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16 bibliography, 10 full-text accessible.  

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Alternative Names:

Shih, Fa-yuan = 法緣


Individual Author

Fulltext Title Author Source Date
  《六祖壇經》的基本構架與禪法思想=The Basic Frame and Zan Thoughts of Analects of the Sixth Ch'an Pateiarch Huineng 釋法緣 閩南佛學:第五輯(2007) 2008.03
  《成唯識論》「唯識中道」之研究 釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.) 法光=Dharma Light Monthly 2011.11
  《思益經》與北宗禪的關係之探究--以神秀大師為中心 釋法緣 大專學生佛學論文集 (十) 2000.08.15
  《梁皇寶懺》懺悔法門的重點與意義=The Imports and Significances of the Dharma-gate of Repentance in Liang Huang Bao Cheng 釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.) 新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies 2009.03
  《摩奴法典》人類思想的演變成為宗教起點來源=“The Laws of Manu” The Beginning of Religious History Which Was Formulated from Human Philosophy 釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.) 2021
  二祖慧可鄴城行跡考=An Examination of the Secondary Patriarch Hui Ke(487-593)'s Stay in Ye Cheng 法緣 佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies 2018
  般若智慧與現代人的心靈生活=The Value of Prajna to Podern People's Spiritual Life 釋法緣 (著) 閩南佛學:第四輯(2005) 2006.10
  從《大寶積經 ‧ 被甲莊嚴會》論「被甲莊嚴」的施設與修學 釋法緣 (著) 全國佛學論文聯合發表會論文集(第19屆) 2008.09.20
  從《成唯識論》探討前六識的認識性格與特色=A Study on the Cognizing Nature and Distinguishing Feature of the First Six Consciousnesses from Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun 釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.) 新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies 2011.09
  從《摩訶止觀》之〈正修止觀〉論「不可思議境」之定義與觀行=Definition and Observation of “Unthinkable Circumstances”: From Perspective of “Cheng Hsiu Chih Kuan” of “Mo He Chih Kuan” 釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.) 成大宗教與文化學報=Journal of Religion and Culture of National Cheng Kung University 2008.06
  雪竇重顯禪師及其頌古禪風=The Zen Master Chongxian and His Interpretations to Chan 法緣 閩南佛學:第二輯(2003) 2003.12.01
  虛云老和尚對中國佛教的貢獻 —— 以對云南佛教的貢獻為例 釋法緣 佛教文化=The Culture of Buddhism=Buddhist Culture 2009
  虛雲老和尚在雲南 釋法緣 中國賓川雞足山佛教文化論壇論文集 2003.04.12
  道信, 弘忍和東山法 釋法緣 閩南佛學院學報=Journal of Minnan Buddhist College 1999.12
  論《成唯識論》對原始佛法「十二緣支」之繼承與開展=A Study on the Inheritance and Development of the Original Buddhist Doctrine "Twelve Angas" from Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun 釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.) 新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies 2012.12
  論智者大師引用《思益經》「聖默然與聖說法」的釋義乃至開展 -- 以《法華經玄義》與《維摩經玄疏》為主 釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.) 全國佛學論文聯合發表會論文集(第17屆) 2006.11.24