1. 字母與發音 (中文)

1. 巴利語字型簡介 簡介
梵寐文字 (印度)
佉盧虱吒文字 (印度)
天城文字 (印度)
錫蘭文字 (斯里蘭卡)
老撾文字 (寮國)
高棉文字 (柬埔寨)
2. 羅馬化字母與發音練習  
3. 依字典順序排序的字母  
4. 發音練習  

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Paali is a member of the Indo-European family of languages, together with most languages of Europe, Iran and northern India. Inside this family it belongs to so-called Middle Indo-Aryan languages. This group is also called Prakrits in Indian linguistic works. Paali can be considered as one of the oldest surviving Prakrits.


The origin of Paali is still unclear. It was for a long time considered to be identical with Maagadhii, the Prakrit of Magadha, where the Buddha spent most of his life and teaching career. This ancient region is situated in modern Indian state of Bihar, in North-Eastern India. But more careful examination in recent years showed that Paali bears closer resemblance to Prakrits of Western India than to that of Magadha. The famous Indian emperor and patron of Buddhism A`soka, who lived only a few centuries after the Buddha, left many inscriptions all over his empire which stretched far beyond the borders of present day India. All these inscriptions were written in local vernaculars, using different scripts that were in use in that place and time. Paali is very close in grammar and orthography to the language of the inscriptions in what is now the Indian state of Uttarpradesh.


Therefore it is safe to assume that Paali was created artificially, probably not on purpose, but rather as monks and nuns from different parts of India came into contact with each other and were forced to adapt their vernaculars to new environments in order to understand and be understood.


Paali was and is written in many different scripts. In India, it was written in ancient Indian scripts Braahmii and Kharo.s.thii. When Buddhism spread to other parts of the world, local people used either original Indian scripts (so Kharo.s.thii was used for a long time in Central Asia) or switched to their own local scripts. So in Sri Lanka, Paali is written in Sinhalese script, in Burma it is Burmese script, in Thailand Thai script and in Cambodia the Khmer script. Finally, when Western scholars and practitioners started to learn about Buddhism, they used Roman characters to write Paali language.


This page was created using some material downloaded from Omniglot
這網頁內容是從 Omniglot 下載的

Miroslav Rozehnal
November 2001

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梵寐文字 (印度) Brahmi Script (India)

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佉盧虱吒文字 (印度) Kharosthi Script (India)

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天城文字 (印度) Devanagari Script (India)

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錫蘭文字 (斯里蘭卡) Sinhalese (Sri Lanka) Script

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緬甸文字 Burmese Script (Burma/Myanmar)

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泰國文字 Thai Script (Thailand)

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老撾文字 (寮國) Lao Script (Laos)

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高棉文字 (柬埔寨) Khmer Script (Cambodia)

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母音 子音
雙母音 一般子音 (鼻音) (氣音/半母) 絲音
喉音 a     a k kh g gh v h
顎音 i     i e c ch j jh b y
舌音 t th d dh n r
齒音 t th d dh n l s
唇音 u     u o p ph b bh m v

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母音 a a i i u u
e o        
子音 鼻音 j
喉音 k kh g gh v
顎音 c ch j jh b
舌音 t th d dh n
齒音 t th d dh n
唇音 p ph b bh m
半母音 y r l l lh v
絲音 s
氣音 h

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Assaji 阿說示
arahant 阿羅漢
anicca 無常的
atha 爾時
ayasmant 尊者
aha 說 v.
buddho 佛陀
bhagavant 世尊


1)    皈敬偈 (總禮文)

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasajbuddhassa (歸敬 彼 世尊 阿羅訶 正遍覺者!)

2)    三歸依文

buddhaj saranaj gacchami 我歸依佛
dhammaj saranaj gacchami 我歸依法
savghaj saranaj gacchami 我歸依僧

3)    超世偈 (Dhammapada 354)

sabbadanaj dhammadanaj jinati 眾施經施勝
sabbarasaj dhammaraso jinati 眾味道味勝
sabbaratij dhammarati jinati 眾樂法樂勝
tanhakkhayo sabbadukkhaj jinati 愛盡勝眾苦

4)    通誡偈 (Dhammapada 183)

sabbapapassa akaranaj 諸惡莫作
kusalassa upasampada 眾善奉行
sacittapariyodapanaj 自淨其意
etaj buddhana sasanaj 是諸佛教

5)     緣起法頌 (Vinaya-pitaka, Mahavagga, I. 40. (5))

atha kho ayasma Assaji 爾時,具壽阿說示
Sariputtassa paribbajakassa 為梵志舍利弗
imaj dhammapariyayaj abhasi: 說此法門:
ye dhamma hetuppabhava 諸法從緣起
tesaj hetuj tathagato aha 如來說此因
tesab ca yo nirodho 彼法因緣盡
evajvadi mahasamano 是大沙門說

6)    三相 (tini lakkhanani)

(a)    Aniccalakkhana (Dhammapada 277)

sabbe savkhara anicca ti 「一切行無常」,
yada pabbaya passati 以慧觀照時,
atha nibbindati dukkhe 得厭離於苦.
esa maggo visuddhiya 此乃清淨道.

(b)    Dukkhalakkhana (Dhammapada 278)

sabbe savkhara dukkha ti 「一切行是苦」,
yada pabbaya passati 以慧觀照時,
atha nibbindati dukkhe 得厭離於苦.
esa maggo visuddhiya 此乃清淨道.

(c)    Anattalakkhana (Dhammapada 279)

sabbe dhamma anatta ti 「一切法無我」,
yada pabbaya passati 以慧觀照時,
atha nibbindati dukkhe 得厭離於苦.
esa maggo visuddhiya 此乃清淨道.

7)    無常偈 (Mahaparinibbanasuttanta)

Parinibbute Bhagavati saha parinibbana 世尊入於涅槃時,
Sakko devanam indo 眾神之主釋提桓因
imaj gathaj abhasi: 說此偈曰:
'Anicca vata savkhara, 「諸行無常,
uppada-vaya-dhammino; 是生滅法;
Uppajjitva nirujjhanti, 生滅滅已,
tesaj vupasamo sukho' ti. 寂滅為樂.」

回到 頁首目錄

1. 字母與發音
2. 小辭典
3. 經文選讀
4. 實用巴利語文法
5. 語尾變化
6. 習題
7. 參考工具
8. 略字表
9. 對照表

