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“看話禪”與南宋詩歌中興三大家=“Kanhwa Zen” and the Verses by the Three Masters’ in the Southern Song Dynasty |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2012.08 |
十六世紀末朝鮮士大夫在異國的佛教經驗 -- 以魯認與姜沆爲中心=The Buddhist Experience Abroad of Korean Scholar -- Bureaucrat in the Late 16th Century: Focused on NoIn and Kanghang |
박영환 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2017.12.30 |
日據時期韓國與臺灣佛教動向比較研究 —— 以西來庵事件為中心 |
朴永煥 |
2014東亞佛教思想文化國際學術研討會 |
2014.10.31 |
玉觀彬與太虛大師及民國時期韓中佛教交流=Og Gwan-bin, Master Tai Xu and the Korean-Chinese Buddhism Exchange during the Republic of China |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies |
2019.09 |
佛教於當代臺灣社會中所展現的風貌及影響 -- 兼論其與韓國佛教的異同=Buddhism’s Representation and Effect in The Modern Taiwanese Society -- alsoon the similarities and differences with the Korean Buddhism |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2011.12 |
星雲大師《慈悲思路.兩岸出路》的當代意義 |
Bu, Yong-huan (著) |
人間佛教的生命書寫與家國關懷 |
2017.12 |
洪州禪與中晚唐詩壇=Hongzhou Ch'an Buddhism and Late-mid Tang Poetry |
朴永煥 (著)=Piao, Yung-huan (au.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2005.11.01 |
高麗時期的《維摩詰經》接受:以李奎報禪詩為中心=The Acceptance of the Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra During the Goryeo Period: Focusing on Lee Gyu-Bo’s Zen Poems |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2016.07 |
朝鮮時代僧軍制度及其在禪宗史的意義 -- 以『朝鮮王朝實錄』記錄爲中心=The Monk Army System in the Chosǒn Dynasty and Its Significance in Zen History -- Focusing on the record of “The True Record of Chosun Dynasty” |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2021.04.30 |
菩提心則忠義心 -- 儒佛結合與台灣“人間佛教”=The Characteristic of the Integration of Buddhism and Confucianism in Taiwan’s Humanistic Buddhism |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
한국불교학=韓國佛教學 |
2018.11.30 |
菩提心則忠義心—儒佛結合與台灣「人間佛教」 |
朴永煥 |
二○一八‧人間佛教高峰論壇輯四:人間佛教社會思想 |
2019.10 |
黃庭堅禪詩의 分類=A Study of Huang Ting-Jian(黃庭堅)'s Zen Poems |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2002.12.30 |
옥관빈의 근대 중국불교혁신운동과 불자약창 설립 -- 안창호 계몽사상과의 연계성을 중심으로=Ok Gwan - bin's modern Buddhist innovation movement in China and the establishment of 'medical company Fo Ci' -- Focusing on Ahn Chang - ho's connection with the Enlightenment Movement |
박영환 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
선문화연구=禪文化硏究=Studies of Seon Culture |
2020.06.30 |
對星雲大師人間佛教理論、實踐的認識 ── 星雲大師法語中的儒教性 |
朴永煥 |
二○一六‧人間佛教高峰論壇輯四:人間佛教的共識 |
2017.12 |
중국근대소설에 나타난 불교적 사유와 역사의식 : 文僧 蘇曼殊 작품을 중심으로=Buddhist thought and historical consciousness presented in Chinese modern novels: on the works of Su Manshu who is a Buddhist of letters |
박영환 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
2011.08.30 |
論韓國學術界對臺灣“人間佛教”的 解讀與認識=Korean Academia’s Interpretation and Awareness on Taiwanese Humanistic Buddhism |
朴永煥 (著)=박영환 (au.) |
한국불교학=韓國佛教學 |
2016.12 |
儒佛道宗教思想與當代臺灣社會=The Traditional Religious Thoughts (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) and Contemporary Taiwan Society |
박영환 (著)=Park, Young-hwan (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2012.12 |
儒釋衝突與調和 -- 近現代臺灣與韓國漢傳佛教比較=The Conflict andReconciliation Between Confucianism and Buddhism: the Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan and Korea’s Intercultural Communication |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Yung-hwan (au.) |
求法與弘法:漢傳佛教的跨文化交流國際研討會論文集=Seeking Dharma, Spreading Dharma: Cross-Cultural Interactions of Chinese Buddhism |
2015.10.01 |
禪宗與宋初詩壇=Chan School and the Poets of Early Song Dynasty |
朴永煥 (著)=Park, Yung-hwan (au.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2010.05 |
韓國佛教宗立大學與韓國叢林的佛教教育 - 以東國大學、中央僧伽大學、金剛大學、威德大學、圓光大學,以及八大叢林教育為主 |
朴永煥 |
第三屆近現代漢傳佛教論壇 |
2017 |
蘇軾禪詩研究 |
朴永煥 (著)=Bu, Yong-huan (au.) |
1992 |
当代中国佛教界的中流砥柱 - 净慧大和尚=The mainstay of contemporary Chinese Buddhist community - The old monk Jinghui=당대 중국불교계의 태두 - 정혜대화상 |
朴永煥 =박영환 |
대각사상=Maha Bodhi Thought=大覺思想 |
2014.06 |