bibliography, 17 full-text accessible.
ID: |
52240 |
Alternative Names: |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
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Individual Author |
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Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
《龍樹的邏輯》 |
陳榮灼 (著) |
鵝湖學誌=Legein semi-annual journal |
1989.09 |
「即」之分析--簡別佛教「同一性」哲學諸形態 |
陳榮灼 |
國際佛學研究=The Annual of International Buddhistic Studies |
1991.12 |
Book Review: Emptiness and Omnipresence: An Essential Introduction to Tiantai Buddhism by Brook A. Ziporyn |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 |
2017.11 |
Book Review: The Buddhist Roots of ZhuXi’s Philosophical Thought by Makeham, John |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy |
2020.03 |
Book Review: The Unlikely Buddhologist: Tiantai Buddhism in Mou Zongsan's New Confucianism by Jason Clower |
Chan, Wing-cheuk (評論) |
The China Journal |
2012.07 |
Heidegger and Chinese Buddhism |
陳榮灼 |
儒佛會通暨文化哲學(第11屆) -- 東西政治哲學的交談=The Symposium on Confucianism & Buddhism Communication: Political Philosophy in East and West(11th) |
2008.03.29 |
Introduction: MOU ZONGSAN and Chinese Buddhism |
Chan, Wing-cheuk =陳榮灼 ; Shiu, Henry C. H. |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2011.06 |
Mou Zongsan on Zen Buddhism |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy |
2005.12 |
No-Mind and Nothingness: From Zen Buddhism to Heidegger |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2010 |
On Mou Zongsan's Hermeneutic Application of Buddhism |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2011.06 |
Review: Phanomenologie der Zeit im Buddhismus: Methoden interkulturellen Philosophierens |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
China Review International=中國研究書評 |
2005 |
The Yogacara Doctrine of Buddha-Nature: Paramartha vs. the Fa-hsiang School |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2007 |
Two Dogmas of Critical Buddhism |
Chan, Wing-cheuk |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2010.06 |
Yogacara Buddhism and Sartre's Phenomenology=唯識哲學與沙特之現象學 |
Chan, Wing-cheuk =陳榮灼 |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies |
2005.07.01 |
上田唯識思想之研究:現象學的進路 |
陳榮灼 |
2022.06 |
本是無本 |
陳榮灼 |
哲學雜誌=Philosophical Forum |
1995.11 |
印順法師之唯識研究 |
陳榮灼 |
法光=Dharma Light Monthly |
1995.04 |
色即空・空即色:上田義文唯識學論文集 |
上田義文 ; 陳榮灼 |
2022.03 |
佛教倫理與現代社會 |
陳榮灼 |
儒釋道與現代社會學術研討會論文集 |
1990 |
海德格與天台宗 |
陳榮灼 |
鵝湖月刊=Legein Monthly |
1983.04 |
唯識哲學之「真」「妄」問題 |
陳榮灼 |
鵝湖學誌=Legein semi-annual journal |
1992.06 |
歐洲哲學近況 |
陳榮灼 |
法言 |
1989 |
論牟宗三的禪宗詮釋 -- 一哲學性之釐清與應用 |
陳榮灼 |
揭諦=Aletheia=NHU Journal of Philosophy and Life Education |
2007.03.01 |
論唯識學與華嚴宗之「本性」 ─ 對《佛性與般若》之兩點反思 |
陳榮灼 |
鵝湖學誌=Legein semi-annual journal |
1990.06 |
龍樹的邏輯 |
陳榮灼 |
法言 |
1989.08 |
禪與後現代主義 |
陳榮灼 |
東海哲學研究集刊=Tunghai Journal of Philosophy |
1991 |