


已收錄 13 篇著作,其中有13 篇全文  

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Cho, Byung-hwal = 赵炳活



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  《不真空论》的‘本无者’初探=Rudimentary research on the ‘School of Original Emptiness’ in the 「On Emptiness of the Unreal」 of 『Zhaolun』 赵炳活 (著)=조병활 (au.) 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu 2011.02.28
  「물불천론(物不遷論)」 주석(注釋)의 특징 비교 연구 - 송·원·명대 주석을 중심으로=A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of the Commentary of the WuBuQianLun(物不遷論) - centering around the commentaries of the Song(宋), Yuan(元), and Ming(明) Dynasty 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2020.09
  「물불천론(物不遷論)」 주석(注釋)의 특징 비교 연구=A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of the Commentaries of the WuBuQianLun 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2020.06
  「물불천론」(物不遷論) 연구(1) -- ‘성주(性住)’ 개념을 중심으로 =A Study on the Wu Bu Qian Lun (Ⅰ) -- Focusing on the concept of the ‘Dwelling in nature’ (性住) 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 한국불교학=韓國佛教學 2020.11.30
  「물불천론」(物不遷論) 연구(2) -- 상견론(常見論)인가 성공론(性空論)인가 =A Study on the Wu Bu Qian Lun (Ⅱ) -- Is it the theory of Eternalism or the theory of Emptiness-in-nature? 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 한국불교학=韓國佛教學 2021.05.31
  「조론서(肇論序)」 연구=The study of Preface of Zhao Lun 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 한국불교학=韓國佛教學 2019.08.31
  「조론서(肇論序)」의 주석(注釋) 연구=The study of Annotation of Preface of Zhao Lun 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2019.09
  「종본의(宗本義)」 연구=The study of JongBenYi 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 한국불교학=韓國佛教學 2019.11.30
  <바세> 5종 필사본에 보이는 ‘김 화상 기록’ 비교 연구=A Comparative Study on the ‘Kim hwashang Records’ in the five manuscripts of dBa’ bzhed 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 인도철학=印度哲學=Korean Journal of Indian Philosophy 2019
  北宋 “文字禪” 出現背景探究 -以禪學與詩學的關系爲中心=Background study of the appearance of the North Song dynasty`s Literary Chan,Centering around the relationship between Chan studies and Poetics 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2014.09
  北宋“文字禅”出现背景探究=Background Study of the appearance of the North Song Dynasty’s Literary Chan 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies 2014.06
  敦煌本『六祖坛经』的作者、主要思想初探=A Study on the author and the principle thought of 『The platform sutra of the sixth patriarch』 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 대각사상=Maha Bodhi Thought=大覺思想 2011.06
  유종원의 문학과 불교관 연구=A Study on the Literature and Buddhist View of Liu Zong-Yuan 조병활 (著)=Cho, Byung-hwal (au.) 불교문예연구=The Journal of Buddhist Culture and Art 2019.02