, Bai Yang (au.) / 越南陳仁宗禪法的傳承與轉型—兼論當代竹林禪派的構成與實踐=The Inheritance and Transformation of Trần Nhân Tông’s Zen Dharma in Vietnam: Probing on the Composition and Practice of Contemporary Bamboo Forest Zen Sect |
國立暨南國際大學  |
2017 |
1 |
范美莉 (撰)=Fan, Mei-li (compose) / 佛教在家居士的信仰與實踐:以南林尼僧苑為例=Faith and Practice of The Buddhist Laity : A Case Study of Daksinavana Bhiksuni Samgha Ashram |
國立暨南國際大學  |
2015 |
1 |
姜義勝 (著)=Jiang, Yi-sheng (au.) / 禪修正念對從事高等教育工作者影響之研究=The Study of Mindfulness Meditation Influences on Higher Educators |
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412. |
國立臺中科技大學  |
2021 |
1 |
王芊又 (撰)=Wang, Chian-yow (compose) / 藝術療癒感應用於禪繞畫之視覺藝術及其美學探析=Art Healing Applied to Zentangle An Analysis of Visual Art and Its Aesthetics |
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413. |
國立臺中師範學院  |
1999 |
1 |
黃天長 (撰)=Huang, Tien-chang (compose) / 慈濟教師教學信念與教學行為之個案研究=A Case Study on the Teaching Beliefs and Teaching Behaviors of a Tzu-Chi Teacher |
| | | |
414. |
國立臺中教育大學  |
2018 |
1 |
閻兆珠 (撰)=Yen, Chao-chu (compose) / 信仰與教育價值 ─ 宗教性與一般性私立大學校歌之比較研究=Faith and Educational Value – A Comparative Research on theAnthem of the Religious University and the General University |
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415. |
國立臺北大學  |
2022 |
1 |
林秀芬 (著)=Lin, Shiu-Fen (au.) / 吉祥框樣造型研究 --以台灣寺廟、宅第、祠堂為例=A Study on Auspicious Frame Design-Take Temples, Mansions, and Ancestral Shrines in Taiwan as an example |
國立臺北大學  |
2019 |
1 |
蕭宇珊 (著)=Hsiao, Yu-Shan (au.) / 清代臺灣方志中關於宗教寺廟書寫之探究=The Study on Taiwan’s Gazetteers about Religious Temples in Qing Period |
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416. |
國立臺北大學民俗藝術與文化資產研究所  |
2017 |
1 |
吳佩怡 (著)=Wu ,Pei-yi (au.) / 兩岸博物館佛教文化展示之比較研究:以法門寺博物館與佛光山佛陀紀念館為例=A Comparative Study on the Exhibition of Buddhist Culture in Cross Strait Museums: A Case Study of Famen Temple Museum and Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum |
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417. |
國立臺北科技大學  |
2022 |
1 |
朱芳儀 (著)=Chu, Fang-yi (au.) / 佛教經典善本復刻模式與價值探析=A Study on the Model and Value of Buddhism Classic Rare Books Replica |
國立臺北科技大學  |
2019 |
1 |
吳詩晴 (著)=Wu, Shi-Qing (au.) / 臺灣當代大神像建築寺廟之探討=Discussion on the Contemporary Big Statues Temple in Taiwan |
國立臺北科技大學  |
2018 |
1 |
蔡菀庭 (著)=Tsai, Wan-Ting (au.) / 由都市行銷觀點探討台北龍山寺周邊環境整體發展之對策=From the Viewpoints of Urban Marketing to explore the Integrated Environmental Improvement Strategies of Taipei Longsang Temple and its surrounding areas |
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418. |
國立臺北教育大學  |
2020 |
2 |
吳美麗 (著)=Wu, Mei-Li (au.) / 人文紀錄片的藏傳佛教敘事: 以林麗芳《心子》、《朝聖者》與《尊瑪尊瑪》為例=The Narrative of Tibetan Buddhism in the Humanities Documentaries : Lin Li-Fang’s Buddha’s Sons, The Returners, and TsunmaTsunma |
黃惠雅 (著) / 六祖壇經所蘊涵靈性修養之研究=A Research on the Spiritual Cultivation of the Altar-Sutra of Sixth Patriarch |
國立臺北教育大學  |
2019 |
3 |
吳沛穎 (撰)=Wu, Pei-ying (compose) / 在諮商工作中的行者 –《廣論》與諮商心理師的交會=The Religious Practice of Lamrim in Counselor’s Experience |
阮氏碧玄 (著)=Nguyen, Thi-bich-huyen (au.) / 經典學習與生命轉化關係之研究—以某讀書會的成員為例=The Study of the Relationship of Buddha’s Teaching and Life Transfer - Base on a Case Study of the Member from a Study Group |
趙杰 (著)=Zhao, Jie (au.) / 幼兒園園長正念領導、教師學習文化與專業承諾關係之研究=A Study of the Relationship among Directors’ Centered Leadership, Teachers’ Learning Culture and Professional Commitment in Kindergardens |
國立臺北教育大學  |
2018 |
1 |
鍾惠雯 (著)=Chung, Hui-Wen (au.) / 《聖嚴法師一○八自在語》應用於國小三年級寫作教學之研究=108 adages of wisdom by Master Sheng Yen in Writing Teaching for the Third Grade in Elementary School |
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419. |
國立臺北藝術大學  |
2004 |
2 |
林怡吟 (撰) / 台灣北部釋教儀式之南曲研究=A study of the “Nan - Chü” at Shyh — Jiaw rites in northen Taiwan |
黃玉潔 (撰) / 台灣佛光山道場體系瑜伽燄口儀式音樂研究=A Study of the“Yuqie Yankou”Ritual Music of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple System in Taiwan |
國立臺北藝術大學  |
1999 |
1 |
鍾碧芬 (撰) / 北朝石佛三尊像之研究 |
| | | |
420. |
國立臺北護理健康大學  |
2021 |
1 |
謝侑芯 (著)=Hsien, Yu-hsin (au.) / 持名念佛與身心靈療癒之研究=A Study on Buddha Recitation and Healing with Body, Mind and Spirit |
國立臺北護理健康大學  |
2018 |
2 |
陳雯美 (撰)=Chen, Wen-mei (compose) / 探討喪親佛教助念團志工之利他角色轉變經驗=A Study on the Changing Experiences of Altruistic Roles of the Buddhist Chanting Assistance Groups Bereavement Care for Survivors Volunteers |
潘婉琳 (著)=Pan, Wan-lin (au.) / 正念分娩與育兒課程介入對懷孕婦女壓力、焦慮、憂鬱、生產自我效能及生產結果的影響=Efficacy of a Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting Education Program on Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Childbirth Self-Efficacy and Obstetric Outcomes of Pregnant Women |
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421. |
國立臺東大學  |
2020 |
1 |
張雅慧 (撰) / 線條‧律動 張雅慧禪繞畫創作研究與應用=Line‧Rhythm |
國立臺東大學  |
2019 |
1 |
古新德 (著)=Ku, Hsin-Te (au.) / 探究成功鎮觀光發展的跨域合作~以寺廟與教堂為例=The Exploration of Tourism Development on Cross-boundary Cooperation of Chenggong Township—An Example from Church and Temple |
國立臺東大學  |
2017 |
1 |
劉馨予 (撰)=Liu, Hsin-yu (compose) / 禪的訓練課程對促進輕度自閉症高職學生自我覺察能力之行動研究=The Action Research of Zen Training Course on Promoting Self-Awareness Abilities of the Students with Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder in Vocational High School |
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422. |
國立臺南大學  |
2022 |
1 |
張瓊文 (著)=Chang, Chiung-wen (au.) / 正向思考實驗教學對國小學生正向心理資本、幸福感與情緒管理影響之研究=A study of the influence on positive psychological capital, well-being, and emotional management of elementary school students by teaching positive-thinking |
國立臺南大學  |
2020 |
1 |
鄭羽伶 (著)=Cheng, Yu-Ling (au.) / 府城粧佛工藝的在地化 ―― 「金芳閣」陳金泳及其作品之研究=A Case Study of the localization of Clay/Wooden God Statue Decoration in Tainan: Jin Fang Ge’s Chen Jin-yong and his works |
國立臺南大學  |
2019 |
1 |
徐梓葳 (著)=Hsu, Tzu-Wei (au.) / 安平舊聚落寺廟傳說研究=The Research of An-ping Old Community Temple Legends |
國立臺南大學  |
2016 |
1 |
盧慧玫 (撰)=Lu, Hui-mei (compose) / 隱喻●詮釋 ─ 佛教「空」「色」主題 的禪意表現水墨創作研究=Metaphor and Interpretation: Explore the Representation of Zen in Ink Painting Based on the “Emptiness and Form”in Buddhism |
國立臺南大學  |
2015 |
1 |
紀俊吉 (著)=Chi, Chun-chi (au.) / 釋聖嚴道德教育思想之探究=Sheng Yen’s Thinking of Moral Education |
國立臺南大學  |
2014 |
1 |
郭碧華 (著)=Kuo, Pi-hua (au.) / 聖嚴法師「悲智雙運之心靈環保」思想與實踐研究=""To Make the Human Mind Better WithCompassion and Wisdom"" in Thought and Practice of Master Sheng-Yen |
國立臺南大學  |
2 |
黃志忠 (撰)=Huang, Chih-chung (compose) / 禪宗五家七宗之形成及其教育風格=The Developments of Zen's Five Branches Seven Sects and Their Educational Styles |
黃勤聯 (著)=Huang, Chin-lien (au.) / 《六祖壇經》的思想與修行方法研究 |
| | | |
423. |
國立臺南大學國語文學系碩士班  |
2016 |
1 |
林忱薇 (著)=Lin, Chen-wei (au.) / 弘一大師律學之研究=A Study On Master Hong-Yi’s Vinaya |
| | | |
424. |
國立臺南師範學院  |
2000 |
1 |
黃慧琍 (撰)=Huang, Hui-li (compose) / 藏傳佛教在台發展初探--以台南地區的藏傳佛教團體為研究對象=The First Research of Tibetan Traditional Buddhism's Development--Base on the Tibetan Tradition Buddhism's Group in Tainan Area |
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425. |
國立臺南藝術大學  |
2010 |
1 |
廖秋茹 (撰)=Liao,Chiu Ju (compose) / 台灣佛教鼓山往生儀軌及音樂研究=Buddhist Death Ritual of Gushan Tradition in Taiwan |
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426. |
國立臺南藝術學院  |
1999 |
1 |
蕭玉真 (撰) / 中國維摩造像的起源與開展--以隋唐敦煌維摩變壁畫為研究重心 |
國立臺南藝術學院  |
1998 |
1 |
詹獻坤 (撰)=Jan, Hsien-kun (compose) / "中觀"之體悟與實踐 |
| | | |
427. |
國立臺南藝術學院=Tainan National College of the Arts  |
2001 |
1 |
簡鸝媯 (撰)=Chien, Li-kuei (compose) / 北齊青州地區佛教石造像風格問題研究=An Inquiry Into the Style of Qingzhou Buddhist Sculpture of the Northern Qi Period(550-577 A.D.) |
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428. |
國立臺灣大學  |
2022 |
5 |
王美瑤 (撰)=Wang, Mei-Yao (compose) / 佛教禪修引發身心轉化之實踐理路=Practical Approaches to Mental and Physical Transformation Through Buddhist Meditation |
廖昱甄 (著)=Liao, Yu-zhen (au.) / 個人化書目管理應用工具 - 以臺大佛學數位圖書館為例=Personalized Bibliographic Management and Application Tool: Taking Digital Library of Buddhist Studies of National Taiwan University as an Example |
劉政明 (撰)=Liu, Cheng-Ming (compose) / 《大法鼓經》以如來藏視角為導向的大般涅槃=The Mahā-parinirvāṇa from the Perspective of Tathāgata-garbha Based on the Mahā-bherī-hāraka-parivarta |
蔡鴻謨 (著)=Tsai, Hong-mo (au.) / 佛學書目自動化標記與後分類應用研究=Automated Tagging and Post-Classification Analysis of Bibliographies of Buddhist Studies |
簡至佑 (撰)=Chien, Zyo (compose) / 從時間空到究竟解脫──阿含經典為依據之時間哲學探究=From the Emptiness of Time to Nirvanic Liberation: An Inquiry into Philosophy of Time Based on the Āgama sūtras |
國立臺灣大學  |
2021 |
5 |
朱玉正 (著)=Ju, Yu-jeng (au.) / 是誰在恍神?探討個體注意力覺察傾向、身體覺察能力與工作記憶廣度在不同作業情境下對心神漫遊傾向的影響=Who Is Mind Wandering? Examining the Effects Of Mindfulness Trait, Body Awareness, Working Memory Capacity on Mind Wandering Under Different Conditions |
李昀蔚 (著)=Lee, Yun-Wei (au.) / 唐代小說中的長安寺院空間研究=The temples in Chang’an in Tang Dynasty Novels |
楊凡煙 (著)=Yang, Fan-yen (au.) / 導向生命療癒的佛教子胎倫理:以《雜阿含經》、《大寶積經》為主要依據=A Buddhist Healing Approach to Ethical Issues of Abortion: Based on the Saṃyuktāgama-sūtra and Mahā-ratnakūṭa-sūtra |
蔡松穎 (著)=Tsai, Sung-ying (au.) / 官僚、喇嘛、晉商與歸化城(1634-1911):權力網絡的分析=Bureaucracy, Lamas, Shanxi Merchants, and Guihua City (1634-1911): An Analysis of Power Networks |
竇逸凡 (著)=Dou, Yi-Fan (au.) / 以鏡喻心——王龍溪論「無」的哲學分析=Taking the Heart as a Mirror: A Philosophical Analysis of “Nonbeing(wu)” in Wang Longxi’s Philosophy |
國立臺灣大學  |
2020 |
2 |
邱仕鑫 (撰)=Chiou, Shih-hsin (compose) / 吉藏《金剛般若疏》的心相觀哲學=Jizang’s Philosophy of the Relation Between Mind and Phenomenon from Commentary on the Diamond Sutra |
張加欣 (撰)=Chang, Chia-hsing (compose) / 曇曜五窟石窟形制與造像風格研究=A Study of Five Caves of Tan-Yao: Focus on Cave Structure and Sculpture Style |
國立臺灣大學  |
2019 |
6 |
王淑貞 (著)=Wang, Shu-chen (au.) / 正念介入措施對護理師情緒、專業生活品質、自我慈悲、和睡眠品質成效之研究=Effects of Mindfulness Interventions on the Emotions, Professional Quality of Life, Self-Compassion, and Sleep Quality of Nurses |
莊慈 (著)=Tzu Chuang (au.) / 敦煌莫高窟323窟研究=A study of cave 323 at Dunhuang, Mogao Grottoes |
郭珮君 =Kuo, Pei-chun / 教團、儀式、權力:東亞文化交流中的天台佛教=Sangha, Rituals, and Power: Tiantai/Tendai Buddhism in East Asian Cultural Interactions |
趙婉婷 (著)=Chao, Wan-Ting (au.) / 自在悠遊的世界觀——聖嚴法師的和平思想與國際行動個案研究=The Self-Mastering and Boundless Worldview: A Case Study of Master Sheng Yen’s Teachings on Peace and International Action |
劉怡寧 (著)=Liu, Yi-ning (au.) / 宗教治理與文化創新:台灣人間佛教的現代性=Governmentality, Religion and Cultural Innovation: The Modernity of Taiwan Humanistic Buddhism |
謝文綺 (撰)=Hsieh, Wen-chi (compose) / 唐代華嚴宗人的唯心思想=On the Mind-Only Thought of Tang Dynasty Huayan School Monks |
國立臺灣大學  |
2018 |
2 |
王瀚磊 (著)=Wang, Han-Lei (au.) / 基於深度學習之敦煌壁畫復原之研究=Dunhuang Mural Restoration using Deep Learning |
劉啓霖 (撰)=Liu, Chi-lin (compose) / 《善勇猛般若經》之「一切法不可說」的語言哲學探究=An Inquiry into Philosophy of Language Centered on the “Ineffability of All Related Factors” in the Suvikrāntavikrāmi-Paripṛcchā |
國立臺灣大學  |
2017 |
5 |
包蕾 (撰) / 《解深密經》的真理觀=The Theory of Truth in the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra |
李忠達 (著)=Lee, Chung-ta (au.) / 擁抱禪悟──晚明越中地區王學的思想與佛教信仰=Embracing Zen Enlightenment: The Philosophy and Buddhist Faith of Late Ming Wang Yang-Ming School in Yue-Zhong Area |
李明書 (撰)=Lee, Ming-shu (compose) / 佛教經典視角的性別哲學研究=Philosophy of Gender Seen from the Buddhist Sutra Perspective |
鄭剛 (撰)=Cheng, Kang (compose) / 以禪修檢視與超越認知之障礙——以阿含經典與《解深密經》為主要依據=An Examination and Transcendence of the Hindrances to Cognition by Meditative Practices: According to the Āgama-sūtras and the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra |
蕭哲沅 (撰)=Hsiao, Che-yuan (compose) / 以佛教緣起與空性反思性別平等之觀念=Reflections on Gender Equality with the Concepts of Conditioned Co-arising and Emptiness in Buddhism |
國立臺灣大學  |
2016 |
2 |
陳靜芳 (著)=Chen, Ching-fang (au.) / 明末曹洞宗博山無異元來禪師研究=The Study of the late Ming Caodong Master Wuyi Yuanlai |
凃均翰 (著)=Tu, Chun-han (au.) / 佛教生命倫理學對臨終倫理議題之探究=Research into Issues of Death and Dying from Perspectives of Buddhist Bioethics |
國立臺灣大學  |
2014 |
1 |
劉政明 (撰)=Liu, Cheng-Ming (compose) / 佛教對於器官捐贈倫理爭議的解決方案 ── 以《雜阿含經》和《大般若經》為依據=A Buddhist Approach to the Controversies of Organ Donation Ethics: Based on Saṁyuktāgama-sūtra and Prajnāpāramitā-sūtra |
國立臺灣大學  |
2012 |
1 |
郭珮君 (著)=Kuo, Pei-chun (au.) / 《金光明經》的護國思想與古代日本的國家:以天武朝為中心(673-686)=The Idea of State Protection in Sutra of Golden Light And The State in Ancient Japan: Focusing on Emperor Tenmu’s Reign (673-686) |
國立臺灣大學  |
2005 |
1 |
黃克先 (撰)=Huang, Ke-hsien (compose) / 原鄉、居地與天家:外省第一代的流亡經驗與改宗歷程=Homeland, Host Country and Heaven: the Diaspora Experience and Conversion Prcocess of the first-generation mainlanders |
國立臺灣大學  |
2004 |
1 |
王儷蓉 (撰)=Wang, Li-jung (compose) / 普門化紅顏:中國觀音變女神之探究=From Divine God To Human Goddess: On The Transformation Of Avalokitesvara In China. |
國立臺灣大學  |
2000 |
4 |
江燦騰 (撰)=Jiang, Cian-teng (compose) / 殖民統治與宗教同化的困境--日據時期台灣新佛教運動得頓挫與轉型 |
徐惠芬 (撰)=Hsu, Hui-fen (compose) / 多版本佛經文獻之檢索及瀏覽系統設計=Design of a Searching and Browsing System for Multiple-Version Buddhist Scriptures |
郭維茹 (撰)=Kuo, Wei-ju (compose) / 句末助詞「來」, 「去」:禪宗語錄之情態體系研究 |
藤井康子 (撰)=Yasuko Fujii (compose) / 日治時期台灣中學校之形成-教育目的・制度・背後支柱- |
國立臺灣大學  |
1999 |
1 |
林智莉 (撰)=Lin, Chih-li (compose) / 現存元人宗教劇研究 |
國立臺灣大學  |
1998 |
1 |
嚴雅美 (撰)=Yen, Ya-mei (compose) / 《潑墨仙人》研究=The Research of the "Ink-sprashed Immortal" |
國立臺灣大學  |
1997 |
3 |
趙淑華 (撰)=Chao, Shu-hua (compose) / 《阿含經》的慈悲思想="Compassion" in the Agamas |
賴惠芬 (撰)=Lai, Huey-fen (compose) / 佛所教空--龍樹《中論》第18品研究=The Buddha's teaching:A study in the eighteenth chapter of the Mulamadhyamakakarika |
謝振發 (撰)=Shieh, Cheng-fa (compose) / 雲岡第七八雙窟之研究=The Study of a Double Cave Ⅶ and Ⅷ in Yun-kang Caves |
國立臺灣大學  |
1996 |
1 |
葉佳玫 (撰)=Yeh, Jia-mei (compose) / 敦煌莫高窟隋代420窟研究=Tunhuang Cave 420:A Case Study in Buddhist Art of Sui Dynasty |
國立臺灣大學  |
1995 |
1 |
陳韻如 (撰)=Chen, Yun-ru (compose) / 吳彬佛教人物畫風研究=Wu Bin's Buddhist Figure Paintings |
國立臺灣大學  |
1994 |
1 |
陳慧宏 (著)=Chen, Hui-hong (au.) / 敦煌莫高窟早期的千佛圖 |
國立臺灣大學  |
1993 |
1 |
劉玉榮 (撰) / 《大乘起信論》「一心」概念之研究--以元曉《海東疏》之詮釋為中心=Invesigation on the Concept of "One Mind" in The Awakening of Mahayana Faith --Focus on Yuan-Shao`s interpretation on Haitong- shu |
國立臺灣大學  |
1992 |
1 |
朴成文 (撰)=Pu, Cheng-wen (compose) / 吉藏的中道佛性思想方法之研究 |
國立臺灣大學  |
1990 |
4 |
陳素卿 (撰)=Chen, Su-qing (compose) / 金剛般今若經空義的研究 |
萬文倩 (撰) / 論斯賓諾莎「倫理學」中的實體概念與「智者自由」的觀點二者之間的形上學關係 |
鄭正姬 (撰)=Zheng, Zheng-ji (compose) / 高麗再雕大藏目錄之研究 |
鐘秋玉 (撰)=Zhong, Qiu-yu (compose) / 慈善機構的組織融入, 組織文化與慈善行為:以慈濟功的會為例 |
國立臺灣大學  |
1982 |
1 |
王汎森 (撰)=Wang, Fan-sen (compose) / 章太炎的思想之研究 |
國立臺灣大學  |
1980 |
1 |
李淳玲 (撰)=Li, Chun-ling (compose) / 論「佛說無我」後一切法存在問題 |
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429. |
國立臺灣大學哲學研究所 |
2004 |
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廖宮凰 (撰) / 論法藏對《大乘起信論》中「真妄和合」思想的探討 |
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430. |
國立臺灣大學歷史學研究所  |
2021 |
1 |
黃庭碩 (著)=Huang, Ting-shuo (au.) / 禪運與世緣:唐宋世變下的禪宗及其開展(740-1100)=Chan Buddhism in the Tang-Sung Transition: With Emphasis on Interactions between Environmental Changes and Its Development (740-1100) |
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431. |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2022 |
2 |
許婉妮 (著)=Xu, Wan-Ni (au.) / 「天衣飛揚,滿壁風動」——敦煌壁畫視覺語彙於現代藝術應用之研究=“The sky clothes are flying, the walls are full of wind”-- Application of the Visual Vocabulary of Dunhuang Murals in Modern Art |
龔昭瑋 (著)=Kung, Jau-woei (au.) / 宋.宗曉《法華經顯應錄》研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2021 |
4 |
張佳媛 (著)=Chang, Jia-Yuan (au.) / 洞山禪法與公案及其後世的詮釋與運用=A Study of Dongshan Liangjie and koans interpretation and application of later generations |
莊子儀 (撰)=Chuang, Tzu-Yi (compose) / 元、明時代回鶻文文獻與漢語近代音比較研究 |
陳昱甫 (著)=Chen, Yu-fu (au.) / 從成人到成神:明代吳鵬的生平事蹟與修行轉昇研究=From Manhood to Becoming a Deity: A Study on Wu Peng's Life And His Taoist Practice to Godhood-Promotion in the Ming Dynasty |
劉又慈 (著)=Liu, Yu-Tzu (au.) / 《敦煌琵琶譜》素材運用與詮釋分析-以琵琶曲《高窟餘韻》為例=The Application and Interpretation Analysis of Dunhuang Pipa Scores-Taking Pipa Song "Gaoku Yuyu" as an example |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2020 |
4 |
林郁沛 (著) / 臺北市東區禪修者健康促進生活型態與幸福感相關研究=Study on the Relationship between Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Happiness on Meditator, Eastern Taipei |
倪溎嬪 (著)=Ni, Kuei-Pin (au.) / 明萬曆時期北京寺院修建及其功能之研究=A study of the repairment, construction and functions of Buddhist Temples in Peking during the Wan-Li period of the Ming Dynast |
莊欣耘 (著)=Chuang, Hsin-yun (au.) / 正念介入對職業高爾夫選手心理需求滿足與幸福感的影響:腦造影之研究=The Effect of Mindfulness Training on Professional Golfers’ Basic Psychological Needs Fulfillment and Well-Being: A Neuroimaging Study |
劉憶諄 (著)=Liu, Yi-Chun (au.) / 博物館展示治理實踐─以敦煌主題展示策劃為例=The Governmentality and Practice of Museum Exhibitions: The Case of Curating Dunhuang Exhibitions |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2019 |
6 |
吳慧芸 (著)=Wu, Huei-Yun (au.) / 遼代佛教造像的藝術風格與文化意義 ― 以中台世界博物館所藏造像為例=The Art of Buddhist Sculptures and Its Sociocultural Significance in Liao Dynasty―Based on the Collection of Chung Tai World Museum |
康自強 (撰)=Kang, Tzu-chiang (compose) / 王船山氣化生命論研究 ── 儒家氣學、道教內丹學及佛教唯識學的跨界域激盪=A Study of Wang Fuzhi’s Treatise on the Transformation of Qi and Life: A Transdisciplinarity Inspired by the Melding of the Confucian School on Qi, Daoist Inner Alchemy and the Buddhist Yogochara |
廖天雄 (著)=Liao, Tien-Hsiung (au.) / 說一切有部魔思想研究=The Study of Sarvastivada Māra Theory |
廖雅嫻 (撰)=Liao, Ya-hsien (compose) / 如來藏三經一論之研究--以覺囊他空大中觀為主=A study on Tathāgatagarbha three sutras and one śāstra: Focusing on Jonangpa’s Zhentong view of Mahamādhyamaka |
劉凱玲 (著) / 中國佛教文學與近現代知識啟蒙暨歷史書寫 |
鄧少凱 (著)=DeAeth, Duncan Lawrence (au.) / 被發明的傳統: 高金榮與敦煌舞=Gao Jinrong and the Invented Tradition of Dunhuang Dance |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2018 |
3 |
許婉妮 (著)=Xu, Wan-ni (au.) / 形式的美感——探析敦煌壁畫形式美對油畫創作實踐之影響=Form of Beauty—An Analysis of How the Art Form of Dunhuang Frescoes Influenced the Practice of Oil Painting |
楊恕青 (著)=Yang, Shu-Ching (au.) / 林口竹林山觀音寺籤詩研究 |
譚惠琳 (著)=Tan, Hui-Lin (au.) / 初、盛唐時期敦煌壁畫中的山水表現=Manifestation of Landscapes in Dunhuang Murals in the Early Tang Dynasty |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2017 |
5 |
陳美綺 (著)=Chen, Mei-chi (au.) / 正念為本的介入對優秀運動員低潮的影響=Effects and Underlying Processes of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Elite Athletes with Performance Slump |
陳韋辰 (著)=Chen, Wei-chen (au.) / 生命遷流的止息:闡述生命本質之象徵性風景畫創作研究=The Creation and Research of Symbolic Landscape to Elaborate Essence of Life |
楊諮燕 (著)=Yang, Tze-yen (au.) / 正念對青少年心理健康與數學表現之影響=The Effect of Mindfulness on Psychological Health and Mathematics Performance in Adolescence |
劉宜霖 (撰)=Low, Sang-thoi (compose) / 從「道行般若」到「摩訶般若波羅蜜多」:譯經師的重譯之「道」=From Daohang Boruo to Mahāprajñāpāramitā: A History of Re-translation |
釋行心 (撰)=Nguyen, Thi-Kim-Chi (compose) / 越南永嚴寺喃文《安子山陳朝禪宗指南傳心國語行》木刻版本研究=A study on the Nôm engraved in Truc Lam Zen Buddhism woodblocks of Vinh Nghiem Pagoda, Vietnam |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2016 |
4 |
呂慧鈴 (著)=Lu, Hui-Ling (au.) / 重玄與道性:唐代老子學詮釋向度研究=“Twofold Mystery (Chongxuan)” and “Daoist nature”: The study on the interpretation dimension of the Laozi of the Tang Dynasty |
陳昱甫 (著)=Chen, Yu-fu (au.) / 心學比較:以《傳習錄》、《壇經》為底本=Comparison of the Philosophy of Mind: Based on" Chuan Hsi Lu ","Altar Sutra" |
廖學均 (著)=Liaw, Hsueh-chun (au.) / 屠龍矛與金剛甲:童軍諾規銘與佛教菩薩戒之比較研究=Dragon Spear and Vajira Armor - A Comparative Study of the Scout Promise, Law,Motto versus Buddhist Bodhisattva Precepts |
竇敏慧 (撰)=Tou, Min-hui (compose) / 窺基《說無垢稱經疏》的唯識學詮釋=The Interpretation of Vijñapti-mātratā thoughts in Kuiji’s commentary of Vimalakīrti – nirdeśa |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2015 |
1 |
簡汝恩 (撰)=Chien, Ju-en (compose) / 從煩惱到解脫 ── 《唯識三十頌》心所與意義治療學的對話=From Klesa to Liberation ── The Comparison Between Mental Factors in Trimsika-vijnaptimatrata and Logotherapy |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2014 |
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劉綺婷 (著) / 弘一大師李叔同及其作品研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2010 |
1 |
周若珈 (著) / 《宗鏡錄》對唯識哲學中「識」的概念所進行之詮釋與轉化 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2004 |
2 |
林鳳榆 (撰) / 佛教生死服務志願工作者之生命意義追求歷程 |
梁碧茵 (撰)=Liang, Pi-yin (compose) / 雪謙嘉察之「菩薩道:通往成佛之路」之導讀及中譯=Translation and Commentary of Zhechen Gyaltsab's Path of Heroes |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2001 |
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何慧芬 (著) / 禪坐經驗,空性領悟與心理療效之研究=Experiences of Zen Meditators and Revelations of Emptiness: Research into a Mode of Psychotherapy |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
2000 |
2 |
林志秋 (撰)=Lin, Chih-chiu (compose) / 佛祖、太祖與耶穌:羅漢內門宗教信仰之地域性=Fo-tsu, Tai-tsu and Jesus:The Locality of Religions in Luo-han Nei-men |
胡國柱 (著) / 從中古到近世的中國佛教「淨土思想」研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1999 |
3 |
熊毅 (著) / 佛教慈濟慈善事業基金會基隆地區推展資源回收之研究 |
謝時瑩 (著)=Hsieh, Shih-ying (au.) / 由法藏「新十玄」論台灣教育之重建=The Reconstruction of Taiwan's Education According to Fa Tzang's "shin shr shiuan" |
韓子峰 (著) / 天台法華三昧之研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1998 |
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王明雯 (撰) / 自我基模特性與心理健康之關係暨禪修對兩者的影響歷程之研究:以高中職學生為例=The Relationships between Self Schema and Mental Health among High-School Students, and the Influence of Zen Meditation |
楊如雪 (著)=Yang, Ju-hsueh (au.) / 支謙與鳩摩羅什譯經疑問句研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1997 |
3 |
全永淑 (撰) / 唐代敦煌壁畫的內容與風格研究:《墨香、佛緣、禪機》 |
陳雪麗 (著) / 由儒佛的情緒觀論情感教育=On the education of feelings from the Confucianism and Buddhism's emotional views |
蔡纓勳 (撰) / 善導思想之研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1996 |
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邱宜玲 (著)=Giu, Yi-ling (au.) / 台灣北部釋教的儀式與音樂 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1995 |
3 |
朱忠勇 (撰)=Chu, Chung-yung (compose) / 現代神畫:以佛教造像之美感體驗為創作之研究=The Study of Modern Paintology |
陳肇璧 (著)=Cheng, C. P. (au.) / 雍正皇帝與清代佛教=The Emperor Yung-chen and Buddism in Ch'ing Dynasty |
陶文本 (撰)=Tau, Wen-ben (compose) / 慧遠與僧肇般若學的比較研究=A Comparative Study in Prajna Doctrine of Huei-yuan and Sheng-Chau |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1994 |
2 |
張惠玲 (著)=Jang, Huey-ling (au.) / 臺北市佛寺中的觀音像研究=Avalokitesvara Statue in the Temples in Taipei |
魏建達 (撰)=Wey, Chen-da (compose) / 石谿(髡殘)〈報恩寺圖〉研究=Study on Shixi's (K'u-Ts'an)〈Pau-En Temple〉 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1992 |
1 |
安京植 (撰)=An, Jing-zhi (compose) / 唐代淨土宗眾生教化之教育意義 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1990 |
1 |
高雅俐 (撰)=Gao, Ya-li (compose) / 從佛教音樂文化的轉變論佛教音樂在台灣的發展 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1985 |
1 |
蔡纓勳 (撰)=Cai, Ying-xun (compose) / 僧肇般若思想之研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學  |
1980 |
1 |
吳璧雍 (撰) / 西遊記研究 |
| | | |
432. |
國立臺灣師範大學中國文學系研究所  |
2011 |
1 |
蘇欣郁 (著) / 唐禪詩研究 |
| | | |
433. |
國立臺灣師範大學國文研究所  |
2002 |
1 |
周雅清 (著)=Zhou, Ya-qing (au.) / 成玄英思想研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學國文研究所  |
1988 |
1 |
胡順萍 / 六祖壇經思想之承傳與影響 |
國立臺灣師範大學國文研究所 |
1 |
李仁展 (撰) / 覺浪道盛禪學思想研究 |
| | | |
434. |
國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系  |
2010 |
1 |
謝筱梅 (著)=Hseih, Hsiao-mei (au.) / 個人宗教信仰在諮商工作中的呈現與實踐:以佛教背景諮商心理師為例=The effecs of the religious beliefs of counseling psychologists on counseling:Buddhist experience |
| | | |
435. |
國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系  |
2017 |
1 |
鄧淑君 (著) / 明代官版佛教大藏經《永樂北藏》刊印與頒賜研究 |
國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系  |
2016 |
1 |
范國展 (著)=Fan, Kuo-chan (au.) / 李子寬與戰後台灣佛教的發展(1945-1973) |
國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系  |
2006 |
1 |
劉耀仁 (撰) / 清代民間祕密宗教末劫思想之研究 |
| | | |
436. |
國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所  |
2008 |
1 |
吳茵茵 (撰)=Wu, Yin-yin (compose) / 《作為上師的妻子》翻譯自評 -- 操縱過程與形象塑造=Translating Dragon Thunder: My Life with Chögyam Trungpa: Commentary on the Process of Manipulation |
| | | |
437. |
國立臺灣藝術大學  |
2022 |
1 |
黃坤成 (著)=Huang, Kun-cheng (au.) / 禪意・畫境-黃坤成水墨創作研究=Zen Perspective and Artistic Conception - Research on Huang Kuncheng's Ink Painting Creation |
國立臺灣藝術大學  |
2020 |
4 |
李精明 (著)=Li, Jing-ming (au.) / 作爲藝術性生成的博物館:宗教物件展覽中的意義變形=Museums as the Sites of Generation of Artistry: Meaning Transformation of Religious Objects in Exhibition |
許宏再 (著) / 微觀菩提─立體設計創作=Microscopic Bodhi : three-dimensional design creation |
陳彥廷 (著)=Chen, Yen-Ting (au.) / 羅漢造像:陳彥廷水墨繪畫創作研究=The Research of Creativity in Buddhist Arhats – Chen Yen Ting’s Brush Painting |
鄧珮昀 (著)=Teng, Pei-yun (au.) / 臺灣傳統佛教禪宗寺院建築特色初探——以臺南開元禪寺、臺南法華禪寺、五股西雲禪寺為例=The Architectural Features of Traditional Buddhist Zen Temples in Taiwan—Take Tainan Kaiyuan Temple, Tainan Fahua Temple, Wugu Xiyun Temple as examples |
國立臺灣藝術大學  |
2019 |
2 |
林碧麗 (著)=Lin, Pi-li (au.) / 凝眸處‧花開自在─繪畫創作研究=Gazing at the Ease of Efflorescence: A Study of the Creation of Painting |
張雅涵 (著) / 楊靜琵琶作品之分析與詮釋—以《龜兹舞曲》及《夢斷敦煌》為例=An Analysis and Interpretation of Yang Jing’s pipa composition-Example of “Dance Along the old Silk Road” and “Severed Dream of Dunhuang” |
國立臺灣藝術大學  |
2013 |
1 |
陳俊吉 (撰)=Chen, Chun-chi (compose) / 唐五代善財童子造像研究=The research of figures of Sudhana of the Tang and Five Dynasties |
| | | |
438. |
國立藝術學院  |
1999 |
2 |
王鍾承 (著)=Wang, Chung-cheng (au.) / 地藏十王圖像之研究=Iconography of Kshitigarbha and the Ten Kings |
鍾碧芬 (著) / 北朝石佛三尊像之研究 |
國立藝術學院  |
1996 |
2 |
林翠雲 (撰)=Lin, Tsuey-yun (compose) / 四川廣元千佛崖的成立與唐代前期造像藝術 |
賴依縵 (著)=Lai, I-mann (au.) / 唐扶風法門寺塔地宮密教造像小考=Esoteric Buddhist Figures of T'ang Fu-Fong Famen Shrine |
| | | |
439. |
國立體育大學  |
2021 |
1 |
吳治翰 (著)=Wu, Chih-han (au.) / 單次正念訓練對耐力表現與執行功能之影響:事件關聯電位研究 |
國立體育大學  |
2020 |
1 |
吳聰義 (著)=Wu,Tsung-yi (au.) / 正念訓練對射箭運動員運動表現與執行功能之影響=The Effect of Mindfulness Training on the Sport Performance and Executive Functioning in Archers. |
國立體育大學  |
2017 |
1 |
邱逸翔 (著)=Chiu, Yi-hsiang (au.) / 自我對話對動作既能表現之影響:止觀傾向之調節效果=Self-talk and Motor Skill Performance: Moderating Roles of Mindfulness |
| | | |
440. |
國防大學政治作戰學院  |
2018 |
1 |
阮建瑜 (著)=Juan, Chien-Yu (au.) / 「我」之所以孤獨-記述從自我敘說與禪行中逐漸自在之歷程=Loneliness behind Frame-self – The process of feeling free in Self-narration and Zen practicing. |
| | | |
441. |
淡江大學  |
2020 |
1 |
黃素卿 (著)=Huang, Su-Ching (au.) / 謝靈運山水詩研究=On the study of Hsieh Ling-Yun’s landscapes poetry |
淡江大學  |
2019 |
1 |
彭鈺陵 (著)=Peng, Yu-Ling (au.) / 兩岸文化創意產業的政策發展和商業模式―以茶禪文化為例=The Policy Development and Business Model of the Tea-Zen Cultural and Creative Industries in Mainland China and Taiwan |
淡江大學  |
2018 |
1 |
賈蜀瑜 (著)=Chia, Shu-Yu (au.) / 敦煌榆林25窟壁畫研究=Wall Paintings Of The Yulin Cave 25 In Dunhuang |
淡江大學  |
2016 |
2 |
周君璞 (撰)=Chou, Chun-pu (compose) / 《傳習錄》《壇經》修養論與修行觀之比較:從道德主體通過形氣主體至無限親近幾乎當下=Self-clutivation Comparative Study of Instractions forPractical Living and Platform Sutra – from Moral Subjectthrough Body-chi Subject to Infinely close and AlmostImmediate |
顏建益 (著)=Yan, Jian-yi (au.) / 以「唯識所現」探討夢中造業及其受報之爭議=Controversies regarding Karma in Dreams and its Fruition from the Perspective of Vijñapti-Only |
淡江大學  |
2015 |
1 |
楊思芸 (著)=Yang, Szu-yun (au.) / 佛教慈悲與環境保護=Buddhist Compassion and the Protection of the Environment |
淡江大學  |
2009 |
1 |
大野育子 (撰)=Ikuko Ohno (compose) / 日治時期佛教菁英的崛起 – 以曹洞宗駒澤大學台灣留學生為中心=The Appearance of the Buddhism Elites in the Japanese Taiwan Rule Times by Overseas Taiwanese Students of Soto Zen Buddhism Komazawa University |
淡江大學  |
2005 |
1 |
李啟禎 (著) / 譚嗣同思想研究:以《仁學》「衝決網羅」為核心之分析 =Title of Thesis: Research of the thought of Tan Szu-Tung : Analysis based on the “break the restraint” of “Jen-hsueh” |
淡江大學  |
2000 |
1 |
鄭美玲 (撰)=Cheng, Mei-lin (compose) / 以《心經》為基礎建置般若經索引典之探討=A Study of the Possibility of Establishing a Thesaurus of the Praj~naapaaramitaa Scriptures Based upon the Thesaurus Created from the Heart Suutra |
淡江大學  |
1999 |
1 |
張谷洲 (撰)=Chang, Ku-cho (compose) / 康僧會《六度集經》思想之研究=A Study of the Main Ideas in "A Collection of the Six Perfection"(Sat-Paramita--Samgiti)Translated and Compiled by Kang Seng Huei |
淡江大學  |
1998 |
2 |
周美慧 (著) / 《慾望街車》布蘭姬 - 執迷不悟:禪=Blanche's Attachment in A Streetcar Named Desire: A Zen Approach |
陳祖雯 (撰) / 談詹姆士.喬依斯的《自我放逐》中理查.羅旺的禪悟=Richard Rowan's Zen enlightenment in James Joyce's Exiles |
淡江大學  |
1987 |
1 |
杜鍾敏 (撰)=Du, Zhong-ming (compose) / 從表現主義及佛學觀點看「空籠故事」 |
| | | |
442. |
淑徳大学  |
2000 |
1 |
尹賢淑 (著)=ユン, ヒョンスク (au.) / 韓国における仏教福祉活動と仏教的ターミナルケア=The Welfare Activities of Buddhists and Buddhistic Terminal Care in Korea |
| | | |
443. |
逢甲大學  |
2021 |
2 |
張婉真 (著)=Chang, Wan-chen (au.) / 非都市土地農業用地變更作宗教用地使用之可行性研究-以雲林縣古坑鄉「慈光寺」為例=Feasibility Study on Changing Non-Urban Land Agricultural Land for Religious Land Use-Taking Yunlin Ciguang Temple as an Example |
楊玉雲 (著)=Yang, Yu-yun (au.) / 華枝春滿,天心月圓──弘一大師生平及其學行研究=Flowers Fully Blossom in the Spring, Bright Full Moon Shines in the Sky——Exploring the Life, Conduct, and Knowledge of Master Hong Yi |
逢甲大學  |
2020 |
5 |
李國豪 (著)=Lee, Kao-Hau (au.) / 從消費者行為觀點探討社會行銷在宗教型非營利組織的運用 ─ 以中華淨土宗協會為例=Consumer Behavior Perspectives on Application of Social Marketing for Religious Non-profit Organizations:A Case Study of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association |
陳遵旭 (著)=Chen, Zun-hsiu (au.) / 探析臺灣民間信仰中童子圖像的運用與信仰功能 - 以艋舺龍山寺持蓮童子為中心=Analyzing the Application and Belief Function of Boy Images in Taiwan's Folk Beliefs-Centering on the boy holding the lotus in Mengjia Longshan Temple |
曾淑華 (撰)=Tseng, Shu-hua (compose) / 慈悲、禪境與詩心 ─ 以惠能《六祖壇經》為基點的考察=Compassion, Zen, and the Mind of Poetry: A Study on The Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch by Master Huineng |
楊純昌 (著)=Yang, Chun-Chan (au.) / 金棺銀槨─試論唐代舍利容器型態轉變與其佛教中國化的現象=Golden coffin and silver coffin the Transformation ofRelic Vessels in Tang Dynasty And the sinicization ofBuddhism |
魏猷恩 (著)=Wei, Yu-en (au.) / 唐代墓誌書法研究=A Study on Calligraphy of Epitaphs in the Tang Dynasty |
逢甲大學  |
2019 |
1 |
黃昊帟 (著)=Huang, Hao-Yi (au.) / 921集集大地震中寺廟倒塌之主要原因:剪裂帶錯動=The Major Cause of Temple Collapsed in the Jiji Earthquake: Shear Banding |
逢甲大學  |
2018 |
1 |
王金蘭 (著)=Wang, Jin-Lan (au.) / 無量壽經在生活與商業的應用=The Application of Abundant Life Sutra in Life and Business |
逢甲大學  |
2017 |
1 |
Liao, Jen-sheng (著)=廖仁聖 (au.) / The Study of The Eight Consciousnesses and Intuition: Toward Ethical Decision-Making=八識與直覺對道德決策之研究 |
逢甲大學  |
2016 |
1 |
邱君亮 (著) / 漢藏彌陀極樂淨土法門之比較=A Comparison of the Pure Land Methods Pertaining Amitabha Buddha’s World of Ultimate Bliss as Taught in Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism |
逢甲大學  |
2012 |
1 |
曾淑華 (著)=Tzeng, Shwu-hwa (au.) / 《五家語錄》禪僧詩偈頌贊研究 |
逢甲大學  |
1999 |
2 |
王昭仁 (著) / 唐代傳奇與譬喻類佛典之關係研究 |
周宏芷 (著) / 敦煌陷蕃詩歌研究 |
逢甲大學  |
1997 |
1 |
陳麗雀 (著)=Chen, Li-chuen (au.) / 吐蕃占領期敦煌僧侶邈真贊研究=A Study of Monk's Portrait Eulogies during Tufan's Rule of Dunhuang |
逢甲大學  |
1995 |
1 |
游炎輝 (撰)=You, Larry (compose) / 敦煌寫經書法研究=A Study on Calligraphy of Scripture-writing of Tunhuang |
| | | |
444. |
逢甲大學土地管理學系  |
2016 |
1 |
賴淑珍 (著) / 一貫道發一崇德道場之發展與分布──以自逢甲伙食團畢業之點傳師開設之公共佛堂為例=The Development and Distribution of Fa-Yi-Chong-De, I-Kuan Tao:A Case Study of Public Temples Settled by Masters who Graduated from Feng-Chia School-Board Group |
| | | |
445. |
景文科技大學  |
2018 |
1 |
黃宥霖 (著)=Haung, You-lin (au.) / 綠色寺廟可行性之研究=The Feasibility Study of Green Temple |
| | | |
446. |
朝陽科技大學  |
2019 |
1 |
龔鳳珍 (著)=Kung, Feng-Cheng (au.) / 日常老和尚教育思想融入幼兒園教育之研究=Study on the Education Thought of the Master Jih-Chang Infusing into the Preschool Education |
| | | |
447. |
湖南師範大學=Hunan Normal University  |
2003 |
1 |
梁堂華 / 安祥禪的倫理意蘊=Ethics Thoughts of An-hsiang Zen |
| | | |
448. |
華中師範大學=Central China Normal University  |
2006 |
2 |
阮氏桃 / 禪宗與現代心理療法=Zen and Modern Psychotherapy |
阮勇 (著)=Nguyen, Dung (au.) / 佛教唯識論與西方心理學=Buddhist Mere-Consciousness Theory and Modern Psychology |
| | | |
449. |
華中師範大學=HuaZhong Normal University  |
2007 |
1 |
呂艷敏 / 禪修與心理咨詢師的個人成長=Cultivate Oneself According to Doctrine of Zen and Individual Growth of Psychological Helpers |
| | | |
450. |
華東師範大學  |
2017 |
1 |
顧毳 (著) / 從「空有諍論」到「空有融合」:寂護思想研究 |
| | | |
451. |
華東師範大學=East China Normal University  |
2006 |
1 |
楊進福 / 蓮池思想研究=A Study on the Thought of Lian-chi |
| | | |
452. |
華南師範大學=South China Normal University  |
2003 |
1 |
劉劍鋒 / 竺道生頓悟思想研究 |
| | | |
453. |
華梵人文科技學院  |
1997 |
3 |
楊惠宇 (著)=Yang, Huey-yu (au.) / 試論色法存在的客觀本質:以唯識思想與科學理論作為說明依據=Discourse on the Objective Essence of the Existence of Rupa-dharma--Based on Vijnapti-matrata and Scientific Theories |
蔡朝枝 (著)=Tsai, Chao-chih (au.) / 天台安樂行之研究=A Study of An Le Hsing in T'ien-T'ai Buddhism |
簡秀娥 (著) / <維摩詰經>禪觀之研究 |
華梵人文科技學院  |
1996 |
3 |
吳美鈴 (著)=Wu, Mei-ling (au.) / 由禪的「解構」義探討其與文學創作的關係=The Deconstruction of Zen And Literary Creation |
楊懿恭 (著) / 唐代敦煌「法華經變」研究=A Study about the Murals of the Lotus Sutra in Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang |
楊懿恭 (著)=Yang, Yi-kung (au.) / 唐代敦煌法華經變研究=A Study about the Murals of the Lotus Sutra in Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang |
| | | |
454. |
華梵大學  |
2023 |
9 |
李素鈴 (著)=Lee, Su-ling (au.) / 論佛學義理結合當代東方書法造形美感的研究與創作=The Research on The Essences of Buddhism Referred to The Creation of The Chinese Aesthetics Associated with Calligraphy |
莊雅芬 (著)=Chuang, Ya-fang (au.) / 心如工畫師佛法在生活中的藝術實踐=The Mind is Like a Painter:The Practices of Buddhist in Art and Life |
許銘 (著)=Hsu, Ming (au.) / 《楞嚴經》以「捨識用根」證「六根圓通」--以交光真鑑的《正脉疏》為主=A Study of "the Abandonment of Consciousness and the Adoption of the Sense Organs" in the Surangama Sutra to Obtain " the Perfection of the Six Sense Organs "―based on the Jiaoguang Zhenjian’s Zheng Mai Shu |
黃秋媚 (著)=Huang, Chiu-mei (au.) / 真如‧自證—黃秋媚禪意水墨畫創作論述=True State of Things and Inner Assurance: Zen Creation Discourse About Ink Painting of Huang, Chiu-Mei |
楊豐州 (著)=Yang, Feng-chou (au.) / 天台茶禪 ——《小止觀》運用於夷岩茶的理論建構與實踐=Tiantai Tea Zen - A Theoretical Construction and Practice of "Xiao Zhi Guan" Applied to Wuyi Rock Tea |
廖美惠 (著)=Liao, Mei-hui (au.) / 宋持扇彌勒源流之研究=A Study on the Origin and Development of the Maitreya with Fan Portrait of the Song Dynasty |
賴月英 (著)=Lai, Yuen-ying (au.) / 慧照動禪:論太極動禪相映如來藏思想之研究=A Creative Study of the 18 Dynamic Kung-Fu Stances Referred to Taiji Quan Reveals the Tathagatagarbha of Chan |
簡明娟 (著)=Chien, Ming–chuan (au.) / 《妙法蓮華經》「心念」思想應用於「長期照護」之研究 ——以〈觀世音菩薩普門品〉為主=Research on the Application of "Mind Thought" in Miaofa Lotus Sutrato "Long-term Care“——Focus on "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Universal Gate" |
譚凝慶 (著)=Tan, Ning-ching (au.) / 《土鵝爸爸到哪去了?》佛教護生兒童繪本創作研究=“Where Has The Goose Father Gone ?”:Picture Book Creation and Study of Buddhist Life Conservation |
華梵大學  |
2022 |
13 |
吳光明 (著)=Wu, Guang-ming (au.) / 《金剛經》修持法要—以江味農居士《金剛經講義》爲核心=The Essentials of the Diamond Sutra Practice—With Jiang Wei Nong's Diamond Sutra Lecture as the Core |
李梅華 (著)=Lee, Mei-Hua (au.) / 《華嚴經》善根之研究──以菩薩階位為主=A Study on the Roots of Goodness in the Huayan Sutra with a Focus on the Stages of Bodhisattva Practice |
汪育朱 (著)=Wang, Yu-chu (au.) / 曉雲法師禪畫中的《高僧山居詩》之研究=The Study of the Poem Eminent Monk in the Mountain Abode within the Zen Painting of Ven. Hiu Wan |
汪育樹 (著)=Wang, Yu-shu (au.) / 觀音菩薩造像之研究=The Study of Sculptures of Bodhisattva Guanyin |
林秀蘭 (著)=Lin, Hsiu-lan (au.) / 佛教經典成為論書過程之研究―以《雜阿含經》、《眾集經》與《集異門足論》為中心=Research on the process from Buddhist Canon to Abhidharma ― around on Samyuktagama, Samgiti Sutra & Dharmasamgani |
施曉君 (著)=Shih, Hsiao-chun (au.) / 敦煌石窟探討兼論20世紀畫家對敦煌藝術之貢獻 |
徐廷華 (著)=Hsu, Ting-hua (au.) / 吠檀多哲學與莊子思想的比較研究=Comparison Between Vedanta Philosophy and Zhuang Zi Thought |
張芯畇 (著) / 論彌陀淨土之疑難與消解:以《淨土十疑論》為探討依據=A Study on Eliminating the Doubts about Western Pure Land Based on the Ten Doubts about Pure Land |
曾妙燁 (著)=Tseng, Miao-Yeh (au.) / 《圓覺經》修行要義研究=A Study for Essentials of Practice in the Yuanjue jing |
黃慧芝 (著)=Wong, Wai-chi (au.) / 《佛說八大人覺經》之研究=A Study on Eight Realizations of Bodhisattva Sutra |
萬伶芳 (著)=Wang, Ling-fang (au.) / 《大般若波羅蜜多經》與 《大般涅槃經》涅槃義理研究=The “Nirvāṇa” in the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra and Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra |
劉美奇 (著)=Liu, Mei-chi (au.) / 清末民初佛教與美術文化的轉換=A Cultural Turn on Buddhism and Art in the Late Qing and Early Republic of China |
釋演日 (著)=Shi, Yan-ri (au.) / 論如來藏思想之成佛之道-- 以《地藏菩薩本願功德經》為核心=The Path to Buddhahood as Revealed in Tathagata-garbha— centered on the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Purraprandidhana Sutra |
華梵大學  |
2021 |
14 |
古慧嬋 (著)=Ku, Hui-chan (au.) / 《華嚴念佛三昧論》對般若、華嚴與念佛法門融會之研究=On the Integration of "Prajñā", Huayan and the Dharmagate of Buddha-Mindfulness--Based on the "Samādhi of Buddha-Mindfulness in the MVBA-sutra" |
吳金滔 (著) / 漢譯《法華經》在越南的弘傳與實踐=The Propagation and Practice of the Chinese Translation of The Lotus Sutra in Vietnam |
吳絮薇 (著)=Wu, Hsu-wei (au.) / 《楞嚴經》諮商理論與實務之探究=A Probe into the Counseling Theory and Practice in the Shurangama Sutra |
林枟萓 (著) / 夢參老和尚弘揚《占察善惡業報經》研究=Research of Venerable Master Meng Tsan Promoted on The Zhancha Shan'e Yebao Jing |
涂進財 (著)=Tu, Chin-tsai (au.) / 曉雲導師藝術思想研究=A Study of Master Hiu-Wan’s Artistic Thoughts |
游雪惠 (著)=Yu, Hsueh-Hui (au.) / 淨源《華嚴普賢行願修證儀》研究=Study on Jingyuan’s Huayan Practice and Cultivation Liturgy |
劉晏均 (著)=Liu, Yen-chun (au.) / 現代勝鬘:孫張清揚居士與戰後臺灣佛教=Modern Śrīmālā: Lay Buddhist Ching-Yang (Mme Sun Li-jen) and the Post-War Taiwanese Buddhism |
劉倢羽 (著)=Liu, Chieh-Yu (au.) / 從《西藏生死書》的生死智慧探究生命責任=The Study of Life Responsibility from the " The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying " |
蔡岳展 (著)=Tsai, Yueh-chan (au.) / 梵網經菩薩戒研究=A case study of Bodhisattva Precepts of Brahma Net Sutra |
羅海濤 (著)=Luo, Hai-tao (au.) / 從「體、相、用」論中國觀音繪畫=A Study of Guanyin Painting from the Theory of “Ti, Xiang & Yong” |
羅婕伃 (著) / 極樂世界之情器莊嚴—以淨土三經為探討依據=A Study on the Environment and Sentient Beings of Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in Three Sutras of the Pure-Land Buddhism |
羅慧雯 (著)=Lo, Hui-wen (au.) / 彌陀淨土往生條件研究=A Study on the Conditions for Rebirth in Amitabha's Pure Land |
釋如意 (著)=Sia, Siew-lee (au.) / 《楞嚴經》生死學之研究=Research on Life-and-Death Studies of the Surangama Sutra |
釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.) / 《摩奴法典》人類思想的演變成為宗教起點來源=“The Laws of Manu” The Beginning of Religious History Which Was Formulated from Human Philosophy |
華梵大學  |
2020 |
12 |
王怡婷 (著)=釋耀閔 (au.) / 法雨山普宜苑僧伽教育探討=Study on Sangha Education of Fa Yu Shan Pu-Yi Yuan Monastery |
林達立 (著)=Lin, Da-li (au.) / 儒佛利他思想的比較研究=A Comparative Study of Altruistic Ideology between Confucianism and Buddhism |
翁翠苓 (著)=Weng, Tsui-ling (au.) / 章安灌頂《大般涅槃經》注疏之研究=A study of Zhangan Guanding’s Commentary on Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra |
張曉童 (著)=Zhang, Xiao-tong (au.) / 禪宗思想對中國當代藝術之影響=The Influence of Zen Thought on Chinese Contemporary Art |
陳氏宣 (著)=Tran, Thi-Tuyen (au.) / 唯識宗本經:《解深密經》思想的初探=A Preliminary Study of Concepts in Noble Sūtra of The Explanation of The Profound Secrets, The Fundamental Sūtra of Consciousness-Only School |
黃氏金 / 大勢至菩薩法門探討 ──以《楞嚴經.念佛圓通章》為主=Probing into the Dharma Gates of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva ─ based on The Perfect Penetration of Being Mindful of the Buddha in Surangama Sutra |
簡意濤 (著)=Chien, I-tao (au.) / 現代佛教寺院經營永續性之研究:以台灣佛教社會企業為探討中心=A Study on the Contemporary Buddhism Temples Management Sustainability:The Case of Buddhism Social Enterprise in Taiwan |
蘇正民 (著)=Su, Cheng-ming (au.) / 元音老人心中心之研究 |
釋明高 (著) / 上座部佛教的社會理念與現代生活的運用=The Idea of Society in Theravāda Buddhism and the Application on the Modern Lives |
釋善想 (著)=Shi, Shan-sean (au.) / 蕅益智旭的圓教思想與實踐:以《大乘起信論裂網疏》為主=The Perfect Teaching Philosophy and Practices of 《The Explanation of Awakening of Faith in Mahayana》of Ouyi-Zhixu |
釋聖因 (著) / 天台智者大師思想中 「不二」教理之研究=A Study of the Doctrine of ‘Non-duality’in Tiantai Master Zhizhe’s Thoughts |
釋慧如 (著)=阮氏秋霜 (au.) / 一行禪師「入世佛教」思想之研究=A Study on Engaged Buddhist Thought of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh |
華梵大學  |
2019 |
15 |
王明聰 (著)=Wang, Ming-Tsong (au.) / 依仁游藝,藝與道合:初探曉雲導師的禪畫意境哲思=Practicing Art with Benevolence and Combining Art with Buddhism ― A Preliminary Exploration on the Artistic Conception Philosophical Thinking of Master Hiu-wan's Ch’an Paintings |
古惠珠 (著)=Ku, Hui-chu (au.) / 從《金剛經》反思 國中數學老師的教學現況=Reflection on the Teaching Current State of Math Teachers in Junior High Schools from the Diamond Sutra |
呂有勝 (著) / 劉勰文學三原論思想探賾=A Research for the Thought of Liu Hsieh's Three Origins of Literature |
張佳弘 (著)=Chang, Jia-horng (au.) / 論圓覺經的教化藝術=A Study on the Art of Teaching of The Sutra of Complete Enlightenment |
許慧敏 (著)=Hsu, Hui-ming (au.) / 《華嚴經•入法界品》菩薩行之研究=A Study of Bodhisattva Practice in the Gaṇḍavyūha Chapter of the Avataṃsaka Sūtra |
陳冠甄 (著)=釋音遠 (au.) / 地藏思想及其演化之研究=The Study of Kṣitagarbhas Thoughts and Evolution |
陳淑梅 (著)=Chen, Shu-mei (au.) / 入世證菩提:當代臺灣人間佛教思想的爭辯與開展=Engaging in the Mundane World to Attest Bodhi-The Contestation and Development of 〝Humanistic Buddhism〞Thought in Contemporary Taiwan |
陳鳳娥 (著)=Chen, Feng-er (au.) / 《與神同行―罪與罰》中《佛說壽生經》與佛教《金剛經》的德福觀之對比研究=A Comparative Study about the Conception of Virtue-Happiness between Buddha Speaks the Life and Repaying Sutra and The Diamond of Perfect Wisdom Sutra |
雲惠遠 (著) / 鈴木大拙禪茶思想之內涵及其根源=The Source and Connotation of D.T. Suzuki’s Zen and the Art of Tea |
黃武達 (著)=Huang, Wu-da (au.) / 從腦電波看不同守緣處的抗環境干擾程度之研究=Measurement of "anti- exterior disturbance ability" for different meditation's engagement positions with brainwave signal |
劉于甄 (著) / 道信禪師《入道安心要方便法門》研究=The Study of Master Daoxin’s “The Suitable Method of Attaining Contemplation and Enlightened of Mind” |
衛雲霞 (著)=Wei, Yun-hsia (au.) / 《維摩詰經》文本結構義理闡析=An Exposition of Vimalakīrti-Nirdeśa- Sūtra’s Textural Structure and Thought |
鍾松珍 (著)=Chung, Sung-chen (au.) / 以整合觀點論佛教與新時代的意識探討:以《楞伽經》與《賽斯書》為依據=An Integral Perspective of Consciousness on Buddhism and New Age: on the basis of the Lankavatara Sutra and the Seth Book |
譚美麗 (著)=釋仁經 (au.) / 《妙法蓮華經》釋名比較之研究:以智顗、吉藏為對象=A Study on the Comparison of the Naming of the Saddharmapuṇḍárīka Sūtra─Taking Zhi-yi and Ji-zang as the Object |
釋界全 (著)=Shih, Jie-Chuan (au.) / 《華嚴》唯心現境:釋界全創作論述="Hua Yan" Idealistic Situation – Shih Jie-Chuan’s Discussion on Creative Painting |
華梵大學  |
2018 |
14 |
于蕙敏 (著)=Yu, Hui-min (au.) / 西藏佛教的《寶性論》詮釋初探=A study of Tibetan Buddhism on the Mahāyānottaratantra-śāstra |
江桂英 (著) / 《藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經》之功德利益研究=A Study on the Merits and Benefits of the Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Vows of Medicine Buddha Vaidurya- Light Tathagata |
余淑芳 (著) / 華嚴法藏對唯識學之融攝與創新:以心識說為中心=The Integration and Innovation of FaZang on the Consciousness-only Thoughts: Focusing on Theory of Mind |
沙正悅 (著)=Sha, Cheng-yueh (au.) / 關愛教育對青少年心靈提升之研究 —以福智教師的實踐為研究範疇=The Influence of Caring Education on Adolescents - Based on BWF’s Teachers’ Practice in Education. |
郭秀年 (著)=Guo, Xiu-nian (au.) / 智顗與法藏「相即」思想淵源研究=The background of the idea of “Inseparability”(xiangji相即) according to Zhiyi and Fazang’s |
陳怡之 (著) / 弘一法師的華嚴思想:以《華嚴集聯三百·普賢行願品偈百聯》為例=Master Hong Yi’s thought based on Huayan — A case study of poems of the Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra |
陳慧涵 (著)=CHEN, Hui-han (au.) / 董永故事型變研究:以孝道思想為線索=The Study of Transformations and Developments of Dong Yong Stories —— Focus on the Filial Piety |
黃錦雲 (著)=Huang, Chin-yun (au.) / 菩薩行者之探究:以金有樹事件為例=The Exploration of Bodhicarin through Mr. Jin You Shu Incident |
廖元平 (著)=Liao, Yuan-ping (au.) / 《西遊記》中人物與佛教思想關聯性研究 -以唐僧、悟空、八戒為例=The Connection Between Characters in 《The Journey to The West》and Buddhist Thoughts-The Case of Monk Tang、Wu-Kong、Ba-Jie |
蔡凰凰 (著)=Tsai, Huang-huang (au.) / 佛喻啟蒙──從《百喻經圖畫書》故事的「迷」與「悟」探討佛教經典對兒童教育的啟覺義涵=Enlightenment of Buddhist Parables ──An Investigation on How a Buddhist Classic Enlightens and Inspires Children Education from the Perspective of “Obsession” and “Enlightenment” of stories in Hundred Parables Sutra Picture Book |
蔡景安 (著)=Tsai, Ching-an (au.) / 班級生命教育策略:兒童哲學與佛典故事之共作=Class Life Education Strategy - Co-operation of Philosophy for Children and Buddhist Story |
薛逸睿 (著)=HSUEH,YI-RUI (au.) / 玉曆寶鈔與佛教因果業報思想之研究=A study on Jade Record and Karma Concept in Buddism |
鍾秀英 (著)=Chung, Hsiu-yin (au.) / 證嚴法師《靜思語》思想研究=A Study on the Thought of Master Zheng Yan’s Jing Si Aphorisms |
羅海濤 (著)=Luo, Hai-tao (au.) / 從佛身觀的「法、報、化」看觀音菩薩=A Study of Avalokiteśvara from the Theory of Dharmakāya,Sambhogakāya & Nirmānakāya (3 Buddha-bodies) |
華梵大學  |
2017 |
11 |
朱惠明 (著)=Chu, Huei-ming (au.) / 佛教的輪迴主體觀:以慧遠的「形盡神不滅」論為探討中心=The ideas of Subjectivity of Samsara in Buddhism --around the problem of Hui Yuan's idea:Body will die, but Spirit is immortal |
江明娟 (著)=Chiang, Ming-chuan (au.) / 康僧會《六度集經》佈施度故事之研究=Study of dana paramita within“Six paramitas collection sutra ”translated by Kang Senghui |
吳進雄 (著)=WU, CHIN-HSIUNG (au.) / 正法眼藏與禪宗法脈傳承之研究=A study of the treasury of the true dharma-eye and the lineage of Zen |
呂秀蓮 (著)=Lu, Hsiu-lien (au.) / 曉雲法師的宗教體驗、行持與弘化=The Religious Realization, Practice, and Promotion of Master Ven.Hiu Wan |
林桂華 (著)=Lin, Kuei-Hua (au.) / 法藏佛性思想研究=The Study of "Buddha nature thought" of Fa-tsang |
林碧麗 (著)=Lin, Pi-li (au.) / 諾那呼圖克圖(1865-1936)及其法脈之研究=A Study of Norlha Hotogtu (1865-1936) and His Lineage |
徐千惠 (著)=Hsu, Chien-hui (au.) / 日常老和尚儒佛會通思想與福智教育之研究=The research of Master Jih-Chang’s theory of intergration of Confucianism and Buddhism with the Education of Bliss and Wisdom |
張麗卿 (著)=Chang, Li-ching (au.) / 《十住經》修行思想之研究=A Study on the Practice and Thought in the Daśabhūmika Sūtra |
曾雅青 (著) / 日常老和尚的儒佛融合思想與實踐=The Confucianism-Buddhism's Thoughts and Praxis of the Venerable Master Jih Chang |
釋仁安 (著)=黃曉萍 (au.) / 《地藏菩薩本願經》的孝道思想研究=The Idea of Filial Piety Depicted in Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra |
釋明圓 (著)=Rev. Hingulwala Punnaji Thero (au.) / 佛教禪學中「隨念」修行之研究:巴利經典為主=A Study of the Practice of Recollections (Anussati) in Buddhist Meditation |
華梵大學  |
2016 |
13 |
丁世明 (著)=Ting, Shih-ming (au.) / 文殊與普賢菩薩信仰在中國發展差異=The Develop Differences between the Faith of Manjusri and Samantabhadra in China |
方靜慧 (著)=釋慧通 (au.) / 《維摩詰經》不可思議解脫之研究:以僧肇、吉藏、智顗注疏為主=A Study on the “Inconceivable Liberation” in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra – Based on the Commentaries of Seng Zhao, Jizang, and Zhiyi |
吳艷秋 (著)=釋岑融 (au.) / 佛教「念死」之修持:以《菩提道次第廣論》與《印光法師文鈔》為主之比較研究=Comparative Study Between Tsong-ka-pa's Lam Rim Chen Mo and Literatures of Master Yin-Guang on the Practice of Buddhist Teaching of death |
林育民 (著)=Lin, Yu-min (au.) / 窺基《說無垢稱經疏》注釋特色研究:與唐代前《維摩經》注疏作對比=Kuiji’s Commentary on the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa: The Distinctive Feature of His Exegesis Compared to the Pre-Tang Commentaries |
范明麗 (著)=Fan, Ming-Li (au.) / 當代醫療方式轉向生命療癒之進路:以華嚴無盡網絡之圓融思想為導向=Transforming Modern Diagnostic Methods into Life Healing: A Perspective of Integration according to Huayan Thought |
孫鳳秋 (著)=Sun, Feng-chiu (au.) / 聖嚴法師五停心觀的理念與實踐=Idea and Practice of Master Sheng Yen’s Wutingxinguan |
翁慈蓮 (著)=Weng, Tsyr-lian (au.) / 藉《六度集經》故事選探討學前特教巡迴輔導教師工作調適之道=A Study of Discussing the Work Adjustment of the Preschool Special Education Itinerant Teacher by “A Selections of the Six Perfections” |
陳禹彤 (著)=Chen, Yu-tung (au.) / 《六祖壇經》版本及其演變之研究=A Study of “The Platform Sutra of the Six Patriarch” Version of Its Evolution |
曾繁玲 (著)=Tsen, Fan-lin (au.) / 論《楞伽經》的主體哲學:以唯識與如來藏思想的交涉為核心=The Philosophical Implication of Subjectivity in the Laṅkāvatārasūtra - an Interaction between Yogācāra and Tathāgatagarbha |
廖建坤 (著)=Liao, Chien-Kun (au.) / 佛教書法之研究:以唐代書法家寫碑為例=Inquiry of Buddhist Calligraphy:Case Studies in Stele Writing by Calligraphists of the Tang Dynasty |
廖珮如 (著)=Liao, Pei-ju (au.) / 敦煌文獻中目連變文之孝道研究=Exploration of Filial Piety Case Study in Mulian Rescues His Mother by the Bianwen based on Manuscripts Discovered at Dunhuang |
蔡木泉 (著)=Tsai, Mu-chiuan (au.) / 蕅益大師的生平與淨土思想的特色=Research for the Life of Ven. Ou I and his Ideas of Pure Land |
釋明法 (著)=Henegama Dhammaratana Thero (au.) / 上座部《論事》分析「大天五事」之研究=A Studyon Analysis of Five Incidents Theravāda Kathāvattu |
華梵大學  |
2015 |
20 |
王秀玟 (著)=Wang, Shiu-wen (au.) / 曉雲法師佛教歌曲選集之研究=A Research on Master Xiao-Yun's Collection of Buddhist Music |
王雪芬 (著)=Wang, Hsueh-fen (au.) / 北宋淨覺仁岳之研究=A study on Jingjue Renyue (992-1064) |
古慧嬋 (著)=Ku, Hui-Chan (au.) / 《楞嚴經‧大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章》之念佛法門探討=A Study on The Practice Method of Buddha-remembrance Based on the “Chapter on The Complete Realization of Buddha-remembrance of Mahāsthāmaprāpta Bodhisattva in The Śūraṃgamasūtra” |
周秉翰 (著)=Chou, Pin-han (au.) / 梁武帝與武則天政教合一思想之探討=A Study on Caesaropapism Thought of Emperor Liang-wu and Wu Zetian |
林世昌 (著)=Lin, Shih-chang (au.) / 「中國王權與佛教教權之衝突、磨合與相容」之探討:從魏晉至隋唐=Research the Subject on Conflict , Adjust and Compatibility Which Between the Chinese Imperial Power and the Buddhist Religious Authority From the Wei , Jin to the Sui , Tang dynasty |
林秀娥 (著)=Lin, Hsiu-o (au.) / 張商英生平及護法論之研究=Research of Chang Shang-Ying's Defense of Buddhism |
林坤振 (著)=Lin, Kun-zhen (au.) / 明末八大山人藝術與禪學思想之研究=The Study of Arts and Zen Thought of Bada Sharen of the Late Ming Dynasty |
林美惠 (著)=釋見歡 (au.) / 論吉藏《法華經》注釋書對「塔廟」思想之詮釋=A Study on Ji-Zang’s Interpretation of the Thought of Buddhist Pagoda in His Commentaryon the Saddharmapuṇḍarika-sūtra |
崔孟珍 (著)=Tsui, Meng-chen (au.) / 《地藏三經》因果業報觀 及其修法之研究=Research and possession in the sutra of Three Kstigarbha by karma concept and practice of Law |
許慧敏 (著)=Hsu, Hui-Ming (au.) / 雲棲袾宏《阿彌陀經疏鈔》的解經方式──援澄觀《華嚴經疏鈔》思想入彌陀淨土思想為主=The Way of Explanation of Wun Chi Chu-hung’s Amitabha Sutra Commentary |
陳紀南 (著)=Chen, Chi-nan (au.) / 齋醮在台灣發展演變之研究一兼論台北碧潭地區四大古寺院導師之卡理斯瑪現象=The Study of Zhai Jiao’s Develoment in Taiwan-Incorprating Discuss of Charisma Phenomena of Four Ancient Monasteries’ Mentors in Taipei Bitan Area |
陳紹聖 (著)=Chen, Shao-sheng (au.) / 法藏對《華嚴經》唯心偈頌之詮釋及其圓教心識思想的特色=Fazang’s Interpretation of the Huayan Sutra from the Viewpoint of his Theory of Mind |
黃姵馨 (著)=Huang, Pei-sin (au.) / 百丈懷海農禪思想之研究=A Thought Study of Agricultural Chan by Baizhang Huaihai |
黃麗娟 (撰)=Huang, Li-chuan (compose) / 臨濟護國禪寺的歷史發展與圖像初探=The Historical Development and Pictorial Image of Rinzai Temple |
楊文玲 (著)=Yan, Wen-ling (au.) / 《正法華經》雙音詞研究=The Study on Bisyllable Structure of 《zheng fa fua jing》 |
楊國寬 (著)=Yang, Kuo-Kuan (au.) / 宗喀巴止觀實修方法之研究:以《菩提道次第廣論》為主=A Study of Tsongkhapa's Samatha-Vipassana Practice in Lam-rim chen-mo |
劉慧玲 (著)=Liu, Hui-ling (au.) / 《瑜伽師地論.聲聞地》止觀探討=A Study on the Theory of Śamatha and Vipaśyanā of Śrāvakabhūmi in Yogacārabhūmi Śāstra |
謝元富 (著)=Hsieh, Yuan-fu (au.) / 隋唐三階教信行與無盡藏思想之研究=A Study on the Thoughts of the San-jie-jiao: Examined from Xin-xing and the Wu-Jin-Zang |
釋清聖 (著) / 宗密《佛說盂蘭盆經疏》之孝道思想研究=Research on Thought of Filial Duty in Zong Mi Buddha Ullambana Sutra Commentaries |
釋寶光 (著) / 從《吠陀》苦行到早期佛教頭陀行之研究=The Study of Tapas and Dhutanga Practice - From Vedas to Early Buddhism |
華梵大學  |
2014 |
18 |
丁谷威 (著)=Ting, Gu-wei (au.) / 天台智顗的四種四諦之研究=The Research on Tientai Zhi-Yi's Four Kinds of Satya |
吳宇光 (著) / 安貝德卡藉改信佛教提升賤民社會地位之研究=A Study on Ambedkar’s Mass Conversion Movement to Buddhism to Elevate the Social Status of Dalits |
李金寶 (著)=Lee, Jin-bau (au.) / 曉雲導師之學術及其對慧遠廬山學風之研究=A Study on wisdom of Ven. Hiu Wan and on the study of Ven. Hui Yuan’s academic style of Lushan by Ven. Hiu Wan |
阮氏秋霞 (著)=釋純海 (au.) / 《金剛經》中六如偈的文學特色與其精神之研究=The study of the Fundamantal Essence and Literary Characteristic of the “Six Suchness Gatha” in “The Diamond Sutra” |
周信華 (撰)=Jou, Sinn-hwa (compose) / 地論南北道研究=A study on the Thought of the Di-lun South and North Schools |
邱玉瑞 (著)=Chiu, Yu-jui (au.) / 廣欽老和尚與其法脈傳承寺廟之研究=The Study of Master Kuang Chin and the monastries of his lineage |
施玉雲 (著)=Shih, Yu-yun (au.) / 《金剛經》生命實踐理念之研究=A Research on the Life Practice of the Diamond Sutra |
徐可晴 (撰)=Syu, Ke-cing (compose) / 鳩摩羅什譯《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》中的「中道」詞義考察=A Study on the Meaning of the “Middle Way” in the “Mahā-Prajñāpāramitā-Sūtra” Translated by Kumārajīva |
徐嘉穗 (著)=Hsu, Chia-sui (au.) / 笈多王朝佛教造像之研究=The Study of Buddhist Statuary In the Gupta Dynasty |
張明欽 (著)=Chang, Ming-chin (au.) / 曉雲法師詩歌研究─以《清哦集》為研究重心=Study on Master Hiu-Wan’s Poetry─Focus on Collection of Singing Poems |
陳之華 (著)=Chen, Jin-hua (au.) / 論當代美日禪宗研究的意義與困境:以禪宗16字的心法論爭為核心=On the Significance and Predicaments of the Contemporary Chan Studies: Focused on the 4-Phrase-Definition Controversy of Chan Tradition |
陳致諭 (著)=Chen, Chih-yu (au.) / 印順與談錫永對《辨法法性論》詮釋的比較研究=The Comparative Studies between Yin Shun's and Tan Sion's Interpretations on “Dharmadharmatavibhanga” |
馮群友 (著)=Feng, Chun-yu (au.) / 觀音與大勢至菩薩信仰中國發展差異之研究=A Study on the Differences in Faith's Developments of Guanyin and Dashi Zhi in China |
黃柏誠 (著)=Huang, Bor-cheng (au.) / 《般若心經》空義研究=A Study on the Sunyata of Prajnaparamita-hrdaya-sutra |
詹德耀 (著)=Chan, Te-yao (au.) / 《菩提達摩南宗定是非論》批判北宗「師承是傍法門是漸」之探討=A Study in Exposition on Right and Wrong in regards to Bodhidharma's Southern School—Denouncing the Northern School as Advocating the "Gradual" instead of "Sudden" Enlightenment in Buddhism |
劉智賢 (著)=Liu, Chih-hsien (au.) / 幼兒園教師禪坐對生命意義、健康認知、工作壓力與教學績效之影響研究=The Influence of Meditation to Life Meaning, Health Perception, Job Stress and Teaching Performance—Kindergartens teachers as Example. |
鄭伃婷 (著)=Cheng, Yu-ting (au.) / 北朝金銅像佛衣樣式漢化之探究=A Study on the Chinese Localization of Buddhist Statues’ Chothing Style in the Northern Dynasties |
蕭惠幸 (著)=Hsiao, Hui-hsin (au.) / 曉雲導師與一燈師的禪藝美學 - 蕭惠幸書畫創作論述=Mentor Ven. Hiu Wan and Mentor A Light of Zen art and aesthetics – The exposition of Hsiao, Hui Hsin’s creative painting and calligraphy |
華梵大學  |
2013 |
22 |
方智輝 (著)=Fang, Zhi-hui (au.) / 當代台灣佛教傳媒之弘法與教學研究=Contemporary Taiwan Buddhism media Spreading the Dharma and teaching research |
何成基 (著)=Ho, Cheng-chi (au.) / 地藏信仰思想探微─以大孝與大願為中心=A Study of Kṣitigarbha’s Belief Ideology based on Great Piety and Great Vow |
何清蓉 (著)=Ho, Ching-rong (au.) / 由業果論佛家解脫論迴之道=On the Buddhism’s Liberation Reincarnation from the Perspective of Karma |
李敏璽 (著)=Lee, Min-hsi (au.) / 澄觀心性思想之探討-以〈心要法門〉為中心=Nature of Mind in Ch’eng-Kuan Perspectives-Mainly on Dharma Essentials of the Mind |
林秀砡 (著)=Lin, Hsiu-yu (au.) / 藥師經醫療觀之探析=Medical Concept Analysis Of The Medicine Buddha Sutra |
林淑惠 (著)=Lin, Shu-hui (au.) / 武周政權和佛教的關係之探討=An Investigation of the Relationship betweenWu-Chou Regime and Buddhism |
徐廷華 (著)=Hsu, Ting-hua (au.) / 吠檀多學派如幻思想之探微=A Study the Idea of Maya in Vedanta |
涂昌裕 (著)=Tu, Chang-yu (au.) / 一葉一如來——弘一法師美育特質啟迪書藝創作之研究=""Yi Ye Yi Ru Lai""-the Study of How Master Hong-Yi's Views about Aesthetic Education and His Virtues Enlighten the Creantion of Paintings and Penmanship |
張漢威 (撰)=Chang, Hun-wei (compose) / 從《《雜阿含經》看臨終關懷-以佛教諮商為核心=Miscellaneous-Agama at Hospice of the Buddhist Counseling as a core |
梅清雄 (著)=Mai, Thanh-hung (au.) / 「業力」與「受用主體」關係之研究以一切有部與犢子部為主軸=A study of the relationship between Karma and Subjectivity of SaṃsāraBased on Sarvāstivādin and Vātsīputrīya |
莊智惠 (著)=Chuang, Chih-hui (au.) / 班級經營的人文理念與實務—以《阿含經》與佛教的律典為主要依據=Humanistic Philosophy and Execution of Classroom Management — According to the Āgama and the Buddhist Historical Scriptures |
陳俊潔 (著)=Chen, Chun-chieh (au.) / 《阿含經》的「無我」思想=The Research of "No-Self" thought in four Āgma Canons |
陳昱安 (著)=Chen, Yu-an (au.) / 懺雲法師的修持理念與實踐=The idea and practice of the Chan Yun master |
陳淑玲 (著)=Chen, Shu-ling (au.) / 慧遠大師因果報應觀之探討=The Discussion of Karma of Master Huiyuan |
陳慶文 (著)=Chen, Ching-wen (au.) / 台灣閩南釋教之挑經科儀研究 ─以桃園縣為觀察場域=Taiwan Taiwanese shijiao pick the section of research-in Taoyuan County for the observation field |
傅文鎬 (著)=Fu, Wen-hao (au.) / 準提法門流布與其思想研究=The Spread and it's Religious thought of The Cundi Buddhism |
曾筑歆 (著)=Tseng, Chu-hsin (au.) / 敦煌莫高窟本生故事佛教義理之研究=The Study of Buddhist moral principles in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes Jataka stories |
湯美玉 (著)=Tang, Mei-yu (au.) / 日本佛教日蓮宗在臺發展之研究=A Study of the Development of Japanese Buddhism Nichiren Sect in Taiwan |
董晶玲 (著)=Tung, Ching-ling (au.) / 《究竟一乘寶性論》之煩惱論研究=A Study of the Klesa in "Ratnagotravibhago Mahayanottaratantra sastra" |
釋堅元 (著)=陳冠甄 (au.) / 《地藏十輪經》新舊譯本之比較研究=A Comparative Study of Two Kinds of “Ksitigarbha-sutra” |
釋通和 (著)=莊桂勳 (au.) / 傳聞法師「心地法門」之研究 -以《傳聞法師開示集錄》為主要探討=A Study of Mind Approach Taught By Ven. Master Tzwan-Wen: An Exploration on " Ven. Master TzwanWen's Preaching Collection " |
釋慧悟 (著) / 南傳《論事》與部派佛教「補特伽羅」說之探討=The A Study on "Kathavatthu" of Theravada Buddhism and Theory of "Pudgala" in Abhidharma Buddhism |
華梵大學  |
2012 |
13 |
周美延 (著)=Chou,Meiyen (au.) / 台灣民間信仰之神像服飾研究=Study On The Dressing Of Images In Taiwanese Folk Religion |
段氏玄衣 (著)=Doan Thi Huyen Y (au.) / 《舊雜譬喻經》及其故事研究=A study on “Old Mixed Metaphor Sutra” and its stories |
莊家麒 (著)=Zhuang, Jia-qi (au.) / 曉雲導師止觀禪學思想及化導研究=Research on Master Hiu-Wan’s Zhiguan-Zen Thought and Teaching Caree |
許勝雄 (著)=Hsu, Sheng-hsiung (au.) / 中國石窟之天王探究--以四川石窟為例=Research on the Four Heavenly Kings: A Case of the Caves in Sichuan, China |
郭濟源 (著)=Kuo, Chi-yuan (au.) / 《六祖壇經》般若三昧與《摩訶止觀》 非行非坐三昧在修學思想上的比較研究=Comparative research on practical thought between prajna-samadhi of The Platform Scripture and neither walking nor sitting Samadhi of Mo-ho chih-kuan |
陳金月 (著)=Chen, Jin-yue (au.) / 中峰明本《三時繫念佛事》之禪淨思想=Zhongfeng Mingben’s Ch'an-Purification Thought in His The Ritual of Shansh Xinian |
程淑芬 (著)=Cheng, Su-fen (au.) / 魏晉南北朝佛教碑刻裝飾圖案研究=The decorative patterns on Buddhism stone tablet in the Wei-Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties |
葉尚峰 (著)=Yeh, Shang-feng (au.) / 日本皇民化運動對臺灣佛教的衝擊=A Study of the Impact on Taiwanese Buddhism under Japanese Colonial Policy Based on Politics of Identity Formation during the Colonial Period. |
蒲有任 (著)=Pu, Yo-jen (au.) / 魏晉至隋唐政教之爭---以慧遠〈沙門不敬王者論〉為中心=Conflicts Between Religion And Government From Wei-Jin To Sui-Tang — Centering On The Buddhists Defying The Throne By Huiyuan |
劉金蓮 (著)=Liu, Chin-lien (au.) / 唐代僧人神清《北山錄》思想之研究 –以〈天地始〉、〈論業理〉為中心=Research of the ideas of Buddhist Monk Shen Qing's " Bei Shan Lu" in Tang Dynasty -arounding the chapters of ‘The Creation of the world’ and ‘Karmic Theory’ |
盧柏宜 (著)=Lu, Bo-yi (au.) / 西藏佛教薩迦昆族世系與教法傳承之研究=A Study on the Lineage and the Teaching Inheritance of the Sakya Khon Family in Tibetan Buddhism |
蘇俊方 (著)=Su, Chun-fang (au.) / 漢傳佛教阿耆尼的問題研究=A Study Of Agni In Chinese Buddhism Documents |
釋聖因 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yin (au.) / 「四念處」大乘菩薩行法之探討=“The Four Mindfulnesses Contemplation” as a study of Mahayana Bodhisattva practice |
華梵大學  |
2011 |
17 |
何蓮潔 (著)=Ho, Lien-chien (au.) / 〈沙門不敬王者論〉與《摩奴法論》的對比研究--以早期佛教傳入中國對社會秩序的影響為中心=Comparative Study of "On Why Monks Do Not Bow Down Before Kings" and “ Manusmrti ”:The Impact of Early Spread of Buddihism in China towards Social Orders. |
吳怡霏 (著)=Wu, I-fei (au.) / 五學處思想之研究-以早期部派佛教阿毘達磨為中心=The Research of Five Learnings–based on Abhidharma Texts of Earlier Sectarian Buddhim |
吳素真 (著)=Wu, Su-chen (au.) / 龜兹‧克孜爾石窟佛教壁畫之研究=The study of the Buddhist on wall Painting of Kizil Grotto in Kucha |
李幸芸 (著)=Lee, Hsing-yun (au.) / 華嚴境界美學的哲學基礎與美學開展=The Philosophical Foundation and Aesthetic Development of the Horizontal Aesthetics in Avatamsaka Sutra |
林清芬 (著)=Lin, Ching-fen (au.) / 《長阿含世記經》<地獄品>的地獄思想研究=The Research of the idea of Naraka in Dīrghāgama |
邱宜君 (著)=Chiu, I-chun (au.) / 麥積山石窟維摩詰經變的探究=The inquiry of the Murals of the Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra in Maijishan Grottoes |
柯明進 (著)=Ke, Ming-jin (au.) / 華嚴經十定品之研究=A study of“the Chapter of Samādhis”in the Avātaṃsaka Sutra |
胡慧敏 (撰)=Hu, Hui-min (compose) / 四證淨思想研究-以早期部派佛教阿毘達磨為中心=-The Research of Catvara-vi'suddha-karana -based on Abhidharma Philosophyof Earlier Scholastic Buddhism |
曹郁美 (撰)=Tsao, Yu-mai (compose) / 《華嚴經》「毘盧遮那佛」之研究=The Study of the Vairocana Buddha in〝Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya-sultra〞 |
曾國興 (著)=Tseng, Kuo-hsing (au.) / 緬甸佛教判決法庭之根由研究=Study of the origin in Burma Buddhist courts |
游金枝 (著)=Yu, Chin-chih (au.) / 湛然金剛錍十義論證之探討=The Study Of Chan-Jan’s Ten Meanings Discuss In 《King Kang Bei》 |
游菡蕎 (撰)=Yu, Han-chiao (compose) / 四沙門果思想研究---以早期部派佛教阿毘達磨為中心=The Research of Catvara-wramana-Phalas–Based on Abhidharma Philosophy in Earlier Echolastic Buddhism |
黃武達 (著)=Huang, Wu-da (au.) / 《佛說大安般守意經》之探討=A study of “Buddha`s Sermon Great Sutra on Mindfulness of Inhalation and Exhalation” |
黃柏霖 (著)=Huang, Bo-ling (au.) / 淨空法師的教育理念及貢獻=The Chinese headline of the thesis is educational concepts and contributions of Venerable Master Chin Kung |
楊健生 (著)=Yang, Chien-sheng (au.) / 以「從無住本立一切法」為中心的天台宗論題研究=All Dharmas are set up owing to the [root of] non-abidingness according to the Tiantai Interpretation |
鄭心如 (撰)=Cheng, Olivia (compose) / 《入楞伽經》〈遮食肉品〉之研究=A study of " Lańkāvatāra Sūtra " based on “the chapter of Restraining Meat-eating” |
藍慧雪 (撰)=Lan, Hui-hsueh (compose) / 七覺支思想研究─以早期部派佛教阿毘達磨為中心=The Research of Seven Factors of Enlightenment –basedon Abhidharma Philosophy of Earlier Scholastic Buddhism |
華梵大學  |
2010 |
7 |
宋雲鳳 (撰)=Sung, Yun-feng (compose) / 《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》中〈世第一法〉之研究=The Research on Lokāgra-Dharma in Abhidharmamahāvibhāsā-sāstra |
林秀娟 (撰)=Lin, Xiu-juan (compose) / 漢藏教理院之研究--以二十世紀初漢藏佛教交流為中心=A Research of Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Institute--Based on the Intercommunication between Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism in the Early 20th Century |
林怡蕙 (撰)=Lin, Yi-huei (compose) / 敦煌莫高窟第465窟之研究=Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang Cave 465 Study |
陳智煌 (撰) / 佛教傳入初期與中國孝道文化的衝突與融合=Conflicts between Buddhism and the Culture of Filial Piety and Their Integration upon Buddhism’s Arrival to China |
黃艾偉 (撰)=Huang, Ai-wei (compose) / 漢譯《金剛般若波羅蜜經》無相布施觀的探討=A study of Markless Giving Contemplation Based on Chinese Translation Diamond Sutra |
戴麗雪 (撰)=Gisela (compose) / 法鼓山「心」六倫初探-全球化下之自然倫理=On “The Six Ethics of the Mind” Rearch of Dharma Drum Mountain─The Environmental Ethics under Globalization |
釋慧如 (撰)=Nguyen-thi, Thu-suong (compose) / 南傳《法句經》到漢譯《四十二章經》關係與影響之研究=Research of both relationships and effects from Pali "Dhammapada" to Chinese "42 chapters sutra" |
華梵大學  |
2009 |
3 |
林虹均 (撰)=Lin, Hung-jiun (compose) / 《佛說觀無量壽佛經》中依正二報莊嚴之研究=A Study on the Dual Reward of Adornment in“ Amitayur –Dhyana- Sutra ”A Study on the Dual Reward of Adornment in“ Amitayur –Dhyana- Sutra ”A Study on the Dual Reward of Adornment in “ Amitayur –Dhyana- Sutra ” |
楊美玲 (撰)=Yang, Mei-lin (compose) / 臨終關懷倫理情境之探討—以佛教不妄語戒為例=An Exploration of Hospice Care Ethics—Focus on Buddhist Vinaya about Truth-Telling |
潘氏釵 (撰)=釋明慈 (compose) / 從原始佛教的因果業報到六道輪迴的成立=Following is my translation for the topic of your thesis:From the Karma of cause and effect of Original Buddhism to the Establishment of the Reincarnation of Six Realms |
華梵大學  |
2008 |
1 |
釋法深 (撰)=PHRA TANUT SUWANASET (compose) / 出家培訓行為研究─以「泰國法身寺國際短期出家營」為例=Research on the training of monks:using the International Dhammadayada Ordination Program(IDOP) at the Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand as a case-study |
華梵大學  |
2007 |
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李冠慧 (撰)=Lee, Kuan-hui (compose) / 佛教三乘布施觀之探討-以《大般若經˙布施波羅蜜多分》為主要依據=The Doctrine of Religious Giving of Buddhist Threefold Vehicles:Based on the Eleventh Assembly of the Prajñāpāramitā-Sūtras |
李學詩 (著)=Lee, Hsueh-shih (au.) / 臨濟宗之開創及《臨濟錄》研究 |
林秀蘭 (撰)=Lin, Hsiu-lan (compose) / 早期佛教倫理思想的起源與婆羅門的關係 : 以《雜含經論會編》〈婆羅門相應〉為中心之研究=The Development of the Ethical Thought of Early Buddhism and Its Relationship with Brahman ─ A Study of the Samyukta Agama –the Core of Brahmana-Samyuttam |
邱麗娟 (撰)=Chiu, Li-cuan (compose) / 道綽《安樂集》淨土思想之研究=Research of “Pure land” thought in Dao chuo’s 《Collection of Tranquility and Bliss 》 |
洪淑娟 (撰)=Hung, Shu-chuan (compose) / 四念住思想之研究─以早期部派佛教阿毘達磨為中心=The Research of Four Foundations of Mindfulness (catvāri smrty-upasthānāni)within AbhidharmaicPhilosophy in Earlier Scholastic Buddhism |
洪德美 (撰)=Hong, De-mei (compose) / 宗喀巴佛性思想之論述=Tsong-Kha-Pa's Thought on the Theory of Buddha Nature |
翁小惠 (撰)=Ueng, Sheau-hui (compose) / 早期佛教不殺生觀念的比較探討-以耆那教、《摩奴法典》為對象=Comparative Research for the idea of "Non-Killing" in Early Buddhism over Jainism and Manusmrti |
楊文廣 (撰)=Duong, Van-quang (compose) / 阿羅漢有退問題之研究─以南、北傳阿含思想與說一切有部論典為中心=A Study on the Backsliding of Arhat: Focusing on Agamas and Treaties of Sabbatthivadins |
趙梅軒 (撰)=Chao, Mei-hsuan (compose) / 《悲華經》義理與文學特質之研究=Research into doctrine and literary character in the KaruNApuNDarIka-sUtra |
蕭佑庭 (撰)=Hsiao, Yu-tin (compose) / 阿羅漢尼的研究-以《長老尼偈》為中心=The Study of Arhantī-Based on Therīgāthā |
華梵大學  |
2006 |
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王素梅 (著)=Wang, Su-mei (au.) / 初期佛教的宇宙觀-由《長阿含-世記經》《施設論》到《立世阿毘曇論》之完成=Cosmology in Early Buddhism |
謝美華 (撰)=Hsieh, Mei-hua (compose) / 《大般若經.第十一會》布施波羅蜜多之研究=Research into Dana-Paramita in the Eleventh Assembly of the prajbaparamita-sutras |
華梵大學  |
2004 |
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徐曉韻 (著)=Hsu, Hsiao-yun (au.) / 阿羅漢在般若法會的定位:以《大般若經.第四會》為中心=On the Status of Arhants in the Literature of Prajñāpāramitā: Based on the Fourth Assembly of the Prajñāpāramitā-stra |
陳秀真 (著)=Chern, Hsiu-jen (au.) / 《大般若經.第二會.修治地品》的「菩薩十地」呈現的修道歷程=The Process of Spiritual Cultivation as Revealed in the chapter on “Going Forth on the Stages of The Great Vehicle” in the second Assembly of the Prajbaparamita-Sutras |
華梵大學  |
2003 |
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陳青雯 (撰)=Chern, Ching-wen (compose) / 《十住毗婆沙論》易行道之研究=The Study of Dasabhumika-vibhasa-sastra of Sahaji-carya |
曾惠田井 (著) / 論第一義空與涅槃:以雜阿含經第一義空經大般若經第二分和大般涅槃經為主=A Study of Paramartha-sunyata and Nirvana In the Paramartha-sunyatasutra Mahaprajnaparaaita-sutraII and Mahayana-mahaparinirvana-sutra |
劉瀅芬 (撰)=Liu, Ying-fen (compose) / 《大般若經‧第二會‧隨喜迴向品》的研究:兼論印度佛教碑銘的迴向模式=The Study of Rejoicing Transference of Merits in The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom |
華梵大學  |
2001 |
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林英娟 (著)=Lin, Ying-chuan (au.) / 中國山水畫的意境美學之研究:山水畫的禪意境美學之發展及其體系的建立之重省=The Ch'an-Aesthetics of Yih-jung in the Theory and Practice of Chinese Landscape-Painting |
侯文地 (著) / 《長阿含經》中佛陀教育之研究=Research into the Buddha's Education in the Dirghagama Sutra |
蔡貴亮 (撰)=Tsai, Kuei-liang (compose) / 《般舟三昧經》思想之探討=The Research of the Thought of《Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Sammukhavasthita-Samadhi-Sutra》 |
華梵大學  |
2000 |
12 |
成玉蘭 (著)=Sung, Ok-ran (au.) / 佛塔的建立與演變:以印度、中國、韓國為例=The Establishment of Stupas and Their Development: As seen in India, China and Korea |
柳庚女可 (撰) / 以《阿含經》的緣起法探討佛教的認識及其認識對象=Research into the Buddhist Cognition and its Object according to the Dependent Origination of the Agama Sutras |
皇德勝 (撰)=Hoang, Duc-thang (compose) / 《金剛經》在越南的流傳及其特色=The Transmission of The Vajracchedika-prajnaparamita-sutra in Ancient VietNam |
徐立強 (著)=Hsu, Li-chiang (au.) / 梁武帝制斷酒肉之主張與中國佛教素食文化之關係=The Relationship between Abstention of Wine and Meat by the Liang Emperor Wu and the Vegetarian Culture of Chinese Buddhism |
莊正暉 (撰)=Chuang, Cheng-hui (compose) / 北朝獨立造像的佛誕圖像=The Iconography of the Birth of the Buddha in Individual Buddhist Sculpture in the Northern Dynasties |
陳莉榛 (著)=Chen, Lee-jane (au.) / 印度初期佛教藝術「踰城出家」的藝術風格與圖像學特色:參照佛傳經典的研究=The Artistic Style and Iconographical Characteristics of the Great Departure as Illustrated in Early Indian Buddhist Art:A Comparative Study with the Texts Concerning the Biography of |
童瓊慧 (著)=Tong, Chun-wai (au.) / 龍樹對說一切有部業思想的評破:以中論第十七觀業品為中心=Research of criticism of Nagarjuna due to Idea of Karma in Sarvastivadin |
楊素英 (撰)=Yang, Sue-ying (compose) / 《阿含經》中有關佛陀教學之研究=Research into the Methods of the Buddha's Education in the Agama Sutra |
楊雅蘭 (著)=Yang, Ya-lan (au.) / 阿姜塔石窟中佛傳與本生壁畫之研究:以第1、2、16、17號石窟為主=Research into the Biography and Former Lives of the Buddha as depicted the Ajanta Caves: Caves nos.1,2,16,17 |
劉世龍 (著)=Liu, Shih-lung (au.) / 明代女性之觀音畫研究=A Study of those Kuan-Yin Paintings from Ming Feminist Painters |
蔡東益 (著)=Tsay, Dong-yih (au.) / 《地藏經》及其孝道思想之研究=The Study of Ksitigarbha-Pranidhana-Sutra and its Concept of Filial Piety |
謝京恩 (撰)=Shieh, Jing-en (compose) / 焦竑與佛教=Chiao Hung and Buddhism |
華梵大學  |
1999 |
4 |
林佳慧 (撰)=Lin, Chia-hui (compose) / 坐禪的心理歷程及其對情緒智力之效應=The Effects of Meditation on Psychological Process and Emotional Quotient |
陸艷冰 (著) / 阿育王柱所呈現的世界觀=Universalism as seen in the inscriptions on emperor Asoka's pillars |
黃雪梅 (著) / 慧解脫所依二智及定地之研究=A study of the two-fold wisdom and meditational stages of the "Emancipation through Wisdom" |
賴信川 (撰)=Lai, Shinn-chuang (compose) / 魚山聲明集研究:中國佛教梵唄的考察=The Research of Gyo-san-sho-myo-shu-- The Investigation of Development of Chinese Buddhism Ritual Music |
華梵大學  |
1998 |
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張水財 (著) / 佛教迦陵頻伽鳥之研究=A Study of Buddhist Kalavinka |
陳慧珠 (著)=Chen, Hui-zhu (au.) / 敦煌涅槃經變的研究=The Nirvana Sutra Bian at Tun-Hung |
黃錦珍 (著) / 寶頂山大佛灣本尊教造像的研究=Buddhist Sculture of the Benzim Sect at Dafowan in Mt.Baoding |
華梵大學  |
1997 |
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陳嘉璟 (著)=Chen, Jia-jiing (au.) / 維摩斗室空間美感之研究=A Study of the Spatial Aesthetics in the Small Room of Vimalakirti |
華梵大學  |
2 |
阮氏秋霜 (著)=Nguyen-thi, Thu-suong (au.) / 菩薩行願思想之研究從「不墮惡趣」到「無生法忍」思想之形成=A Study of the Bodhisattva’s Actions and VowsThe Formation of Ideas from a Bodhisattva’s “Falling not to the Evil Paths” to his “Patient Acceptance of the Non-arising Phenomena” |
陳欣萍 (著)=Chen, Sin-pin (au.) / 《妙法蓮華經》授記思想詮釋=Interpretation on the announcement of future destiny of 《Sutra on the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma 》 |
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455. |
華梵大學=Hua Fan University  |
2001 |
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釋仁惟 (撰) / 天台智顗《法華三昧懺儀》之研究=A Study of T' ien-T' ai Chih-i' ss Fa-hua San-mei ch & acute;an-i |
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456. |
華梵大學佛教藝術學系碩士班  |
2024 |
13 |
吳翠娟 (著)=Wu, Tsui-chuan (au.) / 一花一世界——吳翠娟花鳥畫創作論述=To See a World in a Wild Flower: The Creative Statement of Flower and Bird Painting by Wu, Tsui Chuan |
岳荷釵 (著)=Yueh, Ho-chai (au.) / 佛教的懺悔觀於修復式正義中的意義與倫理實踐=The Significance and Ethical Practice of Buddhist Confession View in Restorative Justice |
林郁伶 (著)=Lin, Yu-ling (au.) / 重重無盡、法界影像:佛教藝術牌卡創作研究=Endless layers, images of the Dharma Realm: Research on the Painting Creation of Buddhism Artistic Cards |
洪正隆 (著)=Hong, Cheng-long (au.) / 禪境海印森羅水墨畫創作研究=The ink painting and study of mind capture of existence demonstrate by Zen |
洪銀銀 (著)=Hung, Ying-ying (au.) / 神聖的符號 寧靜的庭園 — 探索佛教藝術療育空間=Sacred Symbols, Serene Gardens:Exploring in Buddhist Art Healing |
張婉愉 (著)=Chang, Wan-yu (au.) / 華嚴問道-以善財童子水墨創作研究=The Path of Practice in Huayan – The Study of the Water Ink Painting of the Visits of Sudhana |
張凱棠 (著)=Chang, Kai-tang (au.) / 悲願滿虛空:地藏菩薩繪畫創作研究=Ākāśa of Great Compassionate Vows: Research on the Painting Creation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva |
郭慧君 (著)=Kuo, Hui-chun (au.) / 天台茶禪「茶人」行儀之建構—— 以南嶽慧思禪師《隨自意三昧》為主=The Construction of Tea Practitioner's Etiquette in Tiantai Tea Zen with Zen Master Nanyue Huissu’s Sui-Tzu-I San-Mei as the Main Focus. |
曾龍堂 (著)=Tseng, Lung-tang (au.) / 11至13世紀阿彌陀佛來迎圖之探究 -以中日為例=On Paintings of Laiying and Raigo Amitabha Buddha during the 11th to 13 th Centuries in China and Japan |
溫瑞瑩 (著)=Wen, Jui-yin (au.) / 拈花微笑-溫瑞瑩佛教花藝創作研究=Holding the Flower and Smiling- Research on Buddhist Floral Arts of Wen, Jui-Yin |
葉慧春 (著)=Yeh, Hui-chun (au.) / 兜跋毗沙門天王的造像與發展=The Portrait and Development of Tobatsu Bishamonten |
賴守婉 (著)=Lai, Shou-wan (au.) / 張勝溫梵像卷藥師佛會研究=The Study of the painting about Medicine Buddhist Dharma Assembly of Chang Sheng-wen's "Long Roll of Buddhist Images" |
嚴純純 (著)=Yen, Chun-chun (au.) / 寶徽•意造-嚴純純「八吉祥」彩墨創作論述=A Study on the Creation of 'Treasure Emblem - Intentional Creation': Yen Chun Chun's Ashtamangala Ink and Color Paintings Inspired by the Buddhist Symbol of the Eight Auspicious Signs |
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457. |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2024 |
11 |
王芬蘭 (著)=Wang, Fen-lan (au.) / 法華三昧之研究——慧思與智顗間之薪火傳承與解行異同=A study of the Lotus Samadhi—taking Huisi’s and Zhi-yi as the object |
吳麗雪 (著)=釋禪心 (au.) / 中國初期唐密觀音梵咒之研究 -從竺難提、菩提流支到玄奘(A.D.419-662)=Research on Saṁskrit Dharanis of Avalokiteśvara within Tantra Buddhism in Early Tang Dynasty of China -from Nandi , Bodhiruci to Xuanzang(A.D.419-662) |
李宗翰 (著)=Li, Tsung - han (au.) / 曇鸞大師的淨土思想及其實踐=The Pure Land Thought and Practice of Master Tanluan |
李恭勝 (著)=Li, Gong-sheng (au.) / 曉雲法師佛教教育理論與實踐研究 ——以華梵學風研究為重點=Research on Master Xiaoyun's Buddhist Educational Theory and Practice ——Taking the study of Huafan style as the point |
孟雨萱 (著)=Meng, Yu-hsuan (au.) / 僧肇《不真空論》般若思想探析為主要探討 依據=Analysis of Prajna Thoughts in Seng Zhao's "Theory of No Vacuum" As The Main Basis for Discussion |
施張明麗 (著)=Shih, Chang-ming-li (au.) / 〈論大眾部對上座部建構中思想的解構—從「大天五事」、《妙法蓮華經》、《根本中論頌》、《十八空義》到《心經》的完成〉=“Research on the Deconstruction of Mahāsaṁghika to the Constructing Ideas of Theravāda Buddhism-from the “Five Incidents of Mahādeva”,“Sad dharma Puṇḍarika Sūtra”, “Mūlamadhyamaka kārikās”, “Analysis of Eighteen Śūnyatās” to the perfection of “Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra” |
許宸瑋 (著)=Hsu, Chen-wei (au.) / 《觀音百首靈籤》的文獻與價值研究=Research on the Literature and Value of the One Hundred Verses of Avalokitesvara's Spiritual Lots |
許得林 (著)=Hsu, Te - lin (au.) / 《般若波羅密多心經》空義研究=Research on the Emptiness Meaning of "Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" |
陳淑芳 (著)=Chen, Shu-fang (au.) / 佛教五戒十善之因果業報與懺悔思想研究=Research on the Kama and Repentance Thoughts In Relation to The Five Precepts and Ten Virtuous Deeds in Buddhism |
陳麗緣 (著)=Chen, Li-yuan (au.) / 印光法師「淨土三資糧」探析=An Analysis on Master Yinguang’s “Three Accumulations of the Pure Land” |
釋觀慧 (著)=陳淑美 (au.) / 《大方廣佛華嚴經》經題之「大」、「方」、「廣」要義探究=Research on the Meaning of “Mahā” and “Vaipulya” on Mahāvaipulyabuddha-gaṇḍavyūha-sūtra |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2023 |
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釋善想 (著)=Shi, Shan-sean (au.) / 傳燈與智旭思想之比較研究=The Research of Comparing the Philosophy between Chuan-Deng and Zhi-Xu |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2015 |
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王琇瑩 (撰)=Wang, Heidi (compose) / 《周易禪解》中乾元坤元思想研究=The Thinking Study of Yi-Buddha Understanding Thoroughly in "Zhou-Yi Interpreted by Zen" |
吳兆賢 (撰)=Wu, Chao-hsien (compose) / 羅什本《維摩詰經》不二法門與不二思想之研究=A Study on Non-duality Dharma Door and Non-duality Thought in the Kumaarajiva''s Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa |
許志雄 (撰)=Hsu, Chi-shung (compose) / 曇鸞大師淨土思想之研究=The Study of Tan-Luan on Pure Land Concept |
陳佳君 (撰)=Chen, Chia-chun (compose) / 人間佛教的具體實踐 — 以基隆極樂寺為例=A Study of the Practice of Humanistic Buddhism─A Case Study of Fo Guang Shan Ji-le Temple in Keelung |
趙庭莉 (撰)=Chao, Ting-li (compose) / 《百喻經》道德觀之研究: 以「十善業道」作分析=A Study on Morality of the Illustrated Sutra of the One Hundred Parables : Examined from the Ten Wholesome Ways of Actions |
鄭琨繽 (撰)=Cheng, Kun-pin (compose) / 盧山慧遠形神思想之研究=The Research of Lushan Huiyuan’s Philosophy in the Discussion on the Indestructibility of the Spirit after the Dissolution of the Body |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2010 |
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阮氏碧玉 (撰) / 康僧會在《六度集經》中菩薩道思想之研究=A Study on Kang Senghui's Thought on the Bodhisattva Path in the Collection of Six Perfections Sutra |
黃敬仁 (撰)=Huang, Ching-jen (compose) / 魔事觀之研究 -- 以《大般若經.第二會、第十六會》為主要依據=Study of the Māra's Deeds: Mainly Based on the Pañcavi??atisāhāsrika Prajñāpāramitā and Suvikrāntavikrami Parip?cchā Prajñāpāramitā |
蔡靜萍 (撰)=Tsai, Jing-ping (compose) / 常照今圓法師的研究 (1908-1994)=A Research on Venerable Master Changzhao Jinyuan (1908-1994) |
釋行解 (撰)=黎氏垂莊 (compose) / 《毘尼母經》中的「摩呾理迦」之研究=Study of "matrka" in The Vinaya-Matrka Sutra |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2009 |
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高弘毅 (撰)=Kao, Hung-yi (compose) / 觀世音靈籤探源 -- 以板橋市接雲寺為例=The Discussion of the Origin of Guanyin Divination Slip: Take the Guanyin Divination Slip of Banqiao Jieyun Temple as an Example |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2008 |
18 |
丁國慶 (撰)=Dinh, Quoc-khanh (compose) / 原始佛教戒學之初探 -- 以「小小戒可捨」為中心=An initial investigation into the vinaya of primitive Buddhism--Focused on the concept of "Disposing of minor precepts" |
王亞芳 (撰)=Wang, Ya-fang (compose) / 「眾生平等觀」-- 以《八十華嚴》為主之探究=The inquire of the equality of sentient beings |
王敬淑 (撰)=Wang, Ching-shu (compose) / 說一切有部的六因四緣=The Six Causes and Four Conditions of Sarvastivadin |
古月湖 (撰)=Guu, Yueh-haw (compose) / 本性清淨之學說及其在佛法修學之應用=The doctrine of the primodial purity and application in buddhist pratice : based on the chapter of bodhisattva akasagarba |
李綺玟 (撰)=Lee, Chi-wen (compose) / 《楞嚴經》中五十陰魔生、住、異、滅相狀考述=The Shurangama Sutra:The Research in the Arising, Abiding, |
阮清珠 (撰)=Nguyen, Thanh-chau (compose) / 阿羅漢的概念在印度佛教史上的發展與演變之研究 -- 以大天五事為中心=A Study of the Concept of Arahant and Its Development in Indian Buddhist History: Focusing on Mah妇deva' s Five Points |
陳國顯 (撰)=Chen, Huo-hsien (compose) / 藏傳佛教臨終解脫的臨床路徑=The Clinical Pathsof Liberation As Dying In The Tibetan Buddhism |
陳義雄 (撰)=Chen, I-hsiung (compose) / <牟子理惑論>作為中國佛教史上第一波儒、釋、道會通其所引用典籍之研究=Using Mouzi's Lihuolun to Be the Quotation Research of Ancient Books for the First wave of Fusion of Confucianism,Buddhism, and Taoism in Chinese Buddhism History |
陳慧心 (撰)=Chen, Hui-hsin (compose) / 佛身觀的研究 -- 從部派佛教到初期大乘佛教=The Study of Buddha: kāya from Abhidhamma Buddhism to the Eary Stage of Mahāyāna Buddhism |
楊芳瑋 (撰)=Yang, Fang-wei (compose) / 智者大師《摩訶止觀》常行三昧之思想及其影響=The Master Chih-I's the Concept of Chang-Shing Samādhi and its Impact in “Mo-Ho-Chin-Kuan” |
廖少華 (撰)=Liao, Shou-hwa (compose) / 四無量心思想之研究 -- 以早期說一切有部阿毘達磨為中心=The Research of the idea of the Four Unlimited Mind (catvari amita-cittah)-Concerning about the central problem of abhidharma in Earlier Sarvastivadin |
劉宏文 (撰)=Liu, Hung-wen (compose) / 《維摩詰經.入不二法門品》之研究=Study on the Advayadharmamukhaprave?aparivartas in Vimalakīrtinirde?a |
劉楚妍 (撰)=Liu, Chu-yen (compose) / 洪覺範「文字禪」思想及其與士大夫之交遊=Hong Jue Fan's Writing-Chan Thought and His Interaction with Intellectuals |
潘俊琳 (撰)=Pan, June-lin (compose) / 佛教觀音變身道教大士之探討=The Incarnation of Buddist Avalokite?vara from Taoist Mahasattva |
賴奉助 (撰)=Lai, Feng-chu (compose) / 止觀修學方法之研究 -- 以《大乘止觀法門》及《菩提道次第略論》的對照觀點為依據=A Study on the Method of Cultivating Samatha-Vipassana: A Point of View That I Collated According to the Texts of "Da Cheng Zhi Guan Fa Men" and " Middling Exposition of the Stages of the Path " |
蘇俊方 (撰)=Su, Chun-fang (compose) / 印度摩耶思想初探=The first study about Maya in India |
釋大參 (撰)=Shi, Da-shan (compose) / 敦煌《觀音經》文獻及其相關信仰之研究=A Study on the Manuscripts of "Kuan-yin Sūtra" |
釋天池 (撰) / 「無住懺悔」之研究 -- 以《大方等大集經.虛空藏菩薩品》為主=Research into Confession of Non-Abiding--Based on the “Maha-vaipulya-maha-sannipata-sutra‧Gagana-ganja-sutra” |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2006 |
1 |
李秋瑰 (撰)=Lee, Chiu-kuei (compose) / 明代佛教戲曲《觀世音香山修行記》傳奇--劇本主題意涵之分析研究=A Buddhist Drama: The Study of "Guanyin’s Ascetic Days in Xiangshan" in Ming Legend Drama |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2005 |
3 |
邱明珠 (撰)=Chiou, Ming-ju (compose) / 善導大師〈信願念佛〉法門之研究=The study on the practice of Master Shan-tao's faith in and vow to Amitabha Buddha |
楊慧儀 (撰)=Yang, Hui-yi (compose) / 四聖諦(Catvari arya-satyani)思想研究 -- 以早期部派佛教阿毘達磨為中心=The Research of Four Noble Truths - Based on Abhidharma Philosophy of Earlier Scholastic Buddhism |
蔡慧質 (撰) / 佛陀教義在六師外道中的定位 -- 以《沙門果經》為中心 |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所 |
2004 |
2 |
李江瀅 (撰)=Lee, Jiang-ying (compose) / 蘊、處、界的研究 -- 以《雜阿含經》和《舍利弗阿毘曇論》為中心=Research of Skandha, ?yatana ,dh?tu-around on îgama and ê?riputra-abhidharma-§astra |
顏建益 (撰)=Yan, Jiann-yin (compose) / 《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》「中有」相關議題之探究 -- 以「中有救度」為核心 |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
2001 |
1 |
何孟玲 (撰)=Ho, Meng-ling (compose) / 《中部.念處經》四念處禪修方法之研究=A Study of Meditative Methods of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Satipatthana Sutta |
華梵大學東方人文思想研究所  |
3 |
林真合 (撰)=Lin, Jen-her (compose) / 從《占察善惡業報經》之「一實境界」論修行次第=The Stages of Buddhist Practice Based on the ‘Ekadravyavisaya' of the Chanzha Shane Yebao Jing |
邱湘凌 (撰)=Chiu, Hsiang-lin (compose) / 《華嚴經》的菩提心思想=The Concept of Bodhi-citta in the Hua-Yan Sutra |
陳麗彬 (撰)=Chen, Li-pin (compose) / 《雜阿含經》中佛陀對病苦的教示之研究=Research into the Buddha's ducation of VyAdhi-DukkhA in the SaMyutta-NikAya |
| | | |
458. |
華梵大學東方人文研究所  |
2008 |
1 |
曾耀賢 (撰)=Tseng, Yao-hsien (compose) / 曉雲導師覺之教育思想之探討=A Study on The Thoughts of Ven. Hiuwan's Enlightening Education |
| | | |
459. |
華梵大學哲學系  |
2010 |
1 |
陳虹蓁 (撰)=Chen, Hong-zhen (compose) / 論吉藏對《大般涅槃經》真常思想之詮釋=Ji-tsang's (549-623) Interpretation on "True Permanence" in the Mahaparinirvana-sutra |
華梵大學哲學系  |
2008 |
1 |
曾素連 (撰)=Tzeng, Suh-lian (compose) / 《大佛頂首楞嚴經》「修行實踐論」之研究=The Study of the Pratice Theory in the Lankavatara-Sutra |
| | | |
460. |
華嚴專宗佛學研究所 |
1998 |
1 |
釋德和 / 佛教天鼓之研究--以《華嚴經》(如來隨好光明功德品)為主 |
華嚴專宗佛學研究所  |
1990 |
1 |
釋傳智 (著) / 別教一乘與同教一乘之比較研究 |
| | | |
461. |
華嚴專宗佛學研究所第三屆 |
1 |
釋修德 / 法藏大師的五教論 |
| | | |
462. |
華嚴專宗學院研究所  |
1991 |
1 |
釋證自 (著) / 四悉檀之研究 |
| | | |
463. |
雲南大學  |
1990 |
1 |
何明 (著) / 嚴羽的美學理論思維及其與禪宗的關係 |
| | | |
464. |
黑龍江大學  |
2007 |
1 |
夏忠龍 / 先秦倫理思想研究=Pre-Qin Ethics Thought Study |
| | | |
465. |
圓光佛學研究所 |
2011 |
1 |
釋明光 / 巴利語《苦蘊經》與相對應三部漢譯比較研究=A Comparative Study of the Mahadukkhakkhandhasutta with Its Three Chinese Parallels |
圓光佛學研究所 |
1 |
釋定全 / 從天台「弘經方軌」論法華圓行 |
| | | |
466. |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
2009 |
4 |
林家安 / 現存漢譯《增一阿含經》之譯者考 |
釋性玄 (著)=Shih, Xing-xuan (au.) / 佛教末法思想在中國之受容與開展 -- 以南嶽慧思之末法思想為中心 |
釋性穎 (著)=Shih, Xing-ying (au.) / 天台「法華三昧」之探究 -- 以慧思、智顗為中心 |
釋法勝 (著)=Shih, Fa-sheng (au.) / 巴利語《羈舍子經》(Kesaputta Sutta)研究 -- 以「十事勿著」為中心=Study of the Pali Kesaputta Sutta: Based on the Ten Points of Non-attachment |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
2007 |
1 |
釋德穎 (著)=Shih, De-ying (au.) / 《楞伽經》「自覺聖智」之研究﹝附錄﹞ |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
2006 |
1 |
釋正持 (著)=Shi, Zheng-chi (au.) / 天台化法四教之研究 -- 以智顗、智旭的論述為主 |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
2005 |
2 |
釋印玄 (著)=Shih, Yin-xuan (au.) / 智者大師「戒乘緩急」思想之探究 -- 以十支戒為中心 |
釋律玄 (著)=Shih, Lu-hsuan (au.) / 六至十世紀敦煌地區「十一面觀音法門」之研究 |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
2004 |
1 |
釋性淨 / 《無量壽經》四十八願之研究 |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
2002 |
5 |
釋大清 / 《首楞嚴三昧經》所透顯的修學理趣 |
釋見宗 / 善導《觀無量壽佛經疏》之研究 |
釋明圓 / 巴利語《教授尸迦羅經》與四部漢譯之對照研究 |
釋諦玄 / 《大般若經.第二會》「依世俗說,不依勝義」此述詞所展現之二諦思想 |
釋證淨 / 彌陀淨土往生行法與品位差別之研究 -- 以「淨土三經一論」為主 |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
2001 |
1 |
釋大映 / 此岸的與彼岸的 -- 早期佛陀傳中的文學表現及倫常網絡 |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
2000 |
2 |
釋照亮 / 梵本《入正理論》譯注 |
釋寬慧 / 天台智者大師「覺意三昧」之研究 |
圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute  |
1998 |
1 |
釋仁宥 / 地論宗南道派初期心意識思想初探 -- 以法上《十地論義疏》為中心 |
| | | |
467. |
廈門大學  |
2007 |
2 |
王麗芳 (著) / 我國慈善文化建設研究 |
吳雙雙 (著) / 貫休思想及其文學創作初探 |
| | | |
468. |
慈濟大學  |
2020 |
5 |
王麗美 (著)=Wang, Li- Mei (au.) / 宗教信仰活動對成功老化的影響 - 以佛學讀書會五位成員為例=The Effects of Religious Practice on Successful Aging:A Case Study of Members of a Buddhism Reading Group |
袁瑩 (著)=Yuan Ying (au.) / 從醫學和佛學統合的視角探究台灣器官捐贈的佛教爭論=An Analysis of Taiwan Buddhist Controversies over Organ Donation from an Integrated Perspective of Medicine and Buddhism |
黃基淦 (著) / 大悲契智:證嚴上人早年修道歷程之敘事=Compassion with Wisdom : The Narration of Early Period of Master Cheng Yen's Buddhist Cultivation |
黃滎欽 (著)=Ooi, Yeng Khim (au.) / 初探證嚴法師「無我」之思想及其應用=A Preliminary Study on Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s Philosophy of “Non-self” and Its Application |
釋德雨 (著)=莊麗雲 (au.) / 慈濟靜思僧團體現大愛精神之探討=Practicing the Spirit of Great Love: A Study of Tzuchi Jing Si Sangha |
慈濟大學  |
2019 |
2 |
張印 (著)=Zhang, Yin (au.) / 唯識「二諦義」之解脫原理及其止觀運用:以法相宗「四重二諦」為中心=On the Liberate Theory and Application of the Teachings of Two-Truth in the Consciousness-Only Buddhism: A Focus on the Faxiang School’s Concepts of “Two Truths of Four-categories” |
歐荃苓 (著)=Ou, Chuan-ling (au.) / 從白雲禪師「止觀法門」析探身心療癒之道=Ch’an Master Pai-yun’s “Calm-Insight-Meditation”: A Study on Its Application to Physical-Mental-Healing |
慈濟大學  |
2018 |
1 |
張佑平 (著)=Chang, Yu-ping (au.) / 試論證嚴法師對「真空妙有」的詮釋與實踐=A Study on Master Cheng Yen’s Interpretation and Application of “True Emptiness and Wondrous Existence” |
慈濟大學  |
2017 |
2 |
黃麗蓉 (著)=Huang, Li-jung (au.) / 佛教解脫思想之研究 ─ 以《阿毘達摩俱舍論-解脫道明析》為依據=A Study of The Buddhist Philosophy of Liberation-Based onམཛོད་ཐར་འམ་གསལ་བྱེད་(Juoe Te Nam Sar Je) |
釋通韻 (著)=Shi, Tong-yun (au.) / 台灣佛教往生蓮位與超薦法會之研究=A Study on Lotus Memorial Tablets and Buddhist Liberation Rites in Contemporany Taiwan —Take Vadana Saints Temple in Hualien as an example |
慈濟大學  |
2016 |
1 |
廖羚均 (著)=Liao, Ling-jun (au.) / 茶禪與心的返照:以開心門道場為例=The Reflective Mind in Tea Zen: A Case Study of the Monastery of kai-sin-mén (Open Yourself) |
| | | |
469. |
慈濟大學宗教與人文研究所碩士班  |
2022 |
1 |
王明觀 (著)=Wang, Ming-kuan (au.) / 《大悲懺》修持作為「往生淨因」之探討=A Discussion on the Great Compassion Repentance Practices as the Pure Cause of Ultimate Departure |
慈濟大學宗教與人文研究所碩士班  |
2021 |
1 |
王秀芳 (著)=Wang, Siou-fang (au.) / 佛法入世的教化功能:以更生人的生命轉化為例=Edifying Functions of Engaged Buddhism: Case Studies of Transformation of Ex-convicts |
| | | |
470. |
愛知学院大学  |
2019 |
1 |
呂其俊 (著)=ロ, キシュン (au.) / トゥカン三世の生涯と思想 |
愛知学院大学  |
2017 |
1 |
多田實道 (著)=Tada, Jitsudo (au.) / 伊勢神宮神仏習合史の研究 |
愛知学院大学  |
2014 |
1 |
角田泰隆 (著)=Tsunoda, Tairyu (au.) / 道元禅師の思想的研究 |
| | | |
471. |
新亞研究所  |
2018 |
1 |
王慧儀 (著) / 中國禪宗思想邅變研究 : 以六祖壇經為中心=A Study of the Evoluation of Chinese Chen Buddhism Thought : focusing on ""The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch |
新亞研究所  |
1997 |
1 |
李葛夫 (著) / 月稱《入中論》辯破唯識無境之研究 |
| | | |
472. |
新疆大学 |
2012 |
1 |
牟成娟 (著) / 回鶻佛教功德思想研究──以回鶻文佛教文獻為中心 |
| | | |
473. |
義守大學  |
2018 |
1 |
黃汎麒 (著)=Huang, Fan-chi (au.) / 宗教團體其信眾之堅信態度與衍生行為探討=On the belief attitude and derivative behavior of religious groups believers |
| | | |
474. |
聖約翰科技大學  |
2018 |
1 |
廖明玉 (著)=Liao, Ming-yu (au.) / 禪繞畫啓發教學對高職生提升創造力之研究=A Study on Promoting the Creativity of Vocational High School Students by Zentangle Teaching |
| | | |
475. |
嘉南藥理大學  |
2019 |
1 |
鄭玟軒 (著)=Zheng, Wen-Xuan (au.) / 以菱角炭拜香進行寺廟懸浮微粒濃度改善成效探討=Discussion on the Effect of Improving the Concentration of Suspended Particulate in Temples with Carbonized Water Caltrop Shell in Incense Production |
| | | |
476. |
嘉南藥理大學儒學研究所  |
2014 |
1 |
盧素娥 (著)=Lu, Su-er (au.) / 證嚴法師濟世思想與實踐之研究-兼論儒佛思想之會通=A Study of Master Zheng Yan’s vision and practice of salvation──extend examination on the integration of concepts between Confucianism and Buddhism |
| | | |
477. |
實踐大學  |
2022 |
1 |
蔣旎 (著) / 過去「未來式」:科技賦能下,「敦煌藝術」的保護與創新=The "Future Tense" of the Past: the Protection and Innovation of "Dunhuang Art" under the Empowerment of Technology |
| | | |
478. |
暨南大學 |
2009 |
1 |
徐強 (撰) / 魏晉南北朝廣東佛教的傳播與分佈 |
| | | |
479. |
臺北市立大學  |
2018 |
2 |
李坤錫 (著)=Li, Kun-si (au.) / 智永書學與佛學之實踐:以《真草千字文》為例=Reflective practice of Zhiyong’s Calligraphy and Buddhism: A case study of his “Zhencao Qianziwen“ |
林哲賢 (著) / 新北市板橋區後埔國小學童實施接雲寺鄉土教學之行動研究=An Action Research on Implementation of Indigenous Jie Yun Temple Teaching for Students at Houpu Elementary School in Banqiao District, New Taipei City |
| | | |
480. |
臺北市立師範學院  |
2000 |
1 |
洪素芬 (著)=Hung, Su-fen (au.) / 一個研究者探索靜思語教學的反省歷程:兼論整合觀點的德育模式=A Self-reflexive: Approaches to the Still Thoughts Instruction and Construct a Confluent Moral Education Model |
| | | |
481. |
輔仁大學  |
2023 |
1 |
林志銘 (撰)=Lin, Chih-ming (compose) / 以《菩提道次第廣論》探究道次第=Exploring the Stages of the Path with "Lam Rim Chen Mo" |
輔仁大學  |
2022 |
4 |
林素玉 (撰)=Lin, Su-yu (compose) / 教觀天臺行於淨土之思想研究-以知禮《觀無量壽佛經疏妙宗鈔》為例=Research on the Thought of Teaching and ViewingTiantai and Walking in the Pure Land-Take Zhili's"Viewing the Infinite Longevity Buddhist Sutra ShumiaoZong Notes" as an example |
陳麗華 (撰)=Chen, Li-hua (compose) / 當生命遇上毗婆舍那四念住 - 自我敘說與探究=Encountering vipassana: self-narrative of meditative experiences |
童雅穗 (撰) / 行天宮的信仰理念與社會關懷=The religious philosophy and social concern of the Xingtian Temple |
楊淙棋 (撰)=Yang, Tsung-chi (compose) / 北勢寮保安宮安營頭與繞境研究=Research on the Anyingtou and Parade of the Baoan Temple in Beishiliao |
輔仁大學  |
2021 |
5 |
李瑞芸 (撰)=Lee, Jui-yun (compose) / 花蓮大陳庫屋與台灣靈厝比較研究=A Study on Comparison Between Dachen’s Paper Vaultin Hualien and Taiwanese Paper House |
沈家弘 (撰)=Shen, Chia-hung (compose) / 當代臺灣佛教施食儀軌研究:以《大甘露門施食要集》為例=A Study on the Food Bestowal ritual in Contemporary Taiwan Buddhism: A case study of The Collection of Great-Nectar- Gate- Food Bestowal |
周繼鶯 (著)=Chou, Chi-ying (au.) / 新北中和福和宮佛經團的組織與運作=New Taipei city, Zhonghe district. Fu-Ho temple,sutra group’s organization & operation |
曾翊嘉 (撰)=Tseng, Yi-chia (compose) / 宮廟與社區文化發展之研究—以新北市善息堂為例=Shrine and Community Cultural Development: the Exemple of Shan Xi Shrine of New Taipei City. |
鄭秀珠 (撰)=Cheng, Hsiu-chu (compose) / 《繪本心經》在臺灣國小生命教育的運用=The Application of Picture Book Heart Sutra in Life Education of Elementary Schools in Taiwan |
輔仁大學  |
2020 |
5 |
Sgorbati, Matteo (著)=司瑪竇 (au.) / Jung and Buddhism in Dialogue: Critical Terms and Taiwanese Perspective=榮格與佛學的對話:關鍵術語及台灣視角 |
王曉鈴 (著)=Wang, Hsiao-ling (au.) / 近代日本佛教與臺灣信仰的交涉:以臺北天后宮、北投普濟寺與臺北遍路為例=The Interaction Between Japanese Buddhism and Taiwan Faith: Take Taipei Tianhou Temple, Beitou Puji Temple and Taipei Henro As Samples |
李虹慧 (撰)=Lee, Hung-hui (compose) / 從血餘到血湖與血盆的研究=A Study on the Blood Taboo of Female Menstrual Blood and Partum Blood and the Salvation in Religion: From Female Bodily Pollution to Lake of Blood and Blood Basin |
劉玉惠 (著)=Liu, Yu-hui (au.) / 以「十牛圖頌」探討聖嚴法師的生命經歷與修行=Explore the life experience and practice of Master Shen-Yen by using 「Ten Ox-herding picture’s and verses」 |
賴冠羽 (撰)=Lai, Guan-yu (compose) / 台灣網路上靈力實修現象之探討=On Phenomenon of Spiritual Practice on the Internet in Taiwan |
輔仁大學  |
2019 |
9 |
李侑靜 (著)=Li, You-ching (au.) / 《菩薩凝視的島嶼》中的創傷見證=Trauma Testimony in Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost |
李淑慧 (撰)=Li, Shu-hui (compose) / 真佛宗密法修持之研究=The Research on the Arcane Practice of the True Buddha |
邱心怡 (著)=Chiu, Hsin-yi (au.) / 臺灣佛教宗教網站使用性評估:以華藏淨宗弘化網為例=Usability Evaluation of the Corporation of Hwa Dzan Society |
洪子雅 (著)=Hong, Zi-ya (au.) / 探討宗教信仰對護理人員個人的意義與影響=Exploring the personal meaning and influence of religious belief for nurses |
張兆櫻 (著)=Chang, Chao-ying (au.) / 宗教團體所發起之社會服務比較研究:以非營利組織為例=A Comparative Study of Social Services of Religious Groups: A case study of Non-profit organization |
陳高昌 (撰) / 萬華地區的遶境活動研究 —以艋舺啟天宮為例=Study on the Pilgrimage Procession in Wanhua —A Case Study of Bangka Chi-Tien Temple |
劉鳳娟 (著)=Liu, Feng-chuan (au.) / 神聖性在台灣宗教文化創意商品行銷組合思維中的角色探討=The Role of Sacredness in Taiwan's Religious and Cultural Creative Product Marketing Mix |
賴松慶 (著)=Lai, Sung-ching (au.) / 從台灣當今宗教與殯葬政策探討生命關懷的相關課題=Exploring the Related Topics of Life Care from Taiwan's Current Religion and Funeral Policy |
賴暐諺 (著)=Lai, Wei-yen (au.) / 善導《般舟讚》的研究=The Study of Shan-tao's“hymn of pratyutpanna” |
輔仁大學  |
2018 |
15 |
王志然 (著)=Wang, Chih-jan (au.) / 佛教生命觀與臺灣政府的戒毒措施=Life view of Buddhism and the Goverment Strategies of the Drug Rehabilitation in Taiwan |
王鶯珍 (著) / 印光大師淨土思想的會通與傳承研究=The Study of Pure Land Thought as Understood and Transmitted by Dharma Master Yin Kuan |
吳麗芳 (著)=Wu, Li-fang (au.) / 禪修融入國小學生用餐指導的歷程及其成效研究:以桃園某國小「吃飯趣」活動為例=A Research on the Process and Result of Integrating Meditation into School Pupils' Dining Guide: Take the Activity “Dining Fun"of an Elementary School in Taoyuan as an Example . |
李銘鵬 (著)=Lee, Ming-peng (au.) / 混元禪師與唯心聖教之研究=The Study of Grand Master Hunyuan and Weixin Shengjiao |
沈宥均 (著)=Shen,Yu-chun (au.) / 臺灣琉璃山藥師信仰實踐研究=The Study of the Belief and Practice of the Medicine Buddha on Mt. Lapis Lazuli in Taiwan |
林淑理 (著)=Lin, Shu-li (au.) / 當代台灣修女與比丘尼皈依生涯之比較研究=A Comparative Study of the Conversion Career of Catholic Religious Sisters and Buddhist Nuns in Modern Taiwan |
林綺妮 (著)=Lin, Chi-ni (au.) / 道源長老《地藏菩薩本願經講記》研究=The Study in the Dizang pusa benyuan jing jiangjiby the Venerable Daoyuan |
姜彥君 (著)=Chiang, Yen-chun (au.) / 台灣宗教團體運作之適法性研究=A Study of Compliance with the Law in the Operations of Religious Bodies in Taiwan |
洪睿遠 (撰)=Hung, Yui-juan (compose) / 『燒香敬神』行為文化之研究=The Behavioral Culture Research Of 『Burning Incense And God Worship』 |
陳世宏 (著)=Chen, Shi-hong (au.) / 恆河大手印與默照禪比較:以創古仁波切與聖嚴法師為例=Comparison on Mahāmudrā: SILENT ILLUMINATION Buddhist Zen teaching—by Thrangu Rinpoche and Master Sheng Yen |
陳菊英 (著)=Chen, Chu-ying (au.) / 臺灣素食事業經營者與宗教的關係:以T食品公司為例=Links between Vegetarian-Related Business Operators in Taiwan and Religion: Use Food Company T as an Example |
陳逸玫 (著)=Chen, Yi-mei (au.) / 漢文佛經異體字字典編輯方法研究=The Editorial Methodology of Variant Dictionary for Chinese Sutras |
黃素芬 (著)=Huang, Su-fen (au.) / 由《觀無量壽佛經》的教學探討生命實相與修行導向=The Reality of Life and the Direction of Religious Cultivation of the Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra |
廖秋蓁 (著) / 普庵禪師普庵咒的悉曇梵音之探討:琴譜與聲韻之美=A study on the Sanskrit sounds of the Incantation of Monk Pu-An:The beauty of the Qin Partition and Chanting |
鍾郁舜 (著)=Jong, Yuh-Shuenn (au.) / 初探雅士培與日常老和尚之孔子核心思想=La visión de Jaspers y del Monje Ri Chang sobre el pensamiento central de Confucio |
輔仁大學  |
2017 |
13 |
于文媛 (著)=Yu, Wen-yuan (au.) / 《梁皇寶懺》的儀式音樂及其對生命教化的探討=Exploring the Ritual Music of Lianghuang Baoch’an and It’s Education to Life |
李艾華 (著) / 西藏觀音齋戒之身心療癒研究=An Inquiry into the Healing of Body and MindThrough the Fasting Retreat of Avalokiteśvara |
李芊霆 (撰)=Li, Cian-ting (compose) / 佛教與生態:臺灣「慈心有機農業發展基金會」的生態理念與實踐=Buddhism and Ecology : The Ecological Belief and Practice of the“Compassion Foundation for Organic Agriculture Development”in Taiwan |
季進德 (著)=JIJIMON ALAKKALAM JOSEPH (au.) / 以基督宗教與禪宗的神聖故事的靈性作為信仰對話起點:以解釋現象學觀點論述=Spirituality of Sacred Stories in Christianity and Zen as a Starting Point for Interfaith Dialogue: The Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approach |
林裕倉 (著)=Lin, Yu Chang (au.) / 夢與心靈意識結構之理論探析-以《莊子》﹑《唯識學》﹑容格之觀點為例=Theoretical Analysis of Dreams and the structure of consciousness :Zhuang Zi,Yogacara and Carl Gustav Yung as examples |
范淑琪 (著)=Fan, Shu-chi (au.) / 彌勒三部經之研究=A Study on the Three Maitreya Sūtras |
高榮孝 (著)=Kao, Jung-hsiao (au.) / 生命意義作為宗教交談的基礎=The Meaning of Life as the Foundation of Inter-Religious Dialogue |
蔡文練 (撰)=Tsai, Wen–lian (compose) / 慈心有機農業發展基金會的自然環境保護實踐=The practice of organic agriculture on environment protection - A case study of Tse-Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation |
鄭元呈 (著)=Zheng, Yuan-cheng (au.) / 臺灣釋教源流與發展=The Origin and Development of Shakya Clan in Taiwan |
蕭麗芬 (著)=Xiao,Li-fen (au.) / 成玄英道佛思想會通研究=Research in Cheng Xuan Ying's understanding and interpretation of Taoist thought and Buddhism |
賴艾蓮 (著)=Lai, Ai-lien (au.) / 從《雜阿含經》的瞻病關懷看長期照護的應用=The Long-Term Care Application of Taiwan from ''The Samyukta-Agama care'' |
戴祥如 (撰)=Tai, Hsiang-ju (compose) / 「生死輪迴圖」的生命教育研究=The Research of Life Education from The Wheel of Life |
薛榮祥 (著) / 帝網重重中的太虛法師人間佛教 :一個互為主體的心理傳記研究=Master TaiXu’s Engaged Buddhism in a Reflective Imagines of Crystal Web:An Intersubjectivity Psychobiographical Approach |
輔仁大學  |
2016 |
7 |
朱芫瑧 (著) / 禪修與療癒:以台北菩提禪修為例=Healing in Meditation: The International Bodhi Meditation Organization |
張孝珺 (撰)=Chang, Shiao-chun (compose) / 從佛教《般若波羅蜜多心經》看臺灣的生態教育=Examining Environmental Education in Taiwan from the Buddhist Prajna-paramita-hrdaya-sutra |
陳妙珠 (著) / 《了凡四訓》倫理思想的當代意涵=Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons’ Ethical Thought: Its Contemporary Significance |
楊天立 (著)=Yang, Tien-li (au.) / 由《大念處經》的教學探討生命的出路與修行導向=An Inquiry into the Path of Life and the Orientation of Practice Based on the Teachings of the Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta |
廖彥博 (撰)=Liao, Yen-po (compose) / 鬼魅侮身——道教和佛教實務處理之探討=The Cure for Spirit Obsession:an Empirical Study On Taoist and Buddhist Treatments |
廖桂蘭 (著)=Liao, Guey-lan (au.) / 《維摩詰所說經》與佛教修辭=Buddhist Rhetoric: Kumārajīva's Vimalakīrtinirdeśa |
劉鎛瑄 (撰)=Liu, Bo-xuan (compose) / 善導《往生禮讚》念佛儀禮之研究=The Study of the Ritual of Nianfo in Chinese Buddhism-A Case Study of Shandau’s Wangshenglizan |
輔仁大學  |
2015 |
5 |
吳麗惠 (著)=Wu, Li-hui (au.) / 從《黃帝內經》論情志養生=A "HUANGDINEIJING" research on emotion and regimen |
李秋香 (撰)=Lee, Chiu-hsiang (compose) / 台灣的生命教育-以法鼓山為例=Life education in Taiwan-Dharma drum mountain |
林瓊媖 (撰)=Lin, Chiung-ying (compose) / 真佛宗華光功德會臨終關懷之研究=Research in providing special care for those in a hospice of the Lotus Light Charity Association of the True Buddha School |
程郁涵 (著)=Cheng, Yuh-harn (au.) / 台灣茶藝術的發展及與宗教的交流=The Development of Taiwan Tea Aesthetics and Religious Exchanges |
蔡啟輝 (撰)=Tsai, Chi-huei (compose) / 曇鸞的念佛思想初探=The Study of Tanluan’s Thought of Buddha-Remembrance |
輔仁大學  |
2014 |
7 |
王瀅屏 (撰)=Wang, Ying-ping (compose) / 性別與生命倫理─佛教的女性觀=Gender and Bioethics:The Views on Women in Buddhism |
周志鴻 (撰)=Chou, Chih-hung (compose) / 善導《觀無量壽佛經疏》念佛思想的研究=The study of Shan-tao’s thought of the annotation of Nianfo : on the “Guan Wuliangshou Jing” |
邱杏嫺 (撰)=Chiu, Hsing-hsien (compose) / 新竹客家釋教特殊喪葬禮儀研究-以湖口萬盛佛壇拜香山儀式為例=The special funeral rites of Hsinchu Hakka tradition faith (mixed with Taoism and Buddhism)Studies-Case of Hukou Wansheng altar of worship Xiangshan Rite |
邱英芳 (著)=Chiu, Ying-fang (au.) / 護一盞如豆「菜燈」 ~ 自我敘說與社會實踐辯證的認識與前行 ~=To Guard a Cole-seed-oil lamp. ~ The tacit knowing and praxis in dialectical between self-narrative and social practice. ~ |
黃美玲 (撰)=Huang, Mei-ling (compose) / 臺灣寺廟登記之實務研究——以士林區兩個案為例=Research on Practices of Temple Registration in Taiwan ---- Focus Two Examplesin Shihlin District |
賴靜藝 (撰)=Lai, Ching-yi (compose) / 袁了凡的生命觀=Research on View of life Liao-fan Yuan |
釋法修 (著)=Shih, Fa-hsiu (au.) / 淨土法門對靈性的終極關懷=Pure Land Dharma Ultimate Concern for Spirituality |
輔仁大學  |
2013 |
3 |
王金玉 (撰)=Wang, Chin-yu (compose) / 桃園縣龜山壽山巖觀音寺信仰之研究=The study of faith Guishan Shou-shan Yan Guanyin Temple in Taoyaun county |
黃敬涵 (撰)=Huang, Ching-han (compose) / 法鼓山大悲心水陸法會的特色=The characteristics of Dharma Drum Mountain's Great Compassion Water and Land Dharma Service |
鄭文烈 (撰)=Cheng, Wen-lei (compose) / 法鼓山助念團大事關懷研究=A Study on the Services by the Dharma Drum Mountain End-of-Life Caring Group |
輔仁大學  |
2012 |
6 |
徐燕枝 (撰)=Hsu, Yen-chih (compose) / 《維摩詰經》空觀與菩薩行之研究=The Concepts of Śūnyatā and Bodhisattva-caryā in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra |
連英華 (撰)=Lien, Ying-hua (compose) / 宗喀巴《菩提道次第廣論》之止觀思想與實踐=The Study of Cerebration and Practice of Śamatha-Vipaśyanā in Tsong Kha pa's Lam Rim Chen Mo |
游宛珍 (撰)=Yu, Wan-chen (compose) / 臺灣天主教與佛教慈濟功德會環保理念與實踐之比較=A Comparative Study on Environmental Belief and Practice between Tzu Chi Foundation and Catholic Church in Taiwan |
葉素姬 (撰)=Yeh, Su-chi (compose) / 《金剛頂經》的五相成身觀之研究=A Study of Pañcākārābhisaṃbodhi in the Tattva-samgraha-Sutra |
蔡長志 (撰)=Tsai, Chang-chih (compose) / 從佛教觀點看器官捐贈問題=The Organ Donation In Buddhism |
蘇瓊瑩 (撰)=Su, Chiung-ying (compose) / 證嚴法師靜思語對生命關懷與教育的啟發=Master Cheng-Yen's Still Thoughts and its inspiration for Life Care and Life Education |
輔仁大學  |
2011 |
10 |
何苔瑄 (撰)=Ho, Tai-hsuan (compose) / 莊子「坐忘」與禪宗「禪定」修養工夫論之對觀 |
侯明福 (撰)=Hou, Ming-fu (compose) / 組織與活動─臺南府城大觀音亭興濟宮的發展與變化=A Study on Organization and Activity of Grand Guanyin Pavilion Xing-ji Temple in Tainan |
索南喇嘛 (撰)=Sonam Lama (compose) / 薩迦班智達《三律儀差別論》前二品註釋=The first two chapters commentary of Sakya Paṇḍita'sA Clear Differentiations of the Three Codes |
高煥循 (撰)=Kao, Huan-hsun (compose) / 聖嚴法師「心六倫」的思想與實踐=Thoughts and Practices of Master Sheng Yen’s Six Ethics of Heart |
許汶香 (撰)=釋果相 (compose) / 《太玄真一本際妙經》與佛典關係之研究=A Study on the Relationship between the Pen–Chi Ching and Buddhist Scriptures |
許曉昀 (著)=Hsu, Hsiao-yun (au.) / 善導的眾生觀初探=The Study of Shan-tao's Concept of Sentient beings |
黃瓈瑢 (撰)=Huang, Li-rung (compose) / 初期佛教生死學之研究 — 以自殺探索為研究核心=Exploration of Early Buddhist Thanatology — a Study of Suicide in Doctrine |
劉軒維 (撰)=Liu, Hsuan-wei (compose) / 慈濟七月吉祥月與中元普渡:現代與傳統的對話=Auspicious Seventh Lunar Month for Tzu Chi and Festival of General Salvation:A Dialogue between the Modern and the Tradition |
賴惠鈴 (撰)=Lai, Hui-ling (compose) / 佛教對器官捐贈的理念與實踐─以慈濟器官勸募中心為例=Buddhism to Organ Donation Belief and Practice─As the example of Tzu Chi Organ Procurement Organization Center |
駱奇宗 (撰)=Lo, Chi-Chung (compose) / 行天宮玄空師父的宣講與實踐研究=Hsing Tian Temple Master Hsuan Kung's Preaching And Practice |
輔仁大學  |
2010 |
4 |
古桂瑛 (撰)=Ku, Kuei-ying (compose) / 從《金剛經》談當代生命教育=Diamond Sutra and Contemporary Life Education |
徐孟勤 (撰)=Hsu, Meng-chin (compose) / 寺廟神像雕塑藝術在台灣的本土化發展=Development of the Inculturation of Temples’ Statue Sculptures in Taiwan |
潘俊吉 (撰)=Pan, Chun-chi (compose) / 淨土信仰之研究─以善導的「三心釋」為例─=The Study of Faith in Pure Land-Focusing on the Threefold mind of Shan-tao- |
盧業慈 (撰)=Lu, Yeh-tzu (compose) / 聖袍與袈裟的結合融入臨終者靈性關懷之研究=A Study on the Spiritual Concern for the Dying―Integrating Christianity with Buddhism |
輔仁大學  |
2009 |
2 |
吳季燕 (撰)=Wu, Chi-yen (compose) / 了不了義之研究--以宗喀巴《善說藏論》為主=The Study of Treatise Discriminating the Interpretable and the Definitive —- based on Tsong kha pa’s《Drang Nges Legs bShad sNying Po》 |
黃康綺 (撰)=Huang, Kang-chi (compose) / 「阿南達瑪迦」密宗瑜珈的生命修煉=The Cultivation through Ananda Marga Tantra Yoga in Life |
輔仁大學  |
2008 |
2 |
李可昕 (撰)=Lee, Ko-hsin (compose) / 從佛教生命倫理觀看墮胎議題=The Attitude of Abortion in Buddhist Bioethics |
張淑玲 (撰)=Chang, Shu-ling (compose) / 方東美的生命觀與西方創化思想=Aspects of Creative Evolutionary Thought in Thomé H. Fang’s Account of LifeAspects of Creative Evolutionary Thought in Thomé H. Fang’s Account of LifeAspects of Creative Evolutionary Thought in Thomé H. Fang’s Account of LifeAspects of Creative Evol |
輔仁大學  |
2007 |
5 |
張瓈文 (撰)=Chang, Doris Li-wen (compose) / 主體危機、無我、過程主體:林燿德、聖嚴法師、克莉絲蒂娃之主體觀=Crises of the Subject, Anātman, Subject-in-Process: Comparative Perspectives on Subjectivity of Lin Yao-de, Chan Master Sheng-yen, and Julia Kristéva |
陳彥戎 (撰)=Chen, Yen-rong (compose) / 蕅益智旭《周易禪解》儒佛會通思想研究=The study of integration between Confucianism and Buddhism thought of the master OH-YI-ZHI-XU's ZHOU YI CHAN JIE |
黃清旗 (撰)=Huang, Ching-chyi (compose) / 基隆和平島民間信仰宮廟之研究=Folk Religious Belief of Keelung’s Ho_ping Islanders |
楊淨 (撰)=Yang, Ching (compose) / 從佛教輪迴觀探究淨土信仰及其應用倫理=The Faith of Pure Land Buddhism and Its Applied Ethics: A Study from the Point of View of the doctrine of Transmigration |
蕭貞貞 (撰)=Sucharittammakul, Wilaiporn (compose) / 上座部佛教的兩性論述──從原始佛典的解讀到當代「平等」議題=On Gender Discourse of The Theravāda Buddhism :From the Interpretation of Original Buddhist Texts To the Discussion of the Contemporary Meaning of Equality |
輔仁大學  |
2006 |
3 |
李彩燕 (撰)=Li, Tsai-yen (compose) / 初期佛教飲食觀之研究──以阿含經為主=A Study of the Early Buddhism’s Food-eating Philosophy─Mainly With Referenced to Āgamas |
程正介 (撰)=Cherng, Jeng-jien (compose) / 印度佛教中信仰結構的探討─以宗教現象學為主的反思=Study on Faith Structure of the Indian Buddhism— Reflections Based on Phenomenology of Religion |
葉子豪 (撰)=Yeh, Tzu-hao (compose) / 從宗教全球化的觀點論慈濟功德會之發展 |
輔仁大學  |
2005 |
1 |
汪圓善 (撰)=Wang, Yuan-shan (compose) / 彌勒大道的宗教型態=The religious feature of Maitreya Great Dao |
輔仁大學  |
2004 |
2 |
左寶珠 (著) / 台灣天主教修女與佛教比丘尼 |
吳曉晴 (撰)=Wu, Shing-ching (compose) / 觀音信仰及其圖像研究﹘以千手千眼觀音為例=The Research of the Guanyin Belief and Iconography﹘a Case Study of Thousand—armed and Thousand—eyed Guanyin Images |
輔仁大學  |
2003 |
1 |
黃桂雲 (撰) / 淨土藏經類典籍收錄考察與判讀─以臺灣當代中文出版品為主=A study of Pure Land Sutras Classics Collection and evaluates in Taiwan Contemporary Chinese Publications |
輔仁大學  |
2001 |
1 |
林雯雯 (著)=Lin, Wen-wen (au.) / 台灣佛教女性出家眾資訊尋求行為之探討=The Information Seeking Behavior of the Buddhist Nuns in Taiwan |
輔仁大學  |
2000 |
2 |
陳世賢 (著)=Chen, Shih-hsien (au.) / 《成實論》「三心」思想之研究:對於「假名心」、「法心」、「空心」的解析=A Study of Tri-citta Thought of Satyasiddhiśāstra: The Analysis of Prajnapti-citta, Dharma-citta and Śūnya-citta |
鄭郁慧 (著)=Cheng, Yu-huei (au.) / 《究竟一乘寶性論》如來藏思想之研究=A study on Tathagatgarbha Doctrine of ''Ratnagotravibhaga'' |
輔仁大學  |
1999 |
1 |
曹德啟 (著)=Tsao, Dhe-chi (au.) / 曼荼羅的永恆回歸:婆羅浮屠=The Eternal Return of Mandala: Borobudur |
輔仁大學  |
1998 |
3 |
王毅文 (著) / 楞嚴真心思想研究 |
林佩君 (著) / 新聞論述建構之新興宗教語藝視野:以中國時報、聯合報與自由時報為研究對象=The Rhetorical Vision of New Religion as Constructed in News Discourse: An Analysis of China times, United Daily News and The Liberty Times |
賈瑀鉉 (著)=Ka, Woo-hyun (au.) / 臨濟禪法研究=On the Zen of Lin-Chi |
輔仁大學  |
1996 |
4 |
胡順萍 (著)=Hu, Shun-ping (au.) / 宗密教禪一致思想之形成與影響=Tsung-Mi''s Convergence of Teachings and Ch''an form and influence |
陳俊龍 (著) / 向郭與支道林逍遙思想之研究=Idea of Carefreeness Between Guo Xiang (with Xiang Xiu) and Zhi Daolin |
廖偉舟 (著) / 佛教六波羅密的超個人心理學意義及其對人的影響之探討 |
劉約崢 (著)=Liu, Yo-cheng (au.) / 佛法實相研究:以若干大乘經典為主=The Research for "Dharmata" of Buddha's Dharma: In Point of Mahayana Sutras |
輔仁大學  |
1995 |
3 |
朴龍祚 (著)=Park, Yong-jo (au.) / 龍樹《中論》之空思想探究 |
周志煌 (著)=Jou, Jyh-hwang (au.) / 民初佛學「唯識」與「如來藏」之交涉:以支那內學院與武昌佛學院之法義論諍為核心的開展=The interweaving between Vijnana─vada and Tathagata─vada in the early 20th century: An exploration focused on the Dharma debate between Jynah and Wuchang Buddhism Academies |
張超雄 (著)=Chang, Chau-shong (au.) / 《羅馬書》與《大乘起信論》之比較:「罪」和「無明」為中心=A Comparison of "The Epistle to Romans" with "The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana", centered in "Sin" and "Ignorance(Wu Ming)" |
輔仁大學  |
1994 |
4 |
李治華 (著)=Li, Chih-hua (au.) / 《楞嚴經》哲學之研究=A Study On The Philosophy of The Shurangama Sutra |
趙明淑 (著)=Cho, Myung-sook (au.) / 宗密思想初探=A preliminary study on the philosophy of Tsung Mi |
劉玉惠 (著)=Liu, Yu-hui (au.) / 聖界與凡界:慈濟論述之幻想主題分析=The Sacred and The Profane: A Fantasy Theme Analysis of the Discourse in Tzu-Chi Buddhist Merit Foundation |
劉錦昌 (著)=Liu, Ching-chang (au.) / 比較宗教學方法論的反省─京都學派、上智大學與台灣耶─佛教界的研究=A Reflection on the Methodology of Comparative Religion: the Kyoto School, Sophia University and Christian-Buddhist Studies in Taiwan |
輔仁大學  |
1993 |
2 |
李開濟 (著)=Lee, Kai-gei (au.) / 宋代大慧宗杲禪思想研究=A Studying On the Sung Dynasty Ta-hui Tsung-Kao's Zen Philosophy |
潘永興 (著)=Poon, Wing-hing (au.) / 唯識論「八識說」的探討=Research on the Theory of Eight Consciousness of the Doctrine of e Mere-Consciousness |
輔仁大學  |
1991 |
1 |
王鏡玲 (撰)=Wang, Jing-ling (compose) / 台灣廟宇建構儀式初探──以MirceaEliade神聖空間建構的觀點=The Construction Rituals of Taiwanese Temples--On Mircea Eliade''s Concept of the Construction of Sacred Space |
輔仁大學  |
1968 |
1 |
趙振靖 (著) / 世界之宗教祭祀比較觀 |
輔仁大學  |
2 |
古桂瑛 (撰)=Ku, Kuei-ying (compose) / 從<<金剛經>>談當代生命教育=Diamond Sutra and contemporary life education |
許鶴齡 (著)=Shiu, He-ling (au.) / 六祖惠能思想研究=On Study of The Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng's Thought |
| | | |
482. |
輔仁大學=Fu-Jen Catholic University  |
2002 |
1 |
呂凱文 (撰) / 初期佛教「緣起」概念析論 -- 緣起與《雜阿含》「雜因誦」諸相應概念之交涉=A Study of Paticcasamuppada Concept in Early Buddhism: Focus on the Relation between Paticcasamuppada and the Main Concepts in Samyutta-Agama Sutta(Za a han jing)' s Nidana Vagga |
| | | |
483. |
輔仁大學中國文學系  |
2004 |
1 |
王月秀 (撰) / 僧肇思想研究:以《肇論》為中心=A Study of Seng-chao''s Thoughts: focus on the "Chao Lun" |
| | | |
484. |
輔仁大學宗教學系  |
2012 |
1 |
許鶴瀞 (撰)=Hsu, Ho-ching (compose) / 《菩提道次第略論》之生命教育=The Life Education of Tsong Kha pa’s the Middle Stages of the Path of Enlightenment |
輔仁大學宗教學系  |
2008 |
2 |
郭靜如 (撰)=Kuo, Ching-ju (compose) / 佛教與「環保」 -- 台灣法鼓山的環保理念與實踐=Buddhism and "Huan-Bao": Environmental Belief and Practice of Dharma Drum Mountain in Taiwan |
廖彼得 (撰)=Liao, Bi-de (compose) / 大安森林公園觀音像遷移事件之政教研究=A Study on Religion-Politics Relationship of The Kuan-Yin Statue Event in Da-An Forest Park |
輔仁大學宗教學系  |
2007 |
2 |
許原豪 (撰)=Hsu, Yuan-hao (compose) / 從佛教立場邁向宗教交談之路 —— 以天台學說為主軸的理論研究=The Buddhist Path to Inter-religious Dialogue from a Theoretical Perspective of Chinese Tiān Tái Buddhism |
羅金梅 (撰)=Luo, Jin-mei (compose) / 臺灣地區漢語佛學文獻檢索與利用之探討=A Study of Buddism Chinese Literature Search & Use in Taiwan |
輔仁大學宗教學系  |
2006 |
1 |
李彩燕 (撰)=Li, Tsai-yen (compose) / 初期佛教飲食觀之研究 -- 以阿含經為主=A Study of the Early Buddhism's Food-eating Philosophy: Mainly with Referenced to ?gamas |
輔仁大學宗教學系  |
2005 |
1 |
葉子豪 (撰)=Yeh, Tzu-hao (compose) / 從宗教全球化的觀點論慈濟功德會之發展 |
| | | |
485. |
輔仁大學宗教學系  |
2004 |
1 |
陳漢洲 (撰)=Chen, Han-chou (compose) / 般舟三昧念佛法門及其傳播=The Dharma Practice of Buddha Name Recitation in the Bozhou Sanmei Jing and its Dissemination |
| | | |
486. |
輔仁大學宗教學系 |
2003 |
1 |
黃桂雲 (撰) / 淨土藏經類典籍收錄考察與判讀:以臺灣當代中文出版品為主=A study of Pure Land Sutras Classics Collection and evaluates in Taiwan Contemporary Chinese Publications |
| | | |
487. |
輔仁大學宗教學系碩士在職專班  |
2024 |
1 |
李虹慧 (著)=Lee, Hung-hui (au.) / 《般若波羅蜜多心經》之輪迴與解脫思想研究: 以電影《春去春又來》為例=The Study on the Thought of Reincarnation and Liberation of the Heart Sutra |
| | | |
488. |
輔仁大學宗教學研究所  |
2006 |
2 |
蕭貞貞 (撰)=Sucharittammakul, Wilaiporn (compose) / 上座部佛教的兩性論述 -- 從原始佛典的解讀到當代「平等」議題=On Gender Discourse of The Theravāda Buddhism: From the Interpretation of Original Buddhist Texts to the Discussion of the Contemporary Meaning of Equality |
釋聖玄 (撰)=Shih, Sheng-hsuan (compose) / 由榮格「阿尼瑪」與「阿尼姆斯」論台灣佛教性別平權的發展=A Study of Gender Equality in Taiwan's Buddhism in Terms of Jung's Anima and Animus |
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489. |
輔仁大學哲學系=Department of Philosophy, Fu-Jen Catholic University  |
1998 |
1 |
王惠雯 / 宗喀巴菩薩戒思想之研究 |
| | | |
490. |
輔仁大學圖書資訊學系=Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University  |
2001 |
1 |
黃德賓 (著)=Huang, Der-bin (au.) / 台灣地區佛教圖書館發展之研究=A Study of the Development of Buddhist Libraries in Taiwan |
| | | |
491. |
銘傳大學  |
2021 |
1 |
汪美珉 (著)=Wang, Mei-Min (au.) / 納蘭性德<菩薩蠻>研究=Nalan Xingde < Pu Sa Man > Research |
銘傳大學  |
2020 |
1 |
陸穗璉 (著)=Lu, Sui-Lien (au.) / 敦煌講史性漢將變文與史傳之比較研究=A Comparative Study Between Historical Dunhuang Variational Texts of General of Han Dynasty and Related Historical Biography |
銘傳大學  |
2019 |
1 |
張園 (著)=Zhang, Yuan (au.) / 李碧華小說中的女性人物抗爭意識研究=A Study of fighting consciousness of female characters in Li Bihua's novels |
銘傳大學  |
2018 |
2 |
孫榆婷 (著)=Sun, Yu-Ting (au.) / 個體表層偽裝對職家衝突之影響:以禪修的調節式中介效果=The Effect of Workplace Surface Acting on Work To-Family Conflict:A Moderated Meditation Model of Meditation |
許絹惠 (著)=Hsu, Chuan-hui (au.) / 敦煌歸義軍政權與佛教石窟之研究=The study of Dunhuang Guiyi Circuit regime with buddhism by Mogao Grottoes |
銘傳大學  |
1998 |
1 |
夏俊輝 (著)=Chia, Chun-hui (au.) / 宗教服務之研究:以佛教慈濟功德會為例=The Research of Religious Service: A Case Study of Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation |
| | | |
492. |
駒澤大学  |
2022 |
1 |
陳怡安 (著)=Chen, Yi-an (au.) / 漢訳『華厳経』の観音菩薩観と後代への影響 |
駒澤大学  |
2020 |
3 |
吉田政博 (著)=Yoshida, Masahiro (au.) / 中・近世の東国における宗教とその展開 |
安藤嘉則 (著)=Ando, Yoshinori (au.) / 中世臨済宗における公案禅の研究 |
武井謙悟 (著)=Takei, Kengo (au.) / 近代日本における仏教儀礼の変遷 : 仏教系雑誌に着目して |
駒澤大学  |
2019 |
2 |
龍谷孝道 (著)=Tatsuya, Kodo (au.) / 中世曹洞禅の研究 : 南北朝室町期における参禅学道の諸相 |
横山龍顯 (著)=Yokoyama, Ryuken (au.) / 瑩山禅師の研究 : 伝記と著作の成立史を中心として |
駒澤大学  |
2018 |
2 |
李子捷 (著)=リ, シショウ (au.) / 5-7世紀の中国仏教における如来蔵・真如・種姓説の研究 : 漢訳『究竟一乗宝性論』とその影響を中心に |
廣瀬良文 =Hirose, Ryobun / 中世禅宗の展開と相伝資料 : 特に曹洞宗の説話を中心として |
駒澤大学  |
2017 |
1 |
秋津秀彰 (著)=Akitsu, Hideaki (au.) / 江戸時代における『正法眼蔵』編輯史の研究 |
駒澤大学  |
2016 |
1 |
西澤まゆみ (著)=Nishizawa, Mayumi (au.) / 道元禅師と日本中世社会 : 教化の諸相を中心として |
駒澤大学  |
2015 |
2 |
Grace, Stefan (著)=ステファン・グレイス (au.) / 鈴木大拙の研究 : 現代「日本」仏教の自己認識とその「西洋」に対する表現 |
大松久規 (著)=Omatsu, Hisanori (au.) / 智顗の禅観に関する研究 : 『釈禅波羅蜜次第法門』を中心として |
駒澤大学  |
2014 |
1 |
永井賢隆 (著)=Nagai, Yoshitaka (au.) / 道元禅師の思想形成の研究 : 『宝慶記』を中心として |
駒澤大学  |
1993 |
1 |
金漢益 (著)=釈悟震 (au.) / 原始仏教聖典における業・輪廻思想の文化史的研究 |
| | | |
493. |
樹德科技大學  |
2018 |
1 |
陳瑞芳 (著)=Chen Rui-Fang (au.) / 以中西比較文化角度再探唐代敦煌石窟飛天壁畫=Chinese and Western Culture Comparative Perspective Further Study The Dynasties of Tang Dynasty Murals in Dunhuang Caves |
| | | |
494. |
靜宜大學  |
2017 |
1 |
蕭淑娟 (著)=Hsiao, Shu-chuan (au.) / 探討宗教信仰對養護機構高齡者生命經驗之影響:以某機構為例=Research on Religion Faith Affects the Life Experiences of Institutional Elderly |
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495. |
龍谷大学  |
2022 |
4 |
谷治暁 (著)=Taniji, Akira (au.) / 浄土真宗における実践活動の根拠 |
首藤善樹 (著)=Shudo, Yoshiki (au.) / 近世における聖護院門跡と修験道本山派の基本構造 |
道元大成 (著)=Michimoto, Daisei (au.) / 仏教論理学派における非認識論証因の研究 |
橋本一道 (著)=Hashimoto, Ichido (au.) / 古ウパニシャッド最古層と初期仏典最古層の思想研究 |
龍谷大学  |
2021 |
6 |
伊藤顕慈 (著)=Ito, Kenji (au.) / 近世前中期真宗行信論の研究 |
高田悠 (著)=Takata, Shizuka (au.) / 湛睿教学の研究 |
嵩宣也 (著) / 日本仏教と英語翻訳 : 真宗関連のテキストを中心に |
福井順忍 (著)=Fukui, Junnin (au.) / 道綽浄土教における念仏思想と実践教化=The Thought of Nianfo, Actual Practices and Propagation in Daochuo's Pureland Buddhism |
遠山信証 (著)=Toyama, Nobuaki (au.) / 曇鸞浄土教における修道論の研究 |
釋大智 (著)=Shaku, Daichi (au.) / 真宗倫理の研究=A Study on Shin Buddhist Ethics |
龍谷大学  |
2020 |
6 |
伊藤雅玄 (著)=Ito, Masaharu (au.) / 近世後期の真宗行信論研究 : 月珠を中心として |
西村慶哉 (著)=Nishimura, Yoshiya (au.) / 鎌倉浄土教における親鸞思想の形成と展開 |
李鎭榮 (著)=イ, ジニョン (au.) / 韓国戒壇と仏塔における相関係の研究 |
南條了瑛 (著)=Nanjo, Ryoei (au.) / 真宗伝道の実践的研究 : 日本における真宗伝道の具体的展開=A Research on the Application of Shin Buddhist Propagation |
鍋島直樹 (著)=Nabeshima, Naoki (au.) / 親鸞の死生観とビハーラ活動の理念と実践の融合的研究=An Integrative Study of Shinran's View of Life-and-Death and Its Application on the Philosophy and Practice of Vihara Activity |
奥田桂寛 (著)=Okuda, Yoshihiro (au.) / 真宗伝道の総合的研究 |
龍谷大学  |
2019 |
9 |
Wickstrom, Daniel (著)=ウィックストローム, ダニエル (au.) / 賢首大師法蔵の研究 |
吉岡諒 (著)=Yoshioka, Ryo (au.) / 日本中世遁世僧の研究 : その登場から終焉まで |
岸田悠里 (著)=Kishida, Yuri (au.) / 中国における「涅槃」説話の表象に関する研究 : とくに「金棺出現」を中心として |
宮地崇 (著)=Miyaji, Takashi (au.) / A research on shin Buddhist Ethics |
桑月一仁 (著)=Kuwatsuki, Kazuhito (au.) / 三性説の説述意図 : 『菩薩地』第4章「真実義品」を中心に |
楠淳證 (著)=Kusunoki, Junsho (au.) / 貞慶撰『唯識論尋思鈔』の研究 : 仏道篇 |
榎屋達也 (著)=Enokiya, Tatsuya (au.) / 浄土真宗における中陰法要の意義 : 中有思想と儀礼的展開を通して |
釋氏真澄 (著)=Kikuchi, Masumi (au.) / 真宗国際伝道の研究 : 教学のアメリカ化の成立と展開を中心に |
内手弘太 (著)=Uchide, Kota (au.) / 近代真宗教学史の研究 : 本願寺派における教学近代化の系譜 |
龍谷大学  |
2018 |
9 |
川元恵史 (著)=Kawamoto, Satoshi (au.) / 島地大等の研究 |
壬生泰紀 (著)=Mibu, Yasunori (au.) / 初期無量寿経の総合的研究 |
打本和音 (著)=Uchimoto, Kazune (au.) / 弥勒信仰の初期形態についての基礎的研究 : いわゆる「上生信仰」を中心に |
西河唯 (著)=Nishikawa, Yui (au.) / 聖覚の多角的研究 |
杉本瑞帆 (著)=Sugimoto, Mizuho (au.) / 仏教説話からみた蓮華座の成立と展開 |
長宗博之 (著)=Nagamune, Hiroyuki (au.) / 曇鸞教学の研究 : 僧肇の般若思想を基にした理論構造 |
藤原ワンドラ睦 (著)=Fujiwara,Wondra Mutsumi (au.) / アメリカ真宗思想史の研究 : モダニズムのなかの真宗から現代へ=Study of shin Buddhist Thoughts in America : modernism to Present |
内藤知康 (著)=Naito, Chiko (au.) / 親鸞の往生思想 |
冨島信海 (著)=Tomishima Nobumi (au.) / 『教行信証』テクスト論 : その生成と展開 |
龍谷大学  |
2017 |
3 |
Vo, Thi Van Anh (著)=ヴォ ティ ヴァン アン (au.) / 瑜伽行派における菩薩道の確立と展開 : 『中辺分別論』第V 章「無上乗品」を発端として |
川本佳苗 (著)=Kawamoto, Kanae (au.) / Suicide and Euthanasia in Buddhism : Ethicization of the Narratives in the Pāli TipiTaka=仏教における自殺と安楽死 : パーリ三蔵に描かれる物語の倫理化 |
四夷法顕 (著)=Shii, Noriaki (au.) / 天台教学を基礎とする親鸞浄土教の研究 |
龍谷大学  |
2016 |
6 |
Barua, Shantu (著)=バルア シャントゥ (au.) / Neo-Buddhists in Bangladesh : A Study on the Oraon Tribal Community, its Socio-Religious and Popular Culture=バングラデシュにおけるネオ・ブディスト(改宗新仏教徒) : オラオン部族コミュニティの社会宗教的民衆文化の研究 |
山﨑真純 (著)=Yamasaki, Shinjun (au.) / 浄土教における善導の研究 |
中本由美 (著)=Nakamoto, Yumi (au.) / 平安初期における南都仏教の展開 |
吉田慈順 (著)=Yoshida, Jijun (au.) / 日本天台における因明の研究 : 受容から終焉まで |
内田准心 (著)=Uchida, Junshin (au.) / 曇鸞浄土教の研究 : 同時代的視野からみた実践と思想 |
脇智子 (著)=Waki, Tomoko (au.) / 存覚教学の研究 : 初期真宗における教学史的展開の考察を通して |
龍谷大学  |
2015 |
4 |
上野隆平 (著)=Ueno, Ryuhei (au.) / 『大乗荘厳経論』の仏陀観 : Pratiṣṭhādhikāra(基盤の章)の研究 |
西山亮 (著)=Nishiyama Ryo (au.) / Prajñāpradīpa 第22章「如来品」の研究 |
真名子晃征 (著)=Manako, Akimasa (au.) / 曇鸞浄土教における実践体系 |
橘堂晃一 (著)=Kitsudo, Koichi (au.) / ウイグル文慈恩宗唯識文献の研究 |
龍谷大学  |
2014 |
8 |
上枝いづみ (著)=Ueeda, Izumi (au.) / ガンダーラにおける仏伝図の研究 |
大西啓司 (著)=Onishi, Keiji (au.) / 10~13世紀に於けるチベット・河西地方の国家と社会 |
田中無量 (著)=Tanaka, Muryo (au.) / 北朝仏教における『往生論註』の思想構造の研究 |
伊東秀章 (著)=Ito, Hideaki (au.) / ビハーラ活動における臨床心理学的考察 |
早島慧 (著)=Hayashima, Satoshi (au.) / 中観・瑜伽行両派における二諦説解釈の研究 : 『大乗荘厳経論』第VI章「真実品」を中心として |
栗原直子 (著) / 近世高田派教学の研究 |
溪英俊 (著)=Tani, Hidetoshi (au.) / 曇鸞浄土教思想の教理史的研究 |
鍵和田聖子 (著)=Kagiwada, Seiko (au.) / 東密と台密の相互影響から見た受容と研鑽の展開 |
龍谷大学  |
2013 |
4 |
吉田唯 (著)=Yoshida, Yui (au.) / 中世文学に見られるカミの享受 |
武田一真 (著)=Takeda, Kazuma (au.) / 真宗別途義の研究 : 真言密教との対比を視座として |
桑原昭信 (著)=Kuwahara, Akinobu (au.) / 親鸞の『十住毘婆沙論』「易行品」受用の研究 |
能美潤史 (著)=Nomi, Junshi (au.) / 「タスケタマヘ」の総合的研究 |
龍谷大学  |
2012 |
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白須淨眞 (著) / 大谷探検隊研究の新たな地平 : アジア広域調査活動と外務省外交記録 |
寺井良宣 (著)=Terai, Ryosen (au.) / 天台円頓戒思想の成立と展開 |
龍谷大学  |
2011 |
4 |
杉岡孝紀 (著)=Sugioka, Takanori (au.) / 親鸞の解釈と方法 |
金子大輔 (著)=Kaneko, Daisuke (au.) / 阿閦仏の研究 |
金沢豊 (著)=Kanazawa, Yutaka (au.) / 『中論頌』における「見」の研究 |
藤田真証 (著)=Fujita, Shinsho (au.) / 西吟教学の研究 : 近世初期教学の課題 |
龍谷大学  |
2010 |
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北村文雄 (著) / 親鸞教義における二諦説と一異の論理 |
龍谷大学  |
2009 |
2 |
天野信 (著)=Amano, Shin (au.) / 大本経の研究 : 過去仏思想と仏伝との関連性 |
高岡善彦 (著)=Takaoka, Yoshihiko (au.) / 三論教学における空性と修道の研究 |
龍谷大学  |
2008 |
2 |
八力廣超 (著)=Hachiriki, Hirotaka (au.) / 中国浄土教における念仏思想 |
松尾得晃 (著)=Matsuo, Eko (au.) / 中国浄土教における凡夫観の展開 |
龍谷大学  |
2007 |
2 |
武田宏道 (著)=Takeda, Hiromichi (au.) / 無我の論証:『倶舎論』破我品の研究 |
相馬一意 (著)=Soma, Kazui (au.) / 曇鸞大師研究 曇鸞教義の特徴 |
龍谷大学  |
2005 |
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宇城由文 (著) / 芭蕉と言水:近世前期俳諧の位相 |
龍谷大学  |
2004 |
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木田隆文 (著) / 武田泰淳文学の生成と展開<昭和>言説空間との相関から |
龍谷大学  |
2003 |
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朝木敏子 (著) / 中世随筆の生成:語り手の問題をめぐって |
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496. |
嶺東科技大學  |
2020 |
1 |
洪禾璟 (著)=Hung, Ho-Ching (au.) / 「寂時禪漫」禪美學於時裝的論述與創作=“When Silence Zen Gradually Filled” Discussion and Creation of Zen Aesthetics in Fashion |
嶺東科技大學  |
2018 |
2 |
梁鈞凱 (著)=Liang, Chun-kai (au.) / 寺廟管理資訊系統之行銷企劃:以廟高手為例=Marketing Planning of Temple Management Information System: Temple Master Information System as An Example |
黃苡萱 (著)=Huang, Yi-shuan (au.) / 寺廟管理資訊系統市場需求分析=A Study of Market Demand of Temple Managemant Information System |
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497. |
蘭州大學  |
2019 |
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李甜 (著) / 文殊山石窟研究=The Research on WenShuShan Grottoes |
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498. |
国際仏教学大学院大学  |
2020 |
2 |
信賀加奈子 (著)=Shinga, Kanako (au.) / チベットの長寿成就法 : 『チャッキドンポ』(lCags kyi sdong po) 校訂・訳注研究を中心として |
新田優 (著)=Shinden, Yu (au.) / 『提謂波利経』の研究 |
国際仏教学大学院大学  |
2019 |
1 |
青木佳伶 (著)=Aoki, Chialin (au.) / 唐導江県令韋諗撰『注大般涅槃経』巻二・巻十二の研究 |
国際仏教学大学院大学  |
2017 |
2 |
上杉智英 (著)=Uesugi, Tomofusa (au.) / 『往生礼讃偈』の文献学的研究 ―古写経本『集諸経礼懺儀』巻下を用いて― |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) / 中国仏教における『勝鬘経』諸注釈書の研究 |