法鼓佛學學報=Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies     到期刊全文列表     收錄期刊指南

出  版  者: 法鼓文理學院 出  版  地: 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] I  S  S  N : 19968000
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內容簡介: 《法鼓佛學學報》的前身是《中華佛學學報》,創刊於1987年,2007年,原本的《中華佛學學報》轉為《法鼓佛學學報》。《中華佛學學報》雖保留,但轉型為以英文為主的學報。 《法鼓佛學學報》是以佛學為專業的半年刊學報,於每年6月及12月出刊。期望能達到出版優良學術論文之目的外,更能鼓勵佛教研究風氣。透過作者與讀者的互動,培養更多有志於佛教學術研究的人才。同時,也藉由國際各佛學研究機構的出版品相互交流,進而提高國內佛教研究的國際學術地位。創刊以來,《法鼓佛學學報》一直秉持著佛學專業的特色,投稿者須具備曾任或現任國內外大專院校、研究機構之學者身分,或博士班研究生。而所收錄的論文皆經專家學者評審,採雙匿名審查。所收錄的文章雖以中文為主,但不限於中文,也收錄優良英、日文學術論文。
附        註:

n.32 [2023.06 出版]

n.31 [2022.12 出版]

n.30 [2022.06.01 出版]

n.29 [2021.12.01 出版]

n.28 [2021.06.01 出版]

n.27 [2020.12.01 出版]

n.26 [2020.06.01 出版]

n.25 [2019.12.01 出版]

n.24 [2019.06.01 出版]

n.23 [2018.12.01 出版]

n.22 [2018.06.01 出版]

n.21 [2017.12.01 出版]

n.20 [2017.06.01 出版]

n.19 [2016.12.01 出版]

n.18 [2016.06.01 出版]

n.17 [2015.12.01 出版]

n.16 [2015.06.01 出版]

n.15 [2014.12.01 出版]

n.14 [2014.06.01 出版]

n.13 [2013.12.01 出版]

n.12 [2013.06.01 出版]

n.11 [2012.12.01 出版]

n.10 [2012.06.01 出版]

n.9 [2011.12.01 出版]

n.8 [2011.06.01 出版]

n.7 [2010.12.01 出版]

n.6 [2010.06.01 出版]

n.5 [2009.12.01 出版]

n.4 [2009.06.01 出版]

n.3 [2008.12.01 出版]

n.2 [2008.06.01 出版]

n.1 [2007.12.01 出版]

n.32 [2023.06出版]

題名 作者
 從雪峰慧空禪師書簡 看兩宋之際福建禪宗之復甦=The Revivification of Chan Buddhism in Fujian during the Northern and Southern Song Transition Period: With a Special Reference to Xuefeng Huikong’s Letters [全文]
黃啟江 (著)
 天台教觀的理觀與事修統合模式: 智顗與遵式之二種範式的探討=On the Integration Patterns of Wisdom Contemplation and Religious Practice in Tien-tai Teaching and Meditation Tradition: Two Main Paradigms Represented by Zhi-I and Zun-Shi [全文]
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Guo-qing (au.)
 從《佛說大安般守意經》 論漢末佛教禪法之「守意」 與道教「守一」修持法門關係=An Analysis of the “Shouyi” (守意) of Buddhist Zen and the “Shouyi”(守一) Practice of Taoism from the Foshou Da Anban Shouyi Jing(佛說大安般守意經) at the end of the Han Dynasty [全文]
李宗定 (著)=Tsungting Lee (au.)


n.31 [2022.12出版]

題名 作者
 求那跋摩(367-431)遺偈之「唯佛能證知,那波阿毘曇,說五因緣果」試解=A Trial Interpretation of "Nava-abhidharma (Jiufen Pitan)" and "Five hetu-pratyaya-phala" in the Last Verses of Guṇavarman (367-431) [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin Bhikshu (au.)
 飲水由波:隱伏於紫柏真可禪教觀中的本質主義=Drinking Water from Waves: Essentialism in Zibo Zhenke's Perspective on the Relationship between Chan and Doctrine [全文]
林悟石 (著)=Lin, Wu-shi (au.)


n.30 [2022.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 《雪峰空和尚外集》版本考論=An Analytical Study of the Various Editions of Xuefeng Kong Heshang Waiji [全文]
黃啟江 =Huang, Chi-chiang
 以詩證禪:仁山寂震〈廣寒山詩〉揭顯之三峰宗風=Sanfeng Lineage’s Thought Manifested in Renshan Jizhen’s “Expanded Hanshan Poetry” [全文]
張雅雯 =Chang, Ya-wen
 佛學數位分析《華嚴》「心」:初探「直心」與「深心」的詞義轉變=A Digital Analysis of “Mind” in the Avataṃsaka-sūtra: A Preliminary Examination into the Semantic Change of “Intention” and “Resolute Intention” [全文]
洪振洲 =Hung, Jen-jou ; 林采蓉 =Lin, Tsai-Jung
 敦煌文獻中的地論學派「十地」詮釋=The Interpretation of the “Ten Stages” by the Dilun School in Dunhuang Manuscripts [全文]


n.29 [2021.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 僧肇「會萬物以成己者」、「天地同根萬物一體」 在禪門的公案傳衍與啟悟=“Present Yourself Through All Things” and “the Heaven and Earth Are of the Same Source and All Things Are One”: Spread and Realization of Sengzhao’s Gongans in the Chan School [全文]
蘇美文 (著)=Su, Mei-wen (au.)
 無盡傳燈《幽溪文集》初探=Preliminary Research into the Youxi Wenji by Wujin Chuandeng [全文]
曾堯民 (著)=Tseng, Yao-min (au.)
 三峰派參禪鍛鍊:論仁山寂震之參禪第一步要訣=Renshan Jizhen's "Essence of the First Step in Chan Practice": Research on Chan Practice in the Sanfeng Lineage [全文]
張雅雯 (著)=Chang, Ya-wen (au.)
 《華嚴綸貫》之批判論述分析=A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Huayan Lunguan [全文]
釋堅融 =Shi, Jian-rong


n.28 [2021.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 中古時期的禪經觀 - 以大、小乘的分判為主=Views on the Chan Scriptures of Medieval China - The Question of Mahāyāna or Hīnayāna Affiliation [全文]
曾堯民 (著)=Tseng, Yao-min (au.)
 宋代曹洞宗真歇清了禪師新材料的發現及其生平行履考=Discovery of New Material Regarding the Chan Master Zhenxie Qingliao in the Song Dynasty and Textual Research on His Biography [全文]
孔雁 (著)=Kong, Yan (au.)


n.27 [2020.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 二十世紀初期至中期佛教現代化在臺灣的發展 —— 哲學、歷史與文化 [全文]
嚴瑋泓 (著)
 日本禪學的近代化與臺灣佛教 ── 以忽滑谷快天與井上秀天為中心=The Modernization of Japanese Zen and Taiwanese Buddhism ─ The Cases of Nukariya Kaiten and Inoue Shuten [全文]
廖欽彬 ; 石井公成 =Ishii, Kosei
 曾景來的宗教哲學 ── 近代日本佛教研究與佛陀觀=Zeng Jing-lai’s Philosophy of Religion ─ Contemporary Japanese Buddhist Studies and the Concept of “Buddha” [全文]
廖欽彬 (著)=Liao, Chin-ping (au.)
 試探臺灣日治時期之「宗教批判」── 以曾景來為例的審視與反思=“Religious Criticism” in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation Period ─ A Case Study on Zeng Jing-lai [全文]
林建德=Lin, Chien-te
 臺灣殖民時期「佛教教化」與「迷信陋習」改革 的推動 ─ 以曾景來(1902-1977)為中心 [全文]
闞正宗 (著)=Kan, Cheng-tsung (au.)
 戰後初期臺灣佛教勢力的競合 ── 以玄奘靈骨來臺為例=Xuanzang’s Bones in Taiwan ─ The Buddhist Community in Postwar Taiwan [全文]
林韻柔 (著)=Lin, Yun-jo (au.)


n.26 [2020.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 親鸞の仏道観:大乗仏教としての浄土真宗=Shinran’s Buddhology: The Mahāyāna School of Jōdo Shinshū=親鸞的佛道觀:作為大乘佛教的淨土真宗 [全文]
河智義邦 (著)=Kouchi, Yoshikuni (au.)
 僧肇《肇論》文字般若化 ── 以「自虛」、「參玄」、「寂用」、「會萬物以成己者」為焦點=Stylistic Means of Conveying Prajnā in Seng-zhao's Zhao Lun: Focusing on Concepts of "Self Empty", "Investigating Mystery", "Depolarization and Benevolence" and "Self and All Things Arising from Conditioned Causation" [全文]
蘇美文 (著)=Su, Mei-wen (au.)
 杜順初祖說的考察=Investigating the Question of Master Dushun's Status as the First Huayan Patriarch [全文]
平燕紅 (著)=Ping, Yan-Hong (au.)
 印順法師對陽明學說的評論=Master Yin Shun's Comments on Yangming's Philosophy [全文]
黃文樹 (著)=Huang, Wen-shu (au.)


n.25 [2019.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 《瑜伽師地論》與《清淨道論》之「所緣/業處」 - 聚焦論述其理論架構與教學特色=A discussion on "objects of meditation" and "meditation subjects" in the Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra and Visuddhimagga - focusing on theoretical framework and key concepts in both treatises [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hwei (au.)
 「處」義探源 - 以初期佛教文獻為中心=Exploring the Meaning of āyatana in Early Buddhist Literature [全文]
劉勁松 (著)=Liu, Jin-song (au.)
 從四禪禪法中的尋伺功能來探析 天台止觀的學術性格 ── 以通明禪為例=A discussion of the scholastic character of Tiantai zhiguan in relation to the function of vitarka/vitakka and vicāra in the four dhyāna-s-taking tongmin chan as an example [全文]
廖永賢 (著)=Liao, Yung-hsien (au.)


n.24 [2019.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 《法句經》(T210)的初譯偈頌與後譯偈頌=Early and Late Translations in the Faju Jing (T210) [全文]
蘇錦坤 =Su, Ken
 圜悟克勤之公案教學 ── 女眾參禪之案例分析=Yuanwu Keqin's Chan Praxis - Teaching for Women [全文]
吳芬錦 =Wu, Fen-jin
 故事創傷敘事的解構與療癒 ── 以《經律異相》為例=Deconstruction of Trauma Narratives and Healing in the Stories from the Jing Lu Yi Xiang [全文]
簡意娟 =Chien, Yi-chuan


n.23 [2018.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 大正藏本〈諸經要抄〉與《七祖法寶記》=The Zhujingyaochao and the Qizufabaoji from the Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō [全文]
鄧星亮 =Deng, Xing-liang
 《達磨胎息論》諸本的成立 ── 以敦煌本為中心=The Damo Taixi Lun: A Study of the Dunhuang Texts [全文]
曹凌 =Cao, Ling
 早期禪宗秘傳觀念研究=The Concept of Secret Transmission in Early Chan Buddhism [全文]
白照傑 =Bai, Zhao-jie


n.22 [2018.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 「如何觀看眾生」的佛法教學──以吉藏《維摩詰所說經》疏義為主要論據= The Buddhist Teaching on “How to View Sentient Beings”– Based Primarily on Jizang’s Explanation of the Vimalakīrti Sutra [全文]
陳平坤 (著)=Chen, Ping-kun (au.)
 Epistemology of the “Six Causes” ( 六因 ) in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Logic Based on Kuiji’s Commentary=窺基注疏中「六因」的知識論探討 [全文]
Teng, Wei-Jen =鄧偉仁
 A Translation of the Quotations in Śamathadeva’s Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 231, 238, 240, 245, 252 and 255=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》 (Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā)中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第231、238、240、245、252及255經之譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā (著)=法施比丘尼 (au.)


n.21 [2017.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 The Self-Imposed Textual Organization (Kepan 科判) of the Qixinlun: Some Major Forms and a Few Possible Problems=《大乘起信論》科判研究 [全文]
Jin, Tao=金濤
 《大方廣佛華嚴經》的時空哲學=The Philosophy of Time and Space in the Avataṃsaka-sūtra [全文]
蔡耀明 (著)=Tsai, Yao-ming (au.)
 中華念佛禪教及其修學義理 -- 念佛禪法的安心學理=Chinese Nianfo Chan Teachings and Their Theories on Practice: Pacifying the Mind in the Nianfo Chan [全文]
陳平坤 (著)=Chen, Ping-kun (au.)
 試論聖嚴法師對「空性」與「佛性」之詮解與貫通=Ven. Sheng-Yen’s Exposition and Integration of the Concepts of Śūnyatā and Buddhatā [全文]
林建德 (著)=Lin, Kent Chien-te (au.)


n.20 [2017.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 靈源枝派:明清時期佛教文獻與研究專刊導言=Preface [全文]
廖肇亨 =Liao, Chao-heng
 高泉與溫泉:從高泉性潡看晚明清初渡日華僧的異文化接觸=Gaoquan Xingdun: Exploring Cultural Contacts Between Chinese and Japanese Monks During the End of the Ming Dynasty and Beginning of the Qing Dynasty [全文]
廖肇亨 (著)=Liao, Chao-heng (au.)
 湛然圓澄師徒三人之行止與「茶話」禪風=The Chan “Tea Words” of Zhan-Ran Yuan-Cheng and Two of His Dharma Heirs [全文]
釋果鏡 (著)=Shih, Guo-jing (au.)
 震旦弘法,扶事為急:曾大奇《通翼》初探=Re-establishing the Importance of Dharmic Phenomena: A Preliminary Study of Zeng Dayi’s Tongyi [全文]
吳孟謙 (著)=Wu, Meng-chien (au.)
 從五臺山到徑山:密藏道開與《嘉興藏》初期經場成立論考=From Mount Wutai to Mount Jingshan: Mizang Daokai and the Founding of the Early Printing Sites of the Jiaxing Canon [全文]
王啟元 (著)=Wang, Qi-yuan (au.)


n.19 [2016.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 Selected Madhyama-āgama Discourse Passages and their Pāli Parallels=《中阿含經》摘選經文與其《巴利藏》對應經文之比較 [全文]
Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 From a Liberated One to a Liberated One: An avadāna Quotation in the Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā=從一個解脫者到另一個解脫者:《俱舍論註雜錄》中《譬喻經》的引文 [全文]
Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā (著)=法施比丘尼 (au.)
 《法句經》的「校讀」與「誤譯」=Issues with Translation Errors and Collation of the Faju jing (T210) [全文]
蘇錦坤 (著)=Su, Ken (au.)


n.18 [2016.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 On the Six Sense-spheres (1): A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 188 to 229 (Fascicle 8)=六根品:漢譯《雜阿含經》(卷八)188至229經英文譯注 [全文]
Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 A Translation of the Quotations in Śamathadevaʼs Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 212, 222, 223, 224, 225 and 229=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》(Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā)中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第212、222、223、224、225及229 經之譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā =法施比丘尼
 以不空如來藏為骨幹理解諸佛如來誕生宣言=“The Tathāgata Within in Terms of Not-emptiness” as a Framework for Understanding the Buddha’s Declaration at the Time of Birth [全文]
蔡耀明 (著)=Tsai, Yao-ming (au.)


n.17 [2015.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 On Rādha and Views:A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 111 to 138 (Fascicle 6)=羅陀與見:漢譯《雜阿含經》(卷六)111至138經英文譯注 [全文]
Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 On Views and Penetrative Knowledge:A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 139 to 187 (Fascicle 7)=見與正慧:漢譯《雜阿含經》(卷七)139至187經英文譯注 [全文]
Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 A folio of the Ratnakūṭa (Kāśyapaparivarta) in Khotanese=和闐寫本《寶積經》(大迦葉品)殘葉 [全文]
Maggi, Mauro=馬紀, 茂羅
 《舍利弗阿毘曇論》安般念十六勝行詮釋之分析:以《瑜伽師地論》為參照=An Analysis of the Interpretation about 16-bases of Breathing in Shelifu Apitanlun with Yuqie Shidilun as a Reference [全文]
張慧芳=Chang, Huey-fang
 《大乘莊嚴經論.安慧釋》譯注與考察:第十七品「供養」與「依止」=Study of Sthiramati’s commentary on the Mahāyāna- sūtrālamkāra-kārikā:Chapter 17: offering and refuge [全文]
蘇南望傑=Sonam Wanggyal
 一念三千、意義意志與生命意義的開展=Three Thousand Realms in a Single Thought:the Will to Meaning and the Revealing of the Meaning of Life [全文]
唐秀連 (著)=Tong Sau Lin (au.)


n.16 [2015.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 《阿含經》與《尼柯耶》中的悲憫=Compassion in the Āgamas and Nikāyas [全文]
無著比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Analayo (au.)
 《菩薩地》與《大乘莊嚴經綸》之四無量心及其運用於心理學量表與腦影像之研究=The Four Immeasurables in the Bodhisattvabhūmi and Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra and their Implementation in a Measuring Scale for a Study of Brain Imaging [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
 無量心法門:《達摩多羅禪經》的論述及其在日本佛教的發展=Immeasurable Devices: Their Treatment in the Damoduoluo chanjing and Further Distillation in Japanese Zen [全文]
Mohr, Michel=モール, ミッシェル
 合流:慈悲修行在佛教與世俗脈絡下的接受與調適=Confluence: Adoption and Adaptation of Loving-Kindness and Compassion Practice in Buddhist and Secular Contexts [全文]
倪丹恩 (著)=Dawn P. Neal (au.)
 慈悲與腦神經科學:挑戰與契機=Neuroscience of Compassion: Challenges and Opportunities [全文]
漢迪歐 (著)=Diego Hangartner (au.)
 自他的利益:佛教倫理學中個人與自利的重要性=Benefit of Self and Other: The Importance of Persons and their Self-Interest in Buddhist Ethics [全文]
詹金斯, 史蒂芬=Jenkins, Stephen Lynn


n.15 [2014.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 PSE Economics: From Inner Peace toGlobal Peace=心靈環保經濟學:二十一世紀的心經濟主張 [全文]
 「讚佛偈」:兼論《雜阿含經》、《別譯雜阿含經》與《相應部》異同 [全文]
蘇錦坤 (著)=Su, Ken (au.)
 On the Five Aggregates (5):ATranslation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 103 to 110=五蘊之研究:漢譯《雜阿含經》103 至110 經之英文譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhu Analayo (著)=Ven. Analayo (au.)


n.14 [2014.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 On the Five Aggregates (4) ─ A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 33 to 58=五蘊之研究 ──漢譯《雜阿含經》33至58經之英文譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhu Analayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 A Translation of a Discourse Quotation in the Tibetan Translation of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya Parallel to Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourse 36 and of the Discourse Quotations in Śamathadeva's Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 39, 42, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57 and 58=藏譯《根本說一切有部毗奈耶》中《阿含經》引文對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第36經暨安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第39、42、45、46、55、56、57、58經之譯註 [全文]
Dhammadinnā, Sāmaṇerī (著)=沙彌尼法樂 (au.)
 How Free is the Bodhisattva in Deliberate Rebirth?=菩薩如願轉生 [全文]
宗玉媺 (著)=Choong, Yoke-meei (au.)
 欲識玄玄公案,黃粱未熟以前:從《谷響集》看明季滇僧徹庸周理的思想淵源與精神境界 =To Understand the Mysteriously Abstruse Gong'an, Before the Yellow Millet is Cooked: The Source of the Late-Ming Yunan Monk Cheyong Zhouli's Thought and His Mental State from the Viewpoint of Collection of the Valley's Echo [全文]
廖肇亨 (著)=Liao, Chao-heng (au.)


n.13 [2013.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 On the Five Aggregates (3): A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 59 to 87=五蘊之研究:漢譯《雜阿含經》59至87經之英文譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhu Analayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 梵本《大乘莊嚴經論》慈悲喜捨(17 品.第 17-28 偈)譯注與考察=A Study and Annotated Translation of Verses 17-28-regarding Loving-kindness, Compassion, Empathic Joy, and Equanimity-in Chapter 17 of the Sanskrit Text Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
 A Translation of the Quotations in Śamathadevaʼs Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 61, 71, 73, 77, 79 and 81=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第61、71、73、77、79、81經之譯註 [全文]
Dhammadinnā, Sāmaṇerī (著)=沙彌尼法樂 (au.)
 The Maiden Who Fell in Love with a Thief: Considerations on the Story of the Nun Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā=愛上竊賊的女子:跋陀比丘尼故事的探究 [全文]
Alberto, Todeschini (著)=阿爾伯特.托德斯基尼 (au.)


n.12 [2013.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 A Translation of the Quotation in Śamathadeva's Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourse 265=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第265經之 譯註 [全文]
Dhammadinnā, Sāmaṇerī (著)=沙彌尼法樂 (au.)
 中國佛教寺廟志數位典藏系統之建置=The Construction of Digital Archive of Chinese Buddhist Temple Gazetteers [全文]
洪振洲 (著)=Hung, Jen-jou (au.)
 《華嚴經》 四十卷本中的勇猛菩薩行:兼參八十卷本〈離世間品〉=The Vigorous Practice of the Bodhisattva in the Forty-Fascicle Huayan Jing with Reference to the Chapter on the “Other-worldly” in the Eighty-Fascicle Huayan Jing [全文]
張文玲 (著)=Chang, Wen-ling (au.)
 On the Five Aggregates (2): A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 256 to 272=五蘊之研究:漢譯《雜阿含經》256至272經之英文譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhu Analayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)


n.11 [2012.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 東晉「敬王之爭」考評=Re-examining the Debate over a Buddhist Monastic's Bowing to the Emperor in the Eastern Jin Dynasty [全文]
 A Translation of the Quotations in Śamathadeva's— Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 8, 9, 11, 12, 17 and 28—=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》(Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā)中與漢譯《雜阿含經》第8、9、11、12、17、28 經對應之譯註 [全文]
Dhammadinnā, Sāmaṇerī (著)=沙彌尼法樂 (au.)
 On the Five Aggregates (1):A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 1 to 32 =漢譯《雜阿含經》1至32經之英文譯註 [全文]
無著比丘 (譯)=Bhikkhu Analayo (tr.); 釋惠敏 (前言)=Shih, Hui-min (fwd.)


n.10 [2012.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 心不相應行「得法」之研究 [全文]
周柔含 (著)=Chou, Jou-han (au.)
 論天台、華嚴「觀心」思想之交涉與轉變:以《華嚴經》及《大乘起信論》的詮釋為中心 [全文]
郭朝順 (著)=Guo, Chao-shun (au.)
 《釋摩訶衍論》考:兼論《大乘起信論》的真偽 [全文]
 佛學數位資源的建置與開展 [全文]
杜正民 (著)=Tu, Aming (au.)


n.9 [2011.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 以心身安頓為著眼對「住地」的哲學檢視:做為佛教住地學說的奠基工程 [全文]
蔡耀明 (著)=Tsai, Yao-ming (au.)
 所知障是無明或無知?:在東亞唯識學與印-藏中觀學之間(下) [全文]
劉宇光 =Lau, Lawrence Y. K.
 甘肅卓尼藏族「魯神」圖形核心內涵之研究 [全文]


n.8 [2011.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 漢譯佛典語法之「相違釋」複合詞考察:以玄奘所譯《瑜伽師地論》為主=An Inquiry into the Chinese Translations of Sanskrit Coordinative Compounds in the Buddhist Canon: Based Mainly on Xuanzang?s Translation of the Yogācāra-bhūmi-?āstra [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 從圖像學角度探討成都南朝佛像與犍陀羅、秣菟羅、笈多佛像造型藝術流派的關係 =An Iconographic Comparative Study of Buddhist Sculptures from Chengdu during the Chinese Southern Dynasties and Buddhist Sculptures of Gandhāra, Mathurā, and Gupta [全文]
胡文成 (著)=Hu, Wen-cheng (au.); 胡文和 (著)=Hu, Wen-he (au.)
 所知障是無明或無知?在東亞唯識學與印-藏中觀學之間(上)=Is Obstruction of Knowledge Misconception or Not-knowing? From the Perspectives of East Asian Vijñānavāda and Indo-Tibetan Mādhyamika (Part I) [全文]
劉宇光 (著)=Liu, Lawrence Yu-guang (au.)


n.7 [2010.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 上座部觀禪的原動力=The Dynamics of Theravāda Insight Meditation [全文]
無著比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Analayo (au.)
 說一切有部的世俗道斷惑論=The Theory of Laukikamārga Destroying Delusion in the Sarvāstivādin School [全文]
周柔含 (著)=Chou, Jou-han (au.)
 二諦之區別與空之三要點:以《明句論》第二十四章為主 [全文]
釋見弘 (著)=Shih, Jien-hong (au.)
 空際無影,香中有情:八指頭陀詠梅詩中的禪境 [全文]
黃敬家 (著)=Huang, Jing-jia (au.)


n.6 [2010.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 『佛説大安般守意經』における「本文」と「註」の解明(三):「五力」から「四解依」まで=『佛説大安般守意經』之「經文」與「註」的解明(三):從「五力」到「四解依」=Distinguishing Text from Annotations in "Foshou Da Anban Shouyi Jing T602" (Part Three) [全文]
釋果暉 (著)=Shi, Guo-huei (au.)
 佛學數位資源的服務功能:以藏經目錄資料庫的建置為例=Functionality of A Buddhist Digital Resource Service: Using the Construction of the Tripitaka Catalogues Database as an Example [全文]
杜正民 (著)=Tu, Aming (au.)
 《入楞伽經》的心身不二的實相學說:從排除障礙的一面著手 [全文]
蔡耀明 (著)=Tsai, Yao-ming (au.)


n.5 [2009.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 道綽、善導的懺悔觀:以末法觀念及念佛三昧為核心=Dàochuò and Shàndǎo's Concept of Repentance: The End of Dharma and the Samādhi of Buddha Recitation as the Core of Discussion [全文]
陳劍鍠 (著)=Chen, Chien-huang (au.)
 人間佛教的道家觀點:以聖嚴法師為例=Taoist Thoughts in Master Sheng Yen's Philosophy [全文]
高毓婷 (著)=Kao, Yu-ting (au.)
 「淨名杜口」之理趣:通析《維摩詰經》之「入不二法門」之義蘊=The Significance of Vimalakīrti's Silence: An Analysis of "Advayadharmamukhaprave?a" in the Vimalakīrtinirde?a [全文]
唐秀連 (著)=Tang, Xiu-lian (au.)
 『佛說大安般守意經』における 「本文」と「註」の解明(二) ── 「淨」から「五根」まで=Distinguishing Text from Annotations in "Foshou Da Anban Shouyi Jing T602"(Part Two)=『佛説大安般守意經』之「經文」與「註」的解明(二) ── 從「淨」到「五根」 [全文]
釋果暉 (著)


n.4 [2009.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 說一切有部的斷惑理論=Sarvāstivādin's Theory on the Destruction of Delusion [全文]
周柔含 (著)=Chou, Jou-han (au.)
 佛教懺悔法門之「逆轉」情節 -- 以《大方等陀羅尼經》為例=The Conversely-transformed Episodes in Buddhist Confession Methods: basing on The Da fangdeng tuoluoni jing [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 七世紀中葉至八世紀初地藏造像論考=Textual Research on Ti-tsang's Images in the period of 651-712 C.E. [全文]
尹富 (著)=Yin, Fu (au.)
 王陽明與蕅益智旭《大學》功夫論之研究=A Study in Interpretation by Wang Yangming(王陽明)and Ouyi Zhixu(蕅益智旭)of the Theory of Practice in the Great Learning [全文]
王和群 (著)=Wang, He-chun (au.)
 佛學的宇宙觀與人工智慧的哲學問題=Buddhists Cosmology and Philosophical Issues of Artificial Intelligence [全文]
歐陽彥正 (著)=Oyang, Yen-Jen (au.)


n.3 [2008.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 『佛說大安般守意經』における「本文」と「註」の解明=To Distinguish Text from Annotations in “Foshou Da Anban Shouyi Jing T602” [全文]
釋果暉 (著)=Shi, Guo-huei (au.)
 宋初天臺宗對「請觀音懺」的檢討=A Review of Tiantai sect's Ritual of Invoking Kwan-yin (Avalokite?vara) for Repentance in Early Sung China [全文]
蔣義斌 (著)=Chiang, Yi-bin (au.)
 中亞西半部七世紀前後佛教藝術風貌 -- 以《大唐西域記》與近代考古為依據=The Style and Features of the Buddhist Art in the West-Central Asia around the 7th Century: Based on the Da Tang Xi Yu Ji and Modern Archeological Findings [全文]
張文玲 (著)=Chang, Wen-ling (au.)
 唐代《佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經》的譯傳與信仰=The Translation and Popularization of Buddhoṣṇīṣavijayadhāraṇī Sūtra in T’ang Dynasty [全文]
林韻柔 (著)=Lin, Yun-jo (au.)
 生死輪圖像的水車起源及其在大乘佛教裏的演變=The Origin of Waterwheel in the Saṃsāracakra (Wheel of Life) and its Transformations in Mahāyāna Buddhism [全文]
朱天舒 (著)=Zhu, Tian-shu (au.)
 兩宋社會菁英家庭婦女佛教信仰之再思考(下篇)=Rethinking Women's Piety towards Buddhism: The Case of Song Elite Families, Part II [全文]
黃啟江 (著)=Huang, Chi-chiang (au.)


n.2 [2008.06.01出版]

題名 作者
 「菩提心」用語成形前後的涵義探究 -- 以《般若波羅蜜經》前二品為主=The Pre-Terminological Expressions of Bodhicitta and Their Meanings in the First Two Chapters of the Prajñāpāramitā Sutras [全文]
宗玉媺 (著)=Choong, Yoke-meei (au.)
 龍樹語言策略之哲學詮解 -- 從漢譯《中論》之「說」字作線索=A Philosophical Interpretation of Nāgārjuna's Linguistic Strategy: With Special Focus on the Term “Speak” (shuo) in the Chinese Version of the Mūlamadhyamakākarikā [全文]
林建德=Lin, Kent Chien-te
 慧思禪觀體系中之般若觀行法門 -- 以慧思傳記及其著作中對《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》之引用及詮釋為中心=Huisi's Meditation System in Terms of his Interpretation and Practice of the Mohe bore boluomi jing 摩訶般若波羅蜜經 (Pañcaviṃ?atisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā sūtra) [全文]
王晴薇 (著)=Wang, Ching-wei (au.)
 論天台觀心詮釋的「理解」與「前見」問題=“Understanding”and “Prejudice”According to the Hermeneutics in the Tiantai “Contemplation of Mental Activity” [全文]
郭朝順 (著)=Kuo, Chao-shun (au.)
 兩宋社會菁英家庭婦女佛教信仰之再思考(上篇)=Rethinking Women's Piety towards Buddhism: The Case of Song Elite Families, Part I [全文]
黃啟江 (著)=Huang, Chi-chiang (au.)
 大足寶頂「毗盧道場」和「圓覺道場」圖像內容、源流新探索 -- 破譯「六代祖師傳密印」謎底=A New Exploration of the Contents and Origins of the Vairocana Practice Hall and the Perfect Enlightenment Practice Hall: An Answer to the Riddle of the “Sixth Huayan Patriarch's Transmission of the Esoteric Seal” [全文]
胡文和 (著)=Hu, Wen-he (au.)
 《清文繙譯全藏經》書名、修書機構、翻譯刊刻時間考=The Title, Publisher, and Dates of Translation and Printing of the Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing [全文]
章宏偉 (著)=Zhang, Hong-wei (au.)


n.1 [2007.12.01出版]

題名 作者
 大足石刻「報父母恩德經變」查考與辨正 -- 寶頂山「報德經變」軌範探本窮源=An Identification and Correction Regarding the Bao fumu ende jingbian in the Dazu Buddhist Caves: Tracing the Source Material of the “Repaying Parental Love” Tableaus at Baodingshan [全文]
陳明光 (著)=Chen, Ming-guang (au.)
 合川淶灘鷲峰禪窟內容探疑=An Investigation of the Chan Imagery in the Jiufeng Grottoes [全文]
李巳生 (著)=Li, Yi-sheng (au.)
 「如是我聞」か「如是我聞一時」か : 六朝隋唐の「如是我聞」解釋史への新視角=“Thus Have I Heard” or “Thus Have I Heard at One Time”?: New Perspectives on the Exegetical History of “Thus Have I Heard” in the Six Dynasties, Sui and Tang Periods [全文]
船山徹 (著)=Funayama, Toru (au.)
 慈雲遵式與天竺寺=Zunshi (964–1032) and Tianzhu Monastery [全文]
釋果鏡 (著)=Shih, Guo-jing (au.)
 敦煌寫本六祖壇經的發現與文字校訂方法芻議=The Discovery of the Dunhuang Manuscripts of the Platform Sutra and Methods of Textual Revision [全文]
黃連忠 (著)=Huang, Lian-zhong (au.)
 佛名經典和佛教禮懺的關係=The Relationship between Buddha-Name Sūtras and Buddhist Repentance Rituals [全文]
汪娟 (著)=Wang, chuan (au.)
 關於 Candrakīrti 的二諦說中的幾個問題(下) -- 以世俗諦與自性為中心=Several Issues Regarding Candrakīrti's Theory of Two Truths (Part II): Conventional Truth and Svabhāva [全文]
釋見弘 (著)=Shih, Jien-hong (au.)
