シリアル番号: |
18394 |
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出版年月日 |
A Blueprint for Buddhist Revolution: The Radical Buddhism of Seno'o Girō (1889–1961) and the Youth League for Revitalizing Buddhism |
Shields, James Mark |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2012 |
After the Fall: Tsuji Zennosuke and the Creation of Bukkyōshugi Kokushi |
Shields, James Mark (著) |
Journal of Religion in Japan |
2018.12 |
Against Harmony: Progressive and Radical Buddhism in Modern Japan |
Shields, James Mark (著) |
2017.05.18 |
Book Review: "Empire of the Dharma: Korean and Japanese Buddhism, 1877–1912," by Hwansoo Ilmee Kim |
Shields, James Mark (著) |
Monumenta Nipponica |
2015 |
Book Review: "Encounter with Enlightenment : A Study of Japanese Ethics", by Robert E. Carter |
Shields, James Mark |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2002 |
Book Review: Kindai bukkyo to iu shiza: Senso, ajia, shakaishugi [The Perspective of Modern Buddhism: War, Asia, Socialism], by Otani Eiichi |
Shields, James Mark |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
2014.01 |
Critical Buddhism: A Buddhist Hermeneutics of Practice |
Shields, James Mark (著) |
Dissertation Abstracts International |
2006 |
Critical Buddhism: Engaging with Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought |
Shields, James Mark (著) |
2011.03.18 |
Future Perfect: Tolstoy and the Structures of Agrarian-Buddhist Utopianism in Taishō Japan |
Shields, James Mark (著) |
Religions |
2018.05 |
Immanent Frames: Meiji New Buddhism, Pantheism, and the "Religious Secular"=内在的枠組み:明治の新仏教、汎神論、「世俗信仰」 |
Shields, James Mark |
Japan Review: Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies=日本研究=Nichibunken Japan Review=Bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies |
2017.07 |
Liberation as Revolutionary Praxis: Rethinking Buddhist Materialism |
Shields, James Mark |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2013 |
Peasant Revolts as Anti-Authoritarian Archetypes for Radical Buddhism in Modern Japan |
Shields, James Mark |
Journal of Religion in Japan |
2016.01 |
Sceptical Buddhism as Provenance and Project |
Shields, James Mark (著) |
2020 |
Smashing the Mirror of Yamato: Sakaguchi Ango, Decadence and a (Post-metaphysical) Buddhist Critique of Culture=大和の鏡を打ち砕く:坂口安吾、デカダンス、(ポスト観念論的な)仏教的文化批評 |
Shields, James Mark |
Japan Review: Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies=日本研究=Nichibunken Japan Review=Bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies |
2011.08 |
Teaching Buddhism in the West: From the Wheel to the Web |
Hayes, Richard P. (編); Hori, Victor Sogen (編); Shields, James Mark (編) |
2002.06.13 |
The Art of Aidagara: Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Quest for an Ontology of Social Existence in Watsuji Tetsurō's Rinrigaku |
Shields, James Mark |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
2009.11 |
Zen Terror in Prewar Japan: Portrait of an Assassin |
Victoria, Brian Daizen (著); Shields, James Mark (前言) |
2019 |