bibliography, 1 full-text accessible.
ID: |
14141 |
Alternative Names: |
Napper, Elizabeth Stirling (本名) = Napper, Elizabeth S. (本名) |
Category: |
Individual Author |
Website: |
Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
A Tibetan Buddhist Interpretation of Madhyamika Philosophy Emphasizing the Compatibility of Emptiness and Conventional Phenomena |
Napper, Elizabeth |
2003.05.01 |
Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism |
Hopkins, Jeffrey ; Napper, Elizabeth Stirling ; Napper, Elizabeth Stirling ; Hopkins, Jeffrey |
1980.03 |
Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism=G'zi'i sku gsum gyi rnam g'zag rab gsal sgron me |
Napper, Elizabeth (編); Hopkins, Jeffrey (著); Lati Rinpoche (著); H.H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama (前言) |
1981 |
Dependent-arising and emptiness -- a Tibetan Buddhist interpretation of Mādhyamika philosophy emphasizing the compatibility of emptiness and conventional phenomena |
Napper, Elizabeth |
1989 |
Dependent-arising And Emptiness: A Tibetan Buddhist Interpretation of Madhyamika Philosophy Emphasizing the Compatibility of Emptiness And Conventional Phenomena |
Napper, Elizabeth Stirling (著) |
1985.08 |
Kindness, Clarity, and Insight: The Fourteenth Dalai Lama, His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso |
Hopkins, Jeffrey (譯); Napper, Elizabeth (編); Bstan-dzin-rgya-mtsho (著); Hopkins, Jeffrey (編) |
1984.09.01 |
Meditation on Emptiness |
Napper, Elizabeth ; Hopkins, Jeffrey |
1996.03 |
Mind in Tibetan Buddhism: oral commentary on Ge-shay Jam-bel-sam-pel's presentation of awareness and knowledge composite of all the important points opener of the eye of new intelligence |
Lati Rinpoche; Napper, Elizabeth |
1980 |
Mind in Tibetan Buddhism: Oral Commentary on Ge-shay Jam-bel-sam-pel's Presentation of Awareness and Knowledge, Composite of All the Important Points, Opener of the Eye of New Intelligence |
Lati Rinpochay (著); Napper, Elizabeth (編譯) |
1980 |
The Yoga of Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, 2 and 3 |
Tsong-ka-pa; His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama; Hopkins, Jeffrey; Lati Rinpoche; Denma Lochö Rinbochay; Napper, Elizabeth |
1987 |
西藏佛教認知理論 -- 根據格魯派詮釋的隨理行經部宗觀點=Mind in Tibetan Buddhism: oral commentary on Ge-shay Jam-bel-sam-pel's Presentation of awareness and knowledge, composite of all the important points, opener of the eye of new intelligence |
Napper, Elizabeth; 廖本聖; 拉諦仁波切 |
2008.04.10 |
緣起與空性 : 強調空性與世俗法之間相融性的藏傳佛教中觀哲學=Dependent-arising emptiness : a Tibetan buddist interpretation of madhyamika philosophy emphasizing the compatibility of emptiness and conventional phenomena |
Napper, Elizabeth; 劉宇光 |
2003 |
藏傳佛教中觀哲學=Dependent-arising and emptiness: a Tibetan Buddhist interpretation of Mādhyamika philosophy emphasizing the compatibility of emptiness and conventional phenomena |
Napper, Elizabeth; 劉宇光 |
2006.12 |