

Barrett, Timothy Hugh  


117 件著作が収録され、78 件全文を含む 

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Barrett, T. H. = 巴瑞特 = Barrett, Timothy H. = Barrett, T. = Barrett, Timothy



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A possible Buddhist influence on Chinese political thought Barrett, T. H. Studies in Chinese Religions 2018
  A Short History of an Abbreviated Tang Tiantai Text Barrett, T. H. (著) Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2021.05
  A Wooden Manuscript from Late Qing Yunnan(救世鴻文): beyond the Print–Manuscript Distinction Barrett, T. H. Studies in Chinese Religions 2016
  Against Epigraphy: Once More a Visit to Zen and History Barrett, T. H. Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2020.10
  Arthur Waley, D.T. Suzuki and Hu Shih:New Light on the 'Zen and History' Controversy Barrett, Timothy Hugh Buddhist Studies Review 1989
  Arthur Waley, Xu Zhimo, and the Reception of Buddhist Art in Europe: A Neglected Source Barrett, T. H. Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2018.05
  Book Review: "A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, with Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index"/ "Zen: Bibliographie nach Sachgebieten" ,by Stean Winter, by William Edward Soothill Lewis Hodous Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2004.06
  Book Review: "A Study of the 22 Dialogues on Mahahayana Buddhism", by Pa Chou Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1995.06
  Book Review: "Buddhism in Practice", by D.S. Lopez Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1996.10
  Book Review: "Buddhism under the Tang", by S. Weinstein Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1992.02
  Book Review: "Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Trade: The Realignment of Sino-Indian Relations, 600-1400," by Tansen Sen Barrett, Timothy Hugh The Journal of Asian Studies 2004.02
  Book Review: "Buddhism, Taoism and The 8th Century Chinese Term For Christianity: A Response to Recent Work", by A. & Others Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2002.10
  Book review: "Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context", by Mcrae, John; "Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism" by Bernard Faure Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2004.10
  Book Review: "Making and Remaking History: A Study of Tiantai Sectarian Historiography", by Jinhua Chen Barrett, Timothy Hugh Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2001.11
  Book Review: "Playing for Power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Societ in Late-Ming China", by T. Brook Barrett, Timothy Hugh (評論) The China Quarterly 1994.12
  Book Review: "Praying for Power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming China", by Timothy Brook Barrett, Timothy Hugh The China Quarterly 1994.12
  Book Review: "Spreading Buddha’s Word in East Asia: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon," ed. by Jiang Wu and Lucille Chia Barrett, T. H. Buddhist Studies Review 2016
  Book Review: "Studies in Chinese Buddhism", by Arthur F. Wright Barrett, Timothy Hugh The Times Literary Supplement 1990.12.21
  Book Review: "Tang Taoism and The Mention of Jesus and Mani in Tibetan Zen: A Comment on Recent Work", by Rong Xinjiang Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2003.02
  Book Review: "The Great Stare of White and High: Buddhism and State Formation in Eleventh Century Xia", by R.W. Dunnell Barrett, Timothy Hugh (評論) The China Quarterly 1997.09
  Book Review: "The Silk Road Journey with Xuanzang", by Sally Hovey Wriggins Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2004.06
  Book Review: A Study of the Twenty-two Dialogues on Mahāyāna Buddhism/Ta-sheng erh-shih-erh wen chih yen-chiu by Pa Chou Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1995.06
  Book Review: Authentic Replicas: Buddhist Art in Medieval China by Hsueh-Man Shen Barrett, T. H. (評論) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2019.06
  Book Review: Book Reviews Norman, K. R.; Werner, Karel; Mills, Laurence; W., R. B.; Barrett, T. H.; Ireland, John D. Buddhist Studies Review 1994
  Book Review: Book Reviews Barrett, T. H. ; Keown, Damien ; Werner, Karel ; Norman, K. R. ; Mills, Laurence C. R. ; Crook, John Buddhist Studies Review 1996
  Book Review: Book Reviews Norman, K. R. ; Bhikkhu Pāsādika ; Barrett, T. H. ; Walshe, Maurice ; Werner, Karel ; W., R. B. Buddhist Studies Review 1997
  Book Review: Book Reviews Norman, K. R. ; Barrett, T. H. ; Lindtner, Chr. ; Williams, Paul ; Werner, Karel ; Ireland, John D. Buddhist Studies Review 1998
  Book Review: Book Reviews Norman, K. R. ; Werner, Karel ; Lindtner, Chr. ; Kuiken, Kees ; Barrett, T. H. ; Boord, Martin Buddhist Studies Review 2000
  Book Review: Book Reviews Norman, K. R. ; Velez, Abraham ; Werner, Karel ; Lindtner, Chr. ; Barrett, T. H. ; Tarocco, Francesca Buddhist Studies Review 2002
  Book Review: Book Reviews Norman, K. R. ; Harris, Elizabeth ; Barrett, T. H. Buddhist Studies Review 2004
  Book Review: Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road by JOHAN ELVERSKOG Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2012.06
  Book Review: Buddhism in Chinese Society: An Economic Histrory frome the Fifth to the Tenth Centuries, by Gernet, J. Barrett, Timothy Hugh (評論) The China Quarterly 1996.03
  Book Review: Buddhism in Late Ch'ing Political Thought by Chan Sin-Wai Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London 1987
  Book Review: Buddhism in Taiwan: Religion and the State, 1660-1990 by Charles Brewer Jones Barrett, T. H. (評論) The China Quarterly 2000.03
  Book Review: Buddhism Under Mao by Holmes Welch Barrett, T. (評論) Modern Asian Studies 1976
  Book Review: Buddhismus und Moderne: Ouyang Jingwu, Taixu und das Ringen um ein zeitgemäßes Selbstverständnis im chinesischen Buddhismus des frühen 20 Jahrhunderts by Gotelind Müller; Daoistische Schriftmagie: Interpretationen zu den Schriftamuletten Fu im Daozang by Monika Drexler Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1995.10
  Book Review: Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Sichuan Province, Volume 3, Wofoyuan Section C by Wenzel, Claudia and Sun Hua (eds) Barrett, Timothy H. (評論) Central Asiatic Journal 2017
  Book Review: Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Sichuan Province, Volume Two by Tsai Suey-Ling and Sun Hua (eds); Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Shandong Province, Volume Two by Wang Yongbo and Claudia Wetzel (eds)  Barrett, Timothy H. (評論) Central Asiatic Journal 2016
  Book Review: Chinese Buddhism and Traditional Culture by Fang Litian Barrett, T. H. (評論) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2019.10
  Book Review: Chinese Humanism: A Religion beyond Religion. By Andrew Chih Barrett, T. H. (著) Religious Studies 1983.12
  Book Review: Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions I: State of the Field and Disciplinary Approaches Edited by André Lalibertė and Stefania Travagnin; Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions II: Intellectual History of Key Concepts Edited by Gregory Adam Scott and Stefania Travagnin Barrett, T. H. (評論) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2021.06
  Book Review: Emperor Wu Zhao and Her Pantheon of Devis, Divinities, and Dynastic Mothers. By N. Harry Rothschild. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015. Pp. xxiv + 357. ISBN 10: 0231169388; ISBN 13: 978-0231169387 (hardback); ISBN 978-0-231-53918-0 (paperback) Barrett, T. H. International Journal of Asian Studies 2016.07
  Book Review: Folk Buddhist Religion: Dissenting Sects in Late Traditional China by Daniel L. Overmyer; Millenarian Rebellion in China: The Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813 by Susan Naquin Barrett, T. H. (評論) Modern Asian Studies 1978
  Book Review: In the Forest of the Blind: The Eurasian Journey of Faxian’s Record of Buddhist Kingdoms Barrett, T. H. (評論) Journal of the American Oriental Society 2023
  Book Review: La volonté d'orthodoxie dans le bouddhisme chinois by Bernard Faure; The Northern School and the Formation of Early Chan Buddhism by John R. McRae Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1992.06
  Book Review: Latter Days of the Law: Images of Chinese Buddhism 850-1850, by Marsha Weidner Barrett, Timothy Hugh (評論) The China Quarterly 1996.03
  Book Review: Latter Days of the Law: Images of Chinese Buddhism, 850-1850 by Marsha Weidner; Buddhism in Chinese Society: An Economic History from the Fifth to the Tenth Centuries by Jacques Gernet and Franciscus Verellen Barrett, T. H. (評論) The China Quarterly 1996.03
  Book Review: Le Taoïsme du Mao Chan: Chronique d'une révélation by Michel Strickmann; Hua-Yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra by Francis H. Cook; The Renewal of Buddhism in China: Chu-Hung and the Late Ming Synthesis by Chün-Fang Yü; To Acquire Wisdom: The Way of Wang Yang-Ming by Julia Ching; Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies, 21 by Albert Feuerwerker; Shantung Rebellion: The Wang Lun Uprising of 1774 by Susan Naquin; Rebels and Revolutionaries in North China 1845- 1945 by Elizabeth J. Perry; Primitive Revolutionaries of China by Fei-Ling Davis Barrett, T. H. (評論) Modern Asian Studies 1983
  Book Review: Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations by Paul Williams Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2009.02
  Book Review: Mind and Body in Early China: Beyond Orientalism and the Myth of Holism by Edward Slingerland; Chinese Religion and Familism: The Basis of Chinese Culture, Society, and Government by Jordan Paper Barrett, T. H. (評論) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2020.10
  Book Review: Praying for Power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming China by Timothy Brook Barrett, T. H. (評論) The China Quarterly 1994.12
  Book Review: Religious Publishing and Print Culture in Modern China, 1800-2012 by Philip Clart, Gregory Adam Scott; Recovering Buddhism in Modern China by Jan Kiely, J. Brooks Jessup Barrett, T. H. (評論) The China Quarterly 2017.12
  Book Review: Tadeusz Skorupski:The Six Perfections. Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2003.02
  Book Review: The Buddhist Revival in China by Holmes Welch Barrett, T. H. (評論) Modern Asian Studies 1972
  Book Review: The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in Seventeenth-Century China by Frederick Wakeman Jr.; The Flying Phoenix: Aspects of Chinese Sectarianism in Taiwan by David K. Jordan, Daniel L. Overmyer Barrett, T. H. (評論) Modern Asian Studies 1989
  Book Review: The Great State of White and High: Buddhism and State Formation in Eleventh Century Xia by Ruth W. Dunnell Barrett, T. H. (評論) The China Quarterly 1997.09
  Book Review: The Spirit of Zen by Sam van Schaik Barrett, T. H. (評論) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2019.02
  Book Review:"The Northern School and the Formation of Early Chan Buddhism", by J.R. Mcrae Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1992.06
  Book Reviews: Buddhist Scriptures by Donald S. Lopez Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2005.02
  Book Reviews: "A Dictionary of Buddhist Terms, with Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit–Pali Index", by Soothill, William Edward and Hodous, Lewis Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2004.06
  Book Reviews: "Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context", by Faure, Bernard Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2004.10
  Book Reviews: "Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism", by Mcrae, John R. Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2004.10
  Book Reviews: "The Bible and the Buddhists", by Derrett, J. Duncan M. Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2002.06
  Book Reviews: "The Six Perfections(Buddhica Britannica, Series Continua IX)", by Skorupski, Tadeusz Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2003.02
  Book Reviews: "Zen: Bibliographie nach Sachgebieten", by Winter, Stefan Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2004.06
  Book Reviews: The British Discovery of Buddhism By P.C. Almond Barrett, Timothy Hugh Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1989.04
  Book Reviews: The Cult of Nothingness: The Philosophers and the Buddha by RogerPol Droit, David Streight and Pamela Vohnson Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2006.02
  Book Reviews: The Diamond Sutra: The Story of the World's Earliest Dated Printed Book by FRANCES WOOD and MARK BARNARD Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2011.02
  Book Reviews: The Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism in Eighth-through Tenth-Century China by Jinhua Jia Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2007.06
  Book Reviews: The Power of Patriarchs: Qisong and Lineage in Chinese Buddhism. (Sinica Leidensia.) by ELIZABETH MORRISON Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2012.02
  Buddhism and Iconoclasm in East Asia: A History by FABIO RAMBELLI, ERIC REINDERS Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2014
  Buddhism and Law in China: The Emergence of Distinctive Patterns in Chinese History Barrett, T. H. Buddhism and Law: An Introduction 2014.07.31
  Buddhism in Practice by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1996
  Buddhism under the T'ang by Stanley Weinstein Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1992
  Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism in the thought of Li Ao Barrett, Timothy Hugh 1980, 1978
  Buddhism, Taoism and the Eighth-Century Chinese Term for Christianity: A Response to Recent Work by A. Forte and Others Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2002.10
  Buddhism, Taoism and the Rise of the City Gods Barrett, Timothy Hugh The Buddhist Forum 1992
  Chinese Religion in English Guise: The History of an Illusion Barrett, T. H. (著) Modern Asian Studies 2005.07
  Devil’s Valley to Omega Point: Reflections on the Emergence of a Theme from the Nō Barrett, Timothy Hugh The Buddhist Forum 1992
  Did I-ching go to India? Barrett, Timothy Hugh Buddhist Studies Review 1998
  Did I-ching go to India? Problem in using I-ching as a source for South Asian Buddhism Barrett, Timothy Hugh (著) Buddhist Studies Review 1998
  Dunhuang and the Origins of Zen Printing Barrett, Timothy (著) Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 2007
  Erik Zürcher, 1928-2008: Buddhism and the European Understanding of China Barrett, T. H. (著) The China Quarterly 2008.12
  Exploratory Observations on Some Weeping Pilgrims Barrett, T. H. The Buddhist Forum 1990
  Exploratory Observations on Some Weeping Pligrims Barrett, Timothy Hugh The Buddhist Studies Forum,Vol.1 1987-1988
  Faxian and the Meaning of Bianwen 變文: The Value of His Biography to the Study of China Barrett, T. H. Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2019.05
  How Important is Mount Wutai?: Sacred Space in a Zen Mirror=五臺山如何重要?: 禪宗所鏡鑑之神聖空間 Barrett, T. H. =巴瑞特 一山而五頂:多學科、跨方域、多文化視野中的五臺信仰研究國際學術研討會=An International Conference The Mountain of Five Plateaus: Studies of The Wutai Cult in Multidisciplinary and Transborder/Cultural Approaches 2015.07
  Japan:in the spirit world Barrett, Timothy Hugh New York Review of Books 1996.06.06
  Ji Xianlin on the Original Language of Buddhism Barrett, Timothy Hugh Indo-Iranian Journal 1992.07
  Kill the Patriarchs! Barrett, T. H. The Buddhist Forum 1990
  Li Ao: Buddhist, Toaist, or Neo-Confucian Barrett, T. H. (著) 1992.12.31
  Li Ao:Buddhist, Taoist, or neo-Confucian? Barrett, Timothy Hugh 1991
  Liu Yan’s 劉晏 (716-780) Essay on “The Inequality of the Three Teachings” 三教不斉論 : Problems Concerning its Manuscript Found in Dunhuang Barrett, T. H. 駒澤大学禅研究所年報=Annual Report of the Zen Institute=コマザワ ダイガク ゼン ケンキュウジョ ネンポウ 2020.12
  Northern Wei Wutaishan: An Outside View of Centres and Peripheries Barrett, T. H. (著) Studies in Chinese Religions 2019
  On the Road to China: The Continental Relocation of Sacred Space and its Consequences Barrett, Timothy Hugh (著); Benn, James Alexander (編); Chen, Jinhua (編); Robson, James (編) Images, Relics and Legends: Essays in Honor of Professor Koichi Shinohara 2012
  Poems of Hanshan (The Sacred Literature Series) Barrett, Timothy Hugh ; Han-shan ; Hobson, Peter 2002.12.01
  Precepts, Vaccinations, And Demons: How Did Chinese Laypeople Perceive the Bodhisattva Precepts? Barrett, T. H. The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2018
  Reading the Chuang-tzu in the T'ang Dynasty: The Commentary of Ch'eng Hsüan-ying (fl. 631-652) by Shiyi Yu Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2003
  Rebirth From China To Japan In Nara Hagiography: A Reconsideration Barrett, Timothy Hugh Buddhist Studies Review 2009
  Religion and the First Recorded Print Run: Luoyang, July, 855 Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2005
  Religious Traditions in Chinese Civilization:Buddhism and Taoism Barrett, Timothy Hugh Heritage of China 1990
  Reviewed work(s): Manuscripts and Travellers: The Sino-Tibetan Documents of a TenthCentury Buddhist Pilgrim. (Studies in Manuscript Cultures, Volume 2.) by SAM VAN SCHAIK and IMRE GALAMBOS Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2013.06
  Reviewed work(s): The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch: The Text of the Tun-huang Manuscript. (Translations from the Asian Classics.) by PHILIP B. YAMPOLSKY and MORTEN SCHLÜTTER; Readings of the Platform Sutra. (Columbia Readings of Buddhist Literature.) by MORTEN SCHLÜTTER and STEPHEN F. TEISER Barrett, Timothy Hugh Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2013.06
  Sima Guang 司馬光 and Ennin 圓仁 on Reports of Imperial Cannibalism: A Correction Barrett, T. H. Studies in Chinese Religions 2015
  Stanley Weinstein and the Study of Sino-Japanese Buddhism Barrett, Timothy Hugh Buddhist Studies Review 1991
  Stupa, Sutra and Sarira in China c. 656-706 Barrett, Timothy Hugh Buddhist Studies Review 2001
  Tang Taoism and the Mention of Jesus and Mani in Tibetan Zen: A Comment on Recent Work by Rong Xinjiang Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2003
  The Date of the Leng-chia shih-tzu chih Barrett, Timothy Hugh Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1991.07
  The Fate of Buddhist Political Thought in China: The Rajah Dons a Disguise Barrett, T. H. The Buddhist Forum 1996
  The Master Who Embraces Simplicity: A Study of the Philosopher Ko Hung, A. D. 283-343 by Jay Sailey Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1981
  The Power of Patriarchs: Qisong and Lineage in Chinese Buddhism. (Sinica Leidensia.) by ELIZABETH MORRISON Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2012
  The Religious Meaning of Buddhist Sculpture in its Chinese Setting: The Buddha Images of Qingzhou in the Light of Recent Scholarship Barrett, Timothy Hugh Buddhist Studies Review 2005
  The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment: Korean Buddhism's Guide to Meditation (With Commentary by the son Monk Kihwa) by A. Charles Muller Barrett, T. H. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2000
  The Woman Who Discovered Printing Barrett, Timothy Hugh 2008.06.23
  Zen and the Art of Librarianship Barrett, T. H. (著) Journal of Chan Buddhism=禪學案 2019
  劉晏 (716-780) の「三教不斉論」について : 敦煌写本の問題点の考察 Barrett, T. H. ; 石井清純 駒澤大学禅研究所年報=Annual Report of the Zen Institute=コマザワ ダイガク ゼン ケンキュウジョ ネンポウ 2020.12
  魏雷、徐志摩以及佛教藝術在歐洲的受容:一份被忽略的資料=Arthur Waley, Xu Zhimo, and the Reception of Buddhist Art in Europe: A Neglected Source 巴瑞特 =Barrett, Timothy Hugh 華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2018.05