全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
Abhidhamma studies -- researches in Buddhist psychology [3rd ed.] |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1976 |
Abhidhamma studies-- researches in Buddist psychology |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1965 |
Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time |
Nyanaponika Thera (著)=向智長老 (au.); Bhikkhu Bodhi (引言)=菩提比丘 (introd.) |
1998 |
Abhidhamma studies:researches in Buddhist psychology |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1965 |
An inquiry into the scope of bare attention and the principal sources of its strength reprint |
Nyanaponika Thera |
Pathways of Buddhist thought |
1971 |
Anatta and Nibbana:egolessness and deliverance |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1959 |
Anatta and Nibbana:egolessness and deliverance [2d ed.] |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1971 |
Buddhism and the God-Idea: Selected Texts |
Nyanaponika Thera (編) |
1962 |
Christianity:another positive approach |
Nyanaponika Thera |
Dialogue |
1982 |
Contemplation of Feeling: The Discourse-Grouping on the Feelings (Vedanā-Saṃyutta) |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1983 |
Devotion in Buddhism: Three Essays |
Nyanaponika Thera (著); Buddharakkhita, Acharya (著); Kassapa, Thera (著) |
1960 |
Die Jünger Buddhas |
Hecker, Hellmuth; Nyanaponika Thera |
2000 |
Geistestraining durch Achtsamkeit:die buddhistische Satipatthana-Methode |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1984 |
Geistestraining durch Achtsamkeitdie buddhistische Satipatthana-Methode |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1970 |
Great Disciples of the Buddha: Their Lives, Their Works, Their Legacy |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Hecker, Hellmuth; Nyanaponika Thera |
2003.10 |
Heart of Buddhist Meditation |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1980.05 |
In Memoriam |
Nyanaponika Thera |
Initiation au bouddhisme |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1968 |
Introduction: Is Unselfish Joy Practicable? |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1971 |
Kamma and Its Fruit: Reflections on Kamma and its Fruit |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1975 |
Kamma and Its Fruit: Selected Essays |
Bullen, Leonard A. (著); van Gorkom, Nina (著); Bhikkhu Ñāṇajīvako (著); Story, Francis (著); Nyanaponika Thera (編) |
2006 |
Mahā Kassapa: Father of the Sangha |
Hecker, Hellmuth (著); Nyanaponika Thera (譯) |
1987 |
Muditā: The Buddha’s Teaching on Unselfish Joy |
Nyanaponika Thera (著); Jackson, Natasha (著); Knight, C. F. (著); Oates, L.R. (著) |
1983 |
Numerical Discourses of Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Bhikkhu Bodhi; Nyanaponika Thera |
2000.05 |
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Nyanaponika Thera |
2000.06.15 |
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Nyanaponika Thera |
2000 |
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著); Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
2010.05.25 |
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha:An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya [new ed.] |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Nyanaponika Thera |
1999 |
Pathways of Buddhist Thought: Essays from the Wheel |
Nyanaponika Thera (編); Walshe, M. O'C (選) |
1971 |
Pathways of Buddhist Thought: Essays from the Wheel |
Nyanaponika Thera |
2008.02.19 |
Pathways of Buddhist Thought: Essays from the Wheel |
Nyanaponika Thera |
2008.09.17 |
Protection through Satipatthana |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1967 |
Satipatthana:the heart of Buddhist meditation:a handbook of mental training based on the Buddha'sWay of mindfulness, with an anthology of relevant texts translated from the Pali and Sanskrit |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1962 |
Satipatthana:the heart of Buddhist meditation;a handbook of mental training based on... |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1953 |
Signification des cris dans la musique du no |
Nyanaponika Thera; Tamba, Akira |
Review dEsthetique |
Signification des cris dans la musique du no |
Nyanaponika Thera; Tamba, Akira |
Time and Consciousness |
Signification des cris dans la musique du no |
Nyanaponika Thera; Tamba, Akira |
Main Currents |
Stories of Old: Gathered from the Pali Commentaries |
Nyanaponika Thera (譯); Nanamoli Thera (譯); Soma Thera (譯) |
1963 |
Sutta-Nipata:Fruh-buddhistische Lehr-Dichtungen aus dem Pali-Kanon |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1955 |
Taming the Mind: Discourses of the Buddha |
Nyanaponika Thera (編) |
1963 |
The Abhidhamma Philosophy -- Its Estimation in the Past and Its Value for the Present -- from the book Abhidhamma Studies: Researches in Buddhist Psychology |
Nyanaponika Thera |
The Buddha's Path to Deliverance: A Systematic Exposition in the Words of the Sutta Pitaka |
Nyanaponika Thera |
2002.01.01 |
The Buddhist writings of Nyanaponika Thera [1st American ed.] |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1986 |
The City of the Mind: A Parable |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1974 |
The Discourse on the Snake Simile: Alagaddūpama Sutta |
Nyanaponika Thera (譯) |
1962 |
The five mental hindrances and their conquest by Buddhist spiritual training-- Selected passages from the Pali canon and the Commentaries |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1947 |
The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest: Selected Texts from the Pali Canon and the Commentaries |
Nyanaponika Thera (編纂) |
1961 |
The Four Nutriments of Life: An Anthology of Buddhist Texts |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1967 |
The Four Sublime States: Contemplations on Love, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, and Equanimity |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1958 |
The Greater Discourse on the Elephant-Footprint Simile: From the Majjhima Nikāya |
Nyanaponika Thera (編) |
1966 |
The heart of Buddhist meditation(Satipattana):a handbook of mental training based on the Buddha's way of mindfulness, with an anthology of relevant texts translated from the Pali and Sanskrit |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1988 |
The heart of Buddhist meditation:satipatthana:a handbook of mental training basedon the Buddha's way of mindfulness:with an thology |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1986 |
The Life of Sāriputta |
Nyanaponika Thera (編纂) |
1966 |
The Life of the Buddha : According to the Pali Canon |
Pali ; Nyanaponika Thera ; Bhikkhu Nanamoli ; Gnanamoli |
2001.08 |
The omission of memory in the Theravadin list of dhammas:on the nature of saa |
Nyanaponika Thera |
In the mirror of memory |
1992 |
The Power of Mindfulness |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1968 |
The Power of Mindfulness |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1972 |
The Progress of Insight: A Modern Treatise on Buddhist Satipatthana Meditation |
Sayadaw, Mahasi; Nyanaponika Thera |
1994.01 |
The Road to inner freedom:a survey of the Buddha's teachings [1st ed.] |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1982 |
The Roots of Good and Evil |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1999 |
The Roots of Good and Evil : Buddhist Texts |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1986 |
The Simile of the Cloth & The Discourse on Effacement: Two Discourses of the Buddha |
Nyanaponika Thera (編) |
1963 |
The Three Basic Facts of Existence I: Impermanence (Anicca): Collected essays |
Nyanaponika Thera (序) |
1973 |
The Threefold Refuge |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1965 |
The vision of Dhamma |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1986 |
The Vision of Dhamma:Buddhist Writings of Nyanaponika Thera |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1994, 2000 |
The vision of Dhamma:Buddhist writings of Nyanaponika Thera [ 2nd ed., enl.] |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1994 |
The Worn-out Skin: Reflections on the Uraga Sutta |
Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
1977 |
Time and Consciousness |
Nyanaponika Thera |
Main Currents |
1972 |
Two short essays "devotion in buddhism" and "courageous faith" |
Nyanaponika Thera |
1994 |
Wheel Publication no.202/203/204: The Three Basic Facts of Existence: III — Egolessness (Anattā): Collected essays |
Nyanaponika Thera (編) |
2008 |
七種覺悟的因素: 七覺支、五蓋及其對治方法 |
向智尊者 (著); 釋喜見 ; 南傳佛教叢書編譯組 (譯); 南傳佛教叢書編譯組 (校對) |
2004.11 |
什麼是善根、不善根? 善根、不善根的定義、本質與差異 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.09.20 |
心的十六種染污 :《布喻經》及其註解 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.09.20 |
以念與觀斷除不善根 : 如何斷除不善根 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.09.20 |
以直觀看現實世界 :「全然專注」的修習之四 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.12.20 |
古老的自由之歌 :《蛇經》之一《蛇經》的出處與全文 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.06.20 |
四種崇高的心靈境界 : 四梵住的修習 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.12.20 |
正念之道 |
向智長老=Nyanaponika Thera; 賴隆彥 |
2006.08 |
正念的力量 : 開啟解脫大門之鑰 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.12.20 |
自由開放地面對煩惱 :「全然專注」的修習之二 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.12.20 |
佛法大將舍利弗--神通大師目犍連 |
海克, 何慕斯=Hecker, Hellmuth; 釋向智; 賴隆彥 |
2004.12 |
佛陀的聖弟子傳2 -- 僧伽之父大迦葉.佛法司庫阿難 |
海克, 何慕斯=Hecker, Hellmuth; 釋向智; 賴隆彥 |
2005.01 |
佛陀的聖弟子傳3: 阿那律.迦旃延.央掘 |
向智長老 |
2005.03 |
佛陀的聖弟子傳4: 佛陀的女弟子與在家弟子 |
釋向智 |
2005.04 |
舍利弗的一生 |
香光書鄉編輯組; 向智尊者=Nyanaponika Thera |
1999.04.01 |
破除渴愛、我慢、貪欲 -- 《蛇經》之三 : 偈頌的省思 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.06.20 |
停止與放緩的藝術 : 「全然專注」的修習之三 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.12.20 |
捨斷不善根,饒益自他 : 善根、不善根的社會意義 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.09.20 |
捨斷今生來世,如蛇蛻舊皮 --《蛇經》之二 : 複句的省思 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.06.20 |
森林法音-- 生命的四食 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2006.09.20 |
森林法音-- 舍利弗的一生(上) |
向智尊者 (著); 香光書鄉編譯組 (譯) |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
1997.06.20 |
森林法音-- 歸依 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2006.03.20 |
無我與涅槃 : 關於涅槃「有」、「無」的辯證 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.06.20 |
善惡的根源,覺悟的標記 : 認識善根、不善根的重要性 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.09.20 |
僧伽之父大迦葉.佛法守護者阿難 |
向智長老=Nyanaponika Thera; 海克, 何慕斯=Hecker, Hellmuth; 菩提比丘 |
2005.02 |
輪迴與輪迴的止息 : 善根、不善根與業的關係 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.09.20 |
覺知、淨化你的心 :「全然專注」的修習之一 |
向智尊者; 香光書鄉編譯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2001.12.20 |